Séminaire en ligne, électro-mobilité, 19 mai 2021
New Urban Mobility: Electro-mobility and university campuses as testbeds
19 May 2021
Webinars on New Urban Mobility: The Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy at United States of America has organized this webinar on New Urban Mobility to share the experience of US and French teams on the topic, strengthen existing collaborations, and initiate new ones. Redefining urban mobility is at a critical strategy for reducing its environmental footprint while enabling mobility access. This mobility transition will harness the benefits of new technologies such as vehicle electrification, transport digitalisation, etc.
→ Final programme and registration ←
Preliminary Program
16h:50 (CET) / 10:50 (EDT), Early connection
- 17:00 / 11:00
- Kathleen O’CONNOR, Vice-President of International Affairs, Univ. Lille, Kévin Kok HEANG, Deputy-Attaché for Science & Technology, Embassy of France
Brief Welcome, Introductory Remarks
- Kathleen O’CONNOR, Vice-President of International Affairs, Univ. Lille, Kévin Kok HEANG, Deputy-Attaché for Science & Technology, Embassy of France
- 17:05 / 11:05
- Pr. Alain BOUSCAYROL, (CUMIN, L2EP, Univ. Lille, France)
CUMIN: Campus of University with Mobility based on Innovation and carbon Neutrality
- Pr. Alain BOUSCAYROL, (CUMIN, L2EP, Univ. Lille, France)
- 17:25 / 11:25
- Pr. Eric HITTINGER, (CUMIN, Rochester Inst. of Tech., USA)
CUMIN – Technical Economical Study of Sustainable campuses
- Pr. Eric HITTINGER, (CUMIN, Rochester Inst. of Tech., USA)
- 17:45 / 11:45
- Eugénie MASCLEF, Dr. Elodie CASTEX, (CUMIN, TVES, Univ. Lille, France)
CUMIN – Social Acceptance of electrified vehicles in Restricted Areas
- Eugénie MASCLEF, Dr. Elodie CASTEX, (CUMIN, TVES, Univ. Lille, France)
- 18:05 / 12:05
- Aymeric ROUSSEAU, (Argonne National Lab, USA)
Energy and Mobility Impact of SMART Technologie
- Aymeric ROUSSEAU, (Argonne National Lab, USA)
- 18:25 / 12:25
- Dr. Rochdi TRIGUI, (University Gustave Eiffel, France)
Impact of the driving behaviour on the energetic performance of electric vehicles
- Dr. Rochdi TRIGUI, (University Gustave Eiffel, France)
- 18:45 / 12:45
- Kévin Kok HEANG , Deputy-Attaché for Science & Technology, Embassy of France
Round Table
- Kévin Kok HEANG , Deputy-Attaché for Science & Technology, Embassy of France
19:00 / 13:00, End of Webinar
CUMIN (Campus of University with Mobility based on Innovation and carbon Neutrality) is an interdisciplinary programme of University of Lille to develop its campus “Cité Scientifique” as a demonstrator for electro-mobility. CUMIN is supported by the i-SITE ULNE foundation, the European Metropole of Lille and the “Haut-de-France” (Northern France) region. CUMIN has developed intenational collaboration with Canada (Univ. Trois Rivières), USA (Rochester Inst. Tech), Belgium (Univ. Ghent) and China (Tsinghua Univ). Pr. Bouscayrol will present the general framework of CUMIN and some technical aspects. Pr. Hittinger (RIT, USA) will present some economical aspects of CUMIN. Mrs. Masclef (Univ. Lille) will present some social aspects of CUMIN.
Presentation on “Impact of the driving behaviour on the energetic performance of electric vehicles » – EVs are supposed to be the most efficient transport mean today. Meanwhile, their energy consumption and autonomy are impacted by many factors like traffic, weather, road slopes… One of these factors depends directly on the driver behavior. Optimization algorithms demonstrate the existence of large potential to save energy while switching from a “normal” to an ‘eco” driving style. CEVE project has conducted an experiment to show how Eco-driving rules could be efficient even for new EV adopters. This experiment has defined driving styles that could be used in an city evaluation as done in the CUMIN-EVE project.
CUMIN (Campus à Mobilité Innovante et Neutre en carbone), le programme interdisciplinaire de l’Université de Lille, sera présenté lors du webinaire « Cities of Tomorrow – Webinar #3.1 – Electromobility and university campuses » organisé par la Mission Sciences et Technologies de l’ambassade de France aux Etats Unis, qui organise des échanges entres scientifiques des 2 pays.
3 présentations sur 5 porteront sur CUMIN : Alain Bouscayrol (L2EP, Univ. Lille), Eric Hittinger (RIT, USA), Eugénie Masclef et Elodie Castex (TVES, Univ. Lille). De plus, Kathleen O’Connor, Vice-Présidente Relations Internationales de l’Université de Lille. CUMIN et l’Université de Lille sont donc à l’honneur dans cette session sur les campus du futur.
Short Biographies

Soutenance de Thèse, Stéphane Vienot, 7 Mai 2021
“Sustainable development & renewable energy applications using EMR formalism”, 17, 18, 19, 20 May 2021