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Professeur invité : Yongdong LI, Université de Tsinghua, Chine

Le professeur Yongdong LI de l’Universite de Tsinghua, Chine, est invité pour un séjour en tant que professeur invité par l’ENSAM du 19 août au 15 septembre 2019 au sein de l’équipe Commande. Il est spécialisé en Contrôle/Commande avec comme domaine applicatif cible l’électrification dans les transports , ferroviaire, Marine, Automobile et Avion.

Yongdong Li
Professor,Chair Professor of “Tianshan Scholar”
Vice-director of Power Electronics ERC of Tsinghua University.
High Voltage Power Electronic Multilevel Converters and their
Applications in Variable Speed Drives for Energy Saving, Fully Digital
Control of AC Motors and their Applications in Numerically Controlled
Machine-Tools, Traction Drives for High Speed Train and Propulsion
Drives for Ships, Renewable Energy Generation, Wind, Solar…etc.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, 100084, P. R. China
Email:liyd@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn, Tel:01062772450

Prof. Yongdong Li was born in Hebei province, China in 1962. He has received Bachelor’s Degree from Department of Electrical Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology in 1982, and Ms. Degree and Ph.D in 1984, 1987 respectively from Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation of Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France. He was a post-doctor from 1988 to 1990 and became a full professor since 1996 in the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University. From June to Dec. of 1996, he was a visiting professor in VPEC of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, United States. His research interests include high voltage power electronic converters and their applications in variable speed drives for energy saving, digital control, sensor-less drives of AC motors and their applications in NC machinetools, traction drives for high speed train and propulsion drives for ships, renewable energy generation, like wind, solar…etc. He’s accomplished several NSF projects and lot of other projects with success, e.g. the first industry standard high power multilevel inverter in China, 1.5 Megawatt DFIG for wind generation…etc. He’s got the honors of “Delta Scholar” in 2003, “Tianshan Scholar” in 2013, and “Excellent Professor and Good Friend” of students of Tsinghua University several times. He’s been vice-director of Electrical Machine and Control Group of Dept. of E. E., Tsinghua University, vice-director of National Key Lab. of Control and Simulation of Power System and large generator, director of Power Electronics and Motor Control Lab., vice-director of Post-graduate Office of Graduate School of Tsinghua University, and is currently IEEE IAS Beijing Chapter Chairman,deputy director of Power Electronic Engineering Research Center of Tsinghua University, and Senior Member of China Electro-technique Society, vice-chairman of China Power Electronics Society, vice-chairman of Electrical Automation Committee of China Automation Association, member of Editing Board of Journal of Electrical Engineering and ELECTROMOTION, member of board of directors of PCIM Asia. He is author of 3 Monographs, more than 300 papers in national and international conferences and journals, including more than 100 papers indexed by SCI and EI. Also he is very active in international cooperation as a visiting professor in many universities, to name a few, INPT, Ecole Centrale de Lille, Ecole Normale de Cachan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, University of Wisconsin, University of Nottingham, Ryerson University, UBC, Yokohama National University, University of Seoul, Hong Kong University…etc.