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Research – Development – Innovation

SUMMER SCHOOL, 8-11 Jul. 2024

Power electronic converters on transmission system from fundamental considerations to practical applications

8-11 July 2024

Centrale Lille – Cite Scientifique 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq – France


The number of Power-Electronics converters connected to the grid is increasing quickly.The electromechanical conception of the grid is challenged by this accelerated growth. This course aims to explain the relation between the design of the converter’s controls and the grid dynamics in this new context.

In a first part, the control algorithms of the power converters will be addressed. The classical grid following control will be presented and its limitations highlighted. Then the grid forming control will be presented step by step starting from fundamental considerations about physics, then introducing progressively the different functionalities required for such a converter connected to the grid. From these fundamental analyzes, some practical applications such as MMC, wind turbine control, or HVDC systems will be derived.
In a second part, the converters will be integrated in some benchmarks in order to characterize the possible interactions among converters or between converters and synchronous machines.
At the end of the course, the participant will have a better understanding of the dynamics of a power system including more and more Power-Electronics converters.

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