Individual information
Moez BELHAOUANE | ![]() | |
Titre | MCF | |
Equipe | Réseaux | |
Adresse | L2EP Bâtiment ESPRIT Avenue Henri Poincaré 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq | |
Téléphone | +33(0)603649544 | |
Fax | +33(0)320335353 | | | ||
Site personnel | | |
Observation / Thématique de recherche | Advanced control on Multi-Terminal HVDC grids - VSC and MMC Converters - Integration of high-voltage power electronic converters in transmission system - Dynamics, control and stability of large-scale power systems. | |
Publications |
International Journals |
[1] Implementation and Validation of a Model Predictive Controller on a Lab-scale Three-Terminal MTDC Grid IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 37, N°. 3, pages. 2209-2219, 06/2022, URL, Abstract BELHAOUANE Moez, ALMAKSOUR Khaled, PAPANGELIS Lampros, NOMGOMOZOV Oleg, COLAS Frédéric, PREVOST Thibault, GUILLAUD Xavier, VAN CUTSEM Thierry |
In this paper, a reliable methodology is proposed in order to implement and validate a Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme on an actual Voltage Source Converter (VSC) integrated in a scale-down multi-terminal DC grid. The objective of the investigated MPC controller is to enable AC frequency support among two asynchronous AC areas through a High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) grid, while considering physical constraints, such as maximum and minimum DC voltage. A systematic and accurate implementation strategy is proposed, based mainly on the Hardware In the Loop (HIL) and Power Hardware In the Loop (PHIL), leading to the real-life testing on VSC, controlled by a classical microcontroller. The technical problems during the implementation process, as well as the proposed solutions, are described in detail through this paper. This procedure is deemed valuable to bridge the gap between offline simulation and the actual implementation of such advanced control scheme on experimental test rig. |
[2] Cascaded-and Modular-Multilevel Converter Laboratory Test System Options: A Review IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pages. 44718-44737, 03/2021, URL, Abstract HEATH Theodor, BARNES Mike, JUDGE Paul D., CHAFFEY Geraint, CLEMOW Phil, GREEN Tim C., GREEN Peter R., WYLIE James, KONSTANTINOU Georgios, CEBALLOS Salvador, POU Josep, BELHAOUANE Moez, ZHANG Haibo, GUILLAUD Xavier, ANDREWS Jack |
The increasing importance of cascaded multilevel converters (CMCs), and the sub-category of modular multilevel converters (MMCs), is illustrated by their wide use in high voltage DC connections and in static compensators. Research is being undertaken into the use of these complex pieces of hardware and software for a variety of grid support services, on top of fundamental frequency power injection, requiring improved control for non-traditional duties. To validate these results, small-scale laboratory hardware prototypes are often required. Such systems have been built by many research teams around the globe and are also increasingly commercially available. Few publications go into detail on the construction options for
prototype CMCs, and there is a lack of information on both design considerations and lessons learned from the build process, which will hinder research and the best application of these important units. This paper reviews options, gives key examples from leading research teams, and summarizes knowledge gained in the development of test rigs to clarify design considerations when constructing laboratory-scale CMCs. |
[3] On Comprehensive Description and Analysis of MMC Control Design: Simulation and Experimental Study IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 36, N°. 1, pages. 244 - 253, 02/2021, URL, Abstract ZHANG Haibo, BELHAOUANE Moez, COLAS Frédéric, KADRI Riad, GRUSON François, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This paper presents an evolution of control systems of Modular Multilevel Converters (MMCs) focusing on the internal voltages and currents dynamics. MMCs have passive components that create extra dynamics compared to conventional VSCs. Some control schemes that do not consider these internal dynamics may still stabilize the system asymptotically thanks to the linearisation in the modulation step. However these control schemes are less robust because they are prone to poor damped oscillations on the dc side of the converter. The MMC circuit and energy relationships are presented in this paper. Along with a gradual development of the energy based control, the important roles of each internal dynamics are clearly demonstrated. Experimental results are presented to show the impacts of the linearisation in the modulation step on the system behaviour. |
[4] On the Stabilization and Stability Domain Estimation of VSC-HVDC Transmission Systems IETE Journal of Research, 11/2019, URL, Abstract AYARI Mohamed, BELHAOUANE Moez, BENHADJ BRAIEK Naceur, GUILLAUD Xavier |
Control of Voltage Source Converters (VSC) based HVDC transmission systems is developed in this paper. The
proposed approach aims the stabilization of VSC, which is characterized by non-linearities due to requirements
of power flow and DC bus voltage. The steady state average model for the VSC-HVDC system is developed on linear
and bilinear deviation state space model around the working point. Based on poles placement and Least Squares (LS)
methods, linear and nonlinear polynomial feedback are considered. The proposed approach leads to regulate
simultaneously the dq grid currents and the DC bus voltage. By upon the time domain simulations in
MATLAB environment, effectiveness of the proposed control strategies are tested on a VSC and a
point-to-point VSC-HVDC transmission system. The simulation results show the robustness of the studied systems
under various conditions. |
[5] Robust Control Design of MMC-HVDC Systems using Multivariable Optimal Guaranteed Cost approach IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 02/2019, URL, Abstract BELHAOUANE Moez, AYARI Mohamed, GUILLAUD Xavier, BENHADJ BRAIEK Naceur |
The Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) represents the important technological innovation that emerged among the diverse available topologies of VSC and is avowedly the most suitable solution for converters in HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) transmission and MTDC (Multi-Terminal Direct Current) grids. Special focus is given through this paper to the dynamic performance of an MMC-based, back-to-back HVDC system. Using an optimal guaranteed cost control theory, a robust control approach is designed in order to reject the impact of the unmodeled uncertainty in the AC side of the MMC converter. For this aim, a small-signal state-space linear model is derived for the control design of an advanced local controller of each MMC station. Furthermore, a new optimal guaranteed cost controller is proposed based on convex optimization problem using LMI optimization theory. The proposed approach leads to regulate simultaneously the AC grid and differential currents as well as total stored energy per phase in abc frame. To ensure the energy balancing between upper and lower arm per phase, an outer control loop is used to control the energy difference per phase between upper and lower arms of MMC. For the MMC linked to HVDC system, the active power reference input is generated through an outer classical DC voltage controller. This combined control strategy between classic and advanced robust regulation methods allows exploiting the advantages of both control methods. Effectiveness of the proposed optimal robust control strategy for back-to-back MMC-HVDC system is evaluated across accurate and skillful simulation study under Matlab/SimPowerSystem environment. |
[6] Dynamic Analysis of MMC-Based MTDC Grids: Use of MMC Energy to Improve Voltage Behavior IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 09/2018, URL, Abstract FREYTES Julian, AKKARI Samy, RAULT Pierre, BELHAOUANE Moez, GRUSON François, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This article deals with DC voltage dynamics of Multi-Terminal HVDC grids with energy-based controlled Mo\-dular Multilevel Converters (MMC) adopting the commonly used power-voltage droop control technique for power flow dispatch. Special focus is given on the energy management strategies of the MMCs and their ability to influence on the DC voltage dynamics. First, it is shown that decoupling the MMC energy from the DC side by controlling the energy to a fixed value, regardless of the DC voltage level, causes large and undesired DC voltage transient after a sudden power flow change. Second, the Virtual Capacitor Control technique is implemented in order to improve the results, however, its limitations on droop-based MTDC grids are highlighted. Finally, a novel energy management approach is proposed to improve the performance of the later method. These studies are performed with detailed MMC models suitable for the use of linear analysis techniques. The derived MTDC models are validated against time-domain simulations using detailed EMT MMC models with 400 sub-modules per arm. |
[7] Finite-time stabilisation of some power transmission systems Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control ( SAGE Journals), pages. 1-16, 08/2018, URL, Abstract AYARI Mohamed, BELHAOUANE Moez, JAMMAZI Chaker, BENHADJ BRAIEK Naceur, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This paper presents the finite time stabilisation strategy of two problems: the first one is the control of the high voltage direct current based on voltage source converter, while the second is the control of the multi-terminal direct current transmission systems. Subject to finite-time control design strategy, a linear and nonlinear dynamic model are derived based on the state-space description. Furthermore, continuous or discontinuous finite-time feedbacks are proposed to ensure the tracking of the output variables and to enhance the stability of the studied high voltage direct current system. In addition, the proposed control strategy is extended for the multi-terminal direct current system. A comparative study between various approaches (Proportional-Integral control, continuous or discontinuous stabilizing finite-time controllers and control by backstepping) is presented and shows that the finite-time continuous feedback gives an excellent transient response. |
[8] Global Advanced Control Strategy for Modular Multilevel Converter integrated in a HVDC Link International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems - John Wiley and Sons, Vol. 28, N°. 4, pages. e2511, 01/2018, URL, Abstract AYARI Mohamed, BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier, BENHADJ BRAIEK Naceur |
Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) is becoming a promising converter technology for high-voltage direct current transmission systems due to its high modularity, availability, and power quality. It is a multi-input-multi-output nonlinear system. The control system for MMC is required to simultaneously achieve multiple control objectives. Existing control strategies for MMC are complex and
the controller parameter design is not straightforward for the nonlinear systems with highly coupled states. In view of this, a steady-state model for the MMC is developed on bilinear deviation state-space model around a working point. Based on linear quadratic regulator and least squares methods, a nonlinear polynomial feedback law is designed to simultaneously control the grid and differential currents, and the global stored energy and energy balancing between total upper and lower arms. To generate the optimal current references, a multivariable linear quadratic controller is used to regulate the total energy per leg, energy difference between each upper and lower arms, and the DC bus voltage. The proposed high-level controller depicts an original advanced control structure of MMC converter. The performance of the proposed strategy for a detailed model of 400-level MMC is evaluated using simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK/SPS software environment. |
[9] On the Backstepping Approach for VSC-HVDC and VSC-MTDC Transmission Systems Electric Power Components and Systems - Taylor & Francis, Vol. 45, N°. 5, pages. 520-533, 03/2017, URL, Abstract BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This article presents a backstepping control design strategy for the voltage source converter (VSC)-based high-voltage direct current (HVDC). First, a dynamic model is derived based on the state
space description. Subject to the backstepping control design proce-
dure strategy, a non-linear control scheme is developed in the sense
of Lyapunov stability theory in order to satisfy various objectives of
a stable HVDC system and guarantee a grid connection with a unity
power factor. Then, the proposed control method is extended for
multi-terminal (MT) HVDC transmission systems based on VSCs. In
order to improve the dynamic behavior of the controlled DC bus volt-
age and the stability of MTDC systems, a backstepping control strat-
egy accorded to each VSC is proposed and integrated into the voltage
droop control strategy. The designed advanced controller allows to
improve the overall DC grid stability and to reach the droop values,
designed on static considerations, with satisfying dynamic behavior.
Compared to the conventional control, the use of a backstepping con-
trol allows to exhibit excellent transient response over a wide range
of operating conditions. |
[10] MMC Stored Energy Participation to the DC Bus Voltage Control in an HVDC Link IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 31, N°. 4, pages. 1710-1718, 08/2016, Abstract SAMIMI Shabab, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The modular multilevel converter (MMC) is be- coming a promising converter technology for HVDC transmission systems. Contrary to the conventional two- or three-level VSC-HVDC links, no capacitors are connected directly on the dc bus in an MMC-HVDC link. Therefore, in such an HVDC link, the dc bus voltage may be much more volatile than in a conventional VSC-HVDC link. In this paper, a connection between the dc bus voltage level and the stored energy inside the MMC is proposed in order to greatly improve the dynamic behavior in case of transients. EMT simulation results illustrate this interesting property on an HVDC link study case. |
International Conferences and Symposiums |
[1] Steady‐State Analysis and Comparison of SSFB, SDFB and DSFB MMC‐based STATCOM 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe), Hanover, Germany, 05-09 September 2022., pages. 1-11, 09/2022, URL, Abstract BELHAOUANE Moez, VERMEERSCH Pierre, GRUSON François, RAULT Pierre, DENNETIERE Sébastien, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This work focuses on the steady-state analysis of three types of MMC based STATCOM. For a given STATCOM rating, Double-Star Full Bridge, Single-Star Full Bridge and Single-Delta Full Bridge have been compared in terms of design and losses. In this approach, the number of submodules is chosen according to the voltage and current ratings of semiconductor devices while the submodule capacitor value is obtained by following an energy storage criterion to maintain the submodule voltages within an acceptable voltage range. |
[2] Impact of grid-forming control on the internal energy of a modular multi-level converter EPE2020, 09/2020, Abstract ZHANG Haibo, ROKROK Ebrahim, QORIA Taoufik, BRUYERE Antoine, FRANCOIS Bruno, BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This paper presents a comparative analysis of the dynamic behavior of a Modular Multi-level Converter (MMC) with grid-forming control either with or without controlling the MMC internal energy. It has been demonstrated that the internal energy of the MMC in low-level control interacts with the high-level control, which is performed by a grid-forming scheme. In case of controlling the internal energy of the MMC, this interaction is mitigated. Moreover, it has been shown that the dynamic behavior of a grid-forming controlled MMC with internal energy control is identical to an equivalent 2-level Voltage Source Converter (VSC). |
[3] Impact on the electrical characteristics, waveforms and losses of the zero-sequence injection on the Modular Multilevel Converter EPE2020, 09/2020, Abstract GRUSON François, VERMEERSCH Pierre, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, ZHANG Haibo, BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The MMC is the solution today to connect HVDC grids to the current HVAC grid. This paper proposes to evaluate the impact of Zero Sequence Voltage Injection variants, which until now, have not been extensively studied. Such techniques can involve, for example, a reduction of the SM capacitor value, the number of SM requirement and converter losses. The paper presents MMC current model, control and highlights the implication of the zero-sequence voltage. Grid current control structure with the introduction of the zero-sequence voltage is presented in different techniques. These modulation schemes are compared through two main quantities in MMC, the energy requirement defining the SM capacitance value and the power losses. |
[4] Modeling and Analysis of Modular Multilevel Converters connected to Weak AC Grids EPE 2019 ECCE Europe, 09/2019, URL, Abstract BELHAOUANE Moez, FREYTES Julian, RAULT Pierre, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) represents the recent development among the diverse available topologies of VSC and is allegedly the most suitable solution for converters in HVDC transmission systems. This paper investigates the stability of modular multi-level converters based HVDC system connected to a weak ac grid. Small signal stability based on eigenvalues analysis is used to study the interaction between the weak ac grid and the converter. The impact of control parameters, mainly the synchronization system (i.e., Phase Locked Loop) on the stability of the MMC is also considered in frequency domain. Finally, time-domain simulations and frequency domain analysis are carried out using MATLAB/Simulink and symbolic toolbox to validate the effectiveness of the proposed study. |
[5] A Real-Time HIL Test Bench for Modular Multilevel Converter with Energy Based Control The 13th IEEE PowerTech2019 Conference, 06/2019, URL, Abstract ZHANG Haibo, BELHAOUANE Moez, COLAS Frédéric, KADRI Riad, GRUSON François, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The modular multilevel converter (MMC) is recognized for many advantages over conventional 2-level or 3-level voltage source converters (VSC). One of the features is that it is possible to control the stored energy in the distributed
submodule (SM) capacitors. The aim of this paper is to propose a methodology to develop the control system implemented on a 21-level MMC mock-up. This control must be first validated in a real-time (RT) simulation environment with an accurate MMC model representing the behaviour of the physical MMC mock-up. Then it is performed in the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation before the implementation. The power system is emulated in a real time simulator from Opal-RT Technologies, which is connected to an external control system programmed in a dual-core microcontroller. The developed HIL platform facilitates the tests of the control and protection system in all possible scenarios. |
[6] Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) Model Design based on Modular Multilevel Converter Mockup The International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST2019), 06/2019, URL, Abstract BELHAOUANE Moez, ZHANG Haibo, COLAS Frédéric, KADRI Riad, QORIA Taoufik, GRUSON François, RAULT Pierre, DENNETIERE Sébastien, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This paper deals with the conception and the development of a detailed EMT Model for MMC based on
experimental results obtained from a mock-up. The main purpose is to illustrate how to exploit the performances of EMT simulation tools to develop a detailed model that represents accurately the behaviour of a physical MMC. According to step-by-step identification of the MMC element parameters, the idea is to perform a systematic method, which allows expanding an accurate EMT model considering the behaviour of the prototype and its environment. The first part depicts the MMC topology and the modelling approach of the Half-bridge Sub-Module (SM) using a detailed IGBT-based model. The second part of the simulation model conception concerns both control levels such as high-level and low-level controllers. The last part of the EMT model conception involves the modelling of measurement process, ADC (Analogue Digital Converter), sensors dynamics, the communication delays and especially the quantization effect. Finally, the obtained results from the final detailed EMT model is compared to the experimental behaviour for different active and reactive powers operating points in order to prove the effectiveness and the capability of the EMT modelling to reach a detailed and accurate model. |
[7] Experimental Validation of a Model Predictive Control Strategy on a Three-terminal VSC-HVDC Mock-up 15th International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, 02/2019, URL, Abstract BELHAOUANE Moez, ALMAKSOUR Khaled, PAPANGELIS Lampros, COLAS Frédéric, PREVOST Thibault, GUILLAUD Xavier, VAN CUTSEM Thierry |
The subject of this paper is the experimental validation of a recently proposed advanced control scheme for Voltage Source
Converters (VSC) based on Model Predictive Control (MPC). The main purpose of the investigated advanced controller is the
frequency support from an AC grid to another after significant disturbance through HVDC Grid. The paper reports on the
implementation methodology on a small-scale 3-terminal DC mock-up grid consisting of several physical low-scale VSCs,
actual DC cables. These components are coupled with realtime simulation tools simulating the adjacent AC grids. The
different steps for the validation process of the MPC strategy are illustrated, starting from offline simulation based on a
model of the DC grid, up to the actual implementation of the controller in the mock-up of the DC grid. |
[8] Control Design of MMC prototype based on OP 5600 Real Time Simulation and eMEGASIM opal-rt’s 10th International conference on real-time Simulation, 11/2018, Abstract VERMEERSCH Pierre, BELHAOUANE Moez, STANKOVIC Nikola, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
Over the last 15 years, VSC-based HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) has become a mature technology for HVDC transmission schemes. The Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) represents the recent development among the diverse available topologies of VSC and is allegedly the most promising solution today. In fact, the MMC topology offers significant benefits compared to the traditional two-level VSC (Voltage Source Converter), such as lower losses, distributed storage of capacitive energy, improved scalability to higher voltage ratings, a modular design, low total harmonic distortion and, hence, the potential lack of passive fillers on the AC-side of the converter. For the control design, some simplifying assumptions are made to derive an energy based Average Arm Model (AAM) that takes into account the internal dynamics (i.e. the total energy stored in the converter) which do not exist in the 2-level VSC, as well as the AC and DC side dynamics. This additional internal dynamics implies that the control system of the converter must possess additional control loops that govern the DC current and the total amount of stored energy in the SM capacitors of the MMC. The total stored energy in the MMC is then decoupled from the DC bus, but can also be potentially shared depending on the reference signal of the energy control loop. So, the Energy-based controller strategy is introduced, where extra control loops in cascade are added to regulate the dynamics of interest.
In this work, an energy based control method is developed for the OPAL-RT’s 10 levels MMC prototype model (5 kW – 400 V). Only the high-level control is proposed and implemented thanks to real time simulation model on the CPU and ARTEMiS solver based on State-Space Nodal Solver.
As mentioned above, the energy-based control is based on the possibility to control the AC and DC power separately. Thus, if the power that flowing through the converter is controlled by the AC (resp. DC) power reference, it will be possible to drive the energy level thanks to the other power reference DC (resp. AC). Therefore, to control globally the MMC inner dynamics and state space variables, additional controllers should be added. Thereby, energy based controls have been developed where all the state variables are controlled. In this configuration, the high-level control is composed of outer and inner closed loop controls, which allow controlling the power and the internal MMC energy.
Then, based on the designed energy-based controller, the OPAL-RT’s MMC prototype model has been simulated under different operation conditions arising a good performance in steady state as well as during transients.
Moreover, the advantages of the Per-unit approach such as the control design as well as the power converter sizing have been carried out across this work. Thus, the per-unit approach is performed on one hand for high voltage characteristic of MMC where the per-unit parameters are derived from EMTP library (based on INELFE project) and on the other hand for the low scale OPAL-RT mockup. As conclusion, the per-unit approach can be used for designing the control as previously said but it can be also very useful for the sizing process of the converter. While the per-unit approach has been used for many years for the classical power system elements (transformer, synchronous machines), it can be extended also to the sizing of power converter. So, in this work, the per-unit quantities of the main elements (capacitor, inductances) will be highlighted. Then, the high voltage characteristic will be considered as a reference and the low voltage characteristics will be compared and some conclusions will be underlined. |
[9] Power-Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation of VSC-HVDC based three-terminal DC mock-up Power Systems Computation Conference 2018, 06/2018, Abstract ALMAKSOUR Khaled, AKKARI Samy, BELHAOUANE Moez, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The frequency support provided by a DC grid to an interconnected AC grid and integrated in VSC-HVDC controller is studied in this paper. The advantages of a combined control of voltage droop and frequency droop are investigated on a hybrid AC/DC system for the case of a sudden loss of large generation unit in the AC grid. The coupling between both droops control and the correction factor of the frequency droop coefficient are discussed. An experimental validation on VSC converter prototypes and under realistic operation conditions is conducted using Power-Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation. The practical results showed a good match with the theoretical calculation and confirmed the offline simulation results presented in previous work. |
[10] Multivariable Optimal Robust Control Strategy for MMC Converter International Conference on Advanced Systems and Electrical Technologies (IC_ASET'2017), 01/2017 BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[11] Multivariable Optimal PID control design for Modular Multilevel Converter Conférence Internationale en Sciences et Technologies Electrique (CISTEM’2016), 10/2016, URL BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[12] Control of MMC converter integrated in HVDC link based on quadratic optimization approach IEEE 17th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL'16), 06/2016, URL BELHAOUANE Moez, COLAS Frédéric, GRUSON François, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[13] Nonlinear Modeling and Control of a VSC-HVDC Transmission Systems 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’2016), 06/2016, URL BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[14] Optimal Control Design for Modular Multilevel
Converters Operating on Multi-Terminal DC Grid 2016 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), pages. 1-7, 06/2016, URL, Abstract BELHAOUANE Moez, FREYTES Julian, AYARI Mohamed, COLAS Frédéric, GRUSON François, BENHADJ BRAIEK Naceur, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This paper proposes an advanced control strategy
for Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) integrated in Multiterminal
DC grid. In this present work, a three terminal
MMC-MTDC system connecting onshore AC systems with an
offshore wind farm is setup. Firstly, the voltage droop control
associated to the conventional cascaded controllers for MMC
stations is studied, the dynamic behavior of the DC voltage is
analyzed and some drawbacks are outlined. In order to improve
the dynamic behavior of the controlled DC bus voltage and
the stability of MTDC system, an optimal multivariable control
strategy of each MMC converter is proposed and integrated
in a voltage droop controller strategy. The designed advanced
controller allows to improve the overall DC grid stability and
to reach the droop values designed on static considerations with
acceptable dynamic behavior. By means of numerical simulations
in EMTP-RV software, it is shown that the proposed control
strategy performs well the stability of MTDC grid with 400-
level model for MMC compared with the classic existing control
methods. |
[15] Impact of control algorithm solutions on Modular Multilevel Converters electrical waveforms and losses EPE ECCE Europe 2015, 09/2015, URL, Abstract GRUSON François, FREYTES Julian, SAMIMI Shabab, DELARUE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier, COLAS Frédéric, BELHAOUANE Moez |
Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) are becoming increasingly popular with the development of HVDC connection and, in the future, Multi Terminal DC grid. A lot of publications have been published about this topology these last years since it was first proposed. Many of them deal with converter control methods, other address the method of estimating losses. Usually, the proposed losses estimation techniques are associated to simple control methods For VSC (Voltage Sources Converters) topology, the losses minimization is based on the limitation of the RMS currents values. This hypothesis is usually extended to the control of MMC, by limiting the differential currents to their DC component, without really being checked. |
[16] Nonlinear Control Design of VSC-MTDC Systems Based on Backstepping Approach 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - ICINCO’2015, 07/2015, URL BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[17] Optimal Control Design of Voltage Source Converter using Bilinear State-Space Representation 4th International Conference on Systems and Control - ICSC’2015, 04/2015, URL BELHAOUANE Moez |
[18] Integral Backstepping Control Design for VSC-HVDC Systems 15th international conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering - STA’2014, 12/2014, URL BELHAOUANE Moez |
[19] Control and Performance of Modular Multilevel Converters using Resonant Controller 40th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON, 10/2014, URL BELHAOUANE Moez, SAAD Hani, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[20] Optimal Control Design for VSC-HVDC Systems the IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Software Applications - ICEESA'2013, 03/2013, URL BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
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