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Recherche, Développement et Innovation en Génie Electrique

Professeur invité: L. Gauchia

Le docteur Lucia Gauchia de la Michigan Technological University (USA), actuellement professeur invitée au sein du L2EP, donnera deux séminaires sur les systèmes de stockage d’énergie pour les systèmes photovoltaïques et de transport:

  • le mercredi 16 décembre de 10h15 à 12h15 à Polytech’Lille (Université Lille 1), Amphitheatre LEBON;

    Energy storage systems for photovoltaic systems

    With the advancement of energy storage technologies, in particular batteries, stakeholders such as consumers, policymakers and utilities are exploring and deploying PV-storage solutions. This transition towards self-generation is ever-growing and promising due to the benefits, such as increased power resiliency during outages due to its distributed nature, lower carbon generation through the PV system, and the possibility to provide grid services in exchange for an economic benefit. However, even if these aspects are highly attractive for consumers, utilities face a change of business model where the consumer is now an active partner in the energy generation, which requires a policy, technical and business change which can be challenging.
    This seminar will focus on the battery technologies available for coupling with photovoltaic systems, and how connection to the grid opens new challenges and opportunities for energy storage.

  • le jeudi 17 décembre de 14h00 à 16h00 au bâtiment P2 de l’Université Lille 1 en salle 005.

    Energy storage systems for transportation systems

    Energy storage, mainly batteries, are being heavily used in electric and hybrid vehicles, as they can provide competitive technical performance and are showing interesting cost reductions. One of the technical challenges with batteries in EV applications is the range availability, which is heavily dependent on the battery technology advancements and the driving demands (typical driving cycles, driving styles, etc.) This also has an effect on how the battery will age, adding uncertainty on the battery lifetime. This will ultimately affect the availability of the electric vehicle to provide vehicle-to-building or vehicle-to-grid services, as the aging cost should be considered when planning for them.
    This seminar will present the modelling, testing and simulation of batteries for EV applications, and the effect of driving styles in the battery performance and aging, and a discussion on how this should be taken into account for vehicle-to-grid applications.

A propos de l’intervenant:
luciaGauchiaDr. Lucia Gauchia received Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain in 2009. Since September 2013 she is the Richard and Elizabeth Henes Assistant Professor of Energy Storage Systems and holds a joint appointment between the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics Department at Michigan Technological University (USA). During 2012 she was a Postdoctoral Research Associate with McMaster University (Canada). From 2008 to 2012 she worked at the Electrical Engineering Department at the University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). Her research interests include the testing, modeling and energy management of energy storages systems and she is particularly interested in the integration of energy storage at system level, considering the effect of the consumer and rest of the system performance.