Individual information
Bruno FRANCOIS | ![]() | |
Titre | PR | |
Equipe | Réseaux | |
Téléphone | +33 (0)3-62-26-82-41 | | | ||
Site personnel | | |
Observation / Thématique de recherche | Advanced energy management systems, modeling and control of electrical generators, storage systems and grid equipment, integration of renewable based generators and distributed generators in power systems | |
Publications |
International Journals |
[2] Comparison of evolutionary algorithms for solving risk-based energy resource management considering conditional value-at-risk analysis Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 07/2023 ALMEIDA José, SOARES Joao, LEZAMA Fernando, VALE Zita, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[3] A New Space Vector Modulation Pulse Width
Modulation Technique for an Optimal Total Harmonic
Distortion of a Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter
Power System international journal on energy conversion, Vol. 11, N°. 4, pages. 109-121, 07/2023, Abstract RIZOUG Nassim, BENKADI Hichem, GHENNAM Tarek, MROUANI Khoudir, BENBOUZID Moahamed, FRANCOIS Bruno |
The voltage and current outputs of a power electronic converter contain high harmonic,
especially when the required power operation point is less than the nominal one. The present paper
proposes a new space vector modulation scheme to improve this harmonic content for the overall
power range. This technique is based on an optimized distribution of the zero vectors during the
sampling time. Firstly, a vector spatial approach of the voltage flux harmonic is analytically
synthesized. Hence, the obtained flux harmonic trajectories are optimized somehow to minimize the
distance between the gravity center of this trajectory and its origin, which gives the exact du- ration
of the zero vectors. The obtained simulation and experimental results show an improved harmonic
content of the output converter even for low modulation index and an enhanced converter current
waveform. The results confirm the superiority of the proposed strategy compared to the previously
developed. |
[4] IMPROVED ADAPTIVE NONLINEAR CONTROL FOR VARIABLE SPEED WIND-TURBINE FED BY DIRECT MATRIX CONVERTER Rev Roumaine des Sciences Techniques-Series Electrotechnique et Energetique, Vol. 68, N°. 1, pages. 58-64, 04/2023, Abstract AMRANE Fayssal, CHAIBA Azeddine, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This paper proposes a robust decoupling power algorithm based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) for variable speed
wind-turbine (WT). The DFIG rotor circuit is fed by the direct matrix converter (DMC), which presents several features such as no
need to the dc-bus voltage, sinusoidal supply, rotor side waveforms, bidirectional power flow, and adjustable input power factor.
The 18 bidirectional switches are controlled using the Venturini modulation technique. On the other hand, the DFIG stator circuit is
connected directly to the grid. The nonlinear control strategy based on feedback linearization is applied to control the stator power
(Ps and Qs) independently using the rotor quadrature and direct currents (irq and ird), which present the images of the previous
stator powers. Some limitations appear in the power algorithm using the conventional pi controller, especially in power tracking,
error, and quality. In this context, the model reference adaptive controller (MRAC) presents an alternative solution, a robust and
efficient controller proposed instead of the pi controllers to control stator powers. Finally, the simulation results confirm that the
proposed algorithm could work under hard conditions and demonstrate that the wind energy conversion system (WECS) provides
enhanced dynamic responses in transient and steady states and good power quality delivered to the grid. |
[5] A Data-Driven Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme in Power Systems IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 38, N°. 2, pages. 1138-1150, 03/2023, Abstract GOLPIRA Hemin, BEVRANI Hassan, MESSINA Arturo, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This paper presents a measurement-based under-frequency load shedding scheme that considers time delays, measurement uncertainties, and communication network faults. Using a moving first-degree polynomial function, an iterative approach to estimate the frequency nadir and the associated frequency nadir time is proposed. Then, a novel method to simultaneously estimate the power imbalance and the system inertia constant is developed. According to an analytical basis, a base system is selected from a set of pre-defined base systems to guarantee accurate power imbalance estimation. Finally, a mathematical index is investigated to calculate a threshold for the generation-load power imbalance beyond which loads should be shed. Further, a systematic approach for specifying the amount of load to be shed in each transmission bus of the system is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed methodologies is examined on both simulated and actual measured data from 9 historical power system disturbances in a national power grid. |
[6] Integration of a Storage Device to the DC Bus of a Grid-Forming Controlled HVDC Interconnection Electric Power System Research, Vol. 212, 11/2022 ROKROK Ebrahim, QORIA Taoufik, BRUYERE Antoine, FRANCOIS Bruno, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[7] Techno-Economic Analysis of Renewable-Energy-Based Micro-Grids Considering Incentive Policies MDPI Energies, 11/2022 BAHRAMARA Salah, AMINI Shiva, GOLPIRA Hemin, FRANCOIS Bruno, SOARES Joao |
[8] Experimental investigation of efficient and simple wind-turbine based on DFIG-direct power control using LCL-filter for stand-alone mode isa Transactions, Vol. 125, pages. 631-664, 06/2022 AMRANE Fayssal, FRANCOIS Bruno, CHAIBA Azeddine |
[9] Transient Stability Assessment and Enhancement of Grid-Forming Converters Embedding Current Reference Saturation as Current Limiting Strategy IEEE Trans. on Power System, Vol. 37, N°. 1, 03/2022 ROKROK Ebrahim, QORIA Taoufik, BRUYERE Antoine, FRANCOIS Bruno, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[10] Stochastic Optimization for Security-Constrained Day-Ahead Operational Planning Under PV Production Uncertainties: Reduction Analysis of Operating Economic Costs and Carbon Emissions ieee access, Vol. 9, pages. 97039-97052, 07/2021, URL, Abstract WEN Xin, ABBES Dhaker, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This paper presents a general operational planning framework for controllable generators, one day ahead, under uncertain re-newable energy generation. The effect of photovoltaic (PV) power generation uncertainty on operating decisions is examined by incorporating expected possible uncertainties into a two-stage unit commitment optimization. The planning objective consists in minimizing operating costs and/or equivalent carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions. Based on distributions of forecasting errors of the net demand, a LOLP-based risk assessment method is proposed to determine an appropriate amount of operating reserve (OR) for each time step of the next day. Then, in a first stage, a deterministic optimization within a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) method generates the unit commitment of controllable generators with the day-ahead PV and load demand prediction and the prescribed OR requirement. In a second stage, possible future forecasting uncertainties are considered. Hence, a stochastic operational planning is optimized in order to commit enough flexible generators to handle unexpected deviations from predic-tions. The proposed methodology is implemented for a local energy community. Results regarding the available operating reserve, operating costs and CO2 emissions are established and compared. About 15% of economic operating costs and environmental costs are saved, compared to a deterministic generation planning while ensuring the targeted security level. |
[11] Comparison of dynamic models for a DC railway electrical network including an AC/DC bi-directional power station Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 184, pages. 244-266, 06/2021, URL, Abstract ALMAKSOUR Khaled, KRAIEM Youssef, KOUASSI N'guessan, NAVARRO Nicolas, FRANCOIS Bruno, LETROUVE Tony, SAUDEMONT Christophe, TAUNAY Lionel, ROBYNS Benoît |
To face environmental issues, SNCF, the French railway, has chosen to improve the energy efficiency of its electrical power system by investigating solutions for regenerative braking. With the contribution of Railenium, a research and test center in railway activities, they aim to recover the braking energy by setting up a reversible inverter in a DC substation “Masséna”. The issue is to test, implement and compare various control solutions to increase the energy efficiency with minimum impacts on the railway operation. In this paper, a simulation model for studying a reversible power substation is addressed by considering AC and DC equivalent electrical sources. The proposed model provides a reliable tool for analyzing the behavior of the railway electrical network during specially braking mode. In order to validate this model, its simulation results are compared with the ones obtained from Esmeralda, the SNCF professional software. A first configuration is led without the inverter and gives certified Esmeralda results and validates the proposed model despite some gaps in powers and voltages due to differences in input data and models. A second comparison with inverter is presented to highlight the main difference between the proposed model and Esmeralda. In addition, laboratory experimental activities are put forward to investigate the proposed model by using power-hardware-in-the-loop simulations. Finally, a simulation test under MATLAB software with fifty train’s traffic is presented to estimate the energy saving thanks to the installed inverter. For this latter case study, the system sent back to the national AC grid around 6.9% of the total energy consumed by all trains. |
[12] Modelling of Photovoltaic Power Uncertainties for Impact Analysis on Generation Scheduling and Cost of an Urban Micro Grid Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 183, pages. 116-128, 05/2021, URL, Abstract WEN Xin, ABBES Dhaker, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Abstract In electrical systems, the main objective is to satisfy the load demand at the least cost without having imbalance between generation and consumption. Thus, the uncertainty of photovoltaic (PV) power production must be considered in generation planning. In this paper, the optimal generation scheduling in an urban microgrid is made by taking in consideration operating reserve (OR) provision and under stochastic characteristics of PV power prediction. By considering a prescribed risk level of unbalancing, a dynamic programming (DP) algorithm sets the operational planning of conventional generators, so that the operational cost and available operating reserve can be calculated. Then, the effect of PV power uncertainty into the unit commitment is analysed by considering PV forecast intervals with a 95 % confidence level. The unit commitment is then recalculated with new generator set points and the same criteria. Finally, variations of the targeted minimized costs and obtained OR is analysed according to the considered uncertainty. |
[13] Machine Learning-Based Classification of Electrical Low Voltage Cable Degradation MDPI Energies, 05/2021, URL, Abstract CODJO Egnonnumi Lorraine, FRANCOIS Bruno, VALLEE François, BAKHSHIDEH ZAD Bashir |
Low voltage distribution networks have not been traditionally designed to accommodate the large-scale integration of decentralized photovoltaic (PV) generations. The bidirectional power flows in existing networks resulting from the load demand and PV generation changes as well as the influence of ambient temperature led to voltage variations and increased the leakage current through the cable insulation. In this paper, a machine learning-based framework is implemented for the identification of cable degradation by using data from deployed smart meter (SM) measurements. Nodal voltage variations are supposed to be related to cable conditions (reduction of cable insulation thickness due to insulation wear) and to client net demand changes. Various machine learning techniques are applied for classification of nodal voltages according to the cable insulation conditions. Once trained according to the comprehensive generated datasets, the implemented techniques can classify new network operating points into a healthy or degraded cable condition with high accuracy in their predictions. The simulation results reveal that logistic regression and decision tree algorithms lead to a better prediction (with a 97.9% and 99.9% accuracy, respectively) result than the k-nearest neighbors (which reach only 76.7%). The proposed framework offers promising perspectives for the early identification of LV cable conditions by using SM measurements. |
[14] Optimal Energy Storage System-Based Virtual Inertia Placement: A Frequency Stability Point of View » IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 35, N°. 6, pages. 4824 - 4835, 11/2020, Abstract GOLPIRA Hemin, ATARODI Azin, AMINI Shiva, ROMAN-MESSINA Arturo, FRANCOIS Bruno, BEVRANI Hassan |
In this paper, the problem of optimal placement of virtual inertia is considered as a techno-economic problem from a frequency stability point of view. First, a data driven-based equivalent model of battery energy storage systems, as seen from the electrical system, is proposed. This experimentally validated model takes advantage of the energy storage system special attributes to contribute to inertial response enhancement, via the virtual inertia concept. Then, a new framework is proposed, which considers the battery storage system features, including annual costs, lifetime and state of charge, into the optimal placement formulation to enhance frequency response with a minimum storage capacity. Two well-known dynamical frequency criteria, the frequency nadir and the rate of change of frequency, are utilized in the optimization formulation to determine minimum energy storage systems. Moreover, a power angle-based stability index is also used to assess the effect of virtual inertia on transient stability. Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses are further conducted to assess the applicability of the method. The efficiency of the proposed framework is demonstrated on a linearized model of a three-area power system as well as two nonlinear systems. Simulation results suggest that the proposed method gives improved results in terms of stability measures and less ESS capacity, when compared with other methods proposed in the literature. |
[15] A PLL-Free Grid-Forming Control with Decoupled Functionalities for High-Power Transmission System Applications IEEE Access, 10/2020 QORIA Taoufik, ROKROK Ebrahim, BRUYERE Antoine, FRANCOIS Bruno, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[16] Classification of Droop-Based Grid-Forming Control Schemes: Application in Forced Commutated Converter-Based HVDC Systems Electric Power Systems Research (EPSR), 08/2020 ROKROK Ebrahim, QORIA Taoufik, BRUYERE Antoine, FRANCOIS Bruno, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[17] Risk management model for simultaneous participation of a distribution company in Day-ahead and Real-time markets segan, Vol. 21, 03/2020, Abstract GOLPIRA Hemin, SHEIKHAHMADI Pouria, BAHRAMARA Salah, FRANCOIS Bruno |
In Active Distribution Networks (ADNs), Distribution Company (Disco) follows two main strategies of dispatching of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and trading energy with wholesale energy markets, including Day-Ahead (DA) and Real-Time (RT) markets, to meet the demand. An attempt is made in this paper to model the strategic behavior of the Disco, in the wholesale DA and RT energy markets, through a bi-level optimization approach While the objective of the upper-level problem is to minimize the expected cost of the Disco, the lower-level problem (with two optimization problems) formulates to simultaneously maximize the social-welfare of the DA market and minimize the cost of the RT market. Furthermore, uncertain behavior of renewable energy sources as well as demand is tackled into the problem formulation. To this end, Disco decision-making represents as a risk-based two-stage stochastic problem where the Disco’s risk aversion is modeled using conditional value at risk (CVaR) method. Generally stated, the proposed model is a non-linear bi-level problem which may be transformed into a non-linear but single-level problem through Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions and dual theory. Detailed numerical results on a 6-bus and RTS 24-bus power systems are used to demonstrate efficiency of the proposed model. Moreover, sensitivity analysis is carried out to investigate the effect of risk-aversion parameter on the decision making of the Disco and the offers/bids in both the DA and RT markets. |
[18] Development of a Tool for Urban Microgrid Optimal Energy Planning and Management Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory , Elsevier, Vol. 89, pages. 64-81, 12/2018, URL, Abstract YAN Xingyu, ABBES Dhaker, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Small-sized variable renewable energy sources (RES) live a large-scale development in urban electrical systems. They increase local high dynamic unbalancing and then can create instabilities on the inertia response. Thus, setting an adequate operating reserve (OR) power to compensate the unpredicted imbalance between RES generation and consumption is essential for power system security. Indeed, effective calculation and dispatching of OR considering inaccurate forecast of both RES and load demand can provide substantial cost reductions. Thus, to facilitate the energy management and system optimization in an urban microgrid (MG), a user-friendly tool for Energy Management System and Operational Planning has been developed. The tool provides a complete set of user-friendly graphical interfaces to study the details of photovoltaic (PV) and batteries, load demand, as well as micro gas turbines (MGTs). Furthermore, this energy management system allows system operators to properly model RES uncertainty. In addition, it could assist operators for the day-ahead energy management with an efficient information system and an intelligent management. |
[19] Models of AC and DC cable systems for technical and economic evaluation of offshore wind farm connection International Journal of Electrical Energy, Vol. 6, N°. 2, 12/2018, Abstract GASNIER Swann, POULLAIN Serge, DEBUSSCHERE Vincent, FRANCOIS Bruno, EGROT Philippe |
Accurate cable modeling is a recurrent issue for electric architecture evaluation and design, especially in specific contexts, like offshore wind farms.
This paper proposes optimal analytical cable models for the technical and economic assessment of offshore wind generation systems.
Proposed models evaluate the electrical and thermal behaviors of cables, as components of the complete offshore wind generation transmission system. The cost effectiveness of the latter is assessed by considering both CAPEX and OPEX contributions.
A comparison with published models is also presented, and illustrated on various cable designs. Among others, we can see that the greater the section, the more interesting the simplification model is. Also, we checked that the model proposed by Brakelmann is correct in DC. For all other cases, the model, based on standards, is preferred.
The proposed paper goes beyond cables modeling by describing an assessment method based on specific cables modeling, allowing the choice of cables within a holistic assessment tool bringing decision support regarding optimal design of offshore wind farm grid connection.
A system assessment based on the proposed model is presented, for a typical HVAC architecture. |
[20] Modelling and Control by Neural Network of Electric Vehicle Traction System ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA, Vol. 24, N°. 3, 07/2018 KANCHEV Hristiyan, HINOV Nikolay, GILEV Bogdan, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[21] A novel non-intrusive approximation method to obtain fast and accurate multi-period load-flows for distribution network planning Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 154, pages. 444-451, 01/2018 DUTRIEUX Héloïse, COSSON Marjorie, BECT Julien, DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[22] Multilevel Inverter Topology for Renewable Energy Grid Integration IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 64, N°. 11, 11/2017 AMAMRA Sid-Ali, MEGHRICHE Meghriche, CHERIFI Abderrezzak, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[23] Uncertainty analysis for day ahead power reserve quantification in an urban microgrid including PV generators Renewable Energy, Vol. 106, pages. 288–297, 06/2017, URL, Abstract YAN Xingyu, ABBES Dhaker, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Setting an adequate operating power reserve (PR) to compensate unpredictable imbalances between generation and consumption is essential for power system security. Operating power reserve should be carefully sized but also ideally minimized and dispatched to reduce operation costs with a satisfying security level. Although several energy generation and load forecasting tools have been developed, decision-making methods are required to estimate the operating power reserve amount within its dispatch over generators during small time windows and with adaptive capabilities to markets, as new ancillary service markets. This paper proposes an uncertainty analysis method for power reserve quantification in an urban microgrid with a high penetration ratio of PV (photovoltaic) power. First, forecasting errors of PV production and load demand are estimated one day ahead by using artificial neural networks. Then two methods are proposed to calculate one day ahead the net demand error. The first perform a direct forecast of the error, the second one calculates it from the available PV power and load demand forecast errors. This remaining net error is analyzed with dedicated statistical and stochastic procedures. Hence, according to an accepted risk level, a method is proposed to calculate the required PR for each hour. |
[24] Modelling of a VSC-based multi-terminal HVDC network for dynamic stability analysis The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (COMPEL), Vol. 36, N°. 1, pages. 240 - 257, 01/2017, Abstract SHINODA Kosei, GUILLAUD Xavier, BACHA Seddik, BENCHAIB Abdelkrim, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Self-commuted voltage source converter (VSC) can significantly extend the flexibility and operability of an HVDC system and be used to implement the concept of multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) grid. To take full advantage of MTDC systems, its overall behaviour must be characterized in quasi static and dynamic states. Based on the numerous literatures, a dedicated two-level VSC model and its local controllers and DC grid voltage regulators are developed for this purpose. Furthermore, the requirement of the system to guarantee all the physical constrains must be well assessed and concrete demonstrations must be provided by numerical simulations.
First, a two-level VSC model and its local controllers and DC grid voltage regulators are developed. Then, DC cable models are investigated and their characteristics are assessed in the frequency domain. Those developed models are combined to form a three-terminal HVDC grid system on Matlab/Simulink platform. To analyze the stability of this electrical system, the dynamics of the system against variations of power dispatch are observed.
To analyze the stability of this electrical system, the dynamics of the system against variations of power dispatch are observed. The differences in the DC grid voltage dynamics and the power flow of the converter stations coming from the embedded primary controls are analysed, and the technical requirements for both cases are assessed.
In this paper, the dynamic stability of an MTDC system has been analysed and assessed through an adequate simulation model, including its control scheme and the cable models. The interest of the improved PI model for cables is highlighted. |
[25] Advanced Control System of DFIG Based Wind Generators for Reactive Power Production and Integration in a Wind Farm Dispatching Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 105, pages. 240 - 250, 11/2015 GHENNAM Tarak, ALIOUANE K, AKEL F, FRANCOIS Bruno, BERKOUK EL Madjid |
[26] Open-circuit fault detection and diagnosis in pulse-width modulation voltage source inverters based on novel pole voltage approach Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol. 38, N°. 7, 08/2015 ADOUNI A., LASSAAD S., FRANCOIS Bruno |
[27] Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Generation Plant as Alternative Energy Sources IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol. 9, pages. 18 - 32, 03/2015 ZHONG QC, MALINOWSKI M, FRANCOIS Bruno, ROMERO-CADAVAL E |
[28] Methods for Assessing Available Wind Primary Power Reserve IEEE Transactions On Sustainable Energy, Vol. 6, pages. 272 - 280, 01/2015 WANG Ye, BAYEM Herman, GIRALT-DEVANT Maria, SILVA Vera, GUILLAUD Xavier, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[29] Emission Reduction and Economical Optimization of an Microgrid Operation Including Dispatched PV-Based Active Generators IEEE Transactions On Sustainable Energy, Vol. 5, N°. 4, pages. 1755 - 1796, 10/2014 KANCHEV Hristiyan, COLAS Frédéric, LAZAROV Vladimir, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[30] Equivalent Matrix Structure Modeling and Control of a Three-Phase Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter IET Power Electronics, Vol. 7, pages. 1755 - 1796, 07/2014 BOUHALI Omar, RIZOUG Nassim, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[31] Line-to-line Voltage Space Vector Modulation for NPC Multilevel Converter with DC-link capacitor voltage balancing using reduntant vectors Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 42, pages. 1070 - 1086, 06/2014 BOUHALI Omar, RIZOUG Nassim, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[32] Performance analysis of a controller for doubly-fed induction generators based wind turbines against parameter variations International review of Electrical Engineering (IREEE), Vol. 9, N°. 2, pages. 262 - 269, 04/2014 ABULIZI Maimaitrireyimu, PENG Ling, LI Yongdong, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[33] High Wind Power Penetration in Isolated Power Systems—Assessment of Wind Inertial and Primary Frequency Responses IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 28, N°. 3, pages. 2412-2420, 08/2013, Abstract WANG Ye, DELILLE Gauthier, BAYEM Herman, GUILLAUD Xavier, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Grid operational challenges are significant to increase securely the wind penetration level. New embedded control functions are therefore required in order to make participate wind generators in power system management. In this paper the implementation of inertial response and primary frequency control in a wind turbine controller are investigated. Main factors affecting the performances of the frequency regulation are identified and characterized. The influence of control parameters and the turbine operating point on the inertial response are analyzed through obtained performances in an islanded power system. The combined control scheme using both controllers is also developed and the potential of the obtained grid service at partial load is discussed. |
[34] Dynamic Frequency Control Support by Energy Storage to Reduce the Impact of Wind and Solar Generation on Isolated Power Systems Inertia IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 3, N°. 4, pages. 931–939, 10/2012, Abstract DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno, MALARANGE Gilles |
In electrical islands, frequency excursions are sizeable and automatic load shedding is often required in response to disturbances.
Moreover, the displacement of conventional generation with wind and solar plants, which usually do not provide inertial
response, further weakens these power systems. Fast-acting storage, by injecting power within instants after the loss of a generating unit, can back up conventional generation assets during the
activation of their primary reserve. This paper relies on dynamic simulations to study the provision of such a dynamic frequency control support by energy storage systems in the French island of
Guadeloupe with large shares of wind or solar generation. The results show that fast-acting storage, by acting as a synthetic inertia, can mitigate the impact of these sources on the dynamic performance of the studied island grid in the case of a major generation outage. The other concerns raised by renewables (e.g., variability,
forecast accuracy, low voltage ride-through, etc.) have not been addressed within this project. |
[35] Novel Low-Cost Self-Powered Supply Solution of Bidirectional Switch Gate Driver for Matrix Converters IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59, N°. 1, pages. 211-219, 01/2012, Abstract TAIB N, METIDJI N, REKIOUA B, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Matrix converters (MCs) are considered as a step forward
in ac/ac conversion, providing sine-in and sine-out voltages
and currents, controlled input power factor, compact sight without
the requirement of a dc bus capacitor, and bidirectional power
flows. There are also drawbacks associated with this technology:
More switching devices and associated gate driver circuit power
supplies and protection systems are required. In this paper, a
new low-cost self-powered supply for bidirectional insulated-gate
bipolar transistor/MOSFET switch gate drivers is presented. The
proposed circuit allows the gate driver power supply of the bidirectional
switch without using a transformer or any external added dc
supply. This method is characterized by a simple structure, which
is cost and size effective, of the power electronics switch driver
power supply with regard to those suggested in the literature.
Simulation results are compared with experimental measurements
for a three-phase-to-single-phase MC and validate the proposed
circuit. |
[36] Energy Management and Operational Planning of a Microgrid With a PV-Based Active Generator for Smart Grid Applications IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 58, N°. 10, pages. 4583 - 4592, 10/2011, Abstract KANCHEV Hristiyan, LU Di, COLAS Frédéric, LAZAROV Vladimir, FRANCOIS Bruno |
The development of energy management tools for next-generation PhotoVoltaic (PV) installations, including storage units, provides flexibility to distribution system operators. In this paper, the aggregation and implementation of these determinist energy management methods for business customers in a microgrid power system are presented. This paper proposes a determinist energy management system for a microgrid, including advanced PV generators with embedded storage units and a gas microturbine. The system is organized according to different functions and is implemented in two parts: a central energy management of the microgrid and a local power management at the customer side. The power planning is designed according to the prediction for PV power production and the load forecasting. The central and local management systems exchange data and order through a communication network. According to received grid power references, additional functions are also designed to manage locally the power flows between the various sources. Application to the case of a hybrid supercapacitor battery-based PV active generator is presented.
[37] Challenges facing the European power transmission tariffs: The case
of inter-TSO compensation Energy Policy, Elsevier, Vol. 39, N°. 9, pages. 5203-5210, 09/2011, Abstract STOILOV D, DIMITROV Y, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This article draws attention to problems important for all EU power consumers—the unfairness in
individual payments for power transmission and in the cross-border subsidy element in the mechanism
of Inter-Transmission System Operators (TSO) Compensation (ITC). A brief review of power transmission
tariffs brings out the structure of the problems. A short retrospection explains their growth. The
essence of the ITC mechanism is explained and existing shortcomings are illustrated. The deficiencies of
existing regulations for transmission pricing are analyzed. In the light of this analysis, the ITC problem
is reconsidered and defined more precisely. The basic prerequisites to an ITC reformulation process are
presented. The main principles of a new simple, transparent and equitable approach are suggested, in
accordance with the contemporary legal positions and functions of the TSOs. |
[38] Energy Management and Power Control of an Hybrid Active Wind Generator for Distributed Power Generation and Grid Integration IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 58, N°. 1, pages. 95-104, 01/2011 ZHOU Tao, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[39] Power Control Design of a battery charger in a Hybrid Active PV generator for load-following applications IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 58, N°. 1, pages. 85-94, 01/2011 FAKHAM Hicham, LU Di, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[40] Methodology to build fuzzy logic based supervision of hybrid renewable energy systems Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 81, pages. 208-224, 10/2010, Abstract COURTECUISSE Vincent, SPROOTEN Jonathan, ROBYNS Benoît, PETIT Marc, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) are increasingly used to improve the grid integration of wind power generators. The goal of this work is to propose a methodology to design a fuzzy logic based supervision of this new kind of production unit. A graphical modeling tool is proposed to facilitate the analysis and the determination of fuzzy control algorithms adapted to complex hybrid systems. To explain this methodology, the association of wind generators, decentralized generators and storage systems are considered for the production of electrical power. The methodology is divided in six steps covering the design of a supervisor from the system work specifications to an optimized implementation of the control. The performance of this supervisor is shown with the help of simulations. Finally, the application of this methodology to the supervision of different topologies of HRES is also proposed to bring forward the systematic dimension of the approach. |
[41] A Novel Space Vector Current Control Based on Circular Hysteresis Areas of a Three-Phase Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, N°. 8, pages. 2669-2678, 08/2010 GHENNAM Tarak, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[42] Application of Petri Nets for the energy management of a photovoltaic based power station including storage units Renewable Energy, Elsevier, Vol. 35, N°. 6, pages. 1117-1124, 06/2010, Abstract LU Di, FAKHAM Hicham, ZHOU Tao, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This paper deals with the energy management of a photovoltaic based power station. This power station
includes storage units with batteries for long-term energy supply and ultracapacitors for fast dynamic
power regulation. According to the availability of the primary source, the level of the stored energy and
the request from the grid operator, we have defined and detailed three main operating modes for this
system with a particular modeling tool: Petri nets. For each operating mode, we have designed an energy
management algorithm in order to calculate the energy dispatching of an adjustable power margin for
the storage units. |
[43] An Improved Fixed Switching Frequency Direct Torque, Control Of Induction Motor Drives Fed By Direct Matrix Converter International Journal of Computer Science And Information Security, Vol. 7, N°. 3, 03/2010 TAIB N, REKIOUA Toufik, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[44] Conception de la commande d'une micro turbine à gaz dans un micro réseau isolé en utilisant la Représentation Multi-Niveaux European Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 12, N°. 5-6, pages. 639 - 668, 09/2009 LI Peng, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[45] Construction d'une offre de services du stockage pour les réseaux de distribution dans un contexte réglementaire dérégulé European Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 12, N°. 5 - 6, pages. 733 - 762, 09/2009 DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno, MALARANGE Gilles |
[46] Participation in the frequency regulation control of a resilient microgrid for a distribution network International Journal of Integrated Energy Systems, Vol. 1, N°. 1, 06/2009 FRANCOIS Bruno, LI Peng, DEGOBERT Philippe, ROBYNS Benoît |
[47] Real-Time Emulation of a Hydrogen Production Process for assessment of an Active Wind Energy Conversion System IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics (SCI; Impact factor: 5.468), Vol. 56, N°. 2, pages. 737-745, 03/2009 ZHOU Tao, FRANCOIS Bruno, LEBBAL Mohamed, LECOEUCHE Stephane |
[48] Modeling and control design of hydrogen production process for an active hydrogen/wind hybrid power system International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (SCI; Impact factor: 3.452), Vol. 34, N°. 1, pages. 21-30, 01/2009 ZHOU Tao, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[49] A Review of Some Technical and Economic Features of Energy Storage Technologies for Distribution System Integration Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection (ISSN 1311-8668), Vol. 1, pages. 40-48, 01/2009, Abstract DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This paper deals with the results of a study aiming to assess the suitability of various energy storage technologies for medium-term (2015) integration into distribution systems. Based on a review of many scientific and industrial materials, and by taking into account a few hypotheses, a shortlist of some properties to consider was first identified and defined. More than twenty storage techniques were then studied and nine of them were found to be particularly suited. An up-to-date overview of their performances is given at the end of the article. |
[50] Power sizing and control of a three-level NPC converter for grid connection of wind generators Electromotion Journal, Vol. 16, N°. 1, pages. 38 - 48, 01/2009 BOUHALI Omar, FRANCOIS Bruno, BERKOUK EL Madjid, SAUDEMONT Christophe |
[51] Variable speed wind generators participation in primary frequency control Wind Engineering, Vol. 32, N°. 3, pages. 299-318, 12/2008 COURTECUISSE Vincent, ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, PETIT Marc, DEUSE Jacques |
[52] Supervision par logique floue d’un système éolien à vitesse variable en vue de contribuer au réglage primaire de fréquence Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique, Hermès, N°. 4-5, pages. 423-453, 10/2008, Abstract COURTECUISSE Vincent, EL MOKADEM Mostafa, ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, PETIT Marc |
Pour maintenir une réserve de puissance afin de contribuer au réglage primaire de la fréquence avec un générateur éolien à vitesse variable, deux stratégies de commande sont proposées : une stratégie basée sur le contrôle du couple et une stratégie de commande multivariable basée sur la logique floue. La première stratégie, et la plus simple, permet de maintenir une réserve de puissance régulière uniquement lorsque le générateur éolien fonctionne à pleine charge et nécessite une détermination a priori de la puissance de référence par le gestionnaire du réseau. La seconde stratégie permet de dépasser ces limites sans mesure ou prédiction du vent. Le principal résultat de cet article est de montrer qu’il est possible de maintenir une réserve de puissance quelque soit la vitesse du vent. |
[53] A Fuzzy Logic Supervisor for Active and Reactive Power Control of a Fixed
Speed Wind Energy Conversion System Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Vol. 78, N°. 3, pages. 418-424, 06/2008 KRICHEN Lofti, FRANCOIS Bruno, OUALI A |
[54] DC Link Capacitor Voltage Balancing in a Three-Phase Diode Clamped Inverter Controlled by a Direct Space Vector of Line-to-Line Voltages IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 22, N°. 5, pages. 1636-1648, 09/2007 BOUHALI Omar, FRANCOIS Bruno, BERKOUK EL Madjid, SAUDEMONT Christophe |
[55] Enhanced micro modeling technique for semiconductor devices to study faulty mode in power converters International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), Vol. 2, N°. 3, 06/2007 CHARFI F, MESSAOUD M.B, FRANCOIS Bruno, AL-HADDAD K., SELLAMI F |
[56] A Vector Hysteresis Current Control Applied on Three-Level Inverter. Application to the Active and Reactive Powers Control of Wind Turbine Based on Doubly Fed Induction Generator International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), Vol. 2, N°. 2, 04/2007 GHENNAM Tarak, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[57] Modelling and Control of an Optimized PV Array with Hydrogen System Comprising a PEMFC and an Electrolyzer International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering, Vol. 1, N°. 3, pages. 264-273, 01/2007 JALLOULI R, KRICHEN Lofti, FRANCOIS Bruno, OUALI A |
[58] Methods for power system transient stability analysis: State of the art Canadian journal of electrical and computer engineering, 10/2006, Abstract GHERBI A., FRANCOIS Bruno, BELKACEMI M. |
Power systems are often subject to various types of disturbances, which may carry of serious damages in the elements of system components (generators, receptors, storage elements, power control systems). The production-consuming balancing is therefore not insured. Consequently, the system becomes transiently instable. Various researchers and authors in the area of assessment and improvement of power system transient stability have published much previous works. Since the study of the transient stability is complex and includes modeling of all component of the power system as well as the control systems, different models and analysis methods have been proposed and described in the literature. This paper presents a state of the art of assessment of power system transient stability. |
[59] A New Modeling and Control of a Five LevelThree-Phase Diode Clamped Inverter with Self-Stabilization of the DC Link Voltage International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), 06/2006, Abstract BOUHALI Omar, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno, SAUDEMONT Christophe |
In this paper, the direct modulation strategy of a three-level inverter with self stabilization of the DC link voltage is extended to a five-level inverter. Therefore, a new modeling and control strategy of a five-level three-phase Diode Clamped Inverter (DCI) is presented. The obtained modeling shows that modulated multilevel voltages are obtained by combination of eight different three-level functions, which are called modulation functions. Therefore, a space vector scheme without using a Park transform is explained. Based on this algorithm, the location of the reference voltage vector can be easily determined. Then, the voltage vectors are selected to generate corresponding levels and simultaneously their durations are calculated. More over, the redundancies of different switch configurations for the generation of intermediate voltages are used to limit the deviation of capacitor voltages. Simulation results for a five-level three-phase Diode Clamped Inverter are presented to show the good performance of the proposed balancing modulation. |
[60] New Direct Space Vector Modelling and Control of a Five Level Three-Phase Inverters Archive of Electrical Engineering, Vol. LIV, N°. 2, pages. 159-182, 07/2005, Abstract BOUHALI Omar, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno, SAUDEMONT Christophe |
In this paper, a simple direct modulation strategy that enables to copy directly modulated waveforms onto output voltages of a five-level three-phase inverter is presented. The obtained modelling shows that the modulated multilevel voltage is obtained by combination of eight different three-level functions, which are called modulation functions. Therefore, a space vector modulation without using a Park transform is explained. Based on this algorithm, the location of the reference voltage vector can be easily determined. Then, the voltage vectors are selected to generate corresponding levels and simultaneously their durations are calculated.
Simulation results for a three-level and five-level three-phase inverters are presented to verify the performance of the proposed space vector modulation.
[61] A general modelling and control algorithm of a three-phase multilevel diode clamped inverter by means of a direct space vector control European Physical Journal Applied Physics, Vol. 31, pages. 53-62, 04/2005, URL, Abstract BOUHALI Omar, FRANCOIS Bruno, BERKOUK EL Madjid, SAUDEMONT Christophe |
This paper presents a simple and general direct modulation strategy that enables to copy directly modulated waveforms onto output voltages of a multilevel three-phase Diode Clamped Inverter (DCI). A general modelling of this converter is presented. A space vector scheme is developed without using Park transforms. Based on this algorithm, the location of the reference voltage vector is determined and the voltage vectors for the modulation are deduced. Simultaneously, their durations are calculated. The proposed algorithm is general and can be directly applied to a (n+1) levels inverter independently on its topology (Diode Clamped Inverter, Neutral Point Clamped, Flying Capacitor Inverter...). To verify this algorithm, both control algorithms of a 5-level DCI and a 11-level DCI are considered and simulation results are given.
[62] Artificial Neural Network for Real Time Load Flow Calculation : Application to a Micro Grid with Wind Generators Journal of Electrical Systems, N°. 1-3, pages. 1-14, 01/2005 HADJ ABDALLAH H, KRICHEN Lofti, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[63] Control implementation of a five-leg AC-AC converter to supply a three-phase induction machine IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 20, N°. 1, pages. 107-115, 01/2005, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, FRANCOIS Bruno, NIIRANEN Jouko |
A fault tolerant AC-AC converter capable of supplying a three-phase induction machine from the grid with an unitary power factor has been proposed. With one faulted converter leg, two of the remaining five legs are connected to the grid, two legs are connected to the machine and a common leg is shared by the grid and the machine. The previously developed control strategy required a too great computation time for practical implementation. In this paper, a new control strategy is suggested for this power converter. It enables an easier control implementation. Experimental results are provided. |
[64] Solving Harmonics Elimination Problem in Voltage-Controlled Three Phase Inverter using Artificial Neural Networks Journal of Electrical System, Vol. 1, N°. 1, pages. 47-61, 01/2005, URL, Abstract BOUHALI Omar, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno, SAUDEMONT Christophe, LABIOD Salim |
A novel concept of application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for
generating the optimum switching functions for the voltage and harmonic control of DC-to-AC bridge inverters is presented. In many research, the neural network
is trained off line using the desired switching angles given by the classic harmonic elimination strategy to any value of the modulation index. This limits the utilisability and the precision in other modulation index values. In order to avoid this problem, a new training algorithm is developed without using the desired switching angles but it uses the desired solution of the elimination harmonic
equation, i.e. first harmonics are equal to zero. Theoretical analysis of the proposed solving algorithm with neural networks is provided, and simulation results are given to show the high performance and technical advantages of the developed modulator. |
[65] Control Structures for Multi-machine Multi-converter Systems with upstream coupling Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 63, N°. 3-5, pages. 261-270, 11/2003, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, DAVAT Bernard, DE FORNEL Bernard, FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
A multi-machine multi-converter system formalism has been proposed to describe systems composed of several electrical machines and converters. This description points out coupling elements, which have to distribute energy. Control structures have already been proposed for systems with downstream coupling. This paper is focused on control structures for systems with upstream coupling. Several solutions can be found by moving control blocks |
[66] A Torque Estimator for a Switched Reluctance Motor using an Orthogonal Neural Network Electrical Engineering Research Report Journal, N°. 14, pages. 8-14, 12/2002 KESTELYN Xavier, FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
National Journals |
[1] Grid-connected PV system with MPPT control Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, Vol. 62, N°. 1, pages. 357-366, 01/2013 LAZAROV Vladimir, ZARKOV Z., STOYANOV L., KANCHEV Hristiyan, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[2] Grid-connected photovoltaic systems with limited output power control Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, Vol. 63, N°. 1, pages. 341-350, 01/2013 LAZAROV Vladimir, ZARKOV Z., STOYANOV L., KANCHEV Hristiyan, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[3] Modeling of photovoltaic panels for MPPT purposes Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, Vol. 63, N°. 1, pages. 341-350, 01/2013 LAZAROV Vladimir, ZARKOV Z., STOYANOV L., KANCHEV Hristiyan, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[4] Strategies for output power control of photovoltaic systems Elektronika & Elektrotehnika (E+E), Vol. 47, N°. 11-12, pages. 62-72, 06/2012 LAZAROV Vladimir, ZARKOV Z., STOYANOV L., KANCHEV Hristiyan, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[5] Compensation of power fluctuations in PV systems with supercapacitors Elektronika & Elektrotehnika (E+E), Vol. 47, N°. 9-10, pages. 48-55, 02/2012 LAZAROV Vladimir, ZARKOV Z., KANCHEV Hristiyan, STOYANOV L., FRANCOIS Bruno |
[6] Study on possibilities of compensating renewable energy-based generators power fluctuations with supercapacitors Proceedings of the technical University - Sofia, Vol. 61, N°. 2, 11/2011 FRANCOIS Bruno, LAZAROV Vladimir, ZARKOV Z., STOYANOV L., KANCHEV Hristiyan |
[7] Experimental testing of suprecapacitors and evaluation of their parameters Proceedings of the technical University - Sofia, Vol. 61, N°. 2, 11/2011 LAZAROV Vladimir, FRANCOIS Bruno, ZARKOV Z., STOYANOV L., KANCHEV Hristiyan |
[8] Application of supercapacitor energy storage in hybrid systems Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, Vol. 60, N°. 1, 11/2010 LAZAROV Vladimir, FRANCOIS Bruno, KANCHEV Hristiyan, ZARKOV Z., STOYANOV L. |
[9] Construction d’une offre de services du stockage pour les réseaux de distribution dans un contexte réglementaire dérégulé European Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 12, N°. 5-6/2009, pages. 733-762, 12/2009, Abstract DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno, MALARANGE Gilles |
Cet article propose une réflexion sur les services que des unités de stockage d’énergie pourraient apporter à la planification et à l’exploitation des réseaux de distribution, comme le renvoi de tension en poche locale par exemple. En dépit d’intérêts techniques forts, une unique application ne suffit généralement pas à rentabiliser de tels dispositifs, dont le coût demeure élevé. C’est pourquoi, dans les limites des possibilités des technologies disponibles, il est nécessaire de mutualiser un maximum de fonctions auprès de différents acteurs du système électrique de façon à cumuler plusieurs sources de valeur. Pour aider à l’identification d’offres de services envisageables dans ce cadre, une méthode d’étude intégrant la localisation du système de stockage au sein du réseau est introduite. --- This paper deals with the new services that can be provided by distributed energy storage systems to enhance distribution planning and operation, such as intentional islanding. Although energy storage technologies offer interesting features, they still remain capital-intensive and raise cost-competitiveness issues: they usually cannot be made profitable considering only a single revenue stream. That is why it seems necessary to contemplate the possible services of energy storage not only for distribution system operators, but for some other stakeholders of the electricity value chain as well. In the last part, a new approach to the combination of storage benefits is introduced and its use within the framework of this project is briefly discussed. |
[10] Conception de la commande par la Représentation Multi-Niveaux pour une micro turbine à gaz en mode isolés European Journal of Electrical Engineering, Hermès-Lavoisier, Vol. 12, N°. 5-6, pages. 639-668, 12/2009, Abstract LI Peng, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Dans cet article, une représentation par modèles moyens pour les convertisseurs est
utilisée pour concevoir un modèle dynamique d’un générateur basé sur la microturbine pour
un microréseau isolé. Une modélisation spécifique est conçue pour quantifier les variations
énergétiques au sein des éléments de stockage (rotor de la machine, bus continu) et pertes.
On constate que cette modélisation est suffisante pour concevoir le dispositif de commande
de l’ensemble du système de génération, y compris de la microturbine, la machine synchrone
et le convertisseur de fréquence. Le modèle proposé est simulé à l’aide de Matlab-SimulinkTM
en utilisant une microturbine de Capstone C330 en fonctionnement isolé. |
[11] Energy flows management in a hybrid system with renewable energy generators Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, Vol. 59, N°. 2, 11/2009 KANCHEV Hristiyan, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[12] Power sizing and control of a three-level NPC converter for grid connection of wind generators Electromotion, Vol. 16, N°. 1, pages. 38-49, 03/2009 BOUHALI Omar, FRANCOIS Bruno, BERKOUK EL Madjid, SAUDEMONT Christophe |
[13] Technologies d’éolienne de forte puissance connectée au réseau de moyenne tension Revue de lElectricité et de lElectronique,REE,, N°. 5, pages. 65-74, 05/2005, Abstract FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît, DEJAEGER Emmanuel, MINNE Frank |
La conversion d’énergie éolienne en énergie électrique peut être réalisée par divers types de machines. A l’origine, c’était la génératrice asynchrone classique, sans convertisseur électronique de puissance associé, qui était la plus largement répandue. Cependant, l’évolution technologique des convertisseurs a progressivement permis de se tourner vers des dispositifs plus complexes, réalisant, par exemple, une maximisation de la puissance convertie en fonction de la vitesse du vent, ce que n’autorise pas la machine asynchrone à vitesse fixe. Dans cet article, différentes structures d’éoliennes à vitesse variable sont brièvement présentées et l’une d’entre elles, utilisant une Machine Asynchrone à Double Alimentation (MADA), est étudiée plus en détails. Son principe de fonctionnement et ses caractéristiques essentielles sont décrits et illustrés à l’aide d’enregistrements et relevés expérimentaux de longue durée (plusieurs heures) réalisés sur une machine de 1,5 MW. Les différentes zones de fonctionnement – combinaisons de vitesse du vent, vitesse de rotation de la machine et puissance électrique produite - sont clairement mises en évidence ainsi que les principales caractéristiques de réglage. Un modèle mathématique est ensuite proposé, intégrant les divers dispositifs de commande de la génératrice dans ses quatre zones de fonctionnement. Il s’agit d’un modèle continu équivalent, reposant sur la modélisation de la machine dans un référentiel de Park. Les paramètres du modèle sont dérivés des caractéristiques générales du système et des résultats des mesures sur l’éolienne réelle. On montre enfin l’intérêt d’un tel modèle, dans le contexte particulier de l’évaluation des interactions entre l’éolienne et le réseau de distribution MT auquel elle est raccordée (par exemple, les variations du plan de tension ou l’influence sur les mécanismes de protection). |
[14] Structures de commande des Systèmes Multi-machines Multi-convertisseurs Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique, Vol. 6, N°. 3-4, pages. 325-341, 10/2003, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, DAVAT Bernard, ESCANE Pierre, DE FORNEL Bernard, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Un formalisme a été mis en place pour lanalyse de systèmes composés de plusieurs machines électriques et/ou plusieurs convertisseurs statiques. Il permet de mettre en évidence les trois couplages possibles dans les chaînes de conversion électromécanique : couplage électrique, magnétique ou mécanique. Des règles basées sur le principe dinversion permettent de proposer des structures de commande pour de tels systèmes. Des critères de répartition énergétique doivent ainsi être mis en œuvre. Plusieurs exemples d’application très divers montrent l’intérêt de ce formalisme. |
[15] Five-leg-ac-ac power converter : structure, modeling and control 35th Annual meeting of a IEEE Industry Applications Society : IAS'2000, 10/2002 FRANCOIS Bruno, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, NIIRANEN Jouko |
International Conferences and Symposiums |
[1] Impact of the line resistance statistical distribution on a Probabilistic Load Flow computation 6th IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCon). 28 Sept.-1 Oct. 2020. Gammarth, Tunisia, 10/2020, URL, Abstract CODJO Egnonnumi Lorraine, VALLEE François, FRANCOIS Bruno |
The structure of the Low Voltage distribution networks is not always accurately known by the Distribution System Operators, especially with the significant meteorological variations observed in recent years and the growth of decentralized PV production sources. In this paper a probabilistic Load Flow algorithm has been developed for radial Low Voltage network considering the line resistance distribution as an uncertainty depending on the temperature. The single-phase network model is therefore associated to the temperature variation in the network deployment area. The Load demand and the PV production generally used in classical Load Flow calculation are computed using Smart Meter data with a quarter of an hour resolution time. Both power values are considered to be time varying. Either the resistance value or the network to client exchanged power are randomly selected at each iteration using a Monte Carlo method. Both annual and seasonal dependencies of the line resistance have been implemented in the developed Probabilistic Load Flow. The simulation results have shown that integrating the resistance distribution in a seasonal probabilistic tool can impact the collected reliability indices up to 10.4% depending on the season. In a context of upgrading the Low Voltage electrical network knowledge by the Distribution System Operator, and with an accordance to the requirements of the EN50160 standard, this tool can be presented as an efficient algorithm for quantifying the impact of the line resistance statistical distribution on a Probabilistic Load Flow computation. |
[2] Impact of grid-forming control on the internal energy of a modular multi-level converter EPE2020, 09/2020, Abstract ZHANG Haibo, ROKROK Ebrahim, QORIA Taoufik, BRUYERE Antoine, FRANCOIS Bruno, BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This paper presents a comparative analysis of the dynamic behavior of a Modular Multi-level Converter (MMC) with grid-forming control either with or without controlling the MMC internal energy. It has been demonstrated that the internal energy of the MMC in low-level control interacts with the high-level control, which is performed by a grid-forming scheme. In case of controlling the internal energy of the MMC, this interaction is mitigated. Moreover, it has been shown that the dynamic behavior of a grid-forming controlled MMC with internal energy control is identical to an equivalent 2-level Voltage Source Converter (VSC). |
[3] Safety Isolating Transformer Design using HyDE-DF algorithm 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 09/2020, Abstract SOARES Joao, LEZAMA Fernando, VALE Zita, BRISSET Stéphane, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This paper presents an application of Evolutionary Computation (EC) to the benchmark of the safety isolating transformer problem. The benchmark adopts multidisciplinary optimization strategies, namely the multidisciplinary feasible (MDF) and the individual discipline feasible (IDF) formulations. The benchmark meets the requirements of engineers and scientists working with machine design problem, such as in the first part of the design process that is the choice of structure and materials. The EC methods employed in this paper are based on Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), namely two variants of Differential Evolution (DE), two variants of Hybrid Adaptive DE (HyDE) and the Vortex Search (VS). The results showed in this paper suggest that EA methods are competitive with the classical optimization method, the sequential quadratic programming (SQP). Among the developed EAs, HyDE-DF is able to obtain better values than SQP on a significant battery of trials. |
[4] Day-Ahead Generation Planning and Power Reserve Allocation with Flexible Storage Strategy International Conference on Electricity Distribution CIRED 2020, 22-23 September 2020, Berlin, 09/2020, Abstract WEN Xin, ABBES Dhaker, FRANCOIS Bruno |
High levels of renewable generation incorporation increase the flexibility requirements of the electrical system in response to fast and large variations in load and renewable energy output. Advanced power system operational methods and algorithm are required to schedule the generating units with more reliability and efficiency. In order to deal with uncertainties in generation planning of an urban microgrid, this paper presents a storage control strategy for reserve provision in a multi-objective scenario-based stochastic optimization algorithm. Power reserve allocation is optimized while uncertainties from renewable energy and load demand are taken into account. Results confirm that the presented algorithm ensures that storage-hybridized RESs contributes to the primary source of reserve capacity, and the performance in terms of security level are highlighted. |
[5] Comparative study of tow control techniques of regenerative braking power recovering inverter-based DC railway substation EPE'20 ECCE Europe conference,7-11 September 2020, Lyon, France, 09/2020, Abstract KRAIEM Youssef, ALMAKSOUR Khaled, FRANCOIS Bruno, LETROUVE Tony, SAUDEMONT Christophe, CARON Hervé, ROBYNS Benoît |
This work is focalized on the topical issue of improving the energy efficiency of train in braking mode. The improvement is explored by integration and control of a reversible inverter in a DC power substation to inject the braking power from the DC side to the AC power grid. This solution makes the substation reversible. The objective of this study is to investigate a control strategy by adjustment of the DC voltage for the inverter in order to recover the maximum of electric braking energy by keeping the DC voltage of the substation stable with a reference value. A comparative study of simulation results of the suggested control scheme with a droop control technique for the railway substation “Massena” in Paris is presented. |
[6] Analysis of Low-Voltage Network Sensitivity to Voltage Variations Due to the Insulation Wear 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). 1-4 Sept. 2020. Turin, Italy., 09/2020, URL, Abstract CODJO Egnonnumi Lorraine, BAKHSHIDEH ZAD Bashir, VALLEE François, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Voltage variations that occur in the Low Voltage (LV) distribution networks are caused by different factors such as the load demand changes, intermittent powers of photovoltaic (PV) generation, the phenomena related to the operating environment of the network and their influence on the physical structure of the network, network faults, etc. The voltage variations can have important adverse impacts on the connected equipment. This paper aims to analyze the electrical conductance variation of the cable insulation, due to the degradation of the insulating material, and its impact on the nodal voltages. To this end, a probabilistic framework is proposed based on the Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and load flow calculations. The MC simulations are used here in order to characterize the insulation degradation of lines through scenarios and to model the resistance variation of lines. Considering the load demand and photovoltaic generation in a single-phase network as well as line the impedance data, in different degradation conditions, load flow calculations are conducted in order to calculate the nodal voltages. Simulation results reveal voltage drops over 50% depending on the position, number and degree of the cable insulation degradation as well as on the network working conditions. This result offers promising perspectives for the detection of cable degradations by use of Smart Meter (SM) voltage measurements. |
[7] Classification of Droop-Based Grid-Forming Control Schemes: Application in Forced Commutated Converter-Based HVDC Systems PSCC 2020, 06/2020 ROKROK Ebrahim, QORIA Taoufik, BRUYERE Antoine, FRANCOIS Bruno, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[8] Effect of Using PLL-Based Grid-Forming Control on Active Power Dynamics Under Various SCR IECON'2019-IEEE, 10/2019, Abstract ROKROK Ebrahim, QORIA Taoufik, BRUYERE Antoine, FRANCOIS Bruno, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This paper investigates the effect of using phaselocked loop (PLL) on the performance of a grid-forming
controlled converter. Usually, a grid-forming controlled
converter operates without dedicated PLL. It is shown that in
this case, the active power dominant dynamics are highly
dependent to the grid short circuit ratio (SCR). In case of using
PLL, the obtained results illustrate that the SCR has a negligible
effect on the dynamic behavior of the system. Moreover, the
power converter will not participate to the frequency regulation
anymore; therefore, the converter response time can be adjusted
independently to the choice of the droop control gain, which is
not possible without PLL. A simple equivalent model is
presented which gives a physical explanation of these features. |
[9] On the Black Start of Offshore Wind Power Plants with Diode Rectifier based HVDC Transmission Proceeding of EPE'19 ECCE Europe, 2-6 Sept. 2019 , Genova, Italy, 09/2019, URL, Abstract RAMACHANDRAN Ragavendran, POULLAIN Serge, BENCHAIB Abdelkrim, BACHA Seddik, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This paper attempts a detailed comparison of some of the solutions for the black start of the Offshore Wind Power Plants with Diode Rectifier based HVDC transmission. The major challenges and control requirements to ensure the black start operation are explained following a brief review of the existing capabilities of wind generators. The various solutions surveyed as part of the study are presented along with a detailed comparison. Moreover, a case study is simulated, supported by calculations to highlight the power requirements of the offshore grid during black start, enabling further assessment of the black start solutions discussed. |
[10] Impact of Photovoltaic Power Uncertainties on Generation Scheduling and Cost of an Urban Micro Grid 13th international conference of IMACS TC1 Committee (ELECTRIMACS). 20-23 mai 2019. Salerne, Italie, 05/2019, Abstract WEN Xin, ABBES Dhaker, FRANCOIS Bruno |
In electrical systems, the main objective is to ensure that users demand is met at the least cost without having imbalance between generation and consumption. Thus, the uncertainty of photovoltaic (PV) power production must be considered in generation planning. In this paper, the optimal generation scheduling including the operating reserve (OR) provision are developed under stochastic characteristics of PV renewable energy in an urban microgrid. With a prescribed risk level of unbalancing, a dynamic programming (DP) algorithm sets the operational planning of conventional generators. Then, the operational cost and available operating reserve can be calculated. The effect of PV power uncertainty into UC is then analyzed by considering forecast intervals of PV forecasting. The proposed methods consider PV prediction uncertainties with a 95% confidence level. The unit commitment is then recalculated as well as new generator set points with same criteria. Hence, variations of the targeted minimized costs and obtained OR is analysed according to the considered uncertainty. |
[11] Energy Control of Modular Multilevel Converter in MTDC Grids for Wind Power Integration 17th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power PlantsAt: Stockholm, Sweden, October 2018, 10/2018, URL, Abstract SHINODA Kosei, RAMACHANDRAN Ragavendran, BENCHAIB Abdelkrim, DAI Jing, FRANCOIS Bruno, GUILLAUD Xavier, BACHA Seddik |
The role of Modular Multilevel Converters (MMCs) in HVDC grid greatly differs depending on whether it is an offshore or an onshore station. From the common point in their control schemes, an unexploited ability of the MMC—the controllability of the internally stored energy—is identified in both offshore and onshore applications. The virtual capacitor control, previously proposed by the authors, makes use of this degree of freedom to provide energy contribution to the DC grid. The impact of this control is demonstrated by time-domain simulations of a five-terminal HVDC grid. |
[12] AC Grid Forming by Coordinated Control of Offshore Wind Farm connected to Diode Rectifier based HVDC Link – Review and Assessment of Solutions Proceeding of EPE'18 ECCE Europe, 17-21 Sept. 2018 , Riga, Latvia, 09/2018, URL, Abstract RAMACHANDRAN Ragavendran, POULLAIN Serge, BENCHAIB Abdelkrim, BACHA Seddik, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Diode Rectifier (DR) based HVDC transmission can significantly reduce system costs and foot print
of an HVDC power station for Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs), but the control of the offshore AC grid
becomes challenging. The replacement of the offshore Voltage Source Converter (VSC) by a passive
DR leads to major research questions pertaining to the control of the offshore AC grid. To achieve the
wind farm operation and seamless power extraction, many grid forming solutions have been devised.
This paper reviews a few of the major control solutions for AC grid forming and operation of DR-HVDC based OWFs, following which a comparison is made between them. Then two of these solutions are implemented in a study case electrical architecture. By using the simulation results and further analyses, the approaches adopted by these two solutions are elaborated further and the various challenges regarding the operation and control of the DR-HVDC based OWF are highlighted. |
[13] Dynamic Modelling of Braking Energy Recovered Using a Bi-Directional Power Station on DC Railway Electrical Network IEEE 18th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (PEMC), Budapest, Hungary, 26-30 August 2018, pages. 109-114, 08/2018 KOUASSI Laura, NAVARRO Nicolas, LETROUVE Tony, CARON Hervé, SAUDEMONT Christophe, FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît |
[14] MANAGEMENT OF DISTRIBUTED OPERATING POWER RESERVE IN AN URBAN MICROGRID BEYOND DSO RISK DECISION International Conference on Electricity Distribution CIRED 2018, 7-8 June 2018,Lubjana, Slovenia, 06/2018, Abstract YAN Xingyu, WEN Xin, FRANCOIS Bruno, ABBES Dhaker |
Electrical system operators and automatic controllers use Operating Reserve (OR) power to mitigate the unexpected imbalance between power supply and load demand. This backup power should be carefully sized and dispatched to reduce operation costs while keeping a satisfying security level. With the integration of small sized intermittent renewable generators in distribution networks, the allocation of OR where they are connected is interesting in order to compensate directly these uncertainty sources and maintain the security and reliability. In this paper, we consider the provision of OR directly by distributed PV generators combined with energy storage systems. For an urban microgrid, comparisons are given with the OR provision by a micro gas turbine. A method for dynamic joint dispatching of OR power on both generator types is presented and tested. Results show new insights in the possibilities of OR dispatching with renewable energy sources. |
[15] Interest of storage based STATCOM systems to the power quality enhancement of thyristors based LCC HVDC links for offshore wind farm IEEE ICIT 2018, Conférence, february 20-22, 2018, Lyon, France, 02/2018, Abstract HAMLAOUI Heythem, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This paper defines a three level 48 pulse STATCOM based on GTO-VSC which is used to support the integration of remote large offshore wind farms into the main onshore grid using line-commutated high-voltage dc connection (LCC-HVDC). This mature transmission technology requires a large quantity of reactive power. In order to enhance the dynamic performance of the LCC-HVDC connected to a weak system, this work presents STATCOM applications to improve the power quality and to avoid commutation failures. Simulation results show that HVDC LCC technology connected to a weak system needs extra reactive power compensation. It confirms the STATCOM performance and its dynamic and fast reactive power compensation during voltage fault conditions. Finally, the sizing of the STATCOM dc capacitor is studied. |
[16] Valuation of harnessing flexibility from decentralized water electrolysis systems for the DSO CIRED, June 14-15, 2017, Glasgow, UK, 12/2017 STRANG Karl Axel, DELAGE Marion, LANOIX Jean-Christophe, NEAVE Joel, BARTH Frederic, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[17] Regenerative braking demonstrator in DC railway network in perspective of railway smart grid International Railway Symposium Aachen, 11/2017, Abstract KOUASSI Laura, NAVARRO Nicolas, GAZAIGNES Guillaume, TAUNAY Lionel, SAUDEMONT Christophe, FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît |
The regenerative braking is an efficient way to save energy in DC railway power networks. SNCF led some investigations on the regenerative braking covered by a DC substation called Massena. These investigations point out that up to 36% of the power generated during braking was burnt in mechanical brakes. To stop this waste, SNCF decided to set up a reversible power electronic converter on Massena DC substation in order to flow the regenerative electricity for other possible use. To estimate roughly the possible energetic savings with this new inverter, simulations of the electrical railway network with the inverter modeled as a storage system were made. They show that the power sent to the reversible converter can reach up to 2.2 MW and 1.5 GWh of annual energetic saving.
Also, the introduction of the controllable converter has initiated a new possibility in the future development of the railway network: its conversion into a railway smart grid. The architectures for this new option were established by considering the adding of new stakeholders especially renewable energy generation and storage systems. |
[18] Suitable Power Control based on Type-2 Fuzzy Logic for Wind-Turbine DFIG Under Hypo-Synchronous Mode Fed by Multi-Level Converter 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering – Boumerdes (ICEE-B) October 29-31, 2017, Boumerdes, Algeria., 10/2017 AMRANE Fayssal, CHAIBA Azeddine, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[19] A Novel Input-Output Decoupling Control based on MRAC strategy in Variable Speed DFIG for WECS Fed by NPC Converter 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering – Boumerdes (ICEE-B) October 29-31, 2017, Boumerdes, Algeria, 10/2017 AMRANE Fayssal, CHAIBA Azeddine, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[20] Probabilistic approach to evaluate the cost and constraints of the renewable production curtailment in MV network IFAC 2017 World Congress, 2017, July 9-14, Toulouse, France, 07/2017 DO Minh Thang, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[21] Experimental Design of Stand-alone Field Oriented Control for WECS in Variable Speed DFIG-based on Hysteresis Current Controller ELMA June 1-3, 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, 06/2017 AMRANE Fayssal, CHAIBA Azeddine, BABES Badreddine, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[22] Sensitivity analysis of the CIGRE distribution network benchmark according to the large scale connection of renewable energy generators IEEE Powertech Conference, June 18-22, 2017, Manchester, UK, 06/2017 DO Minh Thang, BRUYERE Antoine, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[23] AC Offshore Grid Forming of a Collector Network for Wind Park by Considering Storage and Hybrid Power Electronic Systems Conférence Internationale en Sciences et Technologies Electriques au Maghreb : CISTEM 2016, Marrakech, November 2016, Marroco, 11/2016 KOUASSI Laura, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[24] Practical determination of HVAC - HVDC Hybridization ratio for Offshore Transmission network Architectures through technico-economic considerations IFAC Workshop on Control of Transmission and Distribution Smart Grids: CTDSG’16, 11 – 13 october 2016, Prague, Czech republic, 10/2016 ROSES A. P., FRANCOIS Bruno |
[25] Technical and economic assessment tool for offshore wind generation connection scheme: Application to comparing 33 kV and 66 kV AC collector grids EPE'16 ECCE Europe, 09/2016, URL, Abstract GASNIER Swann, FRANCOIS Bruno, DEBUSSCHERE Vincent, POULLAIN Serge |
The paper presents a tool for technical and economic assessment of offshore wind power connecting architectures; they highly influence cost effectiveness of offshore wind generation, particularly when power electronic converter based transmission technologies and long distance transmission cables are employed. Due to its models flexibility and accuracy, the developed tool is powerful for analysis and design of innovative connection alternatives. |
[26] Day-ahead Optimal Operational and Reserve Power Dispatching in a PV based Urban Microgrid EPE 2016, 09/2016 YAN Xingyu, FRANCOIS Bruno, ABBES Dhaker, BEVRANI Hassan |
[27] Linear programming based optimization tool for day ahead energy management of a lithium-ion battery for an industrial microgrid, PEMC 2016, Varna, Bulgaria, 09/2016 FEDJAEV J., AMAMRA Sid-Ali, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[28] Control design and Day-Ahead Supervision of a Distributed Energy Storage Systems PEMC 2016, Varna, Bulgaria, 09/2016 AMAMRA Sid-Ali, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[29] Enhancing the business model of distributed storage through optimized multi-service operation for TSO, DSO and generation owners: the VENTEEA real example CIRED Workshop - Helsinki 14-15 June 2016, Paper 0375, 06/2016 COLIN Didier, DELILLE Gauthier, LUGARO Jesus, PINNA Jean-Claude, CATON Christophe, FRANCOIS Bruno, MARTIN Giannino |
[30] Compensation of wind power fluctuations in an autonomous hybrid system comprising a wind generator and micro gas turbines, ELMA 2015, Varna, Bulgaria, October 2015, 10/2015 KANCHEV Hristiyan, FRANCOIS Bruno, ZARKOV Z., STOYANOV L., LAZAROV Vladimir |
[31] Operating power reserve quantification through PV generation uncertainty analysis of a microgrid PowerTech, IEEE Eindhoven, pages. 1 - 6, 07/2015, URL, Abstract YAN Xingyu, FRANCOIS Bruno, ABBES Dhaker |
Due to renewable energy sources (RES) variable nature and their wide integration into power systems, setting an adequate operating power reserve is important to compensate unpredictable imbalance between generation and consumption. However, this power reserve should be ideally minimized to reduce system cost with a satisfying security level. Although many forecasting methodologies have been developed for forecasting energy generation and load demand, management tools for decision making of operating reserve are still needed. This paper deals with power reserve quantification through uncertainty analysis with a photovoltaic (PV) generator. Indeed, using an artificial neural network based predictor (ANNs), PV power and load have been forecasted 24 hours ahead, and also forecasting errors have been predicted. Through forecasting uncertainty analysis, the power reserve quantification is calculated according to various risk indexes. |
[32] Hybrid Dynamic Classifier for Multiple Drift-like Fault Diagnosis in Wind Turbine Pitch Sensors International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems, Douai, France, IEEE, 2015, 07/2015 TOUBAKH Houari, SAYED-MOUCHAWEH Moamar, FLOREZ Diana, GIRARD Nicolas, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[33] The Informational Approach to Global Optimization in presence of very noisy evaluation results: Application to the optimization of renewable energy integration strategies 47ème Journées de Statistique de la SFdS (JDS), article 199, juin 2015., 06/2015 DUTRIEUX Héloïse, ALEKSOVSKA I., BECT Julien, DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[34] The VENTEEA 2MW/1.3MWH Battery System: An Industrial Pilot to Demonstrate Multi-Service Operation of Storage in Distribution Grids 23rd International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2015, Lyon, 15-18 June 2015, 06/2015 COLIN Didier, LUGARO Jesus, PINNA Jean-Claude, DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno, CATON Christophe, MARTIN Giannino |
[35] Day-ahead Primary Power Reserve Planning and Day-D Primary Frequency Control of a Li-Ion Battery IEEE POWERTECH 2015, Eindhoven, 29th June - 2nd July, 06/2015 AMAMRA Sid-Ali, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[36] Assessing the impacts of distribution-planning rules on the integration of renewable energy sources, IEEE POWERTECH 2015, Eindhoven, 29th June - 2nd July, 06/2015 DUTRIEUX Héloïse, DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[37] Solar radiation forecasting using artificial neural network for local power reserve International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM), pages. 1 - 6, 11/2014, URL, Abstract YAN Xingyu, ABBES Dhaker, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Renewable energy sources have a variable nature and are greatly depending on weather conditions. The load is also uncertain. Hence, it is necessary to use power reserve equipment to compensate unforeseen imbalances between production and load. However, this power reserve must be ideally minimized in order to reduce the system cost with a satisfying security level. The quantification of power reserve could be calculated through analysis of forecasting uncertainty errors of both generation and load. Therefore, in this paper, a back propagation artificial neural network approaches is derived to forecast solar radiations. Predictions have been analyzed according to weather classification. Some error indexes have been introduced to evaluate forecasting models performances and calculate the prediction accuracy. Forecasting results can be used for decision making of power reserve for renewable energy sources system with some probability or possibility methods. |
[38] Quantification of operating power reserve through uncertainty analysis of a microgrid operating with wind generation Conférence Internationale en Sciences et Technologies Electriques au Maghreb : CISTEM 2014, 3-6 Novembre 2014, Tunis, Tunisie, 11/2014 BUZAU Madalina-Mihaela, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[39] Réduction des émissions et optimisation économique d’un microréseau urbain comprenant des générateurs PV actifs Colloque franco-marocain sur les Energies Nouvelles et Renouvelables (COFMER'01), 28-30 octobre 2014, Rabat, Maroc, 10/2014 FRANCOIS Bruno |
[40] Fault Diagnosis Methods for Wind Turbines Health Monitoring: a Review EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF THE PROGNOSTICS AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT SOCIETY, Nantes, 8-10 july 2014, 07/2014 ABICHOU Bouthaina, FLOREZ Diana, SAYED-MOUCHAWEH Moamar, TOUBAKH Houari, FRANCOIS Bruno, GIRARD Nicolas |
[41] Selective Harmonic Elimination of Six-Level Inverter Using PHM Technique ELECTRIMACS 2014, Valence, Spain, 20-22 Mai 2014., 05/2014 AMAMRA Sid-Ali, MEGHRICHE Meghriche, CHERIFI Abderrezzak, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[42] Modeling and Control of the Three-Phase NPC Multilevel Converter using an Equivalent Matrix Structure 7th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, 04/2014 BOUHALI Omar, RIZOUG Nassim, MESBAHI Tedjani, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[43] Power Hardware In the Loop Simulation Of Wind Farm Contribution To Grid Frequency Control EPE, September 2013, Lille, France, 09/2013 ANDRIAMALALA R.N, WANG Ye, GUILLAUD Xavier, COLAS Frédéric, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[44] Analysis of Mixed-Eccentric Induction Machine. SDEMPED 2013, August 27-30, 2013, Valencia, Spain, pp. 196-203, 08/2013 ANDRIAMALALA R.N, RAZIK H, SARGOS François-Michel, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[45] Experimental Assessment Of the Wind Turbine Contribution to the Primary Frequency Control in an Isolated Power system IEEE PES International Conference POWERTECH 2013, Grenoble, 16-20 juin 2013, 06/2013 ANDRIAMALALA R.N, YANG Ye, COLAS Frédéric, FRANCOIS Bruno, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[46] An Energy Supervision for Distributed Storage Systems to Optimize the Provision of Multiple Services IEEE PES International Conference POWERTECH 2013, 16-20 June 2013, Grenoble, France, 06/2013 DUTRIEUX Héloïse, DELILLE Gauthier, MALARANGE Gilles, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[47] Storage Systems and Smart Grid concepts, Solutions for Targeting a large Scale Development of PV Generators ? ENERSOL, 11/2012 FRANCOIS Bruno |
[48] Operational planning and optimization for fuel consumption minimization of a microgrid comprising PV-based active generators Power Plant and Power System Control Symposium 2012 (PPPSC 2012), Toulouse, France, 09/2012 KANCHEV Hristiyan, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[49] Environmental and economical optimization of microgrid long term operational planning including PV-based active generators EPE-PEMC 2012, Novi Sad, Serbie, 09/2012 KANCHEV Hristiyan, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[50] Environmental and economical optimization of
microgrid long term operational planning
including PV-based active generators 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe, Novi Sad, Serbia, 4-6 septembre 2012, 09/2012 KANCHEV Hristiyan, LAZAROV Vladimir, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[51] Algorithm for operational planning and emissions reduction of a microgrid comrising gas turbines and PV-basedactive generators Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT Europe), IEEE PES, Manchester, UK, 5-7 December, 2011, 12/2011 KANCHEV Hristiyan, LU Di, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[52] Algorithm for operational planning and emissions reduction of a microgrid comprising gas turbines and PV-based active generators IEEE ISGT, Manchester, 5-7 December 2011, 12/2011 FRANCOIS Bruno, KANCHEV Hristiyan, LAZAROV Vladimir |
[53] Unit commitment by dynamic programming for microgrid operational planning optimization and emission reduction ACEMP & Electromotion 2011 joint conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-10 September 2011, 09/2011 KANCHEV Hristiyan, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[54] Enhanced design of a deloaded wind turbine controller for frequency regulation participation Workshop on Large-scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission, 18-19 October 2010, Quebec city, Canada, 10/2010 WANG Ye, GUILLAUD Xavier, DUVAL Jérôme, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[55] Smart monitoring of a microgrid including gas turbines and a dispatched PV-based active generator for energy management and emissions reduction IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, October 11-13, 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden, 10/2010 LU Di, KANCHEV Hristiyan, FRANCOIS Bruno, LAZAROV Vladimir |
[56] Dynamic Frequency Control Support: a Virtual Inertia Provided by Distributed Energy Storage to Isolated Power Systems IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, October 11-13, 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden, 10/2010, Abstract DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno, MALARANGE Gilles |
In electrical islands, frequency excursions are sizeable and automatic load shedding is often required in response to disturbances. By injecting power in the timeframe of hundreds of milliseconds up to seconds after the loss of a generating unit, fast-acting storage can support the conventional production assets during the activation of their primary reserve. Using dynamic and real-time simulations, the provision of such a dynamic frequency control support by distributed energy storage systems has been studied in the case of the French island of Guadeloupe. Dedicated control algorithms have been developed and tested on a small-scale ultracapacitor storage unit. By acting as a virtual inertia, it has been shown that fast storage systems can improve substantially the dynamic performances of electrical islands. |
[57] Real-time simulation: the missing link in the design process of advanced grid equipment IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2010, Minneapolis, USA, 25-29 July 2010, 07/2010, Abstract WANG Ye, DELILLE Gauthier, GUILLAUD Xavier, COLAS Frédéric, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This paper describes a design process of advanced grid equipment including both dynamic simulations and power-hardware-in-the-loop. A case study concerning the insertion of an energy storage system in a large isolated grid is used as an illustrative example. First, the methodology developed to achieve a real-time simulation of the studied grid from its original dynamic model is presented. The real-time platform used within the framework of this project is based on the RT-LAB environment and is interfaced with real ultracapacitors through a power amplifier. Some experimental results are analyzed in the final part. The advantages of this methodology including power-hardware-in-the-loop are emphasized by illustrating its contribution to dynamic model validation and the obtained improvement in control system performances. |
[58] Reconfiguration of control strategies for high power DFIG wind turbine system to meet grid code requirements The Eighth International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems : PEDS 2009, November 2-5, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, 11/2009 PENG Ling, LI Y, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[59] Low voltage ride-through of high power DFIG wind turbine using three-level NPC converters 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society: IECON 2009, Porto, Portugal, 03-05 November 2009, 11/2009 PENG Ling, FRANCOIS Bruno, LI Y |
[60] Power Management Strategies of a DC-Coupled Hybrid Power System for Microgrid Operations 13th International European Power Electronics Conference and Exhibition (EPE2009) , accepted, Barcelona, Spain, 09/2009 ZHOU Tao, LI Peng, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[61] Local supervisory algorithm for reactive power dispatching in a wind farm 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications: EPE’2009, Barcelona, Spain, september 2009, 09/2009 GHENNAM Tarak, FRANCOIS Bruno, BERKOUK EL Madjid |
[62] A Modified Vector Control Strategy for DFIG Based Wind Turbines to Ride-Through Voltage Dips 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications: EPE’2009, Barcelona, Spain, september 2009, 09/2009 PENG Ling, COLAS Frédéric, FRANCOIS Bruno, LI Y |
[63] Strategic framework of an energy supervision of a microgrid with a PV-based active generator 8th International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems : ELECTROMOTION 2009, 1-3 July 2009, Lille, France, 07/2009 LU Di, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[64] Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Grids: New Assets to Upgrade Distribution Networks Abilities 20ème Conférence Internationale des Réseaux Électriques de Distribution (CIRED 2009), 06/2009, URL, Abstract DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno, MALARANGE Gilles, FRAISSE Jean-Luc |
This paper deals with distributed energy storage systems and reviews the services such devices can provide to the stakeholders of the electricity value chain. The combination of these applications to increase the overall value of energy storage is then studied using a new method. |
[65] Improved Crowbar Control Strategy for DFIG Based Wind Turbines to Ride-through Grid Faults 12th International Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems : APEC 2009, Washington, USA, 03/2009 PENG Ling, FRANCOIS Bruno, LI Y |
[66] A Review on Existing Modeling Methodologies for PEM Fuel Cell Systems FDFC’08, 2008, Nancy, France., 12/2008 HISSEL Daniel, TURPIN Christophe, BOULON Loïc, BOUSCAYROL Alain, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[67] A Review of Some Technical and Economic Features of Energy Storage Technologies for Distribution System Integration International Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Systems : ELMA’08 Sofia, Bulgarie Octobre, 16-18, 2008, Vol. 1, pages. 67-72, 10/2008, Abstract DELILLE Gauthier, FRANCOIS Bruno |
This paper deals with the results of a study aiming to assess the suitability of various energy storage technologies for medium-term (2015) integration into distribution systems. Based on a review of many scientific and industrial materials, and by taking into account a few hypotheses, a shortlist of some properties to consider was first identified and defined. More than twenty storage techniques were then studied and nine of them were found to be particularly suited. An up-to-date overview of their performances is given at the end of the article. |
[68] Performance comparison of different wind generator based hybrid systems 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC 2008, Poznan, 1-3 septembre 2008, 09/2008 COURTECUISSE Vincent, ROBYNS Benoît, PETIT Marc, FRANCOIS Bruno, DEUSE Jacques |
[69] Design of a power management system for a PV station including various
storage technologies 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, (EPE-PEMC 2008), Poznan, Poland, 09/2008 LU Di, ZHOU Tao, FAKHAM Hicham, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[70] Power flow control in different time scales for a hybrid power system based
on wind generator, hydrogen and super-capacitors 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, (EPE-PEMC 2008), Poznan, Poland, 09/2008 ZHOU Tao, LU Di, FAKHAM Hicham, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[71] Methodology to build fuzzy logic based supervision of hybrid renewable energy systems 9th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems, ELECTRIMACS 2008, 9-11 juin 2008, Québec, 06/2008 COURTECUISSE Vincent, ROBYNS Benoît, PETIT Marc, FRANCOIS Bruno, DEUSE Jacques |
[72] Implementation of interactivity across a resilient microgrid for power supply and exchange with an active distribution network CIRED08 Smart Grids Seminar, Francfort, 23-24 juin 2008, 06/2008 LI Peng, DEGOBERT Philippe, ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[73] Multi-level representation for control design of a super capacitor storage system for a microgrid connected application ICREPQ08, Santander, 12-14 mars 2008, 03/2008 LI Peng, FRANCOIS Bruno, DEGOBERT Philippe, ROBYNS Benoît |
[74] Centralized supervision of reactive power generation for wind farm 12th Conference EPE 2007, Aalborg, 2 – 5 septembre 2007, 09/2007 BEUGNIEZ Aurélien, GHENNAM Tarak, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît |
[75] Association of wind turbine based dispersed generators and storage systems to participate in primary frequency control 12th Conference EPE 2007, Aalborg, 2 – 5 septembre 2007, 09/2007 COURTECUISSE Vincent, EL MOKADEM Mostafa, ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, PETIT Marc |
[76] Power Control Strategy of a Photovoltaic Power Plant for Microgrid Applications ISES Solar World Congress 2007 (SWC2007), Beijing, China, September 18-21, 2007, 09/2007 LI Peng, FRANCOIS Bruno, DEGOBERT Philippe, ROBYNS Benoît |
[77] A dc-link voltage balancing algorithm using a new space-vector hysteresis current control for three-level VSI applied for wind power conversion 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’2007, Aalborg, 09/2007 GHENNAM Tarak, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[78] Control system and power management for a PV based generation unit including storage units 7h International Symposium on Advanced ELECTROMECHANICAL MOTION SYSTEMS, ELECTROMOTION 2007, Bodrun, Turquie, 09/2007 FAKHAM F, FRANCOIS Bruno, DEGOBERT Philippe |
[79] Dynamically electrical modelling of electrolyzer and hydrogen production regulation Proceedings International Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition, IHEC 2007, Istanbul, 13-15 juillet, 07/2007 LEBBAL Mohamed, ZHAO T, FRANCOIS Bruno, LECOEUCHE Stephane |
[80] Dynamically electrical modelling of electrolyser and hydrogen production regulation The 2nd International Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition (IHEC 2007), Istanbul, Turkey, 07/2007 LABBAL Mohamed, ZHOU Tao, LECOEUCHE Stephane, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[81] Modelling and Control Design of Hydrogen Production Process by Using a Causal Ordering Graph for Wind Energy Conversion System IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2007), Vigo, Spain, 06/2007 ZHOU Tao, FRANCOIS Bruno, LEBBAL Mohamed, LECOEUCHE Stephane |
[82] Fuzzy logic based primary frequency control of variable speed wind generators International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, POWERENG07, Setubal, Portugal, 12-14 avril 2007, 04/2007 COURTECUISSE Vincent, ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, PLUMEL Sophie, DEUSE Jacques |
[83] A new space-vector based hysteresis current control applied on three-level inverter to control active and reactive powers of wind generator International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives : POWERENG 07, 04/2007 GHENNAM Tarak, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno, ALIOUANE K |
[84] New Space-vector hysteresis current control with neutral point voltage balancing applied on three-level VSI for wind power conversion International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, ICREPQ07, Séville, 27-30 mars 2007, 03/2007 GHENNAM Tarak, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno, ALIOUANE K, MEROUANI K |
[85] Practical power control design of a FESS and a WECS with a NPC multilevel inverter for grid connection 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON’2006, Paris, 11/2006 BOUHALI Omar, FRANCOIS Bruno, SAUDEMONT Christophe, BARRE Olivier, BERKOUK EL Madjid |
[86] Analog-to-digital converter architectures for digital controller
of high-frequency power converters
The 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’06), Paris, France, 11/2006 ZHOU Tao, XU Jianping, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[87] Capacity of a variable wind speed turbine to participate in primary frequency control Sixth international workshop on large-scale integration of wind power and transmission networks for offshore wind farms, Delft, 10/2006, Abstract COURTECUISSE Vincent, ROBYNS Benoît, PLUMEL Sophie, FRANCOIS Bruno, DEUSE Jacques |
To maintain a power reserve to contribute to the primary frequency control with a variable speed wind generator, two control strategies are proposed in this paper: a torque control strategy and a fuzzy logic based multivariable control strategy. The first and most simple strategy allows to maintain a regular reserve only when the WTG works at full load and needs the determination of a power reference value a priori or by the network manager. The second control strategy allows to overcome these limits without any wind speed measurement. The main result of this paper is to shown that it is possible to maintain a regular reserve whatever the wind speed. This reserve is still more regular when considering a wind farm owing to the wind speed dispersion. The performance of the proposed primary frequency control strategies is shown with the help of simulations by considering a wind farm including three wind generators. |
[88] Modeling and Control of a Micro Gas Turbine Generator by Using Causal Ordering Graph Computational Engineering in Systems : CESA 2006, 10/2006 FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît, DEGOBERT Philippe, LI Peng |
[89] Modeling and Control of a Power Electronic Cascade for the Multi DC Bus Supply of a Seven-Level NPC Voltage Source Inverter 12th International POWER ELECTRONICS and MOTION CONTROL Conference, EPE-PEMC, Portoroz, Slovénie, 09/2006 TALHA A, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno, BOUCHERIT M.S |
[90] Feedback Control of a three-Level PWM rectifier: Application to the Stabilisation of the DC Voltages of a Multilevel Inverter 12th International POWER ELECTRONICS and MOTION CONTROL Conference, EPE-PEMC, Portoroz, Slovénie, 09/2006 BOUCHAFAA F, BERKOUK EL Madjid, BOUCHERIT M.S, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[91] Reduction of fast fluctuations of power in a microgrid with super capacitors ESCAP 2006, Lausanne, 06/2006 DEGOBERT Philippe, KREUAWAN Sangkla, LI Peng, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[92] Feedback loop control strategies with a resonant controller for ac voltage control of a grid-connected decentralized generator EPE05, September 11 -14, 2005, Dresden, 09/2005, Abstract FRANCOIS Bruno, SAUDEMONT Christophe, ROBYNS Benoît |
The supply of ancillary services is now a new challenge to boost the development of Distributed Generators (DG). This paper investigates the suitability of various strategies for the AC voltage control of a grid-connected DG via a three-phase voltage-source inverter with a second-order filter. |
[93] Dynamic Behaviour Of A Grid-Connected Wind Turbine With Doubly Fed Induction Generator During Disturbances Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2005, Turin, 6–9 juin 2005, 06/2005, Abstract EL AIMANI Salma, FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît, DEJAEGER Emmanuel |
In order to investigate the dynamic behaviour of a wind turbine with Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) connected to the network during grid disturbance, this paper presents an equivalent continuous model. This model includes mechanical, electrical parts and the connection system to a distribution network. A comparison of two different DFIG control strategies during network faults is shown with the help of numerical simulation. |
[94] Modeling and Simulations of Anti Islanding System Included in Control of DC/AC Converter Based Network Interface Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems: ELECTRIMACS 2005, 17-20 Avril 2005, Hammamet, Tunisie, 04/2005 PANKOW Yann, ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, DELARUE Philippe, DEJAEGER Emmanuel |
[95] An Object-Oriented Power System Modeling Using UML-2.0 3rd Conference on Electrical Engineering : CEE 2004, October 04-06, 2004, Batna, Algérie, 10/2004 GHERBI A., BELKACEMI M., FRANCOIS Bruno |
[96] Direct generalized modulation of electrical conversions including self stabilization of the DC-link for a single phase multilevel inverter based AC grid interface
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2004. PESC 04. 2004 IEEE 35th Annual, Vol. 2, pages. 1385-1391, 06/2004, Abstract BOUHALI Omar, BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno, SAUDEMONT Christophe |
The output voltage waveform of a multilevel inverter is composed of several intermediary voltage levels, which are obtained from capacitor voltage sources. If the number of levels reaches infinity, the total harmonic distortion of the modulated voltage becomes practically zero. However, the numbers of the achievable voltage levels are limited by voltage unbalance problems, voltage clamping requirement, circuit layout, and packaging constraints. This paper presents a modulation strategy that enables to copy directly a modulated multilevel waveform on to output voltages of a (n+1) level inverter. The redundancies of different switch configurations are used to perform the voltage balancing of the DC link. The obtained modelling shows that high voltage multi levels are obtained by combination of n different three-level functions, which are called modulation functions. Therefore, a novel PWM strategy is designed to generate n fictive modulated voltage systems via the direct width modulation and the position setting of modulation functions. Simulation results are presented for a five-level inverter. Experimental results are given for a three-level inverter. |
[97] Influence of Medium Voltage Distribution System Models for the study of the Propagation of Harmonics Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drive & Motion, SPEEDAM 2004, Capri, June 16-18, 2004, 06/2004 BROUTIN D, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[98] A five-level diode clamped inverter with self-stabilization of the DC-link voltage for grid connection of distributed generators IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE’2004, Vol. 2, pages. 947-952, 05/2004, Abstract BOUHALI Omar, BERKOUK EL Madjid, SAUDEMONT Christophe, FRANCOIS Bruno |
In this paper, a new control system for single phase five-level diode clamped inverters (DCI) is presented. The obtained modeling shows that high voltage multilevels are obtained by combination of four different three-level functions, which are called conversion functions. Therefore a novel PWM strategy is designed by a particular modulation for creating four fictive modulated voltage systems via the direct width modulation and the position setting of both conversion functions. Redundancies of different switch configurations for the generation of intermediate voltages are used to limit the deviations of capacitor voltages. A correct filtered AC output is obtained with a classical closed loop control. Experimental and simulation results for a three-level and five-level diode clamped inverter are presented to demonstrate the validity of the proposed balancing modulation. |
[99] Design and Comparison of Various Voltage Control Systems for Distributed Generators in electrical networks IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE’2004, May 3-7, 2004, Ajaccio, 05/2004 CHABOUR F, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[100] Problèmatiques technico-économiques de l'intégration d'unité de production décentralisée dans un réseau d'énergie Congrès sur les énergies renouvelables et l'environnement : CERE 2003, 11/2003 FRANCOIS Bruno |
[101] Control implementation of a five-leg voltage-source-inverter supplying two three-phase induction machines IEEE-IEMDC’03, Vol. 3, pages. 1909-1915, 06/2003 DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[102] Multilevel Structures for Four Level DC/DC Voltage Conversions : Enhanced Analysis and Control Design Issues 33rd Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference : PESC 2002, 07/2002 FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[103] Modelling of variable speed wind generators jointly connected to continuous bus Forum International sur les Energies Renouvelables : FIER 2002, 05/2002 EL AIMANI Salma, FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît |
[104] IGBT Modeling based on State Graph Representation 13th IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems : PES 2002, 05/2002 CHARFI F, BEN MESSAOUD M., FRANCOIS Bruno, AL-HADDAD K., SELLAMI F |
[105] NPC based topologies for multilevel DC/DC converters International Conferences on Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power Quality : PCIM 2002, 05/2002 FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[106] Analysis and Practical Limits of DC Link Capacitor Voltage Balance in a Three Phase N.P.C. Inverter Controlled by a Direct Modulation of Electrical Conversions International COnferene on Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power Quality : PCIM 2002, 05/2002 PECQUEUR P., FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[107] Power monitoring of an induction motor with an integrated flywheel ICEM, Bruges, Belgium,, 03/2002 FRANCOIS Bruno, GILLON Frédéric, BROCHET Pascal |
[108] Control Method for Multi-leg Voltage-Source Inverters 9th European Conference on Power Eletronics and Applications : EPE'2001, 08/2001 DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, SEMAIL Eric, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[109] Control structures for Multi-machine Multi-converter Systems with dowstream coupling 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications : EPE'2001, 08/2001 BOUSCAYROL Alain, DAVAT Bernard, DE FORNEL Bernard, FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul, MEIBODY-TABAR Farid, MONMASSON Eric, PIETRZAK-DAVID Maria, RAZIK H |
[110] Direct Modulation of Electrical Conversions for a Multilevel Chopper 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications : EPE'2001, 08/2001 SAUDEMONT Christophe, FADEL M., FRANCOIS Bruno |
[111] A Direct Modulation of Electrical Conversions for a Multilever N.P.C. Chopper 5th Multiconference on CIRCUITS SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATIONS and COMPUTERS : CSCC'2001, 07/2001 FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[112] Multimachine multiconverter systems for drives : analysis of couplings by a global modeling 35th Annual meeting of the IEEE Industry Applications Society : IAS'2000, 10/2000 BOUSCAYROL Alain, DAVAT Bernard, DE FORNEL Bernard, FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul, MEIBODY-TABAR Farid, PIETRZAK-DAVID Maria |
[113] A Torque Estimator for a Switched Reluctance Motor using an Orthogonal Neural Network SPEEDAM, pages. 23-28, 06/2000 FRANCOIS Bruno, KESTELYN Xavier, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[114] Design and Modelling of a Five-Phase Voltage-Source Inverter for Two Induction Motors 8th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications : EPE'99, 09/1999 FRANCOIS Bruno, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
[115] Control of Two Induction Motors Fed by a Five-Phase Voltage-Source Inverter ELECTRIMACS, Vol. 3, pages. 313-318, 09/1999 FRANCOIS Bruno, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
[116] A Strategy for Modelling and Controlling a Single Phase Multilevel Inverter in Mean Values 3rd Multiconference on CIRCUITS SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATIONS and COMPUTERS : CSCC'99, 07/1999 RALAIVAO H, FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[117] Influence of Freedom Degrees in the Control of a Matrix Multilevel Inverter 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems : ELECTROMOTION, Vol. 2, pages. 625-630, 07/1999 RALAIVAO H, FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[118] Pulse Position and Pulse Width Modulation Of Electrical Power Conversions : Application to a Three-Phase Voltage-Fed Inverter 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems : ELECTROMOTION, Vol. 2, pages. 653-658, 07/1999 FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[119] Modelling and control of a neutral-point-clamped inverter with a closed loop control of capacitive voltages IMACS Multi Conference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications : CESA 98, Vol. 1, pages. 878-883, 04/1998 FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[120] Synthesis of logic connection controllers for matrix converters 7th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications : EPE 97, Vol. 2, pages. 350-355, 09/1997 RALAIVAO H, CAMBRONNE JP, FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[121] Design of logic connection controllers for three-phase voltage-source converters IEEE international Sysmposium on Industrial Electronics : ISIE 97, Vol. 2, N°. 97th 8280, pages. 543-549, 07/1997 FRANCOIS Bruno, CAMBRONNE JP |
[122] Hierarchical Control Design Using Structural Decomposition of a Rectifier Converter Model ELECTRIMACS, Vol. 1, pages. 255-260, 09/1996 FRANCOIS Bruno, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[123] A DSP Interface Device for Control Algorithms Implementation in the Scope of Power Systems IMACS-Multi Conference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications : CESA 96, Vol. 2, pages. 717-722, 07/1996 LORIOL Dominique, FRANCOIS Bruno, DEGOBERT Philippe |
[124] A Neural Network Approach for the Improvment of Power Rectifiers Control IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics : ISIE 96, Vol. 1, pages. 362-367, 06/1996 FRANCOIS Bruno, CAMBRONNE JP, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[125] Neural Networks : New tools in Power Systems ? 8th MEditerranean ELectronical CONference : MELECON 96, Vol. 2, pages. 645-648, 05/1996 FRANCOIS Bruno |
[126] A New Approach for Synthesizing Logic Connection Controller in Power Converters 6th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications : EPE 95, Vol. 3, pages. 693-698, 09/1995 FRANCOIS Bruno, CAMBRONNE JP, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
[127] Design and Initialization of a Multilayer Neural Network Applied to Function Approximation III IMACS International Workshop on Qualitative Reasonning and Decision Technologies, 06/1993 FRANCOIS Bruno, BORNE Pierre |
[128] Application of communication networks and distributed storage systems through new energy management algorithms for smarter grid *, 06/1993 FRANCOIS Bruno |
National Conferences and Symposiums |
[1] Application of Adaptive T2FLC in Stator Active and Reactive Power Control WECS based on DFIG via Sub/Super-Synchronous Modes JCGE, ARRAS – 30 mai- 1er juin 2017, 06/2017 AMRANE Fayssal, CHAIBA Azeddine, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[2] Solution pour la connexion et l’apport aux services « système » d’éoliennes conectées au réseau de moyenne tension Journée SEE-SRBE "Eolien er Résaux: enjeux", 22 Mars 2005, Lille, 03/2005 FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît, DEJAEGER Emmanuel |
Other Publications |
[1] “L’Electronique de Puissance : une technologie essentielle et stratégique pour la Transition énergétique et l’électrification des usages”. ManifesteThink Smartgrids, 11/2024, URL, Abstract FRANCOIS Bruno, FREY David, CORNET Sebastien, BERNIER Mahana, GRUSON François, SCHANEN Jean Luc, PETIT Marc |
Alors que le rôle de l’Electronique de Puissance (EP) est crucial dans l’atteinte des objectifs de décarbonation, il est urgent de développer une autonomie stratégique pour renforcer la résilience et la compétitivité européenne de la filière.
Le rôle pivot de l’EP cristallise en effet de nombreux facteurs de vulnérabilité : le besoin d’électrification nécessite des raccordements fiables, tout comme le renforcement des réseaux et la conversion optimale de l’énergie renouvelable. Le besoin en EP augmente, alors que sa chaîne d’approvisionnement est extrêmement dépendante d’Etats tiers et sujette à l’épuisement des ressources, avec une empreinte environnementale mal quantifiée et à réduire.
Pour éviter une fuite en avant, ou une course vers le mur, il est donc plus que jamais nécessaire de soutenir massivement la recherche pour développer une solide filière circulaire domestique, en accord avec les orientations stratégiques de l’UE de transition propre et de soutien à la réindustrialisation.
Face à la criticité des matériaux et des déséquilibres mondiaux d’investissement dans l’innovation, tout en visant les objectifs de décarbonation par l’électrification, le Conseil Scientifique de Think Smartgrids a rédigé un certain nombre de recommandations. Ainsi la filière plaide pour :
Évaluer correctement l’impact environnemental de l’EP pour optimiser son utilisation
Développer une filière de circularité de l’EP – via le recyclage, l’éco-conception – pour pallier à la vulnérabilité (et finitude) de l’approvisionnement en composants
Amener la fiabilité de l’EP au même niveau que celle des matériels du réseau électrique, car les contraintes électriques et thermiques sont plus fortes et sa durée de vie incertaine
Standardiser les conditions de raccordement et accroître la participation de l’EP pour une meilleure contrôlabilité du réseau une fois que sa fiabilité est acquise
Renforcer le soutien aux formations et à la recherche, et développer l’attractivité de la filière
Appuyer les développements et services innovants de l’EP sur des réseaux moyenne tension |
[3] Réseaux électriques «offshore» à liaisons en courant continu : exemple d’architecture et système de gestion Journées de la section Electrotechnique du club EEA sur les réseaux autonomes du futur, 4 et 5 avril 2013, Nancy, 03/2014 FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît, SAUDEMONT Christophe, GUILLAUD Xavier |
[4] Conduite énergétique d'un ensemble de bâtiments et coordination avec de la cogénération en vue de la minimisation des émissions de CO2 Journées de la section Electrotechnique du club EEA sur les réseaux autonomes du futur, 4 et 5 avril 2013, Nancy, 04/2013 FRANCOIS Bruno |
[5] Solution pour la connexion et l’apport aux services « système » d’éoliennes conectées au réseau de moyenne tension Journée SEE-SRBE : « Eoliennes et réseaux : Enjeux », 22 Mars 2005, Lille, 03/2005 FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît, DE JAEGER Emmanuel |
[6] Participation des éoliennes à la gestion du réseau de moyenne tension : Quelques exemples CERE 2005, 23-25 March 2005, Sousse (Tunisie), 03/2005, Abstract FRANCOIS Bruno |
Beaucoup de questions restent posées sur la façon dont les éoliennes peuvent être intégrées de façon massive et de manière systématique dans les réseaux électriques. Les réponses à apporter sont à relativiser selon la technologie d’éolienne utilisée pour convertir l’énergie d’origine éolienne en énergie électrique. En effet, le nombre de sites exposés de façon régulière à des vitesses importantes de vent étant limité, les constructeurs développent des éoliennes de puissance de plus en plus importante de façon à rentabiliser au maximum l’exploitation de cette ressource. Etant donné les niveaux de puissance, ces éoliennes sont généralement raccordées sur le réseau de distribution de moyenne tension, lorsqu’il s’agit de machines isolées ou de petits ensembles de quelques unités. Les centrales éoliennes de plus grande taille (dizaines de machines) doivent, quant à elles, être directement raccordées en haute tension, sur le réseau de transport ; c’est notamment ce qui est prévue pour les centrales off shore.
Cet exposé rappelle tout d’abord les différentes technologies d’éolienne développées pour de tels niveaux de puissance en rappelant auparavant le principe de la conversion d’énergie à vitesse variable.
L’installation massive de ce mode de production n’est pas sans conséquence sur la structure existante et le fonctionnement des réseaux électriques. Nous examinerons deux points cruciaux : l’influence sur la tension et le comportement de ce mode de production face à un incident provenant du réseau (typiquement le comportement dynamique suite à l’apparition d’un creux de la tension).
Concernant l’influence sur la tension, une modification de la valeur efficace peut apparaître suivant l’éloignement des éoliennes d’une sous station de raccordement. Une solution consiste alors à implanter un réglage de la puissance réactive à l’aide d’un SVC. Une seconde solution consiste à utiliser une unité de stockage (batterie, volant d’inertie) permettant de corriger les variations rapides de la tension mais aussi permettant de lisser (de manière active) la puissance générée (par l’implantation de courbes de statisme puissance/fréquence). Il est également possible de faire participer directement le générateur éolien au réglage de la tension. L’implantation de ce service au système électrique sera illustrée au travers d’une application concernant une éolienne à vitesse variable reposant sur une machine asynchrone et d’une application concernant une éolienne basée sur une machine asynchrone à double alimentation (MADA).
Les problèmes liés à la sensibilité des éoliennes, par rapport à des défauts provenant du réseau seront ensuite exposés. Là encore des solutions existent par l’emploi de systèmes permettant la restauration dynamique de la tension (Dynamic Voltage Restorer). On peut également envisager une reconfiguration du dispositif de commande de l’éolienne qui, sous ces conditions de fonctionnement, ne doit plus fonctionner en extraction du maximum de puissance mais venir en secours du réseau. Ce service constitue également une illustration de l’apport possible des éoliennes au service système.
Plan de l’exposé :
1) Introduction
2) Technologies of WECS in distribution networks
3) Standard about harmonic generation
4) Voltage control
4.1) Problems
4.2) External solutions (direct connexion, SVC)
4.3) Integration of ancillary services
4.3.1) Reactive power control
Application to the variable speed wind induction generator
Application to the variable speed wind DFIG
4.3.2) Active power control
5) Influence on the power system
5.1) Problems : sensibility to faults
5.2) External solutions (DVR)
5.3) Integration of ancillary services, reconfiguration of the control system |
Invited Conferences |
[1] Control of grid connected power electronic converters for AC voltage support in a rural low voltage network IEEE ENERGYCON 2020, Smart Grid Workshop, 28th sept., Gammarth, Tunisia, 09/2020 FRANCOIS Bruno |
[2] Assesment of flexibility solutions into distribution network planning for integration of more renewable generation International Conference on Power and Energy Technology : ICPET 2018, 07/2018 FRANCOIS Bruno |
[3] Application of communication networks and distributed storage systems through new energy management algorithms for smarter grid Journée de la chaire académique ORES « Will we be smart in 2020 », 20 novembre 2014, Université de Mons, Belgique, 11/2014 FRANCOIS Bruno |
[4] Green Hydrogen and Smart Energy grids : Power-to-Gas applications for the development of renewable energy sources Indonesian French joint seminar on « Technical challenges in the field of renewable energy 2014 : Fuel cell, hydrogen technology and nuclear energy », 14-16 Octobre 2014, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10/2014 FRANCOIS Bruno |
[5] Modeling and Control of a Gas Micro Turbine Generator by Using Causal Ordering Graph CESA’2006, IMACS Multiconference on "Computational Engineering in Systems Applications", Beijing, China, 10/2006, Abstract LI Peng, DEGOBERT Philippe, FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît |
Abstract— A dynamic model of a micro gas turbine generator is proposed in this paper. A particular graphical representation of is used to highlight the causal order of all mathematical equations. It is shown that the obtained model is interesting for developing a Matlab Simulink model and for designing the control strategy. In order to control the power flow a second model is designed to describe energy variations in the inertia and losses. Then we demonstrate that this model is sufficient to design the control system of the turbine. The control system is then simulated with the help of Matlab-Simulink™, by considering a 30 kW turbine. |
[6] Multi Time Scale Modeling for the Control Design of a Grid Connected Micro Turbine Generator by Power Electronic Converters IEEE-ISIEE 2006, International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ETS-Downtown Montreal (Quebec), Canada, 07/2006, Abstract LI Peng, DEGOBERT Philippe, FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît |
Abstract - In this paper an equivalent continuous model of
power electronic converters is used to design a dynamic model of
an entire gas micro turbine generation system. It is shown that the
obtained model is interesting for analyzing the dynamic behavior
of the entire system and for designing the control strategy of ac
and dc electrical quantities. In order to control the power flows a
dedicated model is designed to describe energy variations in
storage elements (inertia, DC capacitor bus) and various losses.
Then we demonstrate that this model is sufficient to design the
control system of the entire power generation system, meanwhile
the turbine, the permanent synchronous generator and the grid
connected converter. The proposed global model is simulated with
the help of Matlab-Simulink™, by considering a 30 kW Micro
Turbine Generator. |
[7] Apport de l’électronique de puissance à la production d’énergie électrique d’origine éolienne – Expérience belge Actes du Colloque Electronique de Puissance du Futur, EPF06, Grenoble, 5-6 juillet 2006, 07/2006 DE JAEGER Emmanuel, FRANCOIS Bruno, ROBYNS Benoît |
[8] Dynamic Modelling of a Fuel Cell and Wind Turbine DC-Linked Power System ELECTRIMACS 2005, April 17-20, 2005, Hammamet, Tunisia, CD, 04/2005, Abstract FRANCOIS Bruno, HISSEL Daniel, IQBAL M.T. |
An equivalent continuous dynamic model of a fuel cell generator and wind energy conversion system is proposed in this paper. It is shown that this model is interesting for analyzing the dynamic behavior of the system and for designing the control strategy. The proposed global model is simulated with the help of Matlab-Simulink™, by considering a 400 W wind generator and a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) generator. This hybrid system is connected to a distribution network which is simulated with the help of the Power System Blockset™ (PSB) toolbox. |
[9] Problématiques technico-économiques de l’intégration d’unités de production décentralisée dans un réseau d’énergie ” Congrès sur les énergies renouvelables et l’environnement : CERE 2003, 28-30 Novembre 2003, Sousse (Tunisie), 11/2003 FRANCOIS Bruno |
Educational Books |
[1] Energies Renouvelables, Rappels de cours et exercices corrigés Livre, pages. 228, 02/2023, URL, Abstract ABBES Dhaker, WALDHOFF Nicolas, DAVIGNY Arnaud, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Ce manuel propose des résumés de cours, des exercices et problèmes corrigés couvrant l’ensemble des systèmes d’énergie renouvelable. Il inclut également des tendances actuelles telles que le stockage de l’énergie solaire et l’autoconsommation photovoltaïque ou éolienne.
Les exercices et les problèmes sont classés par niveau de difficulté et par compétences et sont corrigés de manière détaillée. De nombreux exemples sont fournis avec les calculs et les graphiques aidant à visualiser les différentes technologies et méthodologies mathématiques.
Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux étudiants de BTS, BUT, des cycles universitaires et des écoles d’ingénieurs. |
[2] Production d’énergie électrique à partir des sources renouvelables Hermès Sciences Publications-Lavoisier, 05/2012, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, DAVIGNY A, FRANCOIS Bruno, HENNETON A, SPROOTEN Jonathan |
Les enjeux énergétiques et environnementaux sont à l’origine d’une forte croissance de la production d’électricité à partir d’énergies renouvelables depuis le début du XXIème siècle. Le concept de développement durable et le souci des générations futures nous interpellent au quotidien permettant l’émergence de nouvelles technologies de production d’énergie, et de nouveaux comportements d’utilisation de ces énergies. L’émergence rapide de nouvelles technologies peut rendre la compréhension et donc la perception de celle-ci difficile. Ce livre a pour but de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de ces nouvelles technologies de production d’électricité en s’adressant à un public varié. En effet, il présente les enjeux, les sources et leurs moyens de conversion en électricité suivant une approche générale et développe les notions scientifiques de base permettant d’en appréhender les principales caractéristiques techniques avec une vision d’ensemble.
Les objectifs de cet ouvrage sont :
- de présenter les systèmes de production d’électricité à partir de ressources énergétiques renouvelables des petites aux moyennes puissances (jusque 100 à 200 MW),
- d’introduire les notions électrotechniques de base nécessaire à la compréhension des caractéristiques de fonctionnement de ces convertisseurs,
- d’évoquer les contraintes et problèmes dintégration dans les réseaux électriques de ces moyens de production,
- de proposer quelques exercices pour s’autoévaluer.
1. La production d’électricité à partir d’énergie renouvelable, Benoît Robyns.
2. Le solaire photovoltaïque, Arnaud Davigny.
3. L’éolien, Bruno Francois et Benoît Robyns.
4. L’hydroélectricité terrestre et marine : houle et marées, Benoît Robyns et Antoine Henneton.
5. La production d’origine thermique, Jonathan Sprooten.
6. Problématique de l’intégration de la production décentralisée dans le réseau électrique, Benoît Robyns.
[3] Production d’énergie électrique à partir des sources renouvelables Livre, Vol. Hermès Sci, pages. 320, 05/2012, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, DAVIGNY Arnaud, FRANCOIS Bruno, HENNETON ANTOINE, SPROOTEN Jonathan |
Les enjeux énergétiques et environnementaux sont à l’origine d’une forte croissance de la production d’électricité à partir d’énergies renouvelables depuis le début du XXIème siècle. Le concept de développement durable et le souci des générations futures nous interpellent au quotidien permettant l’émergence de nouvelles technologies de production d’énergie, et de nouveaux comportements d’utilisation de ces énergies. L’émergence rapide de nouvelles technologies peut rendre la compréhension et donc la perception de celle-ci difficile. Ce livre a pour but de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de ces nouvelles technologies de production d’électricité en s’adressant à un public varié. En effet, il présente les enjeux, les sources et leurs moyens de conversion en électricité suivant une approche générale et développe les notions scientifiques de base permettant d’en appréhender les principales caractéristiques techniques avec une vision d’ensemble. Les objectifs de cet ouvrage sont : - de présenter les systèmes de production d’électricité à partir de ressources énergétiques renouvelables des petites aux moyennes puissances (jusque 100 à 200 MW), - d’introduire les notions électrotechniques de base nécessaire à la compréhension des caractéristiques de fonctionnement de ces convertisseurs, - d’évoquer les contraintes et problèmes d’intégration dans les réseaux électriques de ces moyens de production, - de proposer quelques exercices pour s’autoévaluer. Contenu 1. La production d’électricité à partir d’énergie renouvelable, Benoît Robyns. 2. Le solaire photovoltaïque, Arnaud Davigny. 3. L’éolien, Bruno Francois et Benoît Robyns. 4. L’hydroélectricité terrestre et marine : houle et marées, Benoît Robyns et Antoine Henneton. 5. La production d’origine thermique, Jonathan Sprooten. 6. Problématique de l’intégration de la production décentralisée dans le réseau électrique, Benoît Robyns. |
[4] Electric power generation from renewable sources ISTE Wiley, 02/2012, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, DAVIGNY A, FRANCOIS Bruno, HENNETON A, SPROOTEN Jonathan |
Energy and environmental issues have caused a marked increase in electricity production from renewable energy sources since the beginning of the 21st Century. The concept of sustainable development and concern for future generations challenge us every day to produce new technologies for energy production, and new patterns of use for these energies. Their rapid emergence can make the understanding and therefore the perception of these new technologies difficult. This book aims to contribute to a better understanding of the new electricity generation technologies by addressing a diverse audience. It presents the issues, sources and means of conversion into electricity using a general approach and develops scientific concepts to understand their main technical characteristics.
Systems of electricity generation from renewable energy resources of small to medium powers are presented. The basic electrical concepts necessary for understanding the operating characteristics of these energy converters are introduced, and the constraints and problems of integration in the electrical networks of those means of production are discussed. Several exercises are provided to the reader for evaluation purposes.
1. Decentralized Electricity Production from Renewable Energy, Benoît Robyns.
2. Solar Photovoltaic Power, Arnaud Davigny.
3. Wind Power, Bruno Francois and Benoît Robyns.
4. Terrestrial and Marine Hydroelectricity: Waves and Tides, Benoît Robyns and Antoine Henneton.
5. Thermal Power Generation, Jonathan Sprooten.
6. Integration of the Decentralized Production into the Electrical Network, Benoît Robyns.
Scientific Books |
[1] Production d’énergie électrique à partir des sources renouvelables – 2ème édition Lavoisier, 09/2021, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, DAVIGNY Arnaud, FRANCOIS Bruno, HENNETON ANTOINE, SPROOTEN Jonathan |
Les enjeux énergétiques et environnementaux sont à l’origine d’une forte croissance de la production d’électricité à partir d’énergies renouvelables depuis le début du XXIe siècle. Le concept de développement durable et le souci des générations futures nous interpellent au quotidien permettant l’émergence de nouvelles technologies de production d’énergie, et de nouveaux comportements d’utilisation de ces énergies. L’émergence rapide de nouvelles technologies peut rendre la compréhension et donc la perception de celle-ci difficile. Ce livre a pour but de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de ces nouvelles technologies de production d’électricité en s’adressant à un public varié. Il présente les enjeux, les sources et leurs moyens de conversion en électricité suivant une approche générale et développe les notions scientifiques de base permettant d’en appréhender les principales caractéristiques techniques avec une vision d’ensemble.
Des systèmes de production d’électricité à partir de ressources énergétiques renouvelables de petites et moyennes puissances sont présentés. La deuxième édition de cet ouvrage, revue et augmentée, met à jour les nombreuses données caractérisant le développement de ces énergies renouvelables, aborde les nouvelles technologies émergentes photovoltaïques et marémotrices exploitant les courants marins, le développement de l’éolien offshore, et les développements récents concernant l’intégration de ces sources dans le réseau électrique, ainsi que le développement de l’autoproduction et de l’autoconsommation. Plusieurs exercices sont proposés au lecteur à des fins d’évaluation.
1. La production d’électricité à partir d’énergie renouvelable, Benoît Robyns.
2. Le solaire photovoltaïque, Arnaud Davigny.
3. L’éolien, Bruno Francois et Benoît Robyns.
4. L’hydroélectricité terrestre et marine, Benoît Robyns et Antoine Henneton.
5. La production d’origine thermique, Jonathan Sprooten.
6. Problématique de l’intégration de la production décentralisée dans le réseau électrique, Benoît Robyns et Jonathan Sprooten. |
[2] Electric power generation from renewable sources – Revised and Updated Second Edition ISTE-Wiley, pages. 1-384, 09/2021, URL, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, DAVIGNY Arnaud, FRANCOIS Bruno, HENNETON ANTOINE, SPROOTEN Jonathan |
Energy and environmental issues have caused a marked increase in electricity production from renewable energy sources since the beginning of the 21st Century. The concept of sustainable development and concern for future generations challenge us every day to produce new technologies for energy production, and new patterns of use for these energies. Their rapid emergence can make the understanding and therefore the perception of these new technologies difficult. This book aims to contribute to a better understanding of the new electricity generation technologies by addressing a diverse audience. It presents the issues, sources and means of conversion into electricity using a general approach and develops scientific concepts to understand their main technical characteristics.
Systems of electricity generation from renewable energy resources of small to medium powers are presented. The second edition of this book, revised and expanded, updates the numerous data characterizing the development of these renewable energy sources, discusses new emerging photovoltaic and tidal technologies exploiting marine currents, the development of offshore wind power, and the recent developments concerning the integration of these sources into the electricity grid, as well as the development of self-production and self-consumption. Several exercises are provided to the reader for evaluation purposes.
1. Electricity Production from Renewable Energy, Benoît Robyns.
2. Solar Photovoltaic Power, Arnaud Davigny.
3. Wind Power, Bruno Francois and Benoît Robyns.
4. Terrestrial and Marine Hydroelectricity, Benoît Robyns and Antoine Henneton.
5. Thermal Power Generation, Jonathan Sprooten.
6. Integration of the Decentralized Production into the Electrical Network, Benoît Robyns and Jonathan Sprooten. |
[3] Gestión y valorización del almacenamiento de energía en las redes eléctricas ISTE International, 06/2021, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, DELILLE Gauthier, SAUDEMONT Christophe |
El auge de las energías renovables y la necesidad de medios de transporte descarbonizados están dando un nuevo interés al almacenamiento de energía, que se ha convertido en un elemento clave del desarrollo sostenible.
La gestión y valorización del almacenamiento de energía en las redes eléctricas presenta y compara las diferentes tecnologías de almacenamiento actualmente implementadas. Desde una perspectiva de desarrollo sostenible, estudia en particular la importancia de la gestión energética de los sistemas que combinan fuentes de energía renovables y unidades de almacenamiento para su integración sin problemas en redes inteligentes.
Pedagógico, este libro también ofrece herramientas metodológicas y ejemplos concretos para establecer un sistema de gestión de la energía para el almacenamiento.
Tabla de contenido
1. Problemas de almacenamiento de energía eléctrica
2. Situación actual del almacenamiento de energía
3. Valoración del almacenamiento de energía en las redes eléctricas
4. Introducción a la lógica difusa y aplicación a la gestión del almacenamiento inercial en un sistema híbrido eólico-diésel
5. Metodología para la construcción del supervisor de una fuente eólica asociada al almacenamiento
6. Construcción del supervisor de una fuente híbrida con múltiples fuentes y almacenamiento múltiple
7. Gestión y valorización de un sistema de almacenamiento adiabático de aire comprimido integrado en una red eléctrica |
[4] Stockage d’énergie électrique pour les bâtiments au sein de réseaux intelligents ISTE, 10/2019, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, DAVIGNY Arnaud, BARRY Hervé, KAZMIERZCAK Sabine, SAUDEMONT Christophe, ABBES Dhaker, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Les développements actuels dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables, ainsi que la tendance à l'autoproduction et à l'autoconsommation d'énergie, ont suscité un intérêt accru pour les moyens de stockage de l'énergie électrique; un élément clé du développement durable.
Ce livre présente le potentiel offert par le stockage de l’électricité dans le cadre des bâtiments, îlots de bâtiments, quartiers intégrés dans un large réseau électrique intelligent ou « Smart Grid » ou formant un micro réseau électrique intelligent ou « Micro Grid », et tout particulièrement concernant leur gestion et leur valorisation. Il montre les nombreux services que le stockage peut apporter, et examine les facteurs socio-économiques importants liés à l’émergence de bâtiments intelligents et de réseaux intelligents. Enfin, il présente les outils méthodologiques nécessaires à la mise en place d'un système de gestion de l'énergie de ces technologies de stockage, illustrés par des exemples concrets et pédagogiques.
Table des matières:
1. Problématique du stockage de l’énergie électrique dans l’habitat: vers des bâtiments et des villes plus intelligents.
2. Stockage énergétique dans un bâtiment commercial.
3. Stockage énergétique dans un bâtiment tertiaire, couplé à de la production photovoltaïque et de l’éclairage LED.
4. Stockage hybride associé à du photovoltaïque dans le contexte de l’habitat en zone non interconnectée.
5. Changements économiques et sociologiques induits par les smart grids.
6. Mutualisation énergétique entre bâtiments tertiaires, résidentiels et producteurs d’énergie.
7. Gestion centralisée d’une communauté locale énergétique permettant une autoconsommation maximale de l’énergie photovoltaïque.
8. Charge réversible des véhicules électriques vers les réseaux et les bâtiments. |
[5] Electrical energy storage for buildings in smart grids ISTE-Wiley, 07/2019, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, DAVIGNY Arnaud, BARRY Hervé, KAZMIERZCAK Sabine, SAUDEMONT Christophe, ABBES Dhaker, FRANCOIS Bruno |
Current developments in the renewable energy field, and the trend toward self-production and self-consumption of energy, has led to increased interest in the means of storing electrical energy; a key element of sustainable development.
This book provides an in-depth view of the environmentally responsible energy solutions currently available for use in the building sector. It highlights the importance of storing electrical energy, demonstrates the many services that the storage of electrical energy can bring, and discusses the important socio-economic factors related to the emergence of smart buildings and smart grids. Finally, it presents the methodological tools needed to build a system of storage-based energy management, illustrated by concrete, pedagogic examples.
1. Storing Electrical Energy in Habitat: Toward “Smart Buildings” and “Smart Cities”.
2. Energy Storage in a Commercial Building.
3. Energy Storage in a Tertiary Building, Combining Photovoltaic Panels and LED Lighting.
4. Hybrid Storage Associated with Photovoltaic Technology for Buildings in Non-interconnected Zones.
5. Economic and Sociological Implications of SmartGrids.
6. Energy Mutualization for Tertiary Buildings, Residential Buildings and Producers.
7. Centralized Management of a Local Energy Community to Maximize Self-consumption of PV Production.
8. Reversible Charging from Electric Vehicles to Grids and Buildings. |
[6] Microgrid Dynamics and Control Book, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-26367-8, 07/2017 BEVRANI Hassan, FRANCOIS Bruno, ISE Toshifumi |
[7] A New Vector Hysteresis Current Control Applied on Three-level NPC-VSI for Wind Conversion System Livre, chapter 41, “Renewable Energy: Selected Issues", Cambridge Scholars Publishing, edited by Manuel Pérez-Donsión, Silvano Vergura and Gianpaolo Vitale, Vol. 2, pages. 166-191, 03/2016 GHENNAM Tarak, ALIOUANE K, MAROUANI K., BERKOUK EL Madjid, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[8] Energy Storage in Electric Power Grids ISTE-Wiley, 06/2015, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, DELILLE Gauthier, SAUDEMONT Christophe |
The storage of electrical energy is a long-standing issue that has been only very partially resolved to date, particularly from an economic perspective. The development of renewable energies and the need for means of transport with reduced CO2 emissions have generated new interest in storage, which has become a key component of sustainable development. The aim of this book is to contribute to the better understanding of both existing storage technologies and those that are under development, particularly with regard to their management and economic enhancement.
Across seven chapters, the authors highlight the importance of storing electrical energy in the context of sustainable development in "Smart Grids". They discuss the variety of services that storing electrical energy can provide and support.
Methodological tools are provided following a generic approach based on artificial intelligence, among other. They are presented throughout the book and discussed alongside concrete case studies to provide practical examples of their possible applications. |
[9] Gestion et valorisation du stockage de l’énergie dans les réseaux électriques ISTE, 03/2015, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, DELILLE Gauthier, SAUDEMONT Christophe |
Le stockage de l'énergie électrique est un problème déjà ancien qui n'a été résolu que très partiellement jusqu'à présent, en particulier du point de vue économique. L’électricité est principalement produite en flux tendu à partir de moyens flexibles (hydraulique et thermique sur la base de combustibles non renouvelables). Le développement des énergies renouvelables et le besoin de moyens de transport décarbonnés donne un nouvel intérêt pour le stockage qui devient un élément clé du développement durable. Ce livre a pour but de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des technologies de stockage anciennes ou en développement, et tout particulièrement sur leur gestion et leur valorisation.
Les objectifs de cet ouvrage sont :
– Mettre en évidence l’importance du stockage de l’énergie électrique dans le contexte du développement durable dans les réseaux électriques intelligents ou «smart grids».
– Montrer les multiples services que le stockage de l’énergie électrique peut apporter.
– Présenter des outils méthodologiques permettant de construire un système de gestion énergétique du stockage suivant une approche générique et pédagogique. Ces outils, basés en partie sur de l’intelligence artificielle, sont présentés au fil de l’ouvrage en lien avec des cas d’étude concrets.
– Illustrer ces approches méthodologiques par de nombreux exemples concrets et pédagogiques concernant l’intégration des énergies renou-velables dans les réseaux électriques. |
[10] Vector Control of Induction Machines. Desensitisation and Optimisation Through Fuzzy Logic Springer Verlag, 02/2012, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, DEGOBERT Philippe, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
After a brief introduction to the main law of physics and fundamental concepts inherent in electromechanical conversion, Vector Control of Induction Machines introduces the standard mathematical models for induction machines – whichever rotor technology is used – as well as several squirrel-cage induction machine vector-control strategies. The use of causal ordering graphs allows systematization of the design stage, as well as standardization of the structure of control devices.
Vector Control of Induction Machines suggests a unique approach aimed at reducing parameter sensitivity for vector controls based on a theoretical analysis of this sensitivity. This analysis naturally leads to the introduction of control strategies that are based on the combination of different controls with different robustness properties, through the use of fuzzy logic supervisors. Numerous applications and experiments confirm the validity of this simple solution, which is both reproducible and applicable to other complex systems.
Vector Control of Induction Machines is written for researchers and postgraduate students in electrical engineering and motor drive design.
Keywords : Efficient Power Operation - Fuzzy Logic Control - Induction Machine - Parameter Sensitivity - Vector Control
Table of contents
Concepts for Electromechanical Conversion.- Dynamic Modeling of Induction Machines.- Vector Control of the Induction Machine.- Theoretical Study of the Parametric Sensitivity.- Fuzzy Supervisor.- Applications.
Comments : Readers will not only enjoy a new study on vector control but they will also be introduced to useful concepts and tools that are often disregarded: the control through model inversion; the necessary variable estimation; the entanglement of the control and the estimation of nonlinear systems; the sensitivity theory; robustness and desensitization and finally, the good use of fuzzy logic as an optimization method for nonlinear systems.
Jean-Paul Louis, Professor at the E.N.S (French higher education school) of Cachan
Francis Labrique, Professor at the Université Catholique of Louvain
[11] Commande vectorielle de la machine asynchrone. Désensibilisation et optimisation par la logique floue. Editions TECHNIP, 08/2007, Abstract ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, DEGOBERT Philippe, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
Dans beaucoup d’applications à vitesse variable la machine asynchrone tend à se substi-tuer à la machine à courant continu. Cette évolution, motivée par d’indénia-bles qualités de robustesse et de fiabilité, est permise grâce aux convertis-seurs de puissance et d’électronique de commande. Toutefois, un problème majeur demeure : le modèle de Park classique de la machine, indispensable à la conception de son dispositif de commande, dépend de paramètres variants fortement suivant les conditions de fonctionnement de la machine.
Après des rappels sur les principales lois physiques et concepts fonda-mentaux propres à la conversion électromécanique, les modèles mathémati-ques classiques de la machine asynchrone quelle que soit la technologie du rotor et différentes stratégies de commande vectorielles de la machine asyn-chrone à cage sont présentés. L’utilisation du formalisme des Graphes In-formationnels Causaux (G.I.C) permet de systématiser la démarche de conception et d’uniformiser la structure d’un dispositif de commande.
L’ouvrage propose ensuite une approche originale permettant de réduire la sensibilité paramétrique des commandes vectorielles basées sur une ana-lyse théorique de cette sensibilité. Cette étude amène naturellement à propo-ser des stratégies de contrôle basées sur la combinaison de différentes com-mandes ayant des propriétés de robustesse différentes, à l’aide de superviseurs à logique floue. Des applications et de nombreux résultats expé-rimentaux viennent confirmer le bien-fondé de cette solution simple, repro-ductible et applicable à d’autres systèmes complexes.
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