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Recherche, Développement et Innovation en Génie Electrique

CUMIN @ Virtual Transatlantic Symposium 2021, 8 juin 2021

CUMIN presented at the Virtual Transatlantic Symposium 2021

Free registration at: https://www.gcseglobal.org/virtual-transatlantic-symposium-june-7-9-2021

Full programme at: https://www.gcseglobal.org/transatlantic-symposium-agenda

Panel Session 2 – Mobility of the Research Community

Tuesday, June 8, 2021
11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET/ 5:00 – 6:00 pm CEST


Laurent-Emmanuel Brizzi, Vice-President for Campus Operations, Poitiers University


Joanna Regulska, Vice Provost and Dean of Global Affairs, University of California Davis,
Alain Bouscayrol, coordinator of the CUMIN programme, University of Lille
Rattan Lal, Director of Center for Carbon Management and Sequestration, The Ohio State University
Nicolas Gratiot, Senior Scientist, French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)


(Campus of University with Mobility based on Innovation and carbon Neutrality) is an interdisciplinary programme of University of Lille to develop its campus “Cité Scientifique” as a demonstrator for electro-mobility. CUMIN is supported by the i-SITE ULNE foundation, the European Metropole of Lille and the “Haut-de-France” (Northern France) region. CUMIN has developed international collaboration with Canada (Univ. Trois Rivières), USA (Rochester Inst. Tech), Belgium (Univ. Ghent) and China (Tsinghua Univ). Pr. Bouscayrol will present the general framework of CUMIN.

Short BiographY

Alain BOUSCAYROL received Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France, in 1995. He is currently (Full) Professor at University of Lille, France. From 2004 to 2019, he managed the national network on Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (MEGEVH) France. Since 2015, he has been coordinator of the CUMIM (Campus of University with Mobility based on Innovation and carbon Neutrality) interdisciplinary programme of University of Lille. Since 2018, he has been co-director of the international research lab e-CAMPUS on sustainable mobility and also coordinator of PANDA a European H2020 project on simulation and testing of electrified vehicles. His research include control and energy management of various electrified vehicles, from car to trains. He is currently General Chair of the steering committee of Vehicle Power Propulsion Conference of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society.