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Research – Development – Innovation

Séminaire, Dr Hongbo ZHAO, 31 Mars 2025

Dr. Hongbo ZHAO, chercheur à l’Université d’Aalborg, présentera ses travaux le lundi 31 mars 2025 à 10h30 en salle Agora, bâtiment ESPRIT.

Recent research on magnetic components at Aalborg University

Hongbo Zhao received the Ph.D. degree in Power Electronics from Aalborg University, Denmark in 2021. He was a visiting researcher at the University of Texas at Austin in 2021, United States, a visiting scholar at the University of Galway in 2023, Ireland, a visiting professor at G2Elab in 2024, France, and a visiting assistant professor at Technical University of Denmark in 2024, Denmark. He received the Villum Fellowship as the Villum Experiment grantee in 2022. He was selected as a future entrepreneur by the Spin-outs Denmark program in 2023. His idea on next-generation sustainable magnetic components was awarded ‘The Bright Idea Award’ from Otto Mønsteds Fond in 2023. He was selected in the first round of ‘AAU Excellence’ Talent Program as a future research leader for Aalborg University in 2025. He has authored and co-authored around 70 peer-reviewed publications and is the first inventor of 4 pending international patent applications. Currently, he is an associate editor for the IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics, and an assistant professor at AAU Energy, Aalborg University, Denmark.
His research interests include the analysis and packaging of modern magnetic components, as well as the applications of wide bandgap semiconductor devices.
