Individual information
Betty LEMAIRE-SEMAIL | ![]() | |
Titre | PR | |
Equipe | Commande | |
Adresse | Ircica Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne 50, Avenue Halley 59658 VILLENEUVE-D'ASCQ | |
Téléphone | +33 (0)3-62-26-82-12 | | | ||
Site personnel | | |
Observation / Thématique de recherche | Commande, gestion d'énergie, actionneurs piézo-électriques, systèmes haptiques, systèmes à retour tactile | |
Publications |
International Journals |
[1] A Flexible Cloud-based HIL Testing of Batteries for Various Electrified Vehicles IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 11/2023, URL GERMAN Ronan, KALOGIANNIS Theodoros, BOUSCAYROL Alain, HE Jiacheng, TOURNEZ Florian, BERECIBAR Maitane, HUSAR Calin, CIOCAN Marius, COSTA Sergio, GENIC Adrien, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[2] Tactile simulation of textile fabrics: Design of simulation signals with
regard to fingerprint Tribology International, 11/2023, Abstract WEILAND Benjamin, LECLINCHE Floriane, KACI Anis, CAMILLIERI Brigitte, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, BUENO Marie-Ange |
This study describes a systematic approach to generate control signals of a tactile simulator to render the touch of
textile fabrics. As a friction modulation tactile surface is used, control signals were generated from tribological
measurements on real surfaces. Forces were acquired from an artificial finger, with a texture mimicking fingerprints.
Then the signals are processed in frequency domain and send as control signal to the tactile stimulator.
This paper focusses on the potential benefits of including the fingerprint information in the simulation of fabrics
for achieving realistic tactile perception. A sensory analysis with 36 participants was carried out using the
generated control signals, and results show a better discrimination without fingerprint information. |
[3] Design of a low-frequency ultrasound diagnostic sensor based on skin mechanical impedance Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, N°. 114400, 05/2023, Abstract SALES DE CASTRO Elis Marina, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, KACI Anis |
Skin integrity assessment is a very important matter in the nursing care, especially for patients with low mobility. However, the methodology of skin analysis is limited by a lack of reliable yet portable tools. In this paper, a new sensor is proposed for skin mechanical impedance characterisation, aiming to provide an objective assessment of skin health. The device consists in a microcontroller connected to a Langevin transducer. Using the vector control method, the reference vibration of the transducer is assured, and the mechanical impedance is observed. To ensure the repeatability of the measurements, tests in the morning and in the afternoon were taken. To verify if the device can distinguish sites with different mechanical properties on the same body, tests were made on 2 different body sites: the palm of the hand and the volar forearm. Measurements of skin hydration were also taken, to find a potential correlation of these parameters and skin acoustical mechanical impedance. Results have shown that the measurements provided by the device are mostly reliable, and reveal a fair correlation between mechanical impedance and hydration, in the level of stratum corneum, the outermost layer of skin. Also, the device is able to show the difference on the mechanics of the skin in the different body sites tested, independently of the hydration. |
[4] Temporal Detection Threshold of Audio-Tactile Delays With Virtual Button IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 04/2023, URL, Abstract BRAHIMAJ Detjon, OUARI Mondher, KACI Anis, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Synchronization of audio-tactile stimuli represents a key feature of multisensory interactions. However, information on stimuli synchronization remains scarce, especially with virtual buttons. This work used a click sensation produced with traveling waves and auditory stimulus (a bip-like sound) related to a virtual click for a psychological experiment. Participants accomplish a click gesture and judge if the two stimuli were synchronous or asynchronous. Delay injection was performed on the audio (haptic first) or the click (audio first). In both sessions, one stimulus follows the other with a delay ranging from 0−700ms . We use weighted and transformed 3-up/1-down staircase procedures to estimate people's sensitivity. We found a threshold of 179ms and 451ms for the auditory first and haptic first conditions, respectively. Statistical analysis revealed a significant effect between the two stimuli' order for threshold. Participants' acceptable asynchrony decreased when the delay was on the haptic rather than on the audio. This effect could be due to the natural experience in which the stimuli tend to be first tactile and then sonorous rather than the other way around. Our findings will help designers to create multimodal virtual buttons by managing audio-tactile temporal synchronization. |
[5] A piezoelectric based sensor system designed for in vivo skin biomechanical
measurements Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 351, 01/2023, URL, Abstract CHEN Yisha, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, HAYWARD Vincent |
This paper describes an electromechanical handheld probe dedicated to skin biomechanics characterization.
This probe is composed of two piezoelectric bending actuators that control tip displacement. Simultaneous force
and displacement sensing is achieved by integrating two pairs of resistive strain gauge sensors. Piezoelectric
hysteresis, however, compromises the accuracy of force sensing. To improve force sensing, a hysteresis model
is introduced. The hysteresis behavior of piezoelectric actuators is usually described between the input voltage
and output displacement. The influence of external force is rarely discussed. Considering the combined effects
of the electric field and the external stress, we model hysteresis with the instantaneous displacement relying
on the Bouc–Wen model. Experimental and simulation results show that the hysteresis model can predict
bender behavior even driven by multi-harmonic voltages. Based on this hysteresis model, the hysteresis
compensation strategy is validated at no load and loaded conditions (a spring load). However, to simplify
the compensation process, another original strategy is proposed, relying on a closed-loop displacement control.
Results demonstrate that the second approach also improves the accuracy of force sensing. Finally, preliminary
measurements performed on the real skin show promising results. |
[6] Control of an ultrasonic haptic interface for button simulation Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 342, 08/2022, URL, Abstract GARCIA Pierre, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, RUPIN Matthieu, KACI Anis |
This work presents the control of a piezoelectric interface that combines two vibration modes of a plate to render the haptic feeling of a button click. By principle, the two vibration modes create an elliptical motion of particles of a beam that can induce a lateral force to the fingerpulp. In this device, the synchronization of the modes’ vibrations is essential, and can be obtained with a closed loop control. In the paper, we present the control in the (d,q) frame, because it can ensure the dynamic performances to achieve a compelling haptic feedback, yet being robust besides the external disturbances produced by the user’s finger. The proposed method could achieve a 2 ms response time, and the haptic feedback was perceived by 100% of users in a psychophysical study. |
[7] Closed loop control of vibration field transient: Application to wave focusing Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 167, 03/2022, URL, Abstract KACI Anis, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel |
In this article, several modes are controlled simultaneously both in phase and amplitude on an haptic display. To achieve this, modulation/demodulation control combined with mixed spatial/frequency filters is developed. It is then applied to produce a predefined velocity field both in space and time on a plate. The experimental results show good agreement with theory. |
[8] Mechanisms of Friction Reduction in Longitudinal Ultrasonic Surface Haptic Devices with Non-Collinear Vibrations and Finger Displacement IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 15, pages. 8-13, 01/2022, URL, Abstract TORRES GUZMAN Diana Angelica, VEZZOLI Eric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ADAMS Michael, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel |
Friction reduction using ultrasonic longitudinal surface vibration can modify the user perception of the touched surface and induce the perception of textured materials. In the current paper, the mechanisms of friction reduction using longitudinal vibration are analyzed at different finger exploration velocities and directions over a plate. The development of a non-Coulombic adhesion theory based on experimental results is evaluated as a possible explanation for friction reduction with vibrations that are non-collinear with the finger displacement. Comparison with experimental data shows that the model adequately describes the reduction in friction, although it is less accurate for low finger velocities and depends on motion direction. |
[9] Design and control of an ultrasonic surface haptic device for longitudinal and transverse mode comparison Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 331, N°. 113019, 08/2021, URL, Abstract TORRES GUZMAN Diana Angelica, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel |
The design and closed loop control of a device able to produce both longitudinal mode and transverse mode vibration, at about the same resonance frequency (60 kHz) are presented in this article. The structure uses an array of piezo-ceramics. A dynamic analysis is performed on the obtained modes, and their dynamic lumped parameters are identified. A closed loop control is performed to maintain the desired vibration amplitude in the presence of a finger. Longitudinal and transverse motion cartographies show that the objective of achieving and controlling pure modes independently has been achieved. Using this device, tribological, psychophysical and energetic analyses are carried out. The analyses show that in terms of friction measurements and perception, both modes produce equivalent results. In terms of active power losses, an advantage of the longitudinal mode over the transverse mode is observed due to the interaction with the finger. |
[10] Human low-threshold mechanoafferent responses to pure changes in friction controlled using an ultrasonic haptic device Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, N°. 1, 05/2021, Abstract DIONE Mariama, WATKINS Roger, VEZZOLI Eric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, WESSBERG Johan |
The forces that are developed when manipulating objects generate sensory cues that inform the central nervous system about the qualities of the object's surface and the status of the hand/object interaction. Afferent responses to frictional transients or slips have been studied in the context of lifting/holding tasks. Here, we used microneurography and an innovative tactile stimulator, the Stimtac, to modulate both the friction level of a surface, without changing the surface or adding a lubricant, and, to generate the frictional transients in a pure and net fashion. In three protocols, we manipulated: the frictional transients, the friction levels, the rise times, the alternation of phases of decrease or increase in friction to emulate grating-like stimuli. Afferent responses were recorded in 2 FAIs, 1 FAII, 2 SAIs and 3 SAIIs from the median nerve of human participants. Independently of the unit type, we observed that: single spikes were generated time-locked to the frictional transients, and that reducing the friction level reduced the number of spikes during the stable phase of the stimulation. Our results suggest that those frictional cues are encoded in all the unit types and emphasize the possibility to use the Stimtac device to control mechanoreceptor firing with high temporal precision. |
[11] PCA Model of Fundamental Acoustic Finger Force for Out-of-Plane Ultrasonic Vibration and its Correlation with Friction Reduction IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 02/2021, Abstract TORRES GUZMAN Diana Angelica, KACI Anis, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, CLENET Stéphane, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
When a finger touches an ultrasonic vibrating plate, a non-sinusoidal contact force is produced. This force is called acoustic finger force. In a setup where closed-loop control is performed on the vibration amplitude, a component of the acoustic finger force can be measured at the fundamental vibration frequency of the plate. This calculation is obtained from the measurement of the variation of the controller voltage between the no-load case and when a finger is present. This calculation is made for a group of twelve participants. From these results a PCA (Principal Component Analysis) model is created. This model permits estimation of the acoustic finger force response of a participant at any vibration amplitude, based on a one or two point measurement. Finally, a linear relation between the PCA coefficients and the friction reduction is proposed. The objective of this relation would be to ultimately provide the means to create an amplitude reference calibration based on the desired friction reduction level, and thus be able to produce a standardized tactile feedback for each user, despite the biomechanical differences in finger pad properties between subjects. |
[12] LQR based MIMO-PID controller for the vector control of an underdamped harmonic oscillator Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 134, 08/2019, URL, Abstract KACI Anis, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Modulated-Demodulated control (or vector control) allows to simultaneously impose amplitude and phase of a resonator. Moreover, the working frequency in the case of discrete-controller is substantially lower than the resonance frequency. However, the design of a such controller can be complex. In this paper, we outline a design directly in the baseband. To do so, the oscillator is modelled as a non-dimensional Multi-Input-Multi-Output system. An optimal control (Linear Quadratic Regulator) framework can then be used to design the controller. Thanks to ad hoc performances criteria, the weighting matrices are systematically specified according to the desired closed-lop time response. The methodology is validated by an experimental results on a plate actuated using piezoelectric patches. |
[13] Generating controlled localized stimulations on haptic displays by modal superimposition Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 449, pages. 196-213, 06/2019, URL, Abstract ENFERAD Ehsan, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
In the field of tactile feedback, researchers try to generate localized stimulations on screens. Some solutions such as time reversal or phased array use vibration induced in the screen equipped with piezoelectric ceramics. We propose to use the modal basis to reproduce a specified velocity field on such devices. We explain the theory and propose a methodology to practically synthesize the voltages to achieved a controlled focusing in a given time. Experiments on a simple demonstrator are in good agreement with the theory for various velocity fields and a reduced number of modes. |
[14] Influence of a CVT on the Fuel Consumption of a Parallel Medium-Duty Electric Hybrid Truck Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 158, N°. Avril 209, pages. 120-129, 04/2019 MAYET Clément, WELLES Joris, BOUSCAYROL Alain, HOFMAN Théo, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[15] The Perception of Ultrasonic Square Reductions of
Friction with Variable Sharpness and Duration IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 12, N°. 2, pages. 179-188, 04/2019, URL, Abstract GUEORGUIEV David, VEZZOLI Eric, SEDNAOUI Thomas, LAURENT Grisoni, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The human perception of square ultrasonicmodulation of the finger-surface friction was investigated duringactive tactile exploration by using short frictional cues of varyingduration and sharpness. In a first experiment, we asked participantsto discriminate the transition time and duration of short squareultrasonic reductions of friction. They proved very sensitive todiscriminate millisecond differences in these two parameters withthe average psychophysical thresholds being 2.3–2.4 ms for bothparameters. A second experiment focused on the perception ofsquare friction reductions with variable transition times anddurations. We found that for durations of the stimulation largerthan 90 ms, participants often perceived three or four edges whenonly two stimulations were presented while they consistently felttwo edges for signals shorter than 50 ms. A subsequent analysisof the contact forces induced by these ultrasonic stimulationsduring slow and fast active exploration showed that two identicalconsecutive ultrasonic pulses can induce significantly differentfrictional dynamics especially during fast motion of the finger.These results confirm the human sensitivity to transient frictionalcues and suggest that the human perception of square reductions offriction can depend on their sharpness and duration as well as onthe speed of exploration. |
[16] Improving the PAD actuator performances by vector control IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 23, N°. 6, pages. 2920-2927, 09/2018, Abstract GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, MANGEOT Charles, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
In this paper, we address the problem of pull out and stalling of the vector control of the piezo-actuator drive. The model presented reveals the similarities with synchronous machine and therefore we propose the vector control to solve the problem and to enhance its performances. The implementation using a position sensor is tested. Experimental results show that the vector control avoids pull out and reduces dramatically the voltage applied to achieve the same performances. Speed up to 2.5 times the maximum rated speed at full load could be achieved without loss of synchronization. |
[17] Vector Control Of Piezoelectric Transducers and Ultrasonic Actuators IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 65, N°. 6, pages. 4880-4888, 06/2018, URL, Abstract GHENNA Sofiane, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel |
This paper presents the implementation of a novel vibration amplitude control and resonant frequency tracking for Piezoelectric Transducers (PT) and Ultrasonic Motors (USM). It is based on a generalization of the Vector Control Method (VCM) to PT and USM that is explained in the first part. We show that two independent controllers with similar structure are required : one tracks the resonant frequency and the second controls the amplitude.We then present the implementation into a low cost DSP controller with a 200μsec sampling period. Experimental results on a Langevin Transducer achieved a time response of 20msec approximately, and the generality of the method is further demonstrated on a 2D Tactile stimulator at the end of the paper. |
[18] From finger friction and induced vibrations to brain activation: Tactile
comparison between real and virtual textile fabrics Tribology International, N°. 126, pages. 283-296, 05/2018, Abstract CAMILLIERI Brigitte, BUENO Marie-Ange, FABRE Marie, JUAN Benjamin, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, MOUCHNINO Laurence |
The objective is to compare the tactile rendering of real and virtual textile surfaces. A grooved woven (twill) and
a hairy fabric (velvet) were studied. The virtual fabrics were simulated with a tactile device. The comparison was
done by measuring the finger interaction in terms of coefficient of friction (COF) and induced vibrations, and
brain activation by electroencephalography (EEG). EEG showed that the real and virtual twill fabrics are close,
contrary to real and virtual velvets. The finger friction showed that for both fabrics the rendering of virtual
compared to real fabrics is very good in terms of COF, low in terms of finger induced vibrations in high fre-
quencies, but differs for the velvet texture for low frequencies. |
[19] PEP'13 ECCE Europe, a carbon neutral conference! EPE Journal, Vol. 28, N°. 1, pages. 40-48, 01/2018 BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHEVALLIER Loïc, CIMETIERE Xavier, CLENET Stéphane, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[20] The tactile perception of transient
changes in friction Journal Royal Society Interface, Vol. 14, N°. 20170641, 11/2017, URL, Abstract GUEORGUIEV David, VEZZOLI Eric, MOURAUXA André, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, THONNARD Jean-louis |
When we touch an object or explore a texture, frictional strains are induced
by the tactile interactions with the surface of the object. Little is known about
how these interactions are perceived, although it becomes crucial for the nascent
industry of interactive displays with haptic feedback (e.g. smartphones
and tablets) where tactile feedback based on friction modulation is particularly
relevant. To investigate the human perception of frictional strains, we
mounted a high-fidelity friction modulating ultrasonic device on a robotic
platform performing controlled rubbing of the fingertip and asked participants
to detect induced decreases of friction during a forced-choice task.
The ability to perceive the changes in friction was found to follow Weber’s
Law of just noticeable differences, as it consistently depended on the ratio
between the reduction in tangential force and the pre-stimulation tangential
force. The Weber fraction was 0.11 in all conditions demonstrating a very
high sensitivity to transient changes in friction. Humid fingers experienced
less friction reduction than drier ones for the same intensity of ultrasonic
vibration but the Weber fraction for detecting changes in friction was not
influenced by the humidity of the skin. |
[21] Friction Reduction through Ultrasonic Vibration Part 2: Experimental Evaluation of Intermittent Contact and Squeeze Film Levitation IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 10, N°. 2, pages. 208-216, 06/2017, URL, Abstract SEDNAOUI Thomas, VEZZOLI Eric, DZIDEK Brygida, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, CHAPPAZ Cedrick, ADAMS Michael |
In part 1 of the current study of haptic displays, a finite element (FE) model of a finger exploring a plate vibrating out-of-plane at ultrasonic frequencies was developed as well as a spring-frictional slider model. It was concluded that the reduction in friction induced by the vibrations could be ascribed to ratchet mechanism as a result of intermittent contact. The relative reduction in friction calculated using the FE model could be superimposed onto an exponential function of a dimensionless group defined from relevant parameters. The current paper presents measurements of the reduction in friction, involving real and artificial fingertips, as a function of the vibrational amplitude and frequency, the applied normal force and the exploration velocity. The results are reasonably similar to the calculated FE values and also could be superimposed using the exponential function provided that the intermittent contact was sufficiently well developed, which for the frequencies examined correspond to a minimum vibrational amplitude of - 1 μm P-P. It was observed that the reduction in friction depends on the exploration velocity and is independent of the applied normal force and ambient air pressure, which is not consistent with the squeeze film mechanism. However, the modelling did not incorporate the influence of air and the effect of ambient pressure was measured under a limited range of conditions, Thus squeeze film levitation may be synergistic with the mechanical interaction. |
[22] Friction Reduction through Ultrasonic Vibration Part 1: Modelling Intermittent Contact IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 10, N°. 2, pages. 196-207, 06/2017, URL, Abstract VEZZOLI Eric, VIDRIH Zlatko, GIAMUNDO Vincenzo, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, RODIC Tomaz, PERIC Djordje, ADAMS Michael |
Ultrasonic vibration is employed to modify the friction of a finger pad in way that induces haptic sensations. A combination of intermittent contact and squeeze film levitation has been previously proposed as the most probable mechanism. In this paper, in order to understand the underlying principles that govern friction modulation by intermittent contact, numerical models based on finite element (FE) analysis and also a spring-Coulombic slider are developed. The physical input parameters for the FE model are optimized by measuring the contact phase shift between a finger pad and a vibrating plate. The spring-slider model assists in the interpretation of the FE model and leads to the identification of a dimensionless group that allows the calculated coefficient of friction to be approximately superimposed onto an exponential function of the dimensionless group. Thus, it is possible to rationalize the computed relative reduction in friction being (i) dependent on the vibrational amplitude, frequency, and the intrinsic coefficient of friction of the device, and the reciprocal of the exploration velocity, and (ii) independent of the applied normal force, and the shear and extensional elastic moduli of the finger skin provided that intermittent contact is sufficiently well developed. Experimental validation of the modelling using real and artificial fingertips will be reported in part 2 of this work, which supports the current modelling. |
[23] Enhancing Variable Friction Tactile Display using an ultrasonic travelling wave IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 09/2016, URL, Abstract GHENNA Sofiane, VEZZOLI Eric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
In Variable Friction Tactile Displays, an ultrasonic standing wave can be used to reduce the friction coefficient between a user’s finger sliding and a vibrating surface. However, by principle, the effect is limited by a saturation due to the contact mechanics, and very low friction levels require very high vibration amplitudes. Besides, to be effective, the user’s finger has to move. We present a device which uses a travelling wave rather than a standing wave. We present a control that allows to realize such a travelling wave in a robust way, and thus can be implemented on various plane surfaces. We show experimentally that the force produced by the travelling wave has two superimposed contributions. The first one is equal to the friction reduction produced by a standing of the same vibration amplitude. The second produces a driving force in the opposite direction of the travelling wave. As a result, the modulation range of the tangential force on the finger can be extended to zero and even negative values. Moreover, the effect is dependant on the relative direction of exploration with regards to the travelling wave, which is perceivable and confirmed by a psycho-physical study. |
[24] Amplitude control of an ultrasonic vibration for a tactile stimulator IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 21, N°. 3, 02/2016, URL, Abstract BEN MESSAOUD Wael, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel, BUENO Marie-Ange |
This paper describes the control in a (d-q) frame of the vibration amplitude of a tactile stimulator based on ultrasonic vibrations. The goal is to fulfil simultaneously two objectives: maintain a constant level of vibration amplitude and excite the system at the resonance frequency. A new modelling approach is presented in order to facilitate the control and to fulfil the two objectives simultaneously. Then, thanks to an experimental setup, the validation of the new model is performed. Finally, the result of the closed loop control over a wide range of disturbing factors is presented. |
[25] Relation between human perceived friction and finger friction characteristics ELSEVIER Tribology International, Vol. 98, pages. 261–269, 02/2016, URL, Abstract BEN MESSAOUD Wael, BUENO Marie-Ange, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The topic of this paper concerns the relation between friction perception and finger friction behaviour. Two experiments were processed for some 20 individuals. The aim of the first experiment was to determine the distribution function of the perceived friction variation detected by the individuals, relating to the friction variation of the touched surface generated with a tactile stimulator. The second experiment was to determine the finger friction criterion correlated with the perceived friction variation analysed from psychophysical techniques. This criterion, called the friction contrast, depends on the individual finger and is influenced by the sliding velocity. |
[26] Coupling of ultrasonic vibration and electrovibration for tactile stimulation European Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 17, N°. 5-6, pages. 377-395, 11/2015, URL, Abstract VEZZOLI Eric, BEN MESSAOUD Wael, NADAL Clément, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, BUENO Marie-Ange |
L’électrovibration et l’effet squeeze film produit par vibration ultrasonique sont deux principes de stimulation tactile permettant de modifier la sensation de toucher d’un utilisateur explorant une surface plane. Le présent article s’attache à démontrer leur compatibilité sur un même stimulateur tactile lors d’une utilisation concomitante. Une description du principe physique et des spécificités de chacun des phénomènes sera entreprise et les résultats expérimentaux obtenus lors de leur association seront par ailleurs présentés.
Electrovibration and squeeze film effect are two different principles, which modify the user’s perception of a surface. The first one is generated by the polarization of a finger approaching a high voltage supplied plate, and the latter by the ultrasonic vibration of a plate. Their compatibility on the same stimulator will be presented in this paper and their concomitant use will be proven. A parametric study on electrovibration in function of the material choice and a first experimental investigation of the validity of the squeeze film effect hypothesis are performed. A description of the physical principle and the characteristics of each effect will be proposed and force measurements of their coupling will be presented. |
[27] Power analysis for the design of a large area ultrasonic
tactile touch panel The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics (EPJ AP), Vol. 72, pages. 1-11, 09/2015, URL, Abstract YANG Yi, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, ZHANG Yuru, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe |
Tactile interfaces are intuitive but lack of haptic feedback. One method to provide tactile feed-
back is to change the friction coefficient of the touch surface. Several small-size tactile devices have been
developed to provide programmable friction coefficient based on the squeeze air film effect. This effect is
produced by ultrasonic vibration of the tactile plate thanks to piezoceramics. In order to design larger
embedded tactile feedback areas, a key issue is the power consumption. In this paper, we present the
power analysis of a tactile device which is based on the squeeze film effect. We first investigate the source
of power consumption by a series of measurements. Then, an analytical model is developed to estimate the
power, which gives the conclusion that, when the vibration amplitude is constant, the power consumption
is not related to the number of piezoelectric actuators. According to this result, we design a large area
(198 mm × 138 mm) tactile plate with only eight piezoelectric actuators. Experimental results show that
the power consumption of the large tactile plate is less than 2 W. Moreover, we also find that the power
consumption of the large tactile plate was predictable with the measurement results from small plates with
an average error of less than 10%. |
[28] Generalized modal analysis for closed-loop piezoelectric devices Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 24, N°. 8, pages. 085028, 08/2015, URL GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[29] Pile Surface Tactile Simulation: Role of the Slider Shape, Texture
Close to Fingerprints, and the Joint Stiffness Tribology Letters (Springer), Vol. 59, N°. 25, pages. 2-12, 07/2015, URL, Abstract BUENO Marie-Ange, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric |
Stimulating the human hand with a tactile
device in order to simulate pile fabric touch is a challenge.
The stimulation has to be designed from the friction
characteristics of the investigated pile surfaces, i.e. velvet
fabrics. The tactile illusion of pile is given when touching
the smooth plate of the tactile stimulator STIMTAC by
modulating the coefficient of friction between the plate and
the finger during an active movement. In a preliminary
study, five tribological features as velvet fabric character-
istics were identified, used for the design of the stimulator’s
control signal, and validated via psychophysical studies
where real and simulated fabrics were compared. But a
specific tribological feature described and expected by
individuals was missing. Then, a tribological investigation
has been done in order to obtain this tribological feature,
with the five previous ones, by changing experimental
conditions: slider shape, texture, and joint stiffness. The
obtained results show that a rounded shape of the slider has
an influence only on the friction force level, but a texture of
the slider close to fingerprints and a joint stiffness is crucial
to obtain the missing characteristic and therefore for the
pile surface tribological characterization. The role of the
fingerprints in touching grooved surfaces has been pub-
lished before but not for pile surfaces. |
[30] Physical and perceptual independence of ultrasonic vibration and electrovibration for friction modulation IEEE - Transaction on Haptics, Vol. 8, N°. 2, pages. 235 - 239, 04/2015, URL, Abstract VEZZOLI Eric, BEN MESSAOUD Wael, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Two different principles are available to modulate the user perceived roughness of a surface: electrovibration and ultrasonic vibration of a plate. The former enhances the perceived friction coefficient and the latter reduces it. This paper will highlight the independence of the two effects on the physical and perceptual point of view to confirm the increased range of sensation and stimulation that can be supplied by the two coupled techniques to the users. Firstly, a tribometric analysis of the induced lateral force on the finger by the two coupled effects will be presented, then a study on the dynamic of the two effects will be reported. In the end, a psychophysical experiment on the perception of the two coupled techniques will be shown. |
[31] Coupling Bond Graph and Energetic Macroscopic Representation
for Electric Vehicle Simulation Mechatronics Elsevier, Vol. 24, N°. 7, pages. 906-913, 10/2014, URL, Abstract SILVA Luis, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DE ANGELO Christian, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper deals with the analysis and simulation of an electric vehicle, coupling functional and structural
approaches in the same simulation environment. The Bond Graph model, the structural approach, is first
deduced from the physical system, which in turn produces a direct correspondence between the system
and its model. The control structure is then easily deduced from the Energetic Macroscopic Representa-
tion, the functional approach, of the vehicle using a systematic procedure. Simulation results are provided
in order to analyze the performance of the closed-loop system |
[32] Development of a novel plane piezoelectric actuator using Hamilton’s
principle based model and Hertz contact theory Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 217, pages. 116-123, 07/2014, URL, Abstract M’BOUNGUI Gaston, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, JIMOH Adisa |
A simple device based on friction coefficient control was designed as a solution to the lack of compact-
ness and simplicity encountered in the number of force feedback interfaces. The structure comprises a
64 × 38 × 3 mm copper-beryllium plate on which well-adjusted polarized piezoceramics are glued. The
plate stands on four legs, each of which has a spherical end. By controlling the drive voltage, friction force
may be varied as required by a user who moves the device on a flat surface, as he or she would do with
a normal mouse. This adds the possibility of rendering simulated forces from objects manipulated on a
PC screen. Friction forces obtained using Hertz contact theory compare well with the ones measured on
an experimental setup, which demonstrate the validity of the approach with regard to force feedback
application. |
[33] Vibration Control and Preliminary evaluation of a piezo-electric actuator for use as a force-feedback device European Journal on Electrical Engineering, Vol. 17, N°. 1/2, pages. 9-26, 04/2014 M’BOUNGUI Gaston, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric |
[34] A simulation from a tactile device to render the touch of textile fabrics: a preliminary study on velvet Textile Research Journal, Vol. 84, N°. 13, pages. 1428-1440, 02/2014, URL, Abstract BUENO Marie-Ange, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric |
In the field of e-commerce or virtual prototyping of textile fabrics and garments, tactile stimulators could be very
pertinent and useful tools for the industry. The challenge is to stimulate the human hand using a tactile device in order to
simulate the textile fabric touch. The principle of the tactile device is described. The kinds of fabrics investigated are pile
fabrics, such as velvet. In this study, the illusion of pile is given when touching the smooth plate of the tactile device by
modulating the coefficient of friction between the plate and the finger during an active movement. The control signal is
qualitatively designed from some tribological features identified in this study as velvet fabric characteristics. The influence
of each tribological feature on the tactile rendering is studied via psychophysical studies comparing real and simulated
fabrics. The best rendering needs a simulation with three specific features: a coefficient of friction, which depends on the
finger movement direction; a transition phase for the change of movement direction; and small amplitude variations of
the coefficient of friction with about one millimeter wavelength. |
[35] Comparison of different models and simulation approaches for the energetic study of a subway IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology, Vol. 63, N°. 2, pages. 556-565, 02/2014, Abstract MAYET Clément, HORREIN Ludovic, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, VERHILLE Jean-Noël, CHATTOT Eric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper aims to compare different models and simulation approaches for an energetic simulation of an automatic subway. For this purpose, several models are carried out from a dynamic model which is validated by comparison with experimental measurements. Furthermore, two different simulation approaches are compared: backward and forward approaches. A simplified model is obtained and allows the reduction of the simulation time by 96 compared to the dynamic model by keeping an accuracy of more than 99 %. |
[36] Modeling of Forging Processes Assisted by Piezoelectric Actuators: Principles and Experimental Validation IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 50, N°. 1, pages. 244-252, 01/2014, Abstract NGUYEN Thanh Hung, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ABBA Gabriel, BIGOT Régis |
This paper presents the modeling of forging processes assisted by vibrations. A piezoelectric actuator is used to generate specific low-frequency vibration waveforms superimposed to the forging motion. Experimental results show a reduction of the forging load during upsetting tests. However, the appropriate waveforms and their influence on the forging load are still poorly understood. Moreover, the requirements of actuators and the design of the control should be known in advance. Therefore, there is a need for simulation to predict those issues. Due to the complexity of the interactions between the different components of the system, a complete model of the process is proposed. It is developed using an energetic macroscopic representation to
preserve causality throughout themodeling. Simulation results are then compared with representative experimental results. |
Vector control method applied to a traveling wave in a finite beam IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, ferroelectricity and Frequency Control (TUFFC), Vol. 61, N°. 1, pages. 147-158, 01/2014, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper presents the closed-loop control of exciters to produce a traveling wave in a finite beam. This control is based on a dynamical modeling of the system established in a rotating reference frame. This method allows dynamic and independent control of the phase and amplitude of two vibration modes. The condition to obtain the traveling wave is written in this rotating frame, and requires having two vibration modes with the same amplitude, and imposing a phase shift of 90?? between them. The advantage of the method is that it allows easy implementation of a closed loop control that can handle parameter drift of the system, after a temperature rise, for example. The modeling is compared with measurement on an experimental test bench which also implements real-time control. We managed to experimentally obtain a settling time of 250 ms for the traveling wave, and a standing wave ratio (SWR) of 1.3. |
[38] Contribution of Slip Cue to Curvature
Perception through Active and Dynamic Touch IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 6, N°. 4, pages. 408-416, 10/2013, Abstract ZENG Tao, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel |
—Haptic perception of curvature depends largely on the kind of touch. An active and dynamic touch is considered to be the
most natural way of exploring. In this study, we have designed and evaluated a kinematic platform for curvature perception through
active and dynamic touch. This platform can independently orient, elevate, and translate a flat plate; by exploring forward and
backward along the flat plate with a finger, users can achieve curvature feeling of extruded objects. The mechanism of platform and the
way of touch have maximally respected the cues for curvature perception, especially the slip cue. Psychophysical evaluation
demonstrated that the discrimination threshold of curvature for virtual shapes is close to that for real shapes, and the virtual shape is
felt equally curved as the real one. The curvature perception of mono-convex surfaces was then expanded to perception of more
complex surfaces: large textures, which have a sinusoidal profile. The evaluation has accessed the correspondence between the
virtual and real large textures. |
[39] Design and Control of a Haptic Knob Sensors and Actuators - Physical, Vol. 196, pages. 78-85, 07/2013, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Introducing haptic into tactile input interfaces allow users to really feel their action on the device they control by this way. In this paper, we achieve tactile stimulation by using the squeeze film effect. It is applied on a haptic knob, as those which control an MP3 player for example. We present our design procedure of the active surface and of the position sensor based on force measurement which achieves a resolution of 3.6 deg. We also show that stimuli are damped by
fingertip, and a specific control loop with a response time of 2.5 ms has been achieved to tackle this problem. Finally, a psychophysical experiment was conducted showing how the haptic feedback can increase user’s accuracy in a pointing
task. |
[40] Power Consideration in a Piezoelectric Generator Smart Materials Research, Vol. 2013, 06/2013, URL, Abstract TARDIVEAU Rémi, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
A piezoelectric generator converts mechanical energy into electricity and is used in energy harvesting devices. In this paper, synchronisation conditions in regard to the excitation vibration are studied. We show that a phase shift of ninety degrees between the vibration excitation and the bender’s displacement provides the maximum power from the mechanical excitation. However, the piezoelectric material is prone to power losses; hence the bender’s displacement amplitude is optimised in order to increase the amount of power which is converted into electricity. In the paper, we use active energy harvesting to control the power flow, and all the results are achieved at a frequency of 200 Hz which is well below the generator’s resonant frequency. |
[41] Modeling and Compensation of the Internal Friction Torque of a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 4, N°. 4, pages. 327-331, 07/2011, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, SANDULESCU Alexandru-Paul, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, IONESCU Fiorin |
This paper deals with the control and experimentation of a one degree of freedom haptic stick, actuated by a travelling wave ultrasonic motor. This type of actuator has many interesting properties such as low speed operation capabilities and a high torque-to-weight ratio, making it appropriate for haptic applications. However, the motor used in this application displays non linear behaviour due to the necessary contact between its rotor and stator. Moreover, due to its energy conversion process, the torque applied to the end -- effector is not a straightforward function of the supply current or voltage. This is why a force-feedback control strategy is presented, which includes an online parameter estimator. Experimental runs are then presented to examine the fidelity of the interface. |
[42] Finite Element Modeling of the Hysteresis Effect in a Magnetorheological Brake Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics : Computer Field Models of Electromagnetic Devices, Vol. 34, pages. 756-762, 11/2010, URL, Abstract DEMERSSEMAN Richard, BENABOU Abdelkader, CLENET Stéphane, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The torque developed by a magnetorheological brake can exhibit a hysteretic behaviour when experiencing a time varying magnetic field. In this work, we focus on the numerical study of such phenomenon using 2D Finite Element (FE) analysis. The torque evolution is investigated when considering successively nonlinear and hysteretic behaviour laws in the ferromagnetic parts. |
[43] Modélisation globale de linterface mécanique dun actionneur piézoélectrique à onde progressive European Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 13, N°. 3, pages. 261-282, 06/2010 DAI Zheng, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[44] Geometrical optimization of an ultrasonic tactile plate for surface texture rendering Sensors and Actuators: A Physical, Vol. 191, N°. 1-2, pages. 91-100, 06/2010, URL, Abstract SERGEANT Peter, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The Tactile plate consists of piezoceramics glued on a copper-beryllium resonator. Its purpose is to create programmable tactile sensations, which give the illusion of finely textured surfaces. The illusion originates from the variable friction between a finger and the vibrating resonator, caused by the squeeze film effect. In order to obtain a maximal deflection of the plate for a minimal supply voltage, an optimization is carried out of the length, thickness, and width of both the resonator and the ceramics. Constraints are realistic geometrical dimensions, a resonance frequency of at least 25 kHz, and a low supply voltage. The plate is modelled by both an analytical and a numerical model. The maximal dynamical deflection per volt was achieved with thin piezoceramics (0.5 mm) at the minimal frequency of 25 kHz. A high deflection can be obtained in a wide range of the resonator length. With increasing length, the optimal resonator thickness increases too. The plate width seems to have little influence. Experiments are carried out on two plates with different geometry. |
[45] Modélisation causale pour la commande auto adaptée de machines alternatives triphasées en mode dégradé European Journal of Electrical Engineering EJEE, Vol. 13, N°. 3, 06/2010, Abstract CREVITS Yvan, KESTELYN Xavier, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, SEMAIL Eric |
RÉSUMÉ. Cet article établit un modèle causal unique pour les fonctionnements normal et dégradé d’un entraînement électromécanique à phases non couplées en s’appuyant sur un formalisme vectoriel et une Représentation Energétique Macroscopique (REM). L’inversion systématique du modèle permet de déduire une architecture de commande dans laquelle des correcteurs spécifiques sont utilisés pour assurer les deux modes de fonctionnement. Les validations en simulation, l’examen des performances en mode dégradé par rapport au mode normal et plusieurs validations expérimentales mettent en évidence la validité de la commande établie. Enfin, la méthode développée dans l’article pour les machines triphasées est adaptable aux machines polyphasées pour mettre en évidence la généralité de la méthode.
MOTS-CLÉS : machines polyphasées, machines alternatives triphasées, filtrage de couple, commande auto adaptée, entraînements électromécaniques tolérants aux pannes.
ABSTRACT. This paper deals with a unique causal model in normal and open-circuited phase operation of a electromechanical drive with independent supplied phases. This overall degraded system model is based on a vectorial formalism and the Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR). The systematic inversion of the model leads to a control structure using a dedicated controller available in the two operating modes. The simulating validation, the performances verifications in open-circuited mode versus normal mode and the experimental validations establish the validity of the control. Finally, this tree-phase method is adaptable to polyphase machines to bring to light the generality of the method.
KEYWORDS: multiphase machines, alternative machines, torque filtering, auto adaptable control, fault tolerant drives. |
[46] Energetic Macroscopic Representation and inversion-based control illustrated on a wind energy conversion systems using Hardware-in-the-loop simulation IEEE trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, N°. 12, pages. 4826-4835, 12/2009 BOUSCAYROL Alain, GUILLAUD Xavier, DELARUE Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[47] Stability Analysis of an Ultrasonic Motor for a New Wave Amplitude Control IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 45, N°. 4, pages. 1343-1350, 08/2009, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ARAGONES Julien, ROBINEAU Jacques, AUDREN Jean-Thierry |
Using piezoelectric actuators can reduce the bulk
size of servomechanisms; they are thus very useful in avionics
applications. However, mechanical overload on the shaft of a
traveling-wave ultrasonic motor often results in the motor suddenly
stalling. To avoid this drawback, one can increase the supply
voltage or add a control loop in the rotating reference frame of
the traveling wave. The consequences are extra power losses or
lower dynamic performances. The proposed method combines the
advantages of classical controls and controls in a rotating frame:
Both stability and dynamic performances are obtained at low
supply-voltage levels. Experimental runs are presented. |
[48] Implementation of tactile feedback by modifying the perceived friction
The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics, Vol. 43, N°. 1, pages. 123-135, 07/2008, URL, Abstract BIET Mélisande, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper describes implementation and initial evaluation of variable friction displays. We first
analyse a device that comprises a stator of an ultrasonic motor supplied by only one channel. In this way,
the stator does not induce any rotative movement but creates a slippery feeling on the stator’s surface.
Considering the range of frequency and amplitude needed to obtain this phenomenon, we interpret it as
the squeeze film effect, which may be the dominant factor causing an impression of lubrication. This effect
is thus able to decrease the friction coefficient between the fingertip and the stator as a function of the
vibration amplitude. Moreover, if we add a position sensor, we can create a textured surface by generating
alternatively sliding and braking sensations by tuning the vibration amplitude of the wave. Then, based
on the principle of the first device, another device is proposed in order to enable a free exploration of the
surface, according to ergonomic requirements. |
[49] Magnetorheological Brake for Haptic Rendering Lecture notes on computer science”Springer/Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 5024, pages. 941-045, 01/2008 DEMERSSEMAN Richard, HAFEZ Moustapha, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, CLENET Stéphane |
[50] Squeeze film effect for the design of an ultrasonic tactile plate IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonic, Ferroelectric and Frequency Control, Vol. 54, N°. 12, pages. 2678 - 2688, 12/2007, URL, Abstract BIET Mélisande, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Most tactile displays currently built rely on pin
based arrays. However, this kind of tactile device is not always
appropriate when we need to give the illusion of finely
textured surfaces. In this paper, we describe the squeeze film
effect between a plate and a finger, and we use this effect
to design an ultrasonic tactile plate. The plate is actuated by
piezoelectric ceramics. Ultrasonic vibrations are thus produced
and are capable of generating the squeeze film effect. This enables
us to simulate variable friction on the surface of the plate.
In order to identify the squeeze film phenomenon, this study
considers the case where a finger, with a planar bottom surface
and with epidermal ridges, is placed on a rapidly vibrating
plate. The overpressure is calculated and the result enables us
to assess the relative coefficient of friction as a function of the
vibration amplitude of the plate. Based on this principle, and
using both analytic and FE method studies, and given ergonomic
and stimulation (squeeze film) requirements, we show that it is
possible to suggest a method of designing a tactile plate which is
capable of giving programmable tactile sensations. We conclude
by comparing the results obtained from our simulations with
experimental results. |
[51] Precise position control of a travelling wave ultrasonic motor IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 43, N°. 4, pages. 934-941, 07/2007, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ARAGONES Julien, ROBINEAU Jacques, AUDREN Jean-Thierry |
Precise position control of a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic
Motor is achieved, avoiding the traditional drawbacks
attributable to non-linear torque generation: overshoot or slow response time. For that purpose, a behavior model control is proposed and presented. With this control law, a quick and
precise response is obtained. In this article, we present a position control scheme of an inertial load. The guideline used for this control was a rotation of 90° in a response time of about 200ms with a position error of 0,6mrad, targeting a typical application for avionics. In the paper, a shinsei USR30 is used, but the method can be applied to other Ultrasonic Motors. |
[52] Ultrasonic friction drive for passive force feedback Electromotion, Vol. 14, N°. 2, 04/2007 GARBOUIO Lauric, PIGACHE François, ROUCHON Jean-François, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, NOGAREDE Bertrand |
[53] A Torque Estimator for a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor - Application to an Active Claw IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonic, Ferroelectric and Frequency Control, Vol. 53, N°. 8, pages. 1468-1477, 08/2006, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Depending on its electrical to mechanical energy conversion process, the torque on a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor(TWUM)’s shaft is not directly proportional to a measurable
electrical variable, such as current or voltage, but is derived from a complicated process at the stator/rotor interface. The load torque is thus quite unknown, and this can be a disadvantage
in applications where a torque limitation is required or a torque measurement is needed. The aim of this article is to come up with a straightforward torque estimator on a TWUM. For that
purpose, the motor is modelled, this modelling leads to different estimator strategies. More specifically, we chose a strategy for which a speed sensor is useless, relying only on the stator’s resonant behavior. The parameters of the motor needed for the estimator are measured afterwards while some non linearities are identified and taken into account. Several experimental trials
are then carried out to check the performance of the estimator. Finally, a claw actuated by a TWUM is presented, because this
is a typical application where the knowledge of the torque helps guarantee the safety of the device. |
[54] Modelling and identification of a planar standing wave ultrasonic motor EPJ AP, N°. 34, pages. 55-65, 01/2006, URL, Abstract PIGACHE François, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The aim of this paper is to define a linear model of a planar standing wave ultrasonic motor (SWUM). First, the analytical approach using the variational formulation is presented. An identification method is deduced to find the parameters of a vibrating rectangular plate. Non-linearities are also emphasized and verified by the experimental measurements. Secondly, the mechanical energy conversion of the actuator is identified, using an average behavior modelling and a linear approach for the contact interaction. Finally, a complete modelling of the actuator is presented, using the Causal Ordering Graph formalism. |
[55] Modèle mécanique linéaire et causal dun actionneur piézoélectrique plan RIGE, Vol. 8-3, N°. 4, pages. 453-481, 01/2005 PIGACHE François, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric |
[56] Analysis and phase control of a piezoelectric traveling-wave ultrasonic motor for haptic stick application IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 40, N°. 6, pages. 1541-1549, 11/2004, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AUDREN Jean-Thierry |
An original modeling of a traveling-wave ultrasonic motor is established in order to provide a new torque control law for this category of actuators. In particular, self-driving is implemented, avoiding the classical drawbacks of frequency control, i.e., pull-out phenomenon. With such a robust control, force feedback application is available. Experimental results are obtained on an active haptic stick. |
[57] Causal modeling and identification of a travelling wave ultrasonic motor
The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics, Vol. 21, N°. 2, pages. 151-159, 02/2003, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper deals with the causal modeling of a Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motor; the aim of the study is to build an approach which may take into account the physical contact responsible for the pull-out phenomenon, but straightforward enough to be useful for control. As the parameters available for the modeling can not be obtained following the well known electromechanical equivalent scheme identification, a new identification method is proposed. In this purpose, the model of the motor is expressed in the traveling wave rotating frame. |
[58] Modèle dynamique dun moteur piézo-électrique à onde progressive Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique (RIGE), Vol. 4/3, N°. 4, pages. 411-430, 04/2001, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
Cet article propose une modélisation entièrement paramétrable d’un moteur à onde progressive. Le formalisme de représentation choisi est celui du graphe informationnel causal (GIC), adapté à l’établissement d’un modèle de commande. L’originalité de la démarche réside en la construction d’un modèle intermédiaire entre le schéma électromécanique équivalent et l’approche lagrangienne. En particulier, ce modèle ne se base pas sur une description fine du contact stator-rotor, généralement trop complexe pour être prise en compte lors d’une commande. Pour valider le modèle mis en place, les résultats sont confrontés à ceux issus d’un modèle de référence considérant la loi de Coulomb au niveau du contact. |
National Journals |
[1] Dispositifs à frottement variable pour le retour tactile Sciences et Technologies pour le Handicap, editions Hermes, Vol. 2, N°. 2, pages. 115-129, 01/2008, Abstract LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric |
L’intérêt des dispositifs à retour tactile dans les domaines de la conception, la communication, l’aide à la personne, donne lieu actuellement à de nombreuses recherches qui débouchent sur un large spectre de propositions technologiques. Les potentialités, et la structure de ces interfaces sont également très variées. Dans cet article nous traitons plus particulièrement des dispositifs tactiles basés sur l’exploitation du frottement variable, et dédiés à la reconstitution de textures fines. Cette variation du coefficient de frottement est obtenue grâce à la mise en vibration ultrasonore de la surface touchée, générant un phénomène de « squeeze film ». Après un état de l’art sur le retour tactile par action sur le frottement, ce phénomène physique est présenté et justifié dans le cas d’une plaque vibrante en contact avec le doigt. Les conditions portant sur l’amplitude et la fréquence des vibrations sont explicitées. La mise en oeuvre de ces conditions à l’aide d’une excitation piézo-électrique permet de mettre en évidence, par des essais expérimentaux et des tests psychophysiques, l’effet de diminution du frottement. Enfin, par le contrôle de ce frottement selon la position du doigt, nous montrons qu’il est possible de simuler le rendu de surfaces finement texturées.
International Conferences and Symposiums |
[1] Vibrotactile Cues with Net Lateral Forces Resulting from a Travelling Wave Eurohaptics 2024, 11/2024, URL, Abstract OUARI Mondher, KACI Anis, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Ultrasonic travelling waves possess the capability to induce net shear forces on the finger pulp, which finds utility in various applications. This study specifically investigates their potential in generating vibrotactile cues through force modulation. Two experiments are outlined herein. In the first, we assess the detection threshold, estimated at 1.5 μm peak-peak for a modulation frequency of 75 Hz. Remarkably, this threshold closely aligns with that observed in conventional vibrotactile indentation and remains consistent regardless of the force modulation method employed. In the second experiment, we correlate the amplitude of a travelling wave tactile display with the vibration amplitude of a shaker to achieve equivalent vibration intensity. Our findings reveal a substantial amplitude ratio range experienced on the travelling wave device, spanning from 24 to 155, which is pivotal in optimizing vibrotactile stimulator design. Additionally, we demonstrate that vibrations below 1 μm yield negligible net lateral forces on the finger pulp. These results underscore the potential of ultrasonic travelling waves in enhancing tactile feedback systems. |
[2] Temporal detection threshold of audio-tactile delays under conditions of active touch with and without a visual cue 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference, 07/2023, URL, Abstract BRAHIMAJ Detjon, ESPOSITO Giulia, COURTIN Arthur, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, COLLIGNON Olivier, ANDRE Moureaux |
While much research has been conducted on multisensory interactions in passive touch, research on how active touch influences how the senses interact remains scarce. Using a haptic surface based on ultrasonic vibrations, we investigated the perception of synchronization of audio-tactile stimuli in active touch. Tactile stimuli were delivered upon sliding the finger, and auditory stimuli followed with a delay ranging from 0-700 ms. In this simultaneity judgment task, two visual conditions were employed: (i) a visual cue showing the location of the active zone on the screen; (ii) a black picture on the screen. We also consider two sliding directions: (i) right-to-left (RTL); (ii) left-to-right (LTR). We estimated the psychometric function (threshold and slope) of the ability to judge whether the auditory and tactile stimuli were temporally synchronous. We found a threshold of 201.26 and 211.73 ms for LTR and 233.3 and 207.23 ms for RTL with and without visual cues, respectively. We translated temporal delays into distances (mm) using the finger sliding velocity measured for each trial. The results indicate that the simultaneity judgment was independent of sliding velocity. Our results provide insights into participants’ sensitivity in perceiving simultaneous audio-tactile feedback generated during active touch exploration. |
[3] Interaction intermodale de la stéréoscopie, de la déformation de surface et de la retour tactile sur la perception de la rugosité de la texture dans un état tactile actif IHM'23 - 34e Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Humain-MachineAFIHM, Université de Technologie de Troyes, 04/2023, Abstract BRAHIMAJ Detjon, BERTHAUD Florent, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
La recherche a montré que l’interaction avec les surfaces peut bénéficier de l’ajout de retour haptique. La perception de cette retour haptique est influencée par d’autres modalités, telles que visuelles et auditives, ce qui permet de le renforcer ou de l’enrichir. Cependant, l’effet des textures 3D dans la réalité augmentée (AR), comme le rendu stéréoscopique et la déformation de surface, sur la perception tactile des textures n’a pas encore été étudié, en particulier dans une condition tactile active. Dans cet article, nous étudions l’interaction perceptuelle entre la stéréoscopie, la déformation de surface et la retour haptique dans un état actif. La retour haptique a été mise en oeuvre en utilisant une modulation par friction basée sur des vibrations à ultrasons, tandis que la retour visuelle a été implémentée avec une paire de lunettes 3D en AR. L’étude expérimentale est une exploration visuelle-tactile d’une texture virtuelle. Notre objectif est de comprendre l’interaction d’une modalité sur l’autre pour la rugosité et la perception de la profondeur. Nous avons demandé aux participants de porter des jugements de rugosité de texture visuelle et tactile et d’estimer la profondeur de la déformation de la texture sous leurs doigts. Nos résultats suggèrent que : 1) la rugosité tactile perçue peut être modifiée en ajoutant un rendu stéréoscopique et / ou une déformation de surface visuelle mais uniquement pour les textures tactiles lisses. 2) La rugosité visuelle perçue peut être modifiée en augmentant la rugosité tactile. 3) La rugosité globale (visuel + tactile) est principalement impactée par la perception tactile. |
[4] Cross-modal interaction of stereoscopy, surface
deformation and tactile feedback on the perception of
texture roughness in an active touch condition Proceedings of the 34th Conference on l'Interaction Humain-Machine, pages. 1-12, 03/2023, URL, Abstract BRAHIMAJ Detjon, BERTHAUD Florent, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Research has shown that interaction with tactile surfaces can benefit from the addition of haptic feedback. The perception of this
feedback is influenced by other modalities, visual and auditory, making it possible to reinforce or enrich it. However, the effect of
visual depth cues, such as stereoscopic rendering and surface deformation, on the tactile perception of textures has not been studied
yet, especially in an active touch condition. In this paper, we investigate the perceptual interaction between stereoscopy, surface
deformation, and haptic feedback in the condition of active touch implemented using friction modulation based on ultrasonic vibrations.
The experimental study is based on a Visual-Tactile exploration of a virtual texture. Our objective is to understand the interaction of
one modality over the other for roughness and depth perception. Participants were asked to make visual and tactile texture roughness
judgments and to estimate the depth of deformation of the texture below their fingers. Our results suggest that: 1) perceived tactile
roughness can be modified by adding stereoscopic rendering and/or visual surface deformation but only for smooth tactile textures, 2)
perceived visual roughness can be modified by increasing the tactile roughness, 3)the overall roughness (Visual + Tactile) is mainly
impacted by the tactile perception. |
[5] Characterization of skin integrity by mechanical impedance probe 14--16 September, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic, EPUAP 2022, The 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Pannel, 09/2022 CHEN Yisha, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, HAYWARD Vincent |
[6] Low-frequency ultrasound device for pressure ulcer diagnosis EPUAP 2022 - 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, 09/2022 SALES DE CASTRO Elis Marina, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[7] Power Hardware-In-the-Loop test of low-voltage battery for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe), 09/2022, URL GERMAN Ronan, TOURNEZ Florian, BOUSCAYROL Alain, LIEVRE Aurelien, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[8] Integrated motor drive: A multidisciplinary approach 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe), Hanover, Germany, 2022, pages. pp. P.1-P.9., 09/2022, URL, Abstract LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, IDIR Nadir, SEMAIL Eric, HARMAND Souad |
integrated drives are becoming a target for manufacturers aiming at addressing the increasing market of electrical embedded systems, such as e-transportation systems. Anyway, the integration of the power converter inside the electrical machine induces challenges if compactness is required. Additionally to the research of the best choices for the power electronics, electromagnetic, and thermal components, interconnection issues also arise, leading to cope simultaneously with several physical challenges. This paper gives an example of a multidisciplinary approach to propose smart integrated drive solution dedicated to middle power embedded systems. |
[9] Spatiotemporal detection threshold of audio-tactile delays under conditions of active touch with and without a visual clue Multitouch, 05/2022, URL, Abstract BRAHIMAJ Detjon, ESPOSITO Giulia, MOURAUXA André, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, COLLIGNON Olivier |
Active touch (AT) is defined as the action of touching, implying voluntary, self-generated movement. While much research has been conducted on multisensory interactions in passive touch, research on how AT influences how the senses interact remains scarce. Using a haptic surface (HS) based on ultrasonic vibrations, we investigated the perception of synchronization of audio-tactile stimuli in AT. Tactile stimuli were delivered upon sliding the finger over the tactile zone of the HS. Auditory stimuli (a white noise burst) followed the tactile stimuli with a delay ranging from 0 to 700 ms. Participants reported whether the two stimuli were perceived as coinciding in time or not. Two conditions were employed for the discrimination task: (i) either with a visual clue showing the location of the tactile zone on the screen; (ii) or with a black screen below the HS. Time delays (ms) between the tactile-auditory inputs were converted in displacement (mm), depending on the sliding velocity of the participant’s finger across the HS, to calculate spatial distances at which the two stimuli were perceived as coinciding or not with the same probability. The average distance was 5.87mm with visual cues and 5.63mm without a visual cue. No significant difference was found between the two visual conditions suggesting performance is not affected by the presence of a visual cue regarding the location of the tactile stimulus. Our results provide insights into the sensitivity of participants in perceiving spatiotemporal differences between tactileauditory stimuli generated during AT exploration. |
[10] Portable probe to rapidly assess mechanical and sensorial properties of skin EPUAP 2021 Virtual (18-19th October 2021), 10/2021 CHEN Yisha, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric, HAYWARD Vincent, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[11] Difference between average efficiency and efficiency map of the electric drive on fuel saving estimation for P-HEV 2021 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Gijon, Spain, 10/2021, URL TOURNEZ Florian, VINCENT Robin, LHOMME Walter, ROQUET Sylvain, BOUSCAYROL Alain, AHMED Mariam, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[12] Low Frequency Ultrasound Diagnostics Sensor for Pressure Ulcers EPUAP Virtual Meeting 2021, 10/2021, Abstract SALES DE CASTRO Elis Marina, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel |
Mechanical properties of skin are a clue for the diagnostic of pressure ulcers (PU) [1]. This project proposes a low- frequency ultrasound (LFU) device to identify the mechanical impedance (MI) of skin in different sites. The device’s goal is to identify the evolution of MI of skin over time and link it with the development of PU. In literature, studies involving LFU and PU focus on debridement through LFU cavitation [2]–[3]. Use of LFU on PU often present reduced pain and faster recovery. Although LFU for PU treatment is widely documented, the use of LFU for diagnosis is unexplored. Thus, a Langevin transducer (LT), with 60kHz of resonance frequency is proposed for PU detection. It is a high efficiency LFU device, based on the piezoelectric effect. |
[13] Identification and control of piezoelectric benders for skin mechanical impedance estimation 2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21 ECCE Europe), 09/2021, URL, Abstract CHEN Yisha, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric, HAYWARD Vincent, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper presents an integrated probe, designed to measure the rheological properties of the skin in situ. It includes two piezoelectric bender actuators and strain gauges as sensors. The advantage of the proposed probe is that the measurements of tip force and displacement are accomplished without external devices. A feedback voltage control is applied to control the vibration amplitude of the piezoelectric benders. Through feedback from integrated strain gauges, the displacement control is achieved. As shown in the simulation, the closed-loop system is robust to disturbance and uncertainty. The proposed probe may be used to measure skin mechanical impedance. |
[14] Acoustic Finger Force Measurement with Lateral Ultrasonic Surface Haptic Devices for Friction Reduction Estimation 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), pages. 67-72, 07/2021, URL, Abstract TORRES GUZMAN Diana Angelica, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel |
When the finger interacts with a surface where a purely lateral ultrasonic vibration occurs, a vibration attenuation is produced. An added force is therefore needed in order to maintain the vibration amplitude in closed loop control. In this article we explore whether the friction reduction in lateral ultrasonic surface haptic devices may be predicted using static measurements of this additional force. |
[15] Model Proposition for Friction Attenuation Analysis in Lateral Ultrasonic Surface Haptic Devices 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), pages. 350, 07/2021, URL, Abstract TORRES GUZMAN Diana Angelica, VEZZOLI Eric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel |
Friction attenuation using ultrasonic lateral surface haptic devices (ULSHD) can modify the user perception of the touched surface and induce the perception of textured materials. In the current paper, the mechanisms of friction attenuation using lateral vibration are analyzed at different finger exploration velocities and directions over a plate. A development of a non-Coulombic friction function based on experimental results is proposed and evaluated. |
[16] Vector Controlled Ultrasonic Transducer Applied to Soft Material Mechanical Impedance Estimation 2021 IEEE International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals and their application to Mechatronics (ECMSM), 06/2021, Abstract SALES DE CASTRO Elis Marina, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel |
The study of skin mechanical impedance is a clue to analyse its health. We use a Langevin Transducer at 60kHz to excite the skin. In return we observe the acoustic forces generated by the interaction. To achieve that, the system is identified and presented in the rotating reference frame, and we describe the design of two PI controllers that accurately control the vibration velocity. However, in vivo analysis can be tricky when it comes to safety and duration of tests. Thus, phantom tissues are used as substitute to simulate skin behaviour. Due to its mechanical properties similar to skin, and its simple manipulation, Dragon Skin ®, a silicone rubber type of phantom, was chosen. The paper presents the characterisation of the mechanical impedance of three silicon phantoms with different properties based on force observation. The results show that the phantoms can be indeed identified based on this method. |
[17] Controller design for the Vector Control of Piezoelectric transducers International Conference and Exhibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications, 02/2021, Abstract KACI Anis, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The Vector Control Method applied to piezoelectric transducers is a promising way to track the resonance fre-quency as well as to control the vibration speed. Similar to the modulation-demodulation techniques, the (d,q) transformation applied here takes advantage of the recent advances in microcontrollers. Moreover, engineers can make a bridge between the control of brushless DC motors and piezoelectric actuators and two simple PI controllers, one for each axis are tuned in order to precisely control the vibration amplitude components in axis d and axis q. This paper presents the procedure to tune the PI controllers. First, the model in the rotating reference frame is given. A procedure, based on the LQR approach, is used to calculate the parameters of the PI controllers based on the desired closed loop response time. In the (d,q) reference frame, the second order type response of the system becomes two first order systems, coupled if the system is operated outside its resonance. By taking into account these couplings, the closed loop system can be accelerated, yet ensuring stable operation. In addi-tion to the control, environment’s acoustic impedance can be derived, on line. Finally, we present experimental results, obtained on a haptic display. The model and the measures are consistent, and confirms the approach: the vibration amplitude can be tuned with a response time less than 10ms. |
[18] Fuel saving of rear based retrofit hybridization from front based engine vehicle 2020 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 01/2021, URL TOURNEZ Florian, VINCENT Robin, LHOMME Walter, RICHERT A, BOUSCAYROL Alain, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AHMED Mariam |
[19] Energy Analysis of Lateral vs. Normal Vibration Modes for Ultrasonic Surface Haptic Devices In book: Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications, 12th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2020, Leiden, The Netherlands, September 6–9, 2020, Proceedings, 09/2020, URL, Abstract TORRES GUZMAN Diana Angelica, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel |
In this paper, we propose a new device in order to produce normal and lateral ultrasonic vibrations in a plate, using an array of piezoelectric ceramics. This setup serves to continue the comparative analysis between the two vibration modes for tactile feedback rendering, by including an energetic characterization. With the help of a tribological analysis, this study will help to examine the energy performance of each vibration mode in terms of active power consumption against friction contrast (which is linked to perception). Using a simplified second order plate model, the energetic results are analyzed. The results show a better energy efficiency for the lateral vibration for low exploration speeds. The tribological analysis helps as well to evaluate the effect of frequency increase in terms of friction reduction vs. vibration amplitude for both vibration modes |
[20] 2MoTac: Simulation of Button Click by Superposition of Two Ultrasonic Plate Waves Conférence, pages. 343-352, 09/2020, URL, Abstract GARCIA Pierre, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel, RUPIN Matthieu |
Recent studies have shown that a button click sensation could be simulated thanks to ultrasonic vibrations. In this context, a travelling wave may enhance the simulation because it creates internal lateral stresses that are released during the stimulation. However, this solution is difficult to integrate on plates. We present 2MoTac, a method which superpose a longitudinal and a bending mode simultaneously on a plate, in order to create a pseudo-travelling wave. We present the design, and a psychophysical study to deduce the optimal ratio between the bending and longitudinal mode amplitudes, in terms of detection threshold and robustness. |
[21] Master unit on Sustainable Development Applications IEEE-VPPC'19, Hanoi, (Vietnam), 10/2019 BOUSCAYROL Alain, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[22] Comparison Between Normal and Lateral Vibration on Surface Haptic Devices IEEE World Haptics Conference, Tokyo 2019, 07/2019, Abstract TORRES GUZMAN Diana Angelica, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, KACI Anis, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel |
In this paper, a psychophysical experiment is designed and setup to perform the comparison between lateral and normal ultrasonic vibration for friction modulation on haptic devices at the same vibration amplitudes. Thanks to a simple analytical modelling relying on mechanical contact, the results obtained are explained. A parametric analysis of this comparison is then performed. |
[23] Fundamental Acoustical Finger Force Calculation for Out-of-Plane Ultrasonic Vibration and its Correlation with Friction Reduction IEEE World Haptics conference 2019, Tokyo, pages. 6, 07/2019, Abstract KACI Anis, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, TORRES GUZMAN Diana Angelica |
In this paper, we present a method to observe the fundamental of the acoustical finger force for the case of a friction reduction based haptic interface. The capability of the method to be achieved on-line, in a small micro-controller is established. We show a correlation between this measurement and the friction when sliding the finger. A model that predicts the friction coefficient and the friction contrast is laid down; it gives consistent output for 10 participants out of 12 having
different biomechanical parameters of the skin. |
[24] INTEGRATED DRIVES: OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES, CE2I PROJECT PROPOSAL Twenty-fifth Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits (EPNC), 06/2018,, 06/2018, Abstract HARMAND Souad, IDIR Nadir, LECOINTE Jean-Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, LE MENACH Yvonnick, SAUDEMONT Christophe, ROMARY Raphaël, SEMAIL Eric |
Integrated Drives are a target in terms of simplicity in complex systems such as transportation. Anyway the integration of the power component inside the electrical machine induces challenges if the compactness is required. The CE2I project, for “Smart Integrated Drives”, searches to deal simultaneously with the constraints such as better thermal control and modelling, more efficient numerical virtual modelling for co-simulation, exploration of new materials and use of low losses, high frequency wide-band-gap (WBG) components. |
[25] Travelling Ultrasonic Wave Enhances Keyclick Sensation Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications. EuroHaptics 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,, Vol. 10894, pages. 302-312, 06/2018, URL, Abstract GUEORGUIEV David, KACI Anis, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
A realistic keyclick sensation is a serious challenge for haptic feedback since vibrotactile rendering faces the limitation of the absence of contact force as experienced on physical buttons. It has been shown that creating a keyclick sensation is possible with stepwise ultrasonic friction modulation. However, the intensity of the sensation is limited by the impedance of the fingertip and by the absence of a lateral force component external to the finger. In our study, we compare this technique to rendering with an ultrasonic travelling wave, which exerts a lateral force on the fingertip. For both techniques, participants were asked to report the detection (or not) of a keyclick during a forced choice one interval procedure. In experiment 1, participants could press the surface as many time as they wanted for a given trial. In experiment 2, they were constrained to press only once. The results show a lower perceptual threshold for travelling waves. Moreover, participants pressed less times per trial and exerted smaller normal force on the surface. The subjective quality of the sensation was found similar for both techniques. In general, haptic feedback based on travelling ultrasonic waves is promising for applications without lateral motion of the finger. |
[26] Differentiated Haptic Stimulation by Modal Synthesis of Vibration Field 2018 haptic symposium, 03/2018 ENFERAD Ehsan, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[27] Evaluation of a Friction Reduction Based Haptic Surface at High Frequency 2018 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), San Francisco, CA,, 03/2018, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, HARA Tomohiro, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, TAKASAKI Masaya |
The influence of the vibration frequency on the friction reduction of an ultrasonic haptic surface has been reported in the literature. The models predict that increasing the frequency of the vibration leads to higher friction reduction at constant vibration amplitude, but this has not been reported experimentally. In this paper, we study the friction reduction on a prototype which can vibrate at low (66kHz) and high (225kHz) frequency. By estimating the Point of Subjective Equivalence between a standard at low frequency with a sample at high frequency, we have found that high frequencies can indeed reduce the friction, with the advantage of much smaller vibration amplitude. Moreover, we show that the invariant between the two frequency conditions is not the vibration amplitude. Our conclusion is that the invariant could be the acceleration instead. |
[28] Design of a Hybrid Energy Storage System for a CVT-Based Hybrid Electric Truck 2017 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Belfort, France, 2017, 12/2017, Abstract CASTAINGS Ali, MAYET Clément, BOUSCAYROL Alain, LHOMME Walter, GERMAN Ronan, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The paper deals with the design and the control of a battery/supercapacitors energy storage system for a CVT-based hybrid electric truck. The battery/supercapacitors system is used as a secondary source in the vehicle instead of using a battery like conventional hybrid vehicles. The proposed vehicle represents then a complex system to control. Simulation results on a real driving cycle validate the energy management of the hybrid truck. The supercapacitors bank enables to avoid some battery current peaks, what is interesting for the battery lifetime. The battery size is furthermore reduced in comparison to a battery-only hybrid truck. |
[29] Control and evaluation of a 2-D Multimodal Controlled-Friction Display World Haptics Conference ( Munich), Germany, June 6-9, 2017, 06/2017, URL, Abstract GHENNA Sofiane, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The multimodal control of a 2D controlled-Friction Device is presented. We use the Vector control method because the phase and amplitude of two vibration modes at a same frequency can be precisely set. The closed loop response time of 10msec is achieved. The device is then associated with a finger position sensor. The algorithm of the multimodal approach is then tested. In spite of the inevitable limitations of the system - saturation of amplifiers, low sampling frequency of the sensor - low friction could be imposed under one finger and high friction on a second one in the same time. This confirms the validity of the modal approach to create multi touch interactions. |
[30] Modal superimposition for multi-fingers Variable Friction tactile Device Conférence EuroHaptics, Vol. 9774, pages. 521-530, 07/2016, URL, Abstract GHENNA Sofiane, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
In this study, we develop and implement a method for superimposing two vibration modes in order to produce different tactile stimuli on two fingers located in different positions. The tactile stimulation is based on the squeeze film effect which decreases the friction between a fingertip and a vibrating plate.
Experimental test have been conducted on a 1D tactile device. They show that it is possible to continuously control the friction on two fingers moving independently. Then, we developed the design of a 2D device based on the same principle, which gives rise to the design of a two-fingers tactile display. Evaluations were conducted using a modal analysis with experimental validation. |
[31] Textile Fabrics’ Texture: From Multi-level Feature Extraction to Tactile Simulation Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications: 10th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2016, London, UK, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Part II, Vol. Part II, pages. 294–303, 07/2016, URL, Abstract BEN MESSAOUD Wael, BUENO Marie-Ange, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
In this study, the focus is put on the simulation of texture using a tactile feedback device based on ultrasonic vibrations. The textile fabrics are investigated as complex surfaces for simulation. The proposed multi-level feature extraction of the textile fabrics is based on the friction profile measured using a tribometer. Two types of sliders are used here: the first slider is an aluminum fine rigid tool to characterize the fine details of the surfaces while the second is a real finger operated to characterize the envelope of the signal. By that way, the input signals for the tactile stimulator perform the levels of characteristics. Finally, a psychophysical experiment is carried out to validate the capability to find a level of the texture amplitude which can simulate well the real fabrics textures. |
[32] Texture Rendering Strategies with a High Fidelity, Capacitive Visual-Haptic Friction Control Device Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications: 10th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2016, London, UK, Vol. 9774, pages. 251-260, 07/2016, URL, Abstract VEZZOLI Eric, SEDNAOUI Thomas, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Ultrasonic vibrations of a plate can modify the perception of the friction between a surface and a sliding finger. This principle, coupled with modern position sensing techniques, is able to reproduce textured materials. In this paper, an open loop control through model inversion of the friction force between the finger and the plate is presented. The device incorporating the control system is described, and two different reproduction strategies are formalized to address the reproduction of objects and textures. In the end, a psychophysical experiment evaluating the two control strategies is described. |
[33] Psychophysical Power Optimization of Friction Modulation for Tactile Interfaces Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications: 10th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2016, London, UK, Vol. 9775, pages. 354-362, 07/2016, URL, Abstract SEDNAOUI Thomas, VEZZOLI Eric, GUEORGUIEV David, AMBERG Michel, CHAPPAZ Cedrick, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Ultrasonic vibrations of a plate can modify the perception of the friction between a surface and a sliding finger. This principle, coupled with modern position sensing techniques, is able to reproduce textured materials. In this paper, an open loop control through model inversion of the friction force between the finger and the plate is presented. The device incorporating the control system is described, and two different reproduction strategies are formalized to address the reproduction of objects and textures. In the end, a psychophysical experiment evaluating the two control strategies is described. |
[34] Dtact: a tactile device which changes how a surface is perceived ACTUATOR 2016-14th International Conference on New Actuators, 06/2016, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Among human senses, touch is much less understood than hearing or sight. However, today, new emerging technologies are placing tactile interaction at the heart of the communication with smart devices (smartphones, tablets,…). Hence, studying the sense of touch is now very important, in order to better understand the mechanisms induced from the mechanical excitation of skin to the feeling experienced by a user. Also, being able to detect and measure tactile disabilities, and to propose rehabilitation is a challenge; otherwise, numerous people can drift away from these objects as they can't be used easily by them. In the paper, we present Dtact, a device which stimulates the finger pulp with a calibrated stimulation. It is designed to be used during experimental studies aiming at recording nerves and brain activity of a user touching its surface. It will be used to detect tactile disabilities … |
[35] Dynamic model of a PAD actuator: dynamic operations and pull-off at high speed ACTUATOR 2016-14th International Conference on New Actuators, 06/2016, Abstract GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric, MANGEOT Charles, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The PAD motor has remarkable abilities for ultra-precise positioning at very low speed. Recent works have shown the possibility to extend its speed range, but some challengess remain such as pull-off. This paper proposes a model that highlights the parameters of the voltage supply that act on the torque and the contact, and can be used for control. Experimental results demonstrate the role of higher vibration modes, and show that typical signature of the imminence of pull-off can be detected thanks to some of the harmonic of the displacement of the actuators, giving some indications on means to address this problem. |
[36] Vector control applied to a Langevin transducer EPE’15, 09/2015, URL, Abstract GHENNA Sofiane, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
In this paper, the control of the vibration amplitude of a Langevin transducer is obtained simultaneously with the tracking of its resonant frequency. Vector control method is applied to achieve this.
The result of this study is illustrated with experimental and simulation results. |
[37] Teaching drive control using Energetic Macroscopic Representation – From maximal to practical control schemes EPE'15, 09/2015 BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, LHOMME Walter, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[38] High fidelity closed loop controlled friction in SMARTTAC tactile stimulator The 17th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE'15-ECCE Europe, Genève, SUISSE, 09/2015, Abstract BEN MESSAOUD Wael, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, BUENO Marie-Ange |
The present study investigates the implementation of a closed loop control in a new smart tactile stimulator called “SMARTTAC”. This haptic device is able to stimulate the fingertip in order to simulate the texture perception of different real surfaces such as gratings. Two closed loop control are implemented to ensure both a stable vibration amplitude despite of external disturbances and accurate control of the friction coefficient using the new design of the tactile stimulator. Experimental measurements give satisfactory results both on dynamics and robustness points of view. |
[39] Tribological analysis of the friction reduction in tactile stimulation The 42th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, FRANCE, 09/2015, URL, Abstract BEN MESSAOUD Wael, BUENO Marie-Ange, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
In this article, the focus will be put on the tribological investigation of the friction reduction using tactile stimulator. An experimental set-up has been constructed to measure, using a tribometer, the friction reduction between volunteers’ finger and the active surface of the plate of a tactile stimulator. By increasing the vibration amplitude of the plate, the friction decreases by the squeeze film effect. The dependence of a new criterion, the friction contrast, to the initial friction coefficient and to the exploration velocity of the user’ finger have been observed. |
[40] An ultrasonic tactile display as a useful tool to explore active and passive touch: an EEG study. Human Brain Mapping 2015, 06/2015 MOUNGOU Athanasia, VEZZOLI Eric, GUEORGUIEV David, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ANDRE Moureaux |
[41] Role of Fingerprint Mechanics and non-Coulombic Friction in Ultrasonic Devices World Haptics 2015, 06/2015 VEZZOLI Eric, SEDNAOUI Thomas, DZIDEK Brygida, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ADAMS Michael |
[42] Experimental Evaluation of Friction Reduction in Ultrasonic Devices WorldHaptic2015, 06/2015, Abstract SEDNAOUI Thomas, VEZZOLI Eric, DZIDEK Brygida, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, CHAPPAZ Cedrick, ADAMS Michael |
Previously proposed models of the ultrasonic lubrication of a finger mediated by flat surfaces are not consistent with the experimental results for vibrational amplitudes greater than a few microns. This paper presents experimental data acquired through a dedicated tribometer and proposes an experimental model of ultrasonic lubrication at high vibrational amplitudes. |
[43] Preliminary design of a multi-touch ultrasonic tactile stimulator World Haptics, pages. 31 - 36, 06/2015, URL, Abstract GHENNA Sofiane, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper presents a method to control ultrasonic waves on a beam, allowing to obtain a Multi-touch ultrasonic tactile stimulation in two points, to give the sensation to two fingers, from two piezoelectric transducers. The multi-modal approach and the vector control method are used to regulate the vibration amplitude, in order to modulate the friction coefficient with the fingers. An analytical modelling is presented, with experimental validation. Finally a psychophysical experiment shows that a multi-touch ultrasonic tactile stimulation is possible. |
[44] Modelling, identification and control of a Langevin transducer ECMSM 2015, 06/2015, URL, Abstract GHENNA Sofiane, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The control of the vibration amplitude, and the resonance frequency tracking for ultrasonic transducer have been established. However, some applications require to control the vibration amplitude and its relative phase at a fixed frequency as the generation of travelling wave. In this paper, the transducer is modelled in rotating frame, and the decoupling according to two-axis allows to obtain a double independent closed loop control to address this issue. It is possible to control the transducer vibration amplitude and its relative phase, in steady state even in transient by acting on the amplitude of the supply voltage. Thanks to vector control method. This approach will be confirmed with experimental and simulation results. |
[45] Pressure dependence of friction modulation in ultrasonic devices IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC 2015), Chicago, USA, 06/2015, URL, Abstract BEN MESSAOUD Wael, VEZZOLI Eric, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Ultrasonic vibrating devices are able to modulate the friction of a finger sliding on them. The underlying principles of the friction reduction are still unclear, and this work is carried out to investigate the influence of the ambient pressure on the friction modulation. A specific tactile stimulator has been used for this purpose and the friction between the finger sliding on the device has been recorded for an ambient pressure of 0.5 and 1 atm showing a significant difference for comparable experimental conditions. A comparison with the model proposed in literature is performed underlying that the squeeze film interaction can be present but not the only responsible of the friction modulation in this kind of devices. |
[46] Modelling and control of a travelling wave in a finite beam, using multi-modal approach and vector control method IFCS-EFTF 2015, 04/2015, URL, Abstract GHENNA Sofiane, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper presents a new method to produce and control the vibration amplitude and direction of a travelling wave in a finite beam, using multi-modal approach. A closed loop control of the transducer vibration is applied using vector control method. the modelling in rotating frame and the decoupling according to two-axis allows to obtain a double independent closed loop control. This allows to regulate the vibration amplitude of the travelling wave directly. An analytical modelling is presented, with experimental validation, showing good performances even in the presence of perturbations. |
[47] Experiences on carbon care conferences Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2014 IEEE, pages. 1-6, 10/2014, URL, Abstract ALLEGRE Anne-Laure, ASTIER S., BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHEVALLIER Loïc, CIMETIERE Xavier, CLENET Stéphane, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, MAUSSION Pascal, SERGENT Jean-François |
Organizing international conferences leads to emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). Even though, some conferences are devoted to “greener” systems (e.g. IEEE VPPC), the transport of attendees and the local organization of the conference are not “carbon free”. Consequently, some experiences are reported in this paper in order to reduce the ecological footprint of the conference itself and also to mitigate the emitted GHG for international congresses. |
[48] Design and causal modelling of a piezoelectric multi-actuator system used in forging processes ICEM 2014 International Conference on Electrical Machines, Berlin, pages. 457-463, 09/2014, Abstract NGUYEN Thanh Hung, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ABBA Gabriel |
This paper presents the design of a mechatronic system integrating piezoelectric multi-actuators, which is used to generate low-frequency vibrations to assist the forging process.With the aim of controlling the complete system, modelling using Energetic Macroscopic Representation is performed. A
prototype with an electrical system is developed in a short term to validate the design. Finally, the preliminary experiments are presented with the corresponding simulation’s results. |
[49] Enhancing the simulation of boundaries by coupling
tactile and kinesthetic feedback EuroHaptics Conference, Versailles (France), 07/2014, Abstract YANG Ye, ZHANG Yuru, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, DAI Xiaowei |
Haptic enhanced boundaries are important for touch interaction. We
quantify the amount of perceived force increment caused by adding variable
friction tactile feedback to force feedback in simulating a boundary. We find
that using a small lateral force feedback plus a tactile feedback can simulate a
boundary which feels as stiff as that simulated by a large lateral force feedback.
Moreover, the effect of the tactile feedback may be explained as a lateral force
increment caused by increasing the friction coefficient of the touch surface. |
[50] Electrovibration modelling analysis EuroHaptcs Conference, Versailles (France), 07/2014, Abstract VEZZOLI Eric, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Electrostatic attraction, may be used to modulate the apparent friction
coefficient between two surfaces. Applied to the human finger and a polarized
interface, the principle can modify the user perception of the interface surface.
Especially, the feeling is relevant when electrovibration occurs, which is a dy-
namic excitation of the surface. In this paper, the different steps towards the
modelling of the electrovibration phenomenon are developed. An investigation
on the current modelling will be carried on, with a focus on the temporal evolu-
tion and frequency dependence of the stimulus. Thus, an improvement of the
modelling will be proposed to take into account this major effect. Then, this
new modelling is checked with an experimantal set-up. |
[51] Control of a multi-degree of freedom worktool for vibrations assisted forging IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM 2014, Besançon, pages. 812-817, 07/2014, URL GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, NGUYEN Thanh Hung, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ABBA Gabriel, BIGOT Régis |
[52] Design of a Haptic Magnifier using an Ultrasonic Motor Eurohaptics 2014, 06/2014, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
The paper presents a serial architecture of an actuated manipulator which uses an ultrasonic motor. The serial architecture allows to modify the kinetic relationship between user’s input and a tool. The design of the device is presented. A load, which exhibits fine details, is used in order to show how a zooming effect of its haptic rendering can be achieved with the haptic magnifier. Finally, the design is validated through an experimental analysis. |
[53] Closed-Loop Control for Squeeze Film Effect in Tactile Stimulator International Conference and exhibition on new actuators and drives (Actuator 2014), Brême, GERMANY, 06/2014, Abstract BEN MESSAOUD Wael, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, BUENO Marie-Ange, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric |
This paper presents a method for controlling the vibration amplitude of a tactile stimulator used to give the sensation to the fingertip that it touches a texture. The active surface of the stimulator is excited by an ultrasonic vibration frequency in order to modulate the friction coefficient with the fingertip. Due to the large size of the tactile display, two types of perturbations may affect the vibration amplitude which are the finger pressure and the temperature variation. We tackle these problems by coupling the control of the vibration amplitude and the tracking of the resonance frequency. This work is validated by plotting the vibration amplitude response with closed loop control and with a psychophysical test. |
[54] Influence of feedback on modal shapes and its consequences on broadband energy harvesting 2014 Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric, International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices & Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/IWATMD/PFM), 5-2014, 05/2014, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
We study the effect of feedback on an energy harvester for broadband applications. Using modal analysis we show that it has an influence on modal shape as a side effect of the resonance shifting. We show that the piezoelectric coupling can thus be reduced. Experimental results are in agreement and also reveal
that non-linear effects are promoted in some cases. |
[55] Using an Ultrasonic Transducer to Produce Tactile
Rendering on a Touchscreen 2014 Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric, International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices & Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/IWATMD/PFM), 05/2014, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Friction reduction based tactile devices use an
ultrasonic vibration to create an overpressure between a users
fingertip and the vibrating surface. This phenomenon is called
"the squeeze film effect". This is an emerging technology to
produce a haptic feedback on the touchscreen of handheld
electronic devices. In this paper, we present the technology and
the main technological issues to be improved.
[56] Influence of feedback on modal shapes and its consequences on broadband energy harvesting 2014 Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric, International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices & Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/IWATMD/PFM), 5-2014, 05/2014, URL, Abstract GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe |
We study the effect of feedback on an energy harvester for broadband applications. Using modal analysis we show that it has an influence on modal shape as a side effect of the resonance shifting. We show that the piezoelectric coupling can thus be reduced. Experimental results are in agreement and also reveal
that non-linear effects are promoted in some cases. |
[57] Modelling of beam excited by piezoelectric actuators in view of tactile applications 11th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems (ElectrIMACS 2014), 05/2014, Abstract NADAL Clément, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper deals with an one-dimensional semi-analytical modelling
of the vibratory behaviour of a rectangular beam excited by several
piezoelectric ceramics glued on its lower face. The establishment of the equations of motion is guaranteed by the application of Hamilton’s principle. From this approach, it results an accurate knowledge on the mode shape in function of the geometry, the structure and the positions of the piezoelectric actuators. This approach deployed on a simple case falls within a general process of the tactile surfaces optimization. This article shows that there is a trade-off between the optimization of the homogeneity of the tactile stimulation and the electromechanical coupling factor. |
[58] Modeling of an ultrasonic powder transportation system 2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2013, 09/2013, URL, Abstract CHITIC Razvan, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, BEAREE Richard |
This paper presents a new powder transportation system that uses a high frequency flexural stationary wave coupled with a low frequency horizontal displacement of a beam to produce the transport of the powder. The ultrasonic wave is produced with the help of piezoelectric cells glued under the beam and is used to decrease the friction coefficient between the powder and the beam surface. The powder transport mechanism has been described using a simplified mathematical model. |
[59] A method to HARvest energy from a hapTIC display in a handheld device: A preliminary study 2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2013, 09/2013, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, DAWSON Francis, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper deals with the control of a haptic device which is used in a generator mode to produce electricity from a users walking movements in a handheld device, like a mobile phone for instance. We first present the design principle of such a device. Then, a design is presented, which allows haptic feedback and energy harvesting to be produced with a same device. It is based on a piezoelectric plate actuator. A causal modelling of the system is then developed, and inverted in order to obtain the key control algorithms. Compared to other energy harvesting system, HarTic is characterized by some interesting features like the accelerometer which is now embedded into most mobile phones, and its measurement can be used in the energy harvesting strategy. Our simulations show that 2mW can be harversted in our case study. |
[60] A Simplified Power Supply For Piezoelectric Actuators Used In Forging Processes 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), Lille, 2013, pages. 1-9, 09/2013, Abstract GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
In this paper, we propose a power supply for piezoelectric actuators that can generate arbitrary waveforms at frequencies ranging from low to medium frequency. The actuators are used in a forging process and require high voltage. The converter is based on an original combination of a boost DC-DC converter and a rectifier circuit, thus reducing the number of components needed. Moreover, no transformer is required. Experimental results on a single and three phase version are presented and validate the proposed converter. |
[61] Merging two tactile stimulation principles: electrovibration and squeeze film effect World Haptics Conference (WHC), 2013 , pages. 485-489, 04/2013, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Electrovibration and squeeze film effect can modify the perception a user has of a flat surface. These two stimulation principles are compatible, which means that they can be used at the same time on the same tactile stimulator. This paper first highlights the differences between the two principles, then gives experimental results obtained when merging, with specific conditions, these two stimulation principles.
[62] Modelling of piezoelectric actuators used in forging processes: Principles and experimental validation 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2012, Marseille, pages. 709-714, 09/2012 NGUYEN Thanh Hung, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ABBA Gabriel, BIGOT Régis |
[63] Position control of a 3-DOF platform for haptic shape rendering EPE-PEMC, Novi Sad (Serbia), 09/2012 ZENG Tao, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, MESSAOUDI Medhi, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
[64] Simulation of a photovoltaic conversion system using energetic macroscopic representation EPE-PEMC, Novi Sad (Serbia), 09/2012 LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
[65] Simulation of a wind energy conversion system using energetic macroscopic representation EPE-PEMC, Novi Sad (Serbia), 09/2012 BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier, LHOMME Walter, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[66] Project-based teaching unit using energetic macroscopic representation to design drive controllers IEEE-VPPC'10, Lille (France), 09/2012 GIRAUD Frédéric, ALLEGRE Anne-Laure, BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHEN Keyu, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[67] Industrial equipment for Powder transportation using
piezoelectric “friction control” method ACTUATOR 2012, 06/2012, Abstract CHITIC Razvan, BEAREE Richard, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, FAVRE Monique |
This paper presents a new powder transportation system that uses a high frequency flexural stationary wave coupled
with a low frequency horizontal displacement of a beam to produce the transport of the powder. The ultrasonic wave
is produced with the help of piezoelectric cells glued under the beam and is used to decrease the friction coefficient
between the powder and the beam surface. |
[68] Transparent Tactile Stimulator Based on Friction Reduction for Hand-held Device Actuator 2012, 06/2012, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper presents a study about a tactile stimulator based on the “squeeze film air bearing”, and which could be
used in a hand-held device. First, we analyze power consumption of tactile feedback provided with our stimulator,
since battery life of hand-held device is critical. Then, we present a new design of a transparent tactile device which
allows co-localized operations.
[69] Design of a transparent tactile stimulator Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 2012 IEEE, pages. 485 - 489, 03/2012, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, CASIEZ Géry |
This paper presents the design of a transparent tactile stimulator, based on the friction reduction between the fingertip and the active surface. With such a design, the ratio between the useful area (i.e. the active display and the tactile area) and the device face is equal to 0.7, while the touched area’s size is 93mm×65mm. Key design procedure is given, and experimental results are presented. |
[70] Teaching drive control using energetic macroscopic representation EPE'11 ECCE Europe Conference, Birmingham, 09/2011 BOUSCAYROL Alain, BARRADE Philippe, BOULON Loïc, CHEN Keyu, CHEN Y., DELARUE Philippe, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, LETROUVE Tony, LHOMME Walter, SICARD Pierre |
[71] Haptic Perception of Curvature through Active Touch IEEE World Haptics Conference 2011, pages. 533-538, 06/2011, URL, Abstract ZENG Tao, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel |
Haptic perception of curvature can be achieved by passive or active
finger touch. In this study we proposed a new curvature perception
haptic device that can independently orient, elevate and translate a
flat plate. By exploring it with a finger through active touch, we
can render a curved shape. According to the characteristics of this
device, two curvature rendering motion models were analyzed: motion
model without compensation and motion model with position
compensation. Two experiments were then executed. Experiment
1 has verified that our device is able to produce distinct curvatures.
Experiment 2 has compared the performances obtained with each
motion model during the tasks of curved shape discrimination. |
[72] FingViewer : a new multi-touch force feedback touch screen ICCE 2011, Las Vega (U.S.A.), 01/2011 YANG Y., ZHANG Yuru, HOU Z., CHEN Z., LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[73] Control of a Haptic Interface Actuated by Ultrasonic Motors EPE-PEMC 2010, Ohrid, 09/2010, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper presents a haptic interface actuated by a Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motor (TWUM). First, we detail a one degree of freedom force-feedback device on which control laws are tested. Then the control strategy is
presented. It relies on a modeling of the motor which is
inverted in order to reach the control laws. We present a
strategy to attain good behavior when the lever rotates at low rotational speed. Moreover, a virtual environment is described. It is is made of a spring and walls. A specific way
to simulate walls which takes advantage of TWUM is shown. Finally, experimental results are presented. |
[74] Modelling and Inversion-based Control of a Magnetorheological Vehicle Suspension IEEE-VPPC, 09/2010 SLEIMAN Hussein, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, CLENET Stéphane, LOZADA José |
[75] Power consumption reduction of a controlled friction Tactile Plate Eurohaptics 2010, Amsterdam, 07/2010, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, VAN BELLEGHEM Romuald, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper describes design improvements of a friction reduc-
tion based tactile device, which yields to reduction of the supply power.
We rst evaluated the power consumption of four dierent plates. We
found that a convenient design could cut the power losses down by 90%. To explain these changes we propose a modelling of the dielectric losses in the piezoelectric actuators and of the vibration amplitude. |
[76] Analysis of a New Haptic Display Coupling Tactile and Kinesthetic Feedback to Render Texture and Shape EuroHaptic2010, Vol. 6192, N°. 2, pages. 87-93, 07/2010, URL, Abstract ZENG Tao, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel |
In the domain of haptics, the sensation of touch is normally classed into two types: tactile and kinesthetic. Correspondingly, the haptic display can also be divided into two categories: tactile display and kinesthetic display. The two aspects are commonly addressed separately, but life experience has shown that this is not intuitive and not effective. Therefore, it is a significant work to couple the tactile display and the kinesthetic display. In this paper, we propose a new design of haptic display coupling tactile and kinesthetic feedback for rendering spatial texture (tactile) and haptic shape (kinesthetic). |
[77] A New Planar 4-DOF Spring and Cable Driven Force Feedback Device Eurohaptics 2010, Amsterdam, 07/2010 YANG Yi, ZHANG Yuru, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[78] Design and Experimental Studies of a Scaled-Down Magnetorheological Damper for Automotive Suspensions ACTUATOR, 06/2010 SLEIMAN Hussein, LOZADA José, CLENET Stéphane, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[79] Analysis and modelling of a Magnetorheological brake ACTUATOR, 06/2010 DEMERSSEMAN Richard, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, CLENET Stéphane, HAFEZ Moustapha |
[80] Friction control with a piezoelectric actuator EPE Conference, Barcelone, Septembre 2009, 09/2009, Abstract M’BOUNGUI Gaston, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric |
In this paper, we propose an actuator of 64x38x3 mm comprising polarised piezoceramics glued on a
copper-beryllium plate supported by four feet. By controlling the drive voltage, we vary friction force
perceived by a user who displaces the device, as he could do with a usual mouse. This adds the
possibility to render simulated force from objects manipulated on a PC screen. Results from a
psychophysical study conducted as preliminary evaluation demonstrate the availability of the proposed
device for force feedback application. |
[81] Piezo-electric actuator for a force-feedback application: preliminary evaluation EuroHaptics Conference, 2009 and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems. World Haptics 2009., pages. 85-90, 03/2009 M’BOUNGUI Gaston, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric |
[82] Advances in the Development of a New Force-Feedback Tactile Device 11th international conference on new actuators (ACTUATOR’08), 06/2008, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, BIET Mélisande, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This article presents the design of a new tactile stimulator which is able to make a user feeling the sensation that he’s touching a programmable textured surface. In a first section, the principle of the interaction between the device and the finger is presented. Then, we describe the design of the stimulator which is made up with a layer of piezo-ceramic bonded on a copper plate. Experimental run are presented. |
[83] Modelling and Control of a TWUM using Causal Ordering Graph Electrimacs 2008, 06/2008, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, DAI Zheng |
Piezo-electric actuators provide interesting properties
accounting for their high torque-weight ratio, and low speed
operating modes. Nevertheless, their control is difficult to
achieve and it is then necessary to develop an accurate
modelling of the physical phenomena involved. This paper
focuses on a typical TWUM USR 30 from Shinsei®. After a
physical analysis, the causal ordering graph of the actuator is
established, taking into account mechanical non linearity’s.
Then, according to the principle of inversion, the control
structure is deduced. Simulation and experimental results are
compared and show the accuracy of the proposed modelling. |
[84] Graphical description for Hardware in the Loop simulation IEEE-ISIE 08, Cambridge (UK), pages. 2146-2151, 06/2008 BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[85] Discrimination of Virtual Square Gratings by Dynamic Touch on Friction Based Tactile Displays Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (part of IEEE-VR), pages. 41 - 48, 03/2008, URL, Abstract BIET Mélisande, CASIEZ Géry, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
In this paper, we investigate the use of friction based tactile displays
for the simulation of finely textured surfaces, as such displays
offer a promising way for the development of devices with
co-located vision and tactile feedback. The resolution of the textures
rendered with such devices and their matching to real textures
have never been investigated. The paper first contributes to the evaluation
of the texture resolution of friction based tactile displays. In
a controlled experiment, we investigate the differential thresholds
for square gratings simulated with a friction based tactile device by
dynamic touch. Then we compare them to the differential thresholds
of real square wave gratings. We found that theWeber fraction
remains constant across the different spatial period at 9%, which
is close to the Weber fraction found for corresponding real square
gratings. This study inclines us to conclude that friction based tactile
displays offers a realistic alternative to pin based arrays and can
be used for co-located vision and tactile rendering. From the results
of the experiment, we also give the design guidelines to improve the
perception of textures on friction based tactile displays. |
[86] Teaching drive control using Energetic Macroscopic Representation - initiation level EPE07, 09/2007, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, BRUYERE Antoine, DELARUE Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric |
The Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) has been developed in 2000 to develop control of systems with several drives. Since 2002 this graphical tool has been introduced to teach drive control in France, then Canada and Switzerland. The University of Lille proposes two drive control units for students in electrical engineering: initiation level and expert level unit. This first paper deals with the content of the initiation level unit and describes the simulation project of an electrical vehicle using EMR. |
[87] Stability Analysis of an Ultrasonic Motor for a new wave amplitude control IAS42 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 23-27 Septembre 2007, 09/2007, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ROBINEAU Jacques, AUDREN Jean-Thierry |
Using Piezo electric actuators can reduce bulk size of servomechanisms; they are thus very interesting in avionics
applications. But mechanical overload on shaft of a traveling
Wave Ultrasonic Motor often results in a sudden stop and stalling of the motor. To avoid this drawback, one can increase the supply voltage or add a control loop in the rotating reference frame of
the traveling wave. The consequences are extra power losses or lower dynamic performances.
The proposed method takes advantage of classical control and in a rotating frame one : stability and dynamic performances are obtained at low supply voltage level. Experimental runs are
presented. |
[88] Analysis and Implementation of a 2-Degree Of Freedom Control for a
Three-Phase Induction Machine EPE2007, 09/2007, Abstract CREVITS Yvan, KESTELYN Xavier, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper deals with the modelling and control of a three-phase induction machine supplied by
three independent voltage sources when one phase is open-circuited. The modelling of the overall
system leads to design a dedicated controller tuned with the generalised stability margin method in
order to reduce the pulsating torque. The consequences of the new closed-loop control on the
induction machine and the VSI are evaluated to quantify the currents, voltages and copper losses
increasing. Finally, simulation and experimental results are achieved and show the global
performances of this ripple torque reduction method. |
[89] Piezo-actuators for force feedback in human-computer interfaces: advantages and drawbacks with regard to electromagnetic actuation EPE Conference Aalborg, 09/2007 LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, DAI Zheng, GIRAUD Frédéric |
[90] Using an ultrasonic
transducer: Evidence for an anisotropic deprivation of frictional
cues in microtexture perception WorldHaptics, The Second Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environnment and Teleoperator Systems, pages. 385 - 390, 03/2007, URL, Abstract BIET Mélisande, BOULON Loïc, MARTINOT François, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Ultrasonic transducers can be used to control friction.
In case of a haptic texture actuated and explored simultaneously
with the bare finger, this technology allows to reduce
perceived roughness. In this article, we investigate its use
to understand determinants of friction at contact. In the literature,
a researcher recently suggested that microtexture
perception was mainly determined by an interaction determinant:
the commensurability of its asperities with epidermal
ridges. In this paper, we levitate the skin with an air
gap and thus cancel shear forces at contact. Results show
that more important amplitude of vibration of the actuator
is necessary to suppress friction at contact area when a directed
movement is done along the epidermal ridges than
across. This suggests that tactile perception of texture really
depends on the bearing forces exerted by the surface
on the skin. |
[91] Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of electric vehicle traction systems using Energetic Macroscopic Representation IEEE-IECON’06, Paris (France), pages. 5319-5324, 11/2006, URL, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AKSAS Salah |
Abstract – A Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation of an
electric vehicle traction system is developed for experimental
validations of electrical drives. Energetic Macroscopic Representation
is used to organize the numerous blocks required. A
classical 2-driven-wheels traction is studied with an induction
machine. The HIL is based on a controlled DC drive, which imposes
the same behavior of the mechanical power train to the
induction machine. A flexible and dynamical model of the whole
system is used and experimental results are provided. |
[92] Modelling and Control of an Ultrasonic Motor: Application to a Mechanical Claw Drive IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on, pages. 970-975, 11/2006, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
Properties of the travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor (TWUM)-among which we find a high-torque to mass ratio, locking without supply, ultrasonic operation - are very attractive for embedded application, such as human prothesis for example. But unfortunately, its control for high precision or high dynamic motion is not easy to achieve because of many non linearities induced by its particular energy conversion process. This is why this paper deals with the modelling of a TWUM, based on a physical causal approach. According to the inversion principle, control strategies are deduced as well as a novel torque estimation structure. A mechanical claw control using this torque estimator is then achieved and experimental results check the accuracy of the proposed control scheme. |
[93] Force feedback operations with a Traveling Wave Ultrasonic Motor Acuuator 2006, Breme, 07/2006, Abstract DAI Zheng, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This article presents basic force feedback operations with a travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor. First, we show how to simulate low stiffness springs. Then, we propose a new method to simulate walls that profits from the holding torque of TWUM. Experimental results are presented on a 1dof test device. |
[94] A Piezoelectric Tactile Display Using Travelling Lamb Wave EUROHAPTICS 2006, pages. 567–570,, 07/2006, URL, Abstract BIET Mélisande, GIRAUD Frédéric, MARTINOT François, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
A travelling Lamb wave tactile display has been developed. To indicate smooth or braking sensation, the device is controlled in order to impose the relative speed between the finger and the wave, so that a variable shear force appears on the fingerpulp.
Moreover, at low frequency, an amplitude modulation of the travelling Lamb wave is achieved so as to excite alternatively shear forces on the surface of the substrate; according to the finger’s speed.
Using a stator of a travelling wave motor (Shinei USR60) with a linear position sensor, users can enjoy various textures. A comparison test has been carried out and shows good percentage of correct recognition for specific rough textures.
[95] A force feedback device actuated by piezo-electric
Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motors ACTUATOR, 06/2006, Abstract DAI Zheng, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, MARTINOT François |
Piezo-electric travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motors have a high torque to mass ratio compared to
classical electromagnetic motors. This is why they fit well in applications where a high torque at low speed is
required since they don’t need speed reducer. Using them in force feedback devices is an issue but can provide
significant reduction of bulk size of the system by removing pulleys and belts. However, the non linearity of the
motors ?mostly located at the stator/rotor interface ?complicate matters; an improved control scheme is then
necessary to achieve the required performances of the device. |
ACTUATORS Actuator, 06/2006, URL, Abstract BIET Mélisande, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This work concerns the design of piezoelectric travelling wave actuators for haptic application. The approach
presented here deals with the design of a tactile device based on the creation of lateral stretch under the
fingerpulp. With a first device, it is shown how the Lamb wave tactile display can produce several distinct
sensations according to the finger’s speed. To indicate smooth or braking sensation, the device is controlled in
order to impose the relative speed between the finger and the wave, so that a variable shear force appears on the
fingerpulp. Moreover, at low frequency, an amplitude modulation of the travelling Lamb wave is achieved so as
to excite alternatively shear forces on the surface of the substrate according to the finger’s speed. Then, a linear
travelling wave actuator, whose dimensions are adapted to touch gesture in active touch condition, is designed
considering the previous study. |
[97] Precise Position Control of a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor Conference Record of the Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting, Vol. 3, pages. 1548-1554, 10/2005, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ARAGONES Julien, ROBINEAU Jacques, AUDREN Jean-Thierry |
A precise position control of a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor is achieved, avoiding the traditional drawbacks
attributable to the non-linear torque generation: overshoot or slow response time. For that purpose, a behavior model control is proposed and presented. With this control law, a quick and
precise response is obtained. In this article, we present a position
control scheme of an inertial load. The guidelines to that control
was a rotation of 90° in a response time of about 300ms with a position error of 0.6mrad, targeting a typical application for avionics. In the paper, a shinsei USR30 is used, but the method
can be applied to other Ultrasonic Motors. |
[98] Control of a piezo-electric actuator for adjustable brake in haptic devices EPE Dresde, 09/2005 PIGACHE François, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
[99] Causal modelling and identification of a planar actuator EPE-PEMC : 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference.Riga/Lettonie, Vol. 3, pages. 396-403, 09/2004 PIGACHE François, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[100] Position Control of a small Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor ACTUATOR 2004, 06/2004, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motors are piezo-electric actuators that can produce high torque at low rotational speed. But because of the contact between stator and rotor, the torque on the shaft is not easy to impose: speed or position control are difficult to achieve, especially when a load torque is applied.
The aim of this article is to set down a robust position control besides the external load torque. The scheme relies on a modelling already detailed, which parameters are first identified.
[101] Causal modelling of planar actuator in view of force control
Actuator 2004, Brême,, 06/2004 PIGACHE François, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[102] Control of a triple drive paper system based on the Energetic Macroscopic Representation IEEE-ISIE’04, Ajjaccio, pages. 889-893, 05/2004 LECLERC A., SICARD Pierre, BOUSCAYROL Alain, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[103] Analysis and control of a piezo-electric travelling wave ultrasonic motor for haptic stick application Conference Record of the 38th IAS Annual Meeting., Vol. 1, pages. 380-386, 10/2003, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AUDREN Jean-Thierry |
An original modelling of a travelling wave ultrasonic motor is established in order to provide a new torque control law for this kind of actuator. Especially, self-control is implemented, avoiding the classical drawbacks of frequency control, that is pull-out phenomenon. With such a robust control, force feedback application is available. Experimental results are obtained on an active haptic stick. |
[104] Self driving of a travelling wave ultrasonic motor: comparison with electromagnetic machines and application to an active stick EPE 2003, 09/2003, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Even thought Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motors use an other way of energy conversion than electromagnetic machines, the inversion of the Causal Ordering Graph of a simplified modelling, based on the assumption of the “ideal rotor”, highlights the need of a self driving of the actuator, in the same way of the classical synchronous machine.
This self driving is then experimentally tested on a force feedback stick, because this application needs high torque and low rotational speed.
The aim of the present communication concerns the motorization of an electro-active artificial hand
(motorization of the wrist and grasping capacities). The study presented here deals with the feeding
and control of a rotating mode motor which ensures the necessary mobility of the prosthesis. |
[106] Model and Control of a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor EPE 2001, 08/2001, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
The paper proposes a model of a piezoelectric TWUM adapted to its control. The model described by a Causal Ordering Graph is first established using the amplitudes of the two stationary waves. Transient operations and steady state points check the validity of the model. A control scheme is then proposed in a rotating reference frame. |
National Conferences and Symposiums |
[1] Commande d’un mode vibration confiné par des métamateriaux pour application haptique Symposium Génie électrique (SGE), 07/2023, URL OUARI Mondher, KACI Anis, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[2] Low-frequency ultrasound skin mechanical impedance sensor for Pressure Ulcer diagnostic Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Électrique (JCGE'17), 06/2022, Abstract SALES DE CASTRO Elis Marina, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric |
Pressure ulcers are a concern not only for the patients who suffer from them, but also for public health. Its costs to the quality of life of patients and to the public finances can be reduced with an early diagnostic. Several efforts have been made to find a solution for this diagnostic, for example by analysing the hydration or the electrical impedance of the skin. So far, no method is sufficiently reliable. In this context, a low-frequency ultrasound device is proposed, with the aim of offering an alternative that can be reliable and non-invasive. The Langevin transducer is a highly efficient device that can provide a measurement of the mechanical characteristics of the skin. Initial results show that mechanical impedance can discriminate the skin according to the location of the measurement. |
[3] Impact des réglementations européennes
des cycles de conduite normalisés sur la
consommation des véhicules électriques Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2021), 07/2021, Abstract TOURNEZ Florian, LHOMME Walter, BOUSCAYROL Alain, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
– Aujourd’hui, pour faire face au réchauffement climatique et minimiser l’impact des Gaz à Effet de Serre (GES), de
nouvelles règlementations européennes plus strictes apparaissent.
Dans le domaine automobile, elles concernent notamment les
cycles normalisés de conduite pour les tests de véhicule sur banc à
rouleau. L’objectif de cet article est de montrer l’impact énergétique de la réglementation européenne 2018/1832 concernant la
procédure WLTP (procédure d'essai mondiale harmonisée pour
les voitures particulières et véhicules utilitaires légers) au travers
de simulations énergétiques. L’une des règlementations impose
une vitesse qui doit être comprise dans une plage de variation de
plus ou moins 2 km/h par rapport à la vitesse de référence du cycle
WLTC classe 3. Cette plage de variation de vitesse a pour conséquence d’impacter en moyenne 1,61 % la consommation du véhicule électrique. Les simulations ont été réalisées en utilisant le formalisme REM (Représentation Energétique Macroscopique) appliqué sur la Renault ZOE. |
[4] COSTaM : vers la Conception d’Outils pour une Stimulation Tactile
Maîtrisée Congrés Handicap 2014, Paris (France), 06/2014, Abstract BUENO Marie-Ange, CREST Marcel, MONTEIL Guy, BERTHIER Yves, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
La détection des déficiences tactiles est
actuellement basée sur des tests basiques qui ne permettent pas
d’identifier l’origine de ces déficiences. Le programme COSTaM
vise à concevoir des outils de mesure de la performance tactile,
afin d’élaborer des méthodes de détection et de rééducation des
déficits utilisant des tests de nouvelle génération. L’étape
indispensable consiste à étudier la réponse du sujet sain à des
textures complexes. Des textures, représentant différents
gradients des trois descripteurs fondamentaux (relief, bloquant et
fibreux), sont présentées à des sujets sains. Les réponses sont
alors analysées par des techniques différentes : la discrimination
perceptive du sujet, la réponse tribologique et vibratoire du doigt
frottant et la réponse individuelle des mécanorécepteurs cutanés.
La conception d’un outil de stimulation tactile permettant de
simuler une partie ou l’ensemble des textures choisies est en
cours. Cette étape se base sur un stimulateur tactile à
modification du frottement entre la peau et la surface. Les
résultats devraient permettre de concevoir un dispositif adapté à
la rééducation, impliquant la simulation de textures variées et la
possibilité pour le praticien d’implémenter un protocole de
rééducation propre à chaque patient |
[5] COSTaM: Tool design for a controlled tactile stimulation AMSE Journals-AMSE IFRATH Publication, 06/2014, Abstract BUENO Marie-Ange, CREST Marcel, MONTEIL Guy, BERTHIER Yves, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, MASSI Francesco, VINTER Anne, AIMONETTI Jean-Marc, CHARPENTIER Luc, CORNUAULT Pierre-Yves, GIRAUD Frédéric, CAMILLIERI Brigitte, RIBOT-CISCAR E, WITT Arnaud, GENTAZ E |
Résumé Tactile stimulation is used in the rehabilitation of damage to the central or peripheral nervous system and in brain injury recovery. Tactile deficits of the hand are currently diagnosed through the evaluation of pain thresholds, spatial discrimination, vibration sensitivity and by using filaments or tuning forks, without truly established protocols. The global goal of the COSTaM project is to develop a tactile stimulator to identify tactile disorders and allow specific rehabilitation. The first step is to study the response of healthy individuals to complex textures in different ways: perceptive discrimination, study of friction and vibration between textures and the finger and the response of each kind of cutaneous mechanoreceptor. Three kinds of real textures have been chosen: relief, braking and fibrous. The use of a tactile stimulator, based on the modulation of the coefficient of friction. |
[6] Analyse des modulations de frottement par effet squeeze film et électrovibration: validité de la complémentarité. Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT 2014), Mulhouse, FRANCE, 05/2014, URL BEN MESSAOUD Wael, VEZZOLI Eric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[7] Progressive wave: a new multisource vibration technique
to assist forming processes - kinematic study, simulation
results and design proposition 21eme Congrès Français de Mécanique, 08/2013, URL, Abstract KHAN Armaghan, NGUYEN Thanh Hung, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, ABBA Gabriel |
Use of vibration in the forming process has already shown numerous advantages in the improvement of mechanical and surface properties of workpiece such as good surface or less friction between die and workpiece. The aim of this work is to develop a mathematical model of a progressive wave in the lower die due to the vibration given by multi piezoelectric actuators to assist the forging process. Based on the mathematical model, simulations using finite element software Forge2011 have been performed to observe the presence of progressive wave in the workpiece due to the movement of the lower die.
The simulations’ results conrm the existence of progressive wave in the workpiece and demonstrate the effect of progressive wave to reduce the forging load and improve the forging process. |
L’objectif est de proposer un effecteur tactile capable, dans le futur, de simuler le rendu tactile de surfaces complexes et multi-échelles type textiles. Une surface textile est particulièrement difficile à simuler du fait de la présence d’une pilosité de surface. Quatre critères tribologiques relatifs aux étoffes velours ont été identifiés. Quatre signaux de commande de l’effecteur tactile ont donc été générés prenant en compte de un aux quatre critères tribologiques. Ces simulations ont été proposées à des sujets humains et il ressort que la simulation qui prend en compte les quatre critères est la plus proche de la surface d’un velours. L’énergie que peut transmettre au doigt la pilosité par retour élastique lors d’un changement de direction ainsi que l’enfoncement dans la surface ne sont pas encore considérés. |
Cet article montre dans un premier temps que le décalage des ondes stationnaires d’un moteur piézoélectrique à onde progressive nest pas obtenu systématiquement par le décalage des tensions d’alimentation. Dans un deuxième temps, un contrôle de ces tensions d’alimentation
est proposé qui aboutit au décalage souhaité des ondes stationnaires. |
[10] CONCEPTION D’UN STIMULATEUR TACTILE CESAM’07, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, 6-7 Septembre 2007, 09/2007, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, BIET Mélisande, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Dans cet article, nous présentons un dispositif capable de stimuler la pulpe du doigt de manière paramétrable. Ce dispositif exploite le « squeeze film air bearing », qui modifie l’interaction entre le doigt et la surface en contact du stimulateur.
Un modèle de l’interaction doigt-surface est d’abord présenté. Il permet de déterminer des recommandations de design nécessaires à la conception du dispositif. Puis nous montrons la méthode de dimensionnement, et des tests psychosensoriels permettent de valider l’approche. |
[11] Commande en phase d’un moteur piezo-électrique à onde progressive MAGELEC 2001, 12/2001, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
L’étude présentée traite de la commande en couple et
en vitesse d’un moteur ultrasonique à onde progressive.
La stratégie de commande découle d’une analyse du modèle
ici présenté à l’aide du formalisme des graphes informationnels
causaux ( GIC ). Compte tenu des informations
disponibles sur le moteur, une commande en phase
est alors élaborée et mise en oeuvre. Des résultats expérimentaux
viennent illustrer la démarche. |
[12] Commande en phase d’un moteur piézo-électrique à onde progressive MGE 2000, 12/2000, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
L’étude présentée traite de la commande en couple et vitesse d’un moteur ultrasonique à onde progressive. La stratégie de commande découle d’une analyse du modèle ici présenté à l’aide du formalisme des graphes informationnels causaux (GIC). Compte tenu des informations disponibles sur le moteur, une commande en phase est élaborée, des résultats de simulation et expérimentaux sont présentés. |
Pattents |
[1] Device for creating haptic sensations on a surface using ultrasonic waves producing elliptical movements US20230075405A1, 03/2023, Abstract RUPIN Matthieu, GARCIA Pierre, GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel |
The invention relates to a touch interface comprising, on the one hand, an interfacial surface able to generate a haptic-feedback effect in response to a touch of said surface by a user, and, on the other hand, at least one piezoelectric actuator configured to generate, in said interfacial surface, at least one wave of ultrasonic frequency able to endow the particles of this surface with an elliptical movement having a movement component tangential to said surface, which component is denoted ut(t), and a movement component normal to said surface, which component is denoted un(t), wherein said wave of ultrasonic frequency is chosen so that the amplitude Ut of the tangential component ut(t) and the amplitude Un of the normal component un(t) are substantially equal. |
[2] Individual sensor-actuator for generating a haptic effect on a panel, and use of same Brevet, N° de Brevet. US11556180B2, 01/2023, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, GIRAUD-AUDINE Christophe, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
A system includes sensor-actuator units fixed onto a plate to be actuated according to at least one predetermined vibratory mode, each sensor-actuator unit having an electromechanical actuator and a deformation or vibratory speed sensor, wherein the electromechanical actuator and the sensor are colocated on the surface, that is to say that the measurement by the sensor is performed in immediate proximity to the electromechanical actuator, this proximity being such that the actuator and the sensor can respectively actuate and measure the same predetermined vibratory mode. |
[3] Machine électrique polyphasée intégrée brevet europeen, N° de Brevet. WO2022136804, 06/2022, URL, Abstract SEMAIL Eric, IDIR Nadir, HARMAND Souad, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
L’objectif du brevet est de proposer une topologie de machine permettant de solutionner ce type de défis avec un focus sur des machines sans refroidissement par circulation par pompe de fluide liquide.
L’intégration de l’électronique de puissance dans les machines posent les défis suivants :
Thermique à savoir la compatibilité concernant les différents composants présents à l’intérieur de la machine intégrée : le passage « actuel » aux composants de puissance Grand Gap supportant normalement des températures plus élevées que les composants Si et plus compatibles à celles que supporte la machine doit permettre l’intégration sans diminution des performances de la machine seule. A noter qu’il ne faut pas oublier les composants petits signal pour les contraintes en température
Compatibilité électromagnétique : s’il n’y a moins de problème de compatibilité électromagnétique à l’extérieur (uniquement deux fils parcourus par courant continu) , les contraintes se retrouvent à l’intérieur de la machine
Fiabilité fonctionnelle du drive du fait de l’augmentation de la complexité structurelle du drive électrique avec des contraintes thermiques et électromagnétiques |
[4] Procédé et dispositif de génération de motifs tactiles brevet d'invention français, N° de Brevet. FR 17 53830, 05/2017, Abstract VEZZOLI Eric, GRISONI Laurent, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric |
Procédé pour générer au moins un motif tactile avec un dispositif à retour tactile (70)
ayant un espace actif au sein duquel un utilisateur peut déplacer son doigt (F) pour
ressentir le motif tactile, la perception du motif étant provoquée par la modulation de
l’excitation mécanique de la pulpe du doigt par un élément excitateur, le procédé
comportant les étapes consistant à :
- détecter la position du doigt (F) dans l’espace actif;
- calculer la vitesse du doigt,
- déterminer pour chaque position du doigt détectée un taxtel associé au sein
d’une grille de taxtels prédéfinie, chaque taxtel ayant une valeur de texture
associée qui dépend du motif tactile à reproduire, chaque taxtel étant de plus
grande dimension inférieure ou égale à 8 mm,
- générer en fonction de la valeur de texture associée à ce taxtel un signal de
commande de l’élément excitateur, ce signal d’excitation étant dépendant de la
vitesse du doigt au moins pour les motifs tactiles les plus denses à reproduire. |
[5] Interface tactile transparente French patent application, N° de Brevet. 1153963, 05/2011 GIRAUD Frédéric, AMBERG Michel, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[6] Interface tactile vibrante Brevet Européen, N° de Brevet. EP1956466 (A1), 08/2008, URL, Abstract BIET Mélisande, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
L’interface tactile (1) comporte : - une structure vibrante (2) comprenant une plaque (20) dont l’une (20a) des faces forme la surface de contact vibrante de l’interface destinée à être en contact avec le doigt d’un utilisateur, et une couche piézoélectrique (21) fixée contre l’autre face de ladite plaque, et - des moyens d’alimentation électrique qui sont connectés à la couche piézoélectrique (21). La plaque (20), la couche piézoélectrique (21) et les moyens d’alimentation électrique sont adaptés pour générer dans la structure vibrante (2) des ondes de Lamb stationnaires ayant une direction de propagation suivant au moins un axe rectiligne. L’interface tactile permet de reproduire tactilement des textures ou rugosités très fines, en modifiant la sensation tactile de toucher de la surface de contact (20a), et en modulant l’effet « Squeeze film ». |
[7] Haptic interface device of the ground-based type comprising at least two separate rotary digital actuators Brevet, N° de Brevet. EP1437641, 07/2004 CASIEZ Géry, CHAILLOU Christophe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, PLÉNACOSTE Patricia |
[8] STATIC TOUCH BREVET, A paraître, Abstract GARCIA Pierre, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AMBERG Michel, RUPIN Matthieu |
Dispositif pour la création de sensations haptiques sur une surface à l’aide d‘ondes ultrasonores produisant des mouvements elliptiques |
Invited Conferences |
[1] Touch analysis and tactile device design: an overview of STIMTAC project Virtual Concept Biarritz, 11/2005 LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, MARTINOT François, GIRAUD Frédéric, PLÉNACOSTE Patricia, TALBI Karim |
[2] Torque tracking strategy of traction drives with series connected DC machines IEEE-VPP’04 (Paris), pages. 889-893, 10/2004, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
Some traction systems are composed of machines connected in series or in parallel. The studied system is composed of two DC machines with armature windings connected in series. Three choppers are used: one for the armature windings and one for each field winding. In industrial cases, such drives are controlled with a master slave strategy: only one machine is really controlled. The behaviour of the slave machine is imposed by the master machine. This paper suggests a new control strategy for such drives. Each machine is really controlled in spite of the common armature current. This strategy enables different rota-tion speeds for curves. Experimental results are provided. |
Educational Books |
[1] Energetic Macroscopic Representation and Inversion-Based Control Encyclopedia of electrical and electronic power engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 2, pages. 365-375, 01/2023, URL BOUSCAYROL Alain, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[2] Actionneurs piézo-électriques résonants : considérations sur l’alimentation et la commande
B. Semail, B. Gréhant, F. Giraud « Actionneurs piézo-électriques résonants : considérations sur l’alimentation et la commande », La revue 3EI, n°45, Juin 2006, pp 14-20
La revue 3EI, N°. 45, pages. 14-20, 06/2006 LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GREHANT Bernard, GIRAUD Frédéric |
[3] Extension de la transformation de Park aux machines asynchrones en régime saturé Traité EGEM, Hermès Lavoisier,Chap.7 pp 317-329 du tome « Modèles pour la commande des actionneurs électriques, pages. 317-329, 01/2004 LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, LOUIS Jean-Paul, BOUILLAULT Frédéric |
Scientific Books |
[1] Formalismes graphiques pour la commande des systèmes énergétiques multiphysiques : des GIC à la REM Conception systémique pour la conversion dénergie électrique tome 1: gestion , analyse et synthèse, Editions Hermès Science, pages. chap. 3, 11/2012 BOUSCAYROL Alain, HAUTIER Jean-Paul, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[2] Graphic formalisms for the control of multiphysical energetic systems Systemic design methodologies for electrical engineering tome 1 : Analysis, synthesis and management, pages. Chapter 3, 10/2012 BOUSCAYROL Alain, HAUTIER Jean-Paul, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[3] Control of Piezoelectric Actuators Control of Non-conventional Synchronous Motors - sous la direction de Jean-Paul Louis (Wiley), 06/2012, URL, Abstract GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Classical synchronous motors are the most effective device to drive industrial production systems and robots with precision and rapidity. However, numerous applications require efficient controls in non-conventional situations.
Firstly, this is the case with synchronous motors supplied by thyristor line-commutated inverters, or with synchronous motors with faults on one or several phases.
Secondly, many drive systems use non-conventional motors such as polyphase (more than three phases) synchronous motors, synchronous motors with double excitation, permanent magnet linear synchronous motors, synchronous and switched reluctance motors, stepping motors and piezoelectric motors.
This book presents efficient controls to improve the use of these non-conventional motors. |
[4] Commande des actionneurs piézoélectriques Commandes dactionneurs électriques synchrones et spéciaux (Traité EGEM, série génie électrique), 10/2011 GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
Le L2EP recrute
Dernières actualités
- Soutenance de Thèse, Zhenxin LI, 20 Fév. 2025
- Séminaire CUMIN, 12, 13 Fév. 2025
- Séminaire Génie électrique – Sciences humaines et sociales, 7 Fév. 2025
- Assemblée générale du laboratoire, 24 Janvier 2025
- Soutenance HDR, Ngac Ky NGUYEN, 22 Janv. 2025
- Séminaire JCJC, 20 décembre 2024
- Soutenance de Thèse, Haider ALI, 17 déc. 2024
- Soutenance de Thèse, Wei CHEN, 29 Nov. 2024
- Séminaire, Pr. Hajime IGARASHI (Hokkaido University, Japan), 28 Nov. 2024
- Séminaire, Dr. Nathan WILLIAMS, Nov. 25, 2024