Summer School, Power electronic converters on transmission system from fundamental considerations to practical applications, 11-13 Jul. 2022

The number of power electronic converters is increasing quickly in all the different parts of the grid. The electrical power system is moving from the “electromechanical world” to the “power electronic world”. The aim of this course is to contribute to build a bridge between the two worlds by using simplified models of power electronic converters and by integrating the key parameters and needs of the power system in the control design of the converters. The control algorithms will be built step by step starting from fundamental considerations about physics and introducing progressively the different functionalities required for a converter connected to the grid. The classical grid following control will be addressed and its limitation highlighted but the focus will mainly be done on the grid forming control. From these fundamental analyses, some practical applications will be derived such as wind turbine control, storage or HVDC systems. The participants will progressively build their own control by using predefined models of converters.
Target Audience
The target audience is Phd students working in power electronic applied to power system and people from the industry working in the same topic.
The models of power electronic converters will be simple enough to be understood by any person with some basic knowledge about electrical engineering and control.
Teaching method
The program of the course is a mix between some theoretical contents closely connected with some practical simulations on Matlab/Simulink and Simpower system. All the simulation files can be loaded on its personal computer or run online by using Matlab Online (in this case, computers will be available). These simulation models will be freely available and may be used freely for other applications. Several speakers from industry will also propose some conferences in order to bring their practical experience. All the different model parameters will be using some realistic parameters drawn from practical data.
Soutenance de thèse, Yacine SEHIMI, 7 Juillet 2022
Best Young Scientist Poster Award, SMM 2022, Leysmir Millan Mirabal