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Recherche, Développement et Innovation en Génie Electrique


Séminaire, Dr. A TORREZ-GUZMAN, Hinicio, Belgium, 20 Janv. 2023

Doctoral School Unit « Sustainable Development Applications » Introduction to Hydrogen: technologies and applications for sustainable development Diana Angelica TORRES, PhD. Hinicio, Belgium Friday 20 January / 14-16h Amphi Atrium ESPRIT Abstract On the trajectory to achieve climate-neutrality by 2050, the EU has commitment itself to reduce its net GHG emissions with at least 55% by 2030, […]

Séminaire, João SOARES, Polytechnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 23 Nov. 2022

Doctoral School Unit « Sustainable Development Applications » Evolutionary computation approaches for sustainable electric power systems João SOARES Polytechnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal Wednesday 23 November 2022 14:00 – 16:00 Bât. ESPRIT, Amphi Atrium Abstract In this talk, Joao Soares will go through some of the complex issues with the current paradigm of power systems. In reality, […]

Feedback on the PANDA final Event

The H2020 PANDA final event has been held in Lille, France, 24-25 May, in in-presence and virtual modes. It was a great success with 136 on-line attendees and 146 on-site attendees from 32 countries (Asia, America, Africa, Europe). The content was composed of: 17 presentations on the PANDA results, 1 presentation on the PANDA carbon […]

Summer school IIT / MULTITOUCH, 20 et 21 Oct. 2022, Gênes, Italie.

Dans le cadre du projet multiTOUCH, l’IIT de Gênes organise une summer school ouverte à tous. Lieu : IIT, Via Enrico Melen, 83, 16152 Genova GE, Italie room Sala Pitagora – Fibonacci, CHT Erzelli, Floor 10 Date : 20 et 21 octobre 2022 Inscription Programme et informations

Visite de la plateforme Électricité et Véhicules (eV) au L2EP. 19 Sept. 2022

Le président de l’Université, M Regis Bordet, s’est rendu sur la plateforme Électricité et Véhicules (eV) du laboratoire L2EP situé au bâtiment ESPRIT sur le campus Cité Scientifique. M Regis Bordet a été accueilli par Mme Betty Lemaire Semail, directrice du laboratoire L2EP, par M Alain Bouscayrol, responsable scientifique et par M Walter Lhomme, responsable […]

Séminaire, Prof. Yuan Cheng, Harbin Institute of Technology China, 13 mai 2022

Electrified Vehicles and some Key Technologies Prof. Yuan Cheng, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Friday 13 may 2022 14h00 Amphi Atrium, bâtiment ESPRIT, Université de Lille Abstract: Electrified vehicles, including different kinds of Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (EVs/HEVs), emerged more than 100 years ago and have been widely recognized as the future of […]

Séminaire, Prof. Philippe Barrade, 27 Jan. 2022

Sustainable development on Energy Storage using Supercapacitors  Prof. Philippe Barrade Univ. of Applied Sciences of Sion Switzerland 27 Jan 2022, 16h15-18h15 Webinar

Soutenance de thèse, Diana Angélica TORRES GUZMAN, 14 déc. 2021

Generation and control of tactile feedback with longitudinal ultrasonic vibration and human-in-the-Loop analysis Le mardi 14 décembre 2021  à 10h, dans l’amphithéâtre de l’IRCICA, (https://ircica.univ-lille.fr/plan-dacces) format hybride (ZOOM) Résumé : La technologie haptique offre aux utilisateurs un moyen unique d’interagir avec les mondes virtuels en permettant le transfert direct d’informations entre les interfaces et l’être […]

Séminaire, Dr. Fayssal AMRANE, 6 Déc. 2021

Control of a DFIG based Variable Wind Generator for a more efficient energy conversion and sustainable power production Dr. Fayssal AMRANE (Ferhat ABBAS Setif University, Algeria) 6 December 2021, 14h-16h Amphi Atrium, ESPRIT Building, Campus “Cité Sceintifique”, University of     

Séminaire, Dr. Eric HITTINGER, Rochester Institute of Technology, 12 Janv. 2022

Doctoral School Unit « Sustainable Development Applications » Within the framework of IEEE Vehicle Power Propulsion – Technical Committee How Heterogeneity and technological progress can work together to drive adoption of electric vehicles? Dr. Eric Hittinger Associate Professor, Public Policy, Rochester Institute of Technology 12 January 2022 / 14-16h Videoconference Abstract Electric Vehicles (EVs) can potentially transform […]

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