Fiche individuelle
Philippe DELARUE | ![]() | |
Titre | MCF | |
Equipe | Commande | |
Adresse | Université de LILLE Avenue Paul langevin 59655 VILLENEUVE-D'ASCQ | |
Téléphone | +33 (0)3-20-43-42-53 | |
Fax | +33 (0)3-28-76-73-47 | | | ||
Publications |
ACLI Revue internationale avec comité de lecture |
[1] Reliability of Linear Losses-to-Power Scaling Method of Electric Drive Systems IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 73, N°. 4, 04/2024 AROUA Ayoub, RAMIREZ Luis, LHOMME Walter, VERBELEN Florian, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, SERGEANT Peter, STOCKMAN Kurt |
[2] Analysis of the Timetable Impact on Energy Consumption of a Subway Line IEEE transactions on Vehucular Technology, Vol. early acce, 12/2023, URL, Abstract O. BERRIEL Ryan, DELARUE Philippe, MAYET Clément, BOUSCAYROL Alain, BROCART Charles |
This paper analyzes the timetable impact on the energy consumption of a subway line. In most timetable studies, simplified models are used and can lead to misestimation of the braking energy and thus the energy transfer between braking vehicles and accelerating vehicles. In this paper, specific attention is paid to the models of the vehicles, the traction power substation, and the rail supply network to enable an accurate estimation of the energy consumption. The energetic macroscopic representation formalism is used to organize the models of the subsystems so they have the right interactions. The developed model is validated by experimental tests on a real subway line. The error on the global energy consumption is lower than 2.2%. The model is then employed to examine the influence of the vehicle time interval on energy consumption. A 10-second adjustment in this time interval can result in a substantial 22% decrease in energy consumption for the analyzed real subway line. |
[3] Electrical Railway Dynamical Versus Static Models for Infrastructure Planning and Operation IEEE transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 23, N°. 6, pages. 5514 – 5525, 06/2022, URL ARBOLEYA Pablo, MAYET Clément, BOUSCAYROL Alain, MOHAMED B., DELARUE Philippe, EL SAYED Islam |
[4] Comparison of Energy Recovery Solutions on a Suburban DC Railway System IEEE transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol. 7, N°. 3, pages. 2332-7782, 09/2021, URL RAMSEY David, LETROUVE Tony, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe |
[5] Non-linear Switched Model for Accurate Voltage Estimation and Power Flow Analysis of DC Railway Systems IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, Vol. 10, N°. 4, pages. 425-435, 12/2020 MAYET Clément, ARBOLEYA Pablo, BOUSCAYROL Alain, MOHAMED B., DELARUE Philippe, EL SAYED Islam |
[6] A Novel DC Fault Ride Through Control Methodology for Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converters in HVDC Systems IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 05/2020, Abstract SHAHRIARI Ejlal, GRUSON François, VERMEERSCH Pierre, DELARUE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) is an established technology for HVDC or Multi-Terminal DC (MTDC) systems, due to its advantages over classical Voltage Source Converters (VSCs) such as two or three level VSCs. To achieve a full control of all state variables, it is essential to implement energy-based method in which a cascade control loop is employed to regulate all state variables including ac and differential currents, and stored energy within MMC arms. In addition to normal operation control, dc Fault Ride Through (DC-FRT) capability of the MMC is a crucial and challenging control issue especially for overhead line HVDC system where non-permanent dc fault occurrence is statistically more probable. Furthermore, the main problematic technical obstacle to develop HVDC/MTDC grids is the lack of mature dc fault protection. Since conventional control in normal operation cannot be employed in case of dc fault, an efficient control strategy is indispensable. The principal objectives of the novel control methodology are to (i) obtain DC-FRT capability, (ii) decay short circuit current to zero, (iii) secure the MMC through leg and arm energy balancing, (iv) support ac grid as a Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and (v) resume normal operation after dc fault clearance. The simulation results verify the validity of proposed control strategy to fulfill the abovementioned objectives in dc fault operation of the hybrid MMC. |
[7] Model and Control of the DC-DC Modular Multilevel Converter with DC fault tolerance EPE Journal, 04/2020, Abstract GRUSON François, TLEMCANI Amine, LI Yafang, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This paper presents the modelling of the DC-DC Multilevel Modular Converter (DC-DC MMC) with half-bridge Sub-Modules (SM) and the control based on the inversion of its model. The DC-DC MMC structure presents many advantages such as its modularity, the absence of capacitors on the high DC bus voltage and a very low switching frequency due to the large number of SMs. This topology also preserves the intrinsic disadvantages of the MMC as the complexity of modelling and controlling due to the large number of semiconductors and state variables to control. The control of this converter cannot be symmetrical due to the interconnection of the two parts by an internal AC grid. The control strategy of one part of the DC-DC MMC uses the conventional control scheme with currents controls and stored energy control. The second one uses the energy control and produces the waveform of the three-phase internal AC bus voltage linking the two parts of the converter. The explicit control for the generation of internal AC voltages guarantees the correct operation of the converter even in a critical DC voltage dip on one or the other DC buses. Thus, it avoids the need of a DC circuit breaker or the use of full bridge MMC sub-modules. The validity of the proposed control is verified by simulation using Matlab-Simulink. |
[8] Full State Regulation of the Modular Multilevel DC converter (M2DC) achieving minimization of circulating currents IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 35, pages. 301-309, 02/2020, URL, Abstract GRUSON François, LI Yafang, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The M2DC exploits the interleaving between the three legs of an MMC to realize a promising uninsulated DC/DC converter to interconnect HVDC grids. This paper details a current and energies decoupled model of the M2DC. The major idea proposed in this paper is focused on the full energy control generating optimal current references to minimize the internal currents magnitude. The energy sum and difference models are fully detailled. Both current and energy control loops are based on the model inversion principle in order to control all the state variables. The proposed control is based a dynamic control developed with the model inversion principle associated on an optimization of the current magnitude deduced from a quasi static analysis. All dynamics of the system are then explicitly controlled, which guarantee a good dynamic behavior during the transient. Therefore, current and energy controls are presented in details. Simulation results show the dynamic behavior of the converter for various operating points. |
[9] Integrated traction / charge / air compression supply using 3-phase split-windings motor for electric vehicles IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 33, N°. 11, pages. 10003-10012, 11/2018, URL, Abstract LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, DOS SANTOS MORAES Tiago José, NGUYEN Ngac Ky, SEMAIL Eric, CHEN Keyu, SILVESTRE Bénédicte |
High cost, no-ideal driving range and charge time limit electric vehicle market share. Facing these challenges, an integrated motor drive/battery charger system has been proposed by Valeo. A further advancement, based on this system, is present in this paper; for the first time, the integration of traction, charging and air-compressor supply modes is proposed and tested by real-time experimentation. This integrated system is expected to increase the vehicle component compactness and power, therefore potentially reduce the cost and battery charging time. An overall and unique control scheme is detailed to achieve the three main operating modes: traction, charging and air-compressor supply modes. The real-time experimentation results show the system feasibility. |
[10] Canal Lock Variable Speed Hydropower Turbine Design and Control IET Renewable Energy Generation, 08/2018, URL ZHANG Jian, LEONTIDIS Vlasios, DAZIN Antoine, TOUNZI Abdelmounaïm, DELARUE Philippe, CAIGNAERT Guy, PIRIOU Francis, LIBAUX Antoine |
[11] Electro-kinematical simulation for flexible energetic studies of railway systems IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 65, N°. 4, pages. 3592-3600, 04/2018, Abstract MAYET Clément, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, CHATTOT Eric, VERHILLE Jean-Noël |
Simulation is a valuable tool to evaluate energy consumptions and design of railway systems. The system limitations have an important influence on the system behavior and must be taken into account in the simulation. Especially, the electro-mechanical limitations have an impact on the kinematical behavior. However, such limitations are often neglected in classical studies. This paper deals with the development of an adaptive electro-kinematical simulation to adapt the kinematical behavior according to the system’s limitations. A flexible simulation tool is obtained by taking into account electrical, mechanical, and kinematical limitations. This tool is experimentally validated on a real railway track. It is then used to study solutions to increase the transport capacity of a subway system, even when limitations occur. |
[12] Design, implementation and testing of a Modular Multilevel Converter EPE Journal, Vol. 27, N°. 4, 12/2017, Abstract GRUSON François, KADRI Riad, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier, DELARUE Philippe, BERGÉ Marta, DENNETIERE Sébastien, OULD BACHIR Tarek |
The Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) is a power electronic structure used for high voltage adjustable speed drives applications as well as power transmission applications and high-voltage direct current (HVDC). MMC structure presents many advantages such as modularity, the absence of a high voltage DC bus and very low switching frequency. It presents also some disadvantages such as modeling complexity and control due to the large number of semiconductors to control. The objectives of this paper are to present the methodology to design a laboratory MMC converter and its control system. This methodology is based on an intensive used of real-time simulation, to develop and test the control algorithm is proposed. This MMC prototype must be as realistic as possible to a full scale MMC, with a large number of SM (i.e. 640kV on the DC side, a rated power of 1GW and 400 sub-modules). A control hardware integrating distributed processors (one for each arm) and a master control is presented. The protocols to validate sub-modules, arms and the converter are explained. |
[13] Quantitative Design of a High Performance Permanent Magnet
Vernier Generator IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 53, N°. 11, 11/2017 ZHANG Jian, TOUNZI Abdelmounaïm, DELARUE Philippe, PIRIOU Francis, LEONTIDIS Vlasios, DAZIN Antoine, CAIGNAERT Guy, LIBAUX Antoine |
[14] Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation of Traction Power Supply for Power Flows Analysis of Multi-Train Subway Lines IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 66, N°. 7, pages. 5564-5571, 07/2017, Abstract MAYET Clément, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHATTOT Eric |
Multi-train systems are complex to study due to the size of the system and its specificities. To tackle these difficulties, this paper develops a reduced-scale power Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation dedicated to subway lines emulations. Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used to organize the HIL simulation. A first mono-train HIL simulation is developed and validated by experimental results. The HIL simulation is then extended to a two-train study to analyze the different power flows between subsystems. |
[15] MMC Stored Energy Participation to the DC Bus Voltage Control in an HVDC Link IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 31, N°. 4, pages. 1710-1718, 08/2016, Abstract SAMIMI Shabab, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The modular multilevel converter (MMC) is be- coming a promising converter technology for HVDC transmission systems. Contrary to the conventional two- or three-level VSC-HVDC links, no capacitors are connected directly on the dc bus in an MMC-HVDC link. Therefore, in such an HVDC link, the dc bus voltage may be much more volatile than in a conventional VSC-HVDC link. In this paper, a connection between the dc bus voltage level and the stored energy inside the MMC is proposed in order to greatly improve the dynamic behavior in case of transients. EMT simulation results illustrate this interesting property on an HVDC link study case. |
[16] Comparison of Different EMR-based Models of Traction Power Substations for Energetic Studies of Subway Lines IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 65, N°. 3, pages. 1021-1029, 03/2016, Abstract MAYET Clément, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHATTOT Eric, VERHILLE Jean-Noël |
Simulation is a valuable way to develop cleaner transportation systems. Nevertheless, the complexity of this kind of system conducts to complex models, especially to take into account non-linear aspects of traction power substations (TPS). This paper proposes thus different TPS models based on the Energetic Macroscopic Representation. An appropriate model is deduced from comparisons between the different models to realize energetic studies. It is finally applied to the simulation of a simple subway line, which is experimentally validated. |
[17] Modular Multilevel Converter Models for Electromagnetic Transients IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 29, N°. 3, pages. 1481-1489, 06/2014, Abstract SAAD Hani, DENNETIERE Sébastien, MAHSEREDJIAN Jean, DELARUE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier |
Modular multilevel Converters(MMCs) may contain
numerous insulated-gate bipolar transistors. The modeling of such converters for electromagnetic transient-type (EMT-type) simulations is complex. Detailed models used in MMC-HVDC simulations may require very large computing times. Simplified and averaged models have been proposed in the past to overcome this problem. In this paper, existing averaged and simplified models are improved in order to increase their range of applications. The models are compared and analyzed for different transient events on an MMC-HVDC system. |
[18] Comparison of different models and simulation approaches for the energetic study of a subway IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology, Vol. 63, N°. 2, pages. 556-565, 02/2014, Abstract MAYET Clément, HORREIN Ludovic, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, VERHILLE Jean-Noël, CHATTOT Eric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
This paper aims to compare different models and simulation approaches for an energetic simulation of an automatic subway. For this purpose, several models are carried out from a dynamic model which is validated by comparison with experimental measurements. Furthermore, two different simulation approaches are compared: backward and forward approaches. A simplified model is obtained and allows the reduction of the simulation time by 96 compared to the dynamic model by keeping an accuracy of more than 99 %. |
[19] A Simple Carrier-Based Modulation for the SVM of the Matrix Converter IEEE Transactions Industrial Informatics, Vol. 9, N°. 2, pages. 947-956, 05/2013, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, VIDET Arnaud, CIMETIERE Xavier |
Today, industry has not fully embraced the matrix converter solution. One important reason is its high control complexity. It is therefore relevant to propose a simpler but efficient modulation scheme, similar as three phase VSI modulators with the well-known symmetrical carrier-based ones. The modulation presented in this paper is equivalent to a particular Space Vector Modulation (SVM) and takes into account harmonics and unbalanced input voltages, with the same maximum voltage transfer ratio (86%). The aim of this work is to propose a simple and general pulse-width-modulation method using carrier-based modulator for an easier matrix converter control. Furthermore, a simple duty cycle calculation method is used, based on a virtual matrix converter. Finally, simulations and experimentations are presented to validate this simple, original and efficient modulation concept equivalent to matrix converter SVM. |
[20] The Ultra-capacitor Based Regenerative Controlled Electric Drives with Power Smoothing Capability IEEE Transaction on Industrial electronics, Vol. 59, N°. 12, 12/2012, Abstract GRBOVIC Petar, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick |
Modern controlled electric drive applications, such
as lifts, port rubber tyred gantry cranes, and tooling machines,
are characterized by high ratio of the peak to average power.
Moreover, such applications have a need for braking at rated
power. In ordinary drives, the braking energy, which represents
30%–40% of the consumed energy, is dissipated on a brake resistor.
Apart from this “energetic” issue, the mains interruption, the
input current quality, and the mains peak power are additional
issues to be addressed. A novel ultracapacitor-based controlled
regenerative electric drive with peak power-smoothing function
is presented in this paper. The ultracapacitor with an interconnection
dc–dc converter is used to store and recover the braking
energy. In addition, the dc–dc converter controls and smooths the
rectifier input power. In comparison to state-of-the-art solutions,
the new solution has better performance regarding size, cost, and
efficiency. The presented solution is theoretically analyzed and
experimentally verified. The results are presented and discussed. |
[21] A Three-Terminal Ultra-Capacitor Based Energy Storage and PFC Device for Regenerative Controlled Electric Drives IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59, N°. 1, pages. 301-316, 01/2012, Abstract GRBOVIC Petar, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick |
Most of modern controlled electric drive applications,
such as lifts, cranes, and tooling machines, are characterized
by a high ratio of the peak to average power. In addition, such applications
have high demand for braking at the full rated power. In
ordinary drives, the braking energy, which represents 30%–50%
of the consumed energy, is dissipated on a brake resistor. Apart
from this “energetic” issue, power supply interruption and the
input current quality are two additional issues to be solved. A novel
regenerative controlled electric drive based on an ultracapacitor
as energy storage is presented in this paper. The ultracapacitor
with an interface dc–dc converter is used to store and recover
the braking energy. In addition, the dc–dc converter controls the
rectifier current and reduces the drive input current total-harmonic-
distortion factor down to 30%. Moreover, the dc bus voltage is
boosted and controlled to be constant and ripple free regardless
of the load and the mains voltage variation. In comparison to
state-of-the-art solutions, the new solution has better performance
regarding size, cost, and efficiency. The presented solution is theoretically
analyzed and experimentally verified. The results are
presented and discussed. |
[22] Modelling and Control of the Ultra-Capacitor
Based Regenerative Controlled Electric Drives IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 58, N°. 8, 08/2011, Abstract GRBOVIC Petar, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick |
Two issues are still a great challenge in design and
application of advanced controlled electric drives, namely
recovery of the braking energy and ride-through capability of the
drive system. Apart from the ordinary solutions, such as back to
back and matrix converters, an approach based on the ordinary
diode front-end drive converter equipped with an energy storage
element is used in some applications, such as traction and lift
drives. This approach becomes in the focus recently with rapid
development of electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLC),
so-called ultra-capacitors. To achieve the system flexibility and
better efficiency, the ultra-capacitor is connected to the drive via
a dc-dc converter. The converter is controlled in such a way to
fulfil the control objective; control of the dc bus voltage, the
ultra-capacitor state of the charge and peak power filtering. In
this paper, we have presented modelling and control aspects of
the regenerative controlled electric drive using the ultracapacitor
as energy storage and emergency power supply device.
The presented model and control scheme have been verified by
Matlab/Simulink simulation. The presented concept was
experimentally verified on a 5.5kW prototype. The results are
presented and discussed in this paper. |
[23] A Novel Three-Phase Diode Boost Rectifier Using Hybrid Half-DC-Bus-Voltage Rated Boost Converter IEEE Trans Industrial Electronics, 04/2011, Abstract GRBOVIC Petar, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe |
A novel three-phase diode boost rectifier is proposed in this paper. The core of the proposed topology is a power conversion device (the loss-free transformer (LFT)) with two terminals; an input and one output. The input is parallel-connected with the dc bus capacitor, while the output is connected between the rectifier plus rail and the dc bus plus rail. The LFT is controlled in such a way to control the rectifier current and boost the dc bus voltage. In contrast to the ordinary boost rectifiers, the switches of new boost rectifier are rated on a fraction of the dc bus voltage and a fraction of the input current. It makes this topology very compact and efficient. Power rating, size and losses depend strongly on ratio between the dc bus voltage and rectifier voltage (boosting factor). For example, if the boosting factor is low, below 1.5, the power converter efficiency could be 98 to 99%. The proposed boost rectifier has been analyzed and experimentally verified on 5.5kW prototype. The results are presented and discussed. |
[24] The Ultra-Capacitor Based Controlled Electric
Drives with Braking and Ride-Through Capability:
Overview and Analysis IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 58, N°. 3, 03/2011, Abstract GRBOVIC Petar, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick |
Two issues are still a great challenge in design and
application of advanced controlled electric drives: 1) recovery of
the braking energy, and 2) ride-through capability of the drive
system. Apart from ordinary solutions, such as back to back and
matrix converters, the ordinary drive converter equipped with
an energy storage element is used in specific applications such as
traction and lift drives. This approach became in the focus
recently with rapid development of electrochemical double layer
capacitors (EDLC), so-called ultra-capacitors. The ultracapacitor
is an electro-chemical capacitor having energy density
much greater than that of standard electrolytic capacitors.
Additionally, the ultra-capacitor power density is much higher
than that of the existing electro-chemical batteries. In this paper,
a regenerative controlled electric drive having extended ridethrough
capability is discussed. Basic principle has been
extensively analysed, including detailed analysis of all
operational modes. A bi-directional three-level dc-dc converter
has been considered as the interface power converter. The ultracapacitor
design guide line is given. A control algorithm that
allows control of the dc bus voltage and the ultra-capacitor
voltage and current has been presented and briefly analysed.
Regenerative controlled drive system has been tested and the
results presented and discussed. |
[25] Inversion-based control of a vehicle with a clutch using a switched causal modelling International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 42, N°. 2, pages. 319–334, 02/2011 LHOMME Walter, TRIGUI Rochdi, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, JEANNERET Bruno |
[26] Energy storage system with supercapacitor for an innovative subway IEEE trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, N°. 12, 12/2010, Abstract ALLEGRE Anne-Laure, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, BARRADE Philippe, CHATTOT Eric |
In this paper, a new Energy Storage System (ESS) is developed for an innovative subway without supply rail between two stations. The ESS is composed of a supercapacitor bank and a braking resistor. An inversion-based control of the ESS is deduced from the Energetic Macroscopic Representation of the entire system. This control scheme requires a distribution crite-rion in order to allow the energy to be shared between the supercapacitors and the braking resistor. Different cases are evaluated via a Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation using a re-duced power ESS. The suggested control enables the energy recovery to be maximal and secure the supercapacitor in real time for different track configurations. |
[27] A Bi-Directional Three-Level DC-DC Converter for the Ultra-Capacitor Applications IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronnics, Vol. 57, N°. 10, 10/2010, Abstract GRBOVIC Petar, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick |
Electrochemical double-layer capacitors, which are
well known as ultracapacitors, have intensively been used in power
conversion applications such as controlled electric drives, active
filters, power conditioners, and uninterruptible power supplies.
The ultracapacitor is employed as the energy storage device that
can be fully charged/discharged within a few seconds. To achieve
better flexibility and efficiency, the ultracapacitor is connected
to the power conversion system via an interfacing dc–dc power
converter. Various topologies are used as the dc–dc power converter:
nonisolated two-level single-phase or multiphase interleaved
converters and many varieties of isolated soft-switched
dc–dc converters. A three-level nonisolated dc–dc converter as a
candidate for ultracapacitor applications is proposed and analyzed
in this paper. The topology is theoretically analyzed, and
design guidelines are given. The modeling and control aspects
are discussed. A 5.5-kW prototype was designed, and the proposed
topology was experimentally verified on a general-purpose
controlled electric drive. Experimental results are presented and
discussed. |
[28] Influence of the mechanical limitations of a traction system on energy storage design Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 81, N°. 2, pages. 302-314, 10/2010, URL, Abstract ALLEGRE Anne-Laure, DELARUE Philippe, BARRADE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHATTOT Eric |
An innovative subway without supply rail is presented. This article deals with the sizing of the required onboard energy
between two stations in the worst case. The influence of the system limitations on this sizing is studied. It shows the
importance of the system limitations to design the energy storage subsystem. |
[29] Minimum copper loss and Power distribution Control strategies of Double-Inverter-Fed Wound-Rotor Induction Machines using Energetic Macroscopic Representation IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 25, N°. 3, pages. 642-651, 09/2010 CHEN Keyu, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, VIDAL Paul-Étienne, PIETRZAK-DAVID Maria |
[30] A simplified resonant pole for three-level softswitching
PFC rectifier used in UPS IEEE transaaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, N°. 8, 08/2010, Abstract RIZET Corentin, FERRIEUX Jean-Paul, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, LACARNOY Alain |
Efficiency of high-power uninterruptible power supplies
(UPSs) is a fundamental criterion regarding the permanent
use of such a device. A state of the art on soft switching over
constraint of UPS application has been made. The principle of
auxiliary resonant commutated pole using autotransformer has
been identified as the most interesting way to increase efficiency
or switching frequency. Its application for multilevel converters
has been studied. A simplified resonant pole has been proposed
for a three-level rectifier used as power factor corrector. The
design criteria have been discussed. A single phase of a 200-kVA
three-level rectifier has been realized and qualified in switching
mode. To assess the gain of this principle, the switching losses have
been measured on the prototype in both hard and soft switching.
The switching losses have been divided by two. |
[31] Reduced-scale power Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation of an innovative subway IEEE trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, N°. 4, pages. 1175-1185, 04/2010, Abstract ALLEGRE Anne-Laure, BOUSCAYROL Alain, VERHILLE Jean-Noël, DELARUE Philippe, CHATTOT Eric |
An innovative subway has been proposed using supercapacitors as the main energy source. Different steps have been defined in order to check the performance of this new supply system on a real subway. In this paper, a reduced-scale Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation is presented for initial experimental vali-dations on a reduced power experimental set-up. Special attention is paid to reproducing torque, acceleration and jerk limitations of the real system. |
[32] Causal fuel cell system model suitable for transportation simulation applications Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Vol. 7, N°. 1, pages. 011010-11, 02/2010, Abstract BOULON Loïc, PERA Marie-Cécile, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, HISSEL Daniel |
This paper presents a model of a whole polymer electrolyte fuel cell system including the stack, an air compressor, a cooling system and a power converter. This model allows its integration in a complete hybrid electric vehicle simulation. The level of detail of the model is chosen to enable control rules design, ancillaries sizing and study of the interaction between the components of the vehicle. This model is formalized with Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR), thus organized in a unified multi-domain graphical description. Experimental results are compared to simulations for validation of the model accuracy. |
[33] Possibilies of reduction of the on-board energy for an innovative subway WEVA Journal, Vol. 3, 12/2009, URL, Abstract ALLEGRE Anne-Laure, BARRADE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHATTOT Eric |
An innovative subway has been proposed using supercapacitors as energy source. In this paper are presented, different possibilities to reduce on-board stored energy in order to downsize the on-board energy storage subsystem. Special attention is paid to the influence of a feeding rail extension or a downward slope at the beginning of the interstation on the on-board stored energy. A map is built to facilitate the selection of the solution which leads to reduce the on-board energy. |
[34] Energetic Macroscopic Representation and inversion-based control illustrated on a wind energy conversion systems using Hardware-in-the-loop simulation IEEE trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, N°. 12, pages. 4826-4835, 12/2009 BOUSCAYROL Alain, GUILLAUD Xavier, DELARUE Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[35] Comparison of control strategies for maximizing energy in a supercapacitor storage subsystem EPE Journal, Vol. 19, N°. 3, 07/2009, Abstract LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, LE MOIGNE Philippe, BARRADE Philippe |
A storage supercapacitor subsystem is studied for insertion in a series hybrid electric vehicle. This subsystem is composed of a supercapacitor bank and a braking resistor used when the supercapacitor voltage is at its maximum value. Generally, when the maximum voltage is reached by supercapacitor, a voltage drop occurs because of the current cancellation in the series resistance of the supercapacitor. Thus the stored energy is reduced compared to the maximum value that could be reached. To overcome this drawback, new control strategies are proposed by acting on the braking resistor. Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used to organize the numerous blocks required for modelling and control. Experiment results are provided and highlight the increase of energy storage. |
[36] Global modeling of different Vehicles Using Energetic Macroscopic Representation IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Vol. 4, N°. 2, pages. 80-89, 06/2009 CHEN Keyu, BOUSCAYROL Alain, BERTHON Alain, DELARUE Philippe, HISSEL D |
[37] Switched causal modeling of transmission with clutch in hybrid electric vehicles IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 57, N°. 4, pages. 2081-2088, 07/2008, Abstract LHOMME Walter, TRIGUI Rochdi, DELARUE Philippe, JEANNERET Bruno, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
Abstract — Certain difficulties arise when attempting to model a clutch in a powertrain transmission due to its non-linear behav-iour. Two different states have to be taken into account: the first being when the clutch is locked and the second being when the clutch is slipping. In this paper, a clutch model is developed using Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR), which is in turn used in the modelling of complete Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs). Two different models are used and a specific condition defining the commutation between both models with respect to the physical energy flow is proposed. A Petri net is employed to activate one of the models depending on the clutch state (locked or slipping). This model allows us to implement without difficulty a simulation of the clutch with a relatively short computation time. |
[38] Weighted control of traction drives with parallel-connected AC machines IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, N°. 6, pages. 1799-1806, 12/2006, URL, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, PIETRZAK-DAVID Maria, DELARUE Philippe, PENA-EQUILUZ Rosendo, VIDAL Paul-Étienne, KESTELYN Xavier |
AC machines supplied in parallel by a common voltage source inverter are sometimes used in industrial drives and railway traction applications. This reduction of power and control electronics leads to a reduction of cost, weight and dimensions that is very useful for on-board systems. But this common supply imposes common voltages to all machines and the possibilities of independent behavior are reduced. In this paper a graphical modeling is suggested to model such parallel drives for a railway application. A weighted control is then systematically deduced from this modeling and different possibilities of control are highlighted. Experimental results are provided to compare two of the deduced controls. |
[39] Power strategies for Maximum Control Structure of a wind energy conversion system with a synchronous machine Renewable Energy, Vol. 30, N°. 2273-2288, 05/2005, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The control of a wind energy conversion system can be decomposed in two parts: a local control depending on the power structure and a global control (strategy) deduced from global considerations. The local part ensures an efficient energy management of each component of the system. The local control structure can be deduced from the Energetic Macroscopic Representation, which is a graphical description of the system according to action and reaction principle. Using inversion rules, the deduced control structure is composed of a maximum of control operations and measurements. The global control part is independent of the power structure. This strategy part leads to achieve power objectives (active and reactive power targets) and system constraints (machine efficiency and DC bus limitation). Several strategies can be defined for the same system. These control decomposition is applied to a wind generation system composed of a permanent magnet synchronous generator and two three-phase converters. Simulation results are provided for a 600 kW wind energy conversion system. |
[40] Control implementation of a five-leg AC-AC converter to supply a three-phase induction machine IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 20, N°. 1, pages. 107-115, 01/2005, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, FRANCOIS Bruno, NIIRANEN Jouko |
A fault tolerant AC-AC converter capable of supplying a three-phase induction machine from the grid with an unitary power factor has been proposed. With one faulted converter leg, two of the remaining five legs are connected to the grid, two legs are connected to the machine and a common leg is shared by the grid and the machine. The previously developed control strategy required a too great computation time for practical implementation. In this paper, a new control strategy is suggested for this power converter. It enables an easier control implementation. Experimental results are provided. |
[41] Architectures multiniveaux : synthèse d’un guide de choix RIGE, Vol. 6, N°. 1-2, pages. 121-142, 09/2003, Abstract BODEL Catherine, DELARUE Philippe, BAUSIERE Robert |
Les techniques multiniveaux constituent une solution intéressante pour la montée en puissance des convertisseurs statiques d’énergie électrique. Dès que la tension continue d’alimentation dépasse quelques kilovolts, il est nécessaire d’associer des interrupteurs, des cellules de commutation ou des convertisseurs. Mais une multitude d’architectures sont alors susceptibles de répondre à une application donnée, selon la nature, série et/ou parallèle des connexions, le nombre de modules associés, et le nombre de niveaux des tensions qu’ils délivrent. La sélection est donc particulièrement délicate. L’objectif de cet article est de guider le concepteur dans son choix, c’est-à-dire de lui donner tous les outils nécessaires au dimensionnement et donc à la comparaison des structures. Une démarche analytique est proposée, qui met en évidence les conséquences du choix de telle ou telle association sur le dimensionnement des éléments réactifs et celui des semi-conducteurs, pour un cahier des charges donné.
[42] Modelling, control and simulation of an overall wind energy conversion system Renewable Energy, Vol. 28, N°. 8, pages. 1156-1324, 07/2003, Abstract DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, TOUNZI Abdelmounaïm, LANCIGU G |
The control of a wind energy conversion system can be decomposed in two parts: a local control depending on the power structure and a global control (strategy) deduced from global considerations. The local part ensures an efficient energy management of each component of the system. The local control structure can be deduced from the Energetic Macroscopic Representation, which is a graphical description of the system according to action and reaction principle. Using inversion rules, the deduced control structure is composed of a maximum of control operations and measurements. The global control part is independent of the power structure. This strategy part leads to achieve power objectives (active and reactive power targets) and system constraints (machine efficiency and DC bus limitation). Several strategies can be defined for the same system. These control decomposition is applied to a wind generation system composed of a permanent magnet synchronous generator and two three-phase converters. Simulation results are provided for a 600 kW wind energy conversion system. |
[43] Generic control method of multi-leg voltage-source-converters for fast practical implementation IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, Vol. 18, N°. 2, pages. 517-526, 03/2003, Abstract DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, SEMAIL Eric |
A generic and simple control method is suggested for any multi-leg voltage-source-converter. A specific coding yields an inversion table allowing a fast practical implementation. Phase-to-phase voltage references have to be defined for such a table. This original control strategy is validated by experimental results for 2-leg, 3-leg, 4-leg and 5-leg structures supplying balanced and unbalanced multi-phase loads. |
ACLN Revue nationale avec comité de lecture |
[1] Five-leg-ac-ac power converter : structure, modeling and control 35th Annual meeting of a IEEE Industry Applications Society : IAS'2000, 10/2002 FRANCOIS Bruno, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, NIIRANEN Jouko |
ACT Conférence internationale avec acte |
[1] Estimation of the energy consumption and GHG emission of public rail transport system combining tramways and metros for daily commuting IEEE VPPC 2024, Washington (DC), USA, 10/2024 MAYET Clément, HANKOUR Anas, LAKHDARI Bachira, REZOUG Sonia, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, BROCART Charles |
[2] Switching algorithms of a CC-CV strategy for battery charging of electric vehicles Conférence VPPC, 10/2024 FADILI Salma, BOUSCAYROL Alain, NOIRTAT Eric, DELARUE Philippe, FIANI Philippe, MAYET Clément |
[3] Experimental PV-based charging station for e-bikes IEEE-VPPC'23, Milan (Italy), 10/2023 FADILI Salma, FERREIRA Lauro, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, IKAOUASSEN Halima, BONIN Frédéric, FERLAY Nicolas |
[4] Impact of maximal velocity and acceleration on energy consumption of a subway vehicle IEEE-VPPC'23, Mialn (Italy), 10/2023 O. BERRIEL Ryan, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, MAYET Clément, BROCART Charles |
[5] Reduce Order Modeling of the modular multilevel DC/DC converter (M2DC) for HVDC grid EPE'23 ECCE, Aalborg, Denmark, 08/2023, Abstract SHAFIQUE Ghazala, BOUKHENFOUF Johan, GRUSON François, SAMIMI Shabab, COLAS Frédéric, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The Modular Multi-Level DC-DC Converter (M2DC) is an attractive non-isolated DC-DC converter topology for HVDC grid. In order to carry out MTDC grid stability studies, the development of reduce order models of converters is necessary. This article first presents the M2DC converter. Then, the reduce order model will be developed in the second part. The development of the control of this model will be carried out in the third part. Atlast, the comparison of the reduce order model and its control with the average arm model will be performed in the later section of the paper. |
[6] Modular Multilevel DC Converter : Impact of the Control on the Design and Efficiency EPE'23 ECCE, Aalborg, Denmark, 08/2023, Abstract BOUKHENFOUF Johan, GRUSON François, VERMEERSCH Pierre, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The Modular Multilevel DC Converter is an attractive non-isolated topology to interconnect High Voltage DC Links. This paper presents the interaction among control, component design and efficiency of this converter. The impact of the two degrees of freedom on the design and the efficiency is analyzed. |
[7] Analysis of Power Flows in a DC Railway System with Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation IEEE-VPPC'22, Vol. , Merced (, 11/2022 O. BERRIEL Ryan, RAMSEY David, FERREIRA Lauro, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, BROCART Charles |
[8] Linear Scaling Evaluation of Losses for Automotive Traction Voltage Source Inverters 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 10/2022 RAMIREZ Luis, AROUA Ayoub, DELARUE Philippe, LHOMME Walter |
[9] Model Simplifications of a Subway Vehicle for Computation of Energy Consumption IEEE-VPPC'21, Gijon (Spain), 10/2021 O. BERRIEL Ryan, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, BROCART Charles |
[10] Mechanical Braking Strategy Impact on Energy Consumption of a Subway IEEE-VPPC'20, Gijon (Spain), 12/2020 O. BERRIEL Ryan, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, BROCART Charles |
[11] EMR-based Switched Model of DC Railway Systems Supplied by Reversible Traction Power Substations and Regenerative Trains IEEE-VPPC'20, Gijon (Spain), 12/2020 MAYET Clément, BOUSCAYROL Alain, ARBOLEYA Pablo, DELARUE Philippe, MOHAMED B., EL SAYED Islam |
[12] Impact on the electrical characteristics, waveforms and losses of the zero-sequence injection on the Modular Multilevel Converter EPE2020, 09/2020, Abstract GRUSON François, VERMEERSCH Pierre, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, ZHANG Haibo, BELHAOUANE Moez, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The MMC is the solution today to connect HVDC grids to the current HVAC grid. This paper proposes to evaluate the impact of Zero Sequence Voltage Injection variants, which until now, have not been extensively studied. Such techniques can involve, for example, a reduction of the SM capacitor value, the number of SM requirement and converter losses. The paper presents MMC current model, control and highlights the implication of the zero-sequence voltage. Grid current control structure with the introduction of the zero-sequence voltage is presented in different techniques. These modulation schemes are compared through two main quantities in MMC, the energy requirement defining the SM capacitance value and the power losses. |
[13] Dead-Time influence on fast switching pulsed power converters design – A high current application for accelerator’s magnets EPE'20 ECCE Europe, Lyon (France), 09/2020 HORREIN Ludovic, CRAVERO Jean-Marc, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, AGUGLIA Davide, ORTEGA-PEREZ Carmen |
[14] Quantification of the Recoverable Braking Energy in a Reversible Railway DC Traction Power Substation 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe), 11/2019, Abstract RAMSEY David, BOUSCAYROL Alain, LETROUVE Tony, DELARUE Philippe |
In conventional electric railway transportation systems supplied in DC, regenerative braking energy cannot be generally sent back to the electric power grid due to the non-reversible diode rectifiers used in traction power substations. However, a DC substation could be made reversible by connecting an inverter in parallel with the existing rectifier, hence allowing the energy recovery. This paper presents the development of a simulation program to quantify the braking energy that could be recovered with the addition of this power electronics device. |
[15] Different Modelings for Simulation of DC Railway Systems supplied by Non-Reversible Traction Power Substations IEEE-VPPC'19 Hanoi (Vietnam), 10/2019 MAYET Clément, ARBOLEYA Pablo, BOUSCAYROL Alain, MOHAMED B., DELARUE Philippe, EL SAYED I |
[16] Modeling and Control of the Modular Multilevel Converter connected to an inductive DC source using Energetic Macroscopic Representation EPE'18, 09/2018, Abstract QORIA Taoufik, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The use of DC transmission is particularly advantageous for long-distance transmission and interconnection of asynchronous AC networks. Several converter topologies can be used for HVDC. Multilevel Modular Converters (MMCs) are the most favored given their technological advantages over other converters topologies. Due to their industrial maturity, they have become essential for all AC / DC conversion. So far, they have always been studied with a voltage source on DC side. However, when the converter is equipped with DC breaker, a series inductor is associated to limit current variations. This has consequences in terms of modeling and control determination. This article aims to propose a modification of the control law in order to take into account this inductor. To facilitate the control organization, the Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used. |
[17] Battery pack self-heating during the charging process 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 02/2018, Abstract GERMAN Ronan, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
Charging a battery packs is a critical point for electric vehicles (EVs). The customer is seeking for fast charging. However, the current level has a negative impact on the battery pack lifetime. This paper aims to study through simulation results the self-heating of a battery pack used in an EV as a function of the charging current. Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used to organize the control of current and voltage of battery pack while coupling electrical and thermal domains. The study shows that the self-heating of an EV pack can be sizeable even under the EV manufacturer charging current limits. This is why EV manufacturers are advising customers to reduce the occurrence of fast charges. |
[18] Campus of University with Mobility based on Innovation and carbon Neutral IEEE-VPPC'17, 12/2017 BOUSCAYROL Alain, CASTEX Elodie, DELARUE Philippe, DESREVEAUX Anatole, FERLA Olivier, FROTEY Julia, GERMAN Ronan, KLEIN John, LHOMME Walter, SERGENT Jean-François |
[19] Design and Control of Modular Multilevel DC Converter (M2DC) EPE ECCE Europe 2017, 09/2017, Abstract LI Yafang, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe |
DC/DC converters are necessary in HVDC networks to adapt different voltage levels, different
configurations or to participate in power flow control. This paper focuses on a recent DC/DC converter
topology, called Modular Multilevel DC Converter (M2DC), which uses direct DC/DC connection
without galvanic separations. A general analysis of the topology is firstly discussed. Afterwards a
decoupled mathematical model, reducing the control complexity is proposed. To improve converter’s
performances and limit AC constraints on each leg, parameters adjust and inductor sizing are explored.
Finally, simulation results are presented to validate the proposed decoupled model and the control. The
impact of optimized parameters are shown on AC components values. |
[20] Canal Lock Variable Speed Hydropower Turbine Energy Conversion System EVER 2017, 04/2017 ZHANG Jian, TOUNZI Abdelmounaïm, DELARUE Philippe, PIRIOU Francis, LEONTIDIS Vlasios, DAZIN Antoine, CAIGNAERT Guy, LIBAUX Antoine |
[21] Quantitative design of a high performance permanent magnet vernier generator Intermag 2017, 04/2017 ZHANG Jian, TOUNZI Abdelmounaïm, LEONTIDIS Vlasios, DELARUE Philippe, PIRIOU Francis, CAIGNAERT Guy, LIBAUX Antoine, DAZIN Antoine |
[22] Energy based model and control of Modular Multilevel Converters COSYS-DC 2017, 03/2017, Abstract SAMIMI Shabab, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier |
Modular multilevel converters (MMCs) offer several advantages, such as high scalability and power quality, which are convenient for high-voltage DC transmission systems. The MMC structure contains high number of sub-modules (SMs) per phase that imposes high requirements on the control system. Therefore, it can be implemented in two control levels: the control of the switches that includes the balance of hundreds of voltage on the elementary SMs, the higher level control whose aim is to control the currents, power and energy in the system.
This paper focusses on the latter control, which reveals interesting challenges in the management of the MMC stored energy. To illustrate this, the present paper proposes an overview of the different ways of controling the MMC energy. The impact of these energy based control strategies are verifierd by EMTPRV time domain simulation and their comparison highlights that the chosen control may have large influence on the MMC dynamics, MMC losses and exchange of the energy between MMC and DC link. |
[23] Lock hydro-electrical power generation feasability study ViennaHydro, Vienne, 11/2016 LEONTIDIS Vlasios, ZHANG Jian, CAIGNAERT Guy, DELARUE Philippe, TOUNZI Abdelmounaïm, PIRIOU Francis, LIBAUX Antoine, DAZIN Antoine |
[24] EMR-based Simulation Tool of a Multi-train Subway System IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Hangzhou (China), 10/2016, Abstract MAYET Clément, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHATTOT Eric |
A simulation tool is developed to study the energetic behavior of a subway system composed of several vehicles and Traction Power Substations (TPS). Such systems are complex to study due to the numerous subsystems in interactions. As an intermediary step, only two subways and one TPS, which are connected with a DC energy rail, are considered. Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used to organize models and controls. An appropriate quasi-static model of the whole multi-train system is thus obtained. Simulation results analysis are provided. |
[25] “Project-based Master on Intelligent Electric Vehicles IEEE-VPPC'16, 10/2016 BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe |
[26] Design of a New EMR-based Simulation Tool in the Context of Subway Energy Reduction 22nd Intelligent Transportation Systems Congress, Bordeaux (France), 10/2015, Abstract MAYET Clément, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHATTOT Eric |
Reduction of energy consumption in subway lines is necessary to promote cleaner intelligent transportation systems in urban city centers. Many technologies can be considered to achieve this goal, such as energy storage system (ESS) and/or Reversible Traction Power Substation (RTPS). Nevertheless, the complexity of such systems requires an accurate energetic simulation tool to evaluate the effectiveness of these solutions. This paper proposes thus a new simulation tool based on Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR), which allows an accurate estimation of energy consumption. Vehicles and Traction Power Substation (TPS) models are developed. Finally, a simple subway line is simulated under two conditions: with a classical power supply system using TPS, and with an innovative supply system using RTPS. |
[27] Reduced-Scale-Power Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation of a Subway Line IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference, Montréal (Canada), 10/2015, Abstract MAYET Clément, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, CHATTOT Eric, DEKIK Ilyes |
Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation of a simplified subway line is developed for experimental validation of subway line simulator. Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used to organize models and controls. A subway supplied by a Traction Power Substation (TPS) through a DC energy rail is studied. The HIL simulation is based on the current control of an inductor, which reproduces the same behavior than the subway. A flexible and quasi-static model of the whole system is used and experimental results are provided. |
[28] Losses estimation method by simulation for the modular multilevel converter Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), 2015 IEEE, pages. 332-338, 10/2015, URL, Abstract FREYTES Julian, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
The modular multilevel converter (MMC) is the most promising solution to connect HVDC grids to an HVAC one. The installation of new equipment in the HVDC transmission systems requires an economic study where the power losses play an important role. Since the MMC is composed of a high number of semiconductors elements, the losses estimation becomes complex. This paper proposes a simulation-based method for the losses estimation that combines the MMC averaged and instantaneous model in a modular way. The method brings the possibility to compare performances for different modules technologies as well as different high and low level control techniques. The losses characteristics within the MMC are also discussed. The passive losses are taken into account for the first time. |
[29] Modeling and Simulation of an Automatic Subway Including Interleaved Inverter Dynamics IEEE-VPPC'15, 10/2015 SILVA Luis, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DE ANGELO Christian, DELARUE Philippe |
[30] Matrix Converter Modulation minimizing switching losses and including the 6 rotating vectors of the Space Vector representation EPE ECCE Europe 2015, 09/2015, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, CIMETIERE Xavier |
This paper presents an innovative Low Losses Modulation of the Matrix Converter. Its principle is to minimize the cumulated switched voltage in each cell by increasing and decreasing progressively the output potential of each matrix cell. This modulation can be applied to all conversion matrices previously proposed for the matrix converter modulation and can be easily implemented with a triangular carrier based modulator adapted for matrix converter cells. The proposed modulation involves the use of all vectors present in the matrix converter space vector approach, including the 6 rotating vectors. Simulations verify the losses decreasing, but also reveal a significant reduction of the output voltages THD, and a very slightly increasing of the input currents THD. |
[31] Impact of control algorithm solutions on Modular Multilevel Converters electrical waveforms and losses EPE ECCE Europe 2015, 09/2015, URL, Abstract GRUSON François, FREYTES Julian, SAMIMI Shabab, DELARUE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier, COLAS Frédéric, BELHAOUANE Moez |
Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) are becoming increasingly popular with the development of HVDC connection and, in the future, Multi Terminal DC grid. A lot of publications have been published about this topology these last years since it was first proposed. Many of them deal with converter control methods, other address the method of estimating losses. Usually, the proposed losses estimation techniques are associated to simple control methods For VSC (Voltage Sources Converters) topology, the losses minimization is based on the limitation of the RMS currents values. This hypothesis is usually extended to the control of MMC, by limiting the differential currents to their DC component, without really being checked. |
[32] Teaching drive control using Energetic Macroscopic Representation – From maximal to practical control schemes EPE'15, 09/2015 BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, LHOMME Walter, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[33] Control of DC bus voltage with a Modular Multilevel Converter IEEE-PowerTech,Eidenhoven, 06/2015, Abstract SAMIMI Shabab, GUILLAUD Xavier, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe |
Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) are becoming increasingly popular with the development of HVDC connection and, in the future, Multi Terminal DC grid. A lot of publications have been published about this topology these last years since it was first proposed. Few of them are addressing explicitly the two different roles that are held by this converter in a HVDC link: controlling the power or controlling the DC voltage level. Most of the time, the DC-bus voltage is supposed to be constant. In an HVDC link, this corresponds to the substation which controls the power. This paper addresses the cases when the voltage is regulated by the converter and presents the different ways of voltage control. |
[34] Synthesis of different types of energy based controllers for a modular multilevel converter integrated in a HVDC link ADDC 2015, 02/2015, Abstract SAMIMI Shabab, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier |
Modular Multilevel Converters are becoming increasingly popular with the development of HVDC connection and, in the future, Multi Terminal DC grid. A lot of publications have been published about this topology these last years since it was first proposed. Few of them are addressing explicitly the 2 different roles that are held by this converter in a HVDC link: controlling the power or controlling the DC voltage level. Moreover, for a given function, different ways of controlling this converter may be considered. This paper proposes an overview of the different solutions for controlling the MMC and proposes a methodology to synthesize the control architecture. |
[35] Dynamic model and causal description of a traction power substation based on 6-pulse diode rectifier IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Coimbra (Portugal), 10/2014, Abstract MAYET Clément, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHATTOT Eric, VERHILLE Jean-Noël |
The aim of this paper is to propose an Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) of the dynamic model of a traction power substation based on 6-pulse diode rectifier. This model is validated by comparing the wave forms with PSIM© software. Furthermore, it is applied to the energetic simulation of a subway line by combining the substation model with supply rail and vehicle models. This last part allows a good representation and comprehension of the real system. |
[36] Voltage Stabilization System for Stop-Start Vehicles: Systemic Approach VPPC, 10/2014, Abstract CHIAPPORI Guido, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, CHEMIN Michael |
This article presents a new Linear Voltage Stabilization System (LVSS) specially meant for µ-hybrid vehicles using the Stop-Start function. The LVSS stabilizes the battery voltage mainly during the start-up of the ICE limiting the load current using parallels MOSFETs working in linear mode [1]. The Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used to model the system and to design its control system. The main advantages of the LVSS are the low price, small volume and the fact of avoiding EMC perturbation. The concept is validated testing the prototype in a real car. |
[37] A Novel Approach for Simulating the Control of the Traction System of an Automatic Subway IEEE-VPPC'14, 10/2014 SILVA Luis, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, VERHILLE Jean-Noël |
[38] Linear Voltage Stabilization System for Stop-Start Vehicles EPE , 08/2014, URL, Abstract CHIAPPORI Guido, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, CHEMIN Michael |
This article presents a new Linear Voltage Stabilization System (LVSS) specially meant for µ-hybrid vehicles using the “Stop & Start” function. The LVSS stabilize the battery voltage mainly during the start-up of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) limiting the load current using parallels MOSFETs working in linear mode [1]. The mains advantages are its small volume, avoid of EMC perturbations and specially its low price allowing Stop & Start vehicles to be more accessible to the market. The concept is validated testing the prototype in a real car. |
[39] Low cost linear current limiter for Stop-Start vehicles
ISIE , 06/2014, URL, Abstract CHIAPPORI Guido, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, CHEMIN Michael |
This article presents a Linear Current Limiter (LCL) specially meant for ì hybrid vehicles using the Stop-Start function. The LCL limits the current mainly during the start-up of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) in order to maintain the battery voltage stable. Its main advantages is the low price and the fact of avoiding EMC perturbation since it is composed of MOSFETs working in linear mode [1]. The concept is validated limiting the charging current of a capacitor by simulation and comparing with experimental results. |
[40] Impact of the mechanical limitations of an automatic subway on the energy consumption and the running time estimations ElectrIMACS, Valencia (Spain), pages. 367-372, 05/2014, Abstract MAYET Clément, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, VERHILLE Jean-Noël, CHATTOT Eric |
This paper aims to study the influence of different system limitations on the energy consumption and the running time estimation of an automatic subway. These limitations take into account the maximal values of jerk, acceleration, torque and velocity. From a validated vehicle model and a Reference Velocity Generator (RVG), the impacts of these limitations are estimated. The main limitations are highlighted by simulations depending on the study objective. Some mechanical constraints can thus be neglected depending on the study. |
[41] Dynamical and static models of the traction system of an automatic subway EPE’13 - ECCE Europe, Lille (France), 09/2013, Abstract MAYET Clément, HORREIN Ludovic, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, VERHILLE Jean-Noël |
The aim of this paper is to compare different models of an automatic subway in order to determine the
most appropriate of them for the evaluation of the energy consumption of different studied cases
(normal mode and fault-modes). Several simplified models are then deduced from a reference
dynamical model and are compared in term of accuracy and computation time. A quasi-static model
with an equivalent single wheel is obtained and allows the reduction of the computation cycle by 708
compared to the dynamical model by keeping accuracy on the energy consumption of more than
99.3 % for a normal operating mode. By contrast, this model is not able to simulate correctly the
system in fault-modes. This case requires a more complex model taking into account all the drives.
Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used to organize the different models. |
[42] Energetic Macroscopic Representation and Inversion Based Control
of a Modular Multilevel Converter EPE’13 - ECCE Europe, 9-2013, 09/2013, Abstract DELARUE Philippe, GRUSON François, GUILLAUD Xavier |
This papers deals with the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC). This structure is a real breakthrough
which allows transmitting huge amount of power in DC link. In the last ten years, lots of papers have
been written but most of them study some intuitive control algorithms. This paper proposes a formal
analysis of MMC model which leads to the design of a control algorithm thanks to the inversion of the
model. The Energetic Macroscopic Representation is used for achieving this goal. All the states
variables are controlled to manage the energy of the system, avoid some instable operational points
and determine clearly all the dynamics of the different loops of the system. |
[43] Control of a combined multiphase electric drive and battery charger for electric vehicle EPE'13 ECCE Europe Conference, Lille (France), 09/2013 LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, KESTELYN Xavier, SANDULESCU Alexandru-Paul, BRUYERE Antoine |
[44] Energetic description for the control of an innovative on board fast battery charger for electric vehicles European Electric Vehicle Congress, EEVC-2012, 11/2012 CAMPO Guillaume, SANDULESCU Alexandru-Paul, LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, BRUYERE Antoine, KESTELYN Xavier |
[45] Boost Diode Rectifier for Three-Phase Variable Speed
Drives Supplied from the Single-Phase Mains:
Analysis and Design IECON Montreal, 10/2012, Abstract GRBOVIC Petar, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe |
Three-phase variable speed drives supplied from
single-phase mains are briefly analyzed and a novel diode boost
rectifier is proposed in this paper. The core of the proposed
topology is a multi-switch dc-dc converter with two terminals; an
input and one output. The input is parallel-connected with the dc
bus capacitor, while the output is connected between the rectifier
plus rail and the dc bus plus rail. The converter controls the
rectifier current and the dc bus voltage. The rectifier current is
controlled constant or pseudo-constant in order to reduce the
input current total harmonic distortion (THD). The dc bus
voltage is boosted above the mains peak voltage. In contrast to
the ordinary single-switch boost rectifiers, the switches of the
new boost rectifier are rated on a fraction of the dc bus voltage
and a fraction of the input current. It makes this topology
compact and efficient. Power rating, size and losses depend on
ratio the dc bus voltage to rectifier voltage (boosting factor). For
example, if the boosting factor is low, the efficiency could be 98 to
99%. The proposed boost rectifier has been analyzed and
experimentally verified on a 4 kW prototype. The results are
presented and discussed. |
[46] Interface Converters for Ultra-capacitor Applications in Power Conversion Systems EPE PEMC Serbia, 09/2012 GRBOVIC Petar, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe |
[47] Forward and Backward simulations of a power propulsion system IFAC-PPPSC12, Toulouse (France), 09/2012, Abstract HORREIN Ludovic, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, VERHILLE Jean-Noël, MAYET Clément |
This paper aims to compare a forward and backward simulation of the power propulsion
system of an automatic subway. In the forward approach the control of the system is required. In the
backward approach, no control is required but a derivative relationship has to be computed. Both
simulations are compared in terms of accuracy of dynamical performances, maximal values of different
variables and energy consumption and specifically when limitations occur. |
[48] Simulation of a photovoltaic conversion system using energetic macroscopic representation EPE-PEMC, Novi Sad (Serbia), 09/2012 LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
[49] Simulation of a wind energy conversion system using energetic macroscopic representation EPE-PEMC, Novi Sad (Serbia), 09/2012 BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier, LHOMME Walter, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[50] Selection and Design of Ultra-Capacitor Modules for Power Conversion Applications: from Theory to Practice ECCE China Harbin, 06/2012 GRBOVIC Petar, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe |
[51] Teaching drive control using energetic macroscopic representation EPE'11 ECCE Europe Conference, Birmingham, 09/2011 BOUSCAYROL Alain, BARRADE Philippe, BOULON Loïc, CHEN Keyu, CHEN Y., DELARUE Philippe, GIRAUD Frédéric, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, LETROUVE Tony, LHOMME Walter, SICARD Pierre |
[52] Different Models of the Traction System of an Automatic Subway ElectrIMACS’11 Conference, 06/2011, Abstract HORREIN Ludovic, DERACHE Vincent, BOUSCAYROL Alain, VERHILLE Jean-Noël, DELARUE Philippe |
This article deals with several models for the estimation of electric consumption of an automatic
subway. Backward and forward models are simulated. The forward simulation model is deduced from Energetic
Macroscopic Representation (EMR). Different models are then compared in terms of accuracy and computation. |
[53] Efficiency improvement in soft-switching three-level converters for high power UPS ECCE2010, 09/2010 RIZET Corentin, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, LACARNOY Alain, FERRIEUX Jean-Paul |
[54] Comparison of Losses between Matrix and Indirect Matrix Converters with an Improved Modulation ISIE, 07/2010, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, ARPILLIÈRE Michel, CIMETIERE Xavier |
Matrix (MC) and indirect matrix (IMC) converters are direct three-phase to three-phase power converters providing variable frequency and amplitude control of their output voltage. These converters are compact solutions which can be used on industrial adjustable speed drive applications for induction motors. This paper deals with the comparison of the matrix and indirect matrix converter silicon losses for classical industrial applications with constant RMS current load (similar to a constant motor torque). The indirect matrix converter control is extracted from the matrix converter modulation so as to ensure identical instantaneous modulation. Furthermore, the chosen modulation strategy reduces the IMC losses by allowing zero-current switching on the IMC rectifier stage. This paper presents a new reduced losses modulation adapted for indirect converter based on a modified matrix converter modulation which reduces switching voltage step level during a pulse width modulation period. The losses simulations shows that the power losses peak value is about 20% smaller for the matrix compared to the indirect converter. Hence, the matrix cooling system can be significantly reduced compared to the indirect one. The modified modulation increases the number of gate drivers required from six to twelve in the indirect converter rectifier side in comparison with the classical DPWM modulation, but allows to obtain a 14% decrease of its average losses compared to the classical modulation. |
[55] An Energetic Based Method for the control of input filters stability IEEE-VPPC'10; Lille (France), 07/2010 BARRADE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe |
[56] Energetic Macroscopic Representation and PSIM® simulation: application to a DC/DC converter input filter stability IEEE-VPPC10;, Lille, France, 07/2010 DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, BARRADE Philippe |
[57] Comparison of Losses between Matrix and Indirect Matrix Converters with an improved modulation PCIM Nuremberg, 05/2010, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, ARPILLIÈRE Michel, CIMETIERE Xavier |
Matrix and two stage matrix converters are direct three-phase to three-phase power converters providing variable frequency and amplitude control of their output voltage. These converters are compact solutions that can be used on industrial adjustable speed drive applications for induction motors. The two stage matrix converter control is extracted from the matrix converter modulation in order to assure the same instantaneous modulation. This paper deals with the comparison of silicon losses for both converters used in classical industrial applications with constant RMS current load, similar to a constant motor torque. Results show that the direct solution is best for efficiency criteria. |
[58] Simulation of an Unified Control Scheme for Different Hybrid Electric Vehicles Proceedings of IEEE-IECON’09, Porto, Portugal, 11/2009 CHEN Keyu, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, BERTHON Alain |
[59] Teaching drive control using Energetic Macroscopic Representation - expert level EPE09, Barcelona, Spain, 07/2009 BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, GIRAUD Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier, KESTELYN Xavier |
[60] Modelling and control of a double parallel hybrid electric vehicle using Energetic Macroscopic Representation Electromotion 2009, 07/2009, Abstract LETROUVE Tony, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
A double parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is studied using Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR). This graphical description enables an inversion-based control scheme of this complex HEV. A first energy management is provided. |
[61] Possibilities of reduction of the on-board energy for an innovative subway EVS24, stavanger (Norway), 05/2009 ALLEGRE Anne-Laure, DELARUE Philippe, BARRADE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
[62] Sparse matrix converter modulation directly extracted from the matrix converter modulation PCIM Nuremberg, 05/2009, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, ARPILLIÈRE Michel |
This paper proposes a novel method to adapt classical matrix converter modulations to the indirect matrix converter one. This method allows splitting the 3x3 instantaneous matrix of the matrix converter into two instantaneous matrixes 3x2 controlling the rectifier and the inverter of the indirect converter. The proposed method is based on a complete analysis of the classical space vector modulations of the matrix converter. This method is validated by Matlab-Simulink® simulations. |
[63] Maximal and Practical Control Structure of a PEM Fuel Cell System Based on Energetic Macroscopic Representation FDFC08, 2008, Nancy, France., 12/2008, Abstract BOULON Loïc, HISSEL Daniel, BOUSCAYROL Alain, PERA Marie-Cécile, DELARUE Philippe |
This paper presents a methodology to design the control part of a Fuel Cell (FC) stack. Here, the objective is to control the FC voltage. This methodology is based on Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) of the FC and leads to a so-called Maximal Control Structure (MCS). The MCS is a step by step inversion of EMR (inversion model based control structure). The control design process is based on an explicit definition of the problem. In fact, as examples, the tuning inputs, the system objectives or constraints are highlighted to organize the control. Moreover, the MCS shows the places where sensors are necessary and the controller which are requested. Unfortunately, MCS is only a theoretical control structure. Consequently, a realistic structure needs some simplifications that lead to a so-called Practical Control Structure (PCS). The FC model is here presented and experimentally validated. The designed control structure is simulated and results are discussed. |
[64] Global modeling of different Vehicles Using Energetic Macroscopic Representation
IEEE-VPPC’08, Harbin, China, 09/2008 CHEN Keyu, BOUSCAYROL Alain, BERTHON Alain, DELARUE Philippe, HISSEL Daniel |
[65] Multi-Physics Modelling and Representation of Power and Energy Sources for Hybrid Electric Vehicles IEEE VPPC 2008, September 3-5, 2008, Harbin, China, 09/2008, Abstract BOULON Loïc, HISSEL Daniel, BOUSCAYROL Alain, PERA Marie-Cécile, DELARUE Philippe |
This paper presents power sources models for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV). These models are designed in order to be integrated in a complete HEV simulation. Moreover, the final objective of this simulation is to study two control levels: the local control of each subsystems and the energy management of the entire system. Consequently, a multi-physics control oriented formalism is used: Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR). |
[66] Global energetic modelling of different architecture Hybrid Electric Vehicles 9th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems, ELECTRIMACS 2008, Québec, 06/2008 CHEN Keyu, BOUSCAYROL Alain, BERTHON Alain, DELARUE Philippe, HISSEL Daniel |
[67] Energetic Macroscopic Representation and Inversion-based Control of
Double-Inverter-Fed Wound-Rotor Induction Machine
9th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems, ELECTRIMACS 2008, Québec, 06/2008 CHEN Keyu, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, VIDAL Paul-Étienne, PIETRZAK-DAVID Maria |
[68] Graphical description for Hardware in the Loop simulation IEEE-ISIE 08, Cambridge (UK), pages. 2146-2151, 06/2008 BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[69] Influence of the limitations of the traction system on energy storage design Electrimacs, Quebec, Canada, 06/2008, Abstract ALLEGRE Anne-Laure, DELARUE Philippe, BARRADE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHATTOT Eric |
An innovative subway without supply rail is presented. This article deals with the sizing of the required onboard energy between two stations in the worst case. The influence of the system limitations on this sizing is studied. It shows the importance of the system limitations to design the energy storage subsystem. |
[70] Influence of control design on energetic performance of an electric vehicle IEEE-VPPC’07, Arlington - Texas, USA, 09/2007 CHEN Keyu, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, TRIGUI Rochdi |
[71] Energetic Macroscopic Representation of a fuel cell-supercapacitor system IEEE VPPC 07, Arlington, USA, 09/2007, Abstract BOULON Loïc, PERA Marie-Cécile, HISSEL Daniel, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe |
This paper presents a model of a fuel cellsupercapacitor
system which represents the electric power supply
device of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). The fuel cell and the
supercapacitors are coupled with a DC bus and a common cooling
system. The first part of this paper deals with the modeling of the
elements of the system (fuel cell system (FCS), supercapacitors,
power electronics, and temperature regulation system). The
second part deals with the design of a control structure which
regulates the DC bus voltage, the fuel cell power, and the power
source temperature. Simulation and experimental results are
provided and analyzed. |
[72] Validation of clutch modeling for hybrid electric vehicle using hardware-in-the-loop simulation IEEE-VPPC’07, Arlington (U.S.A.), CD-ROM, 09/2007, Abstract LHOMME Walter, TRIGUI Rochdi, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, JEANNERET Bruno |
Abstract – A Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation of a convention vehicle system is developed for experimental validations of clutch modelling. Two different states have to be taken into account: clutch locked and slipping. Two different models are then used and a specific condition defines the commutation between both models with respect to the physical energy flow. Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used to organize the numerous blocks required. A Petri net is employed to activate a model according to clutch state (lock and slip). The HIL is based on a controlled IM drive, which imposes the same behaviour of the mechanical powertrain to the clutch. A flexible and dynamical model of the whole system is used and simulation results are provided with regard of the experimental results. |
[73] Teaching drive control using Energetic Macroscopic Representation - initiation level EPE07, 09/2007, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, BRUYERE Antoine, DELARUE Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, GIRAUD Frédéric |
The Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) has been developed in 2000 to develop control of systems with several drives. Since 2002 this graphical tool has been introduced to teach drive control in France, then Canada and Switzerland. The University of Lille proposes two drive control units for students in electrical engineering: initiation level and expert level unit. This first paper deals with the content of the initiation level unit and describes the simulation project of an electrical vehicle using EMR. |
[74] Causal fuel cell system model suitable for transportation simulation applications 5th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technologiy, Brooklyn, USA, 2007, 06/2007, Abstract BOULON Loïc, PERA Marie-Cécile, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, HISSEL Daniel |
This paper presents a model of a whole polymer electrolyte fuel cell system including the stack, an air compressor, a cooling system and a power electronics converter. This model allows the integration in a model of a complete hybrid electric vehicle. The level of detail of the model is chosen to enable control rules design, ancillaries sizing and study of the interaction between the elements of the vehicle. This model is formalized with Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR). Thus the model is organized in a unified multi-domain graphical description. Experimental results are compared to simulations for validation of the model accuracy. |
[75] Control Strategies for Maximum Storage of Supercapacitor System ESSCAP’06, Lausanne (Switzerland), CD-ROM, 11/2006, URL, Abstract LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, LE MOIGNE Philippe |
Abstract – The studied storage system is composed of a supercapacitor
bank and a brake resistor which acts when supercapacitor
is full. Moreover the supercapacitor has a series resistor
which influences the energetic efficiency. In this paper, three control
strategies are presented for a traction application. Two
strategies maximize the charge of supercapacitor to increases
efficiency. Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used
to organize the numerous blocks required for modeling and control.
Experiment results are provided. |
[76] Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of different wind turbines using Energetic Macroscopic Representation IEEE-IECON’06, Paris (France), pages. 5338-5343, 11/2006, URL, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, GUILLAUD Xavier, TEODORESCU Remus, DELARUE Philippe, LHOMME Walter |
Abstract – A Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation of a
wind energy conversion system has been developed using
Energetic Macroscopic Representation. Wind, turbine and
mechanical power train are emulated by controlled DC drive to
impose the dynamical behavior of the actual process on the
generator shaft. In this paper, this HIL simulation is extended
to two different wind turbines. The first one leads to extract a
rated power of 900 kW using fixed blades. The second turbine
leads to extract a rated power of 2 MW using adjustable blades.
Experimental results are provided on reduced power
experimental set-up for both wind turbines. |
[77] Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of electric vehicle traction systems using Energetic Macroscopic Representation IEEE-IECON’06, Paris (France), pages. 5319-5324, 11/2006, URL, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, AKSAS Salah |
Abstract – A Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation of an
electric vehicle traction system is developed for experimental
validations of electrical drives. Energetic Macroscopic Representation
is used to organize the numerous blocks required. A
classical 2-driven-wheels traction is studied with an induction
machine. The HIL is based on a controlled DC drive, which imposes
the same behavior of the mechanical power train to the
induction machine. A flexible and dynamical model of the whole
system is used and experimental results are provided. |
[78] Switched Causal Modeling of Transmission with Clutch in Hybrid Electric Vehicles IEEE-VPPC’06, Windsor (United Kingdom), 09/2006, URL, Abstract LHOMME Walter, TRIGUI Rochdi, DELARUE Philippe, JEANNERET Bruno, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
Abstract – The modeling of a clutch in a powertrain transmission is a sensitive issue because of its non-linear behavior. Two different states have to be taken into account: clutch locked and slipping. Two different models are then used and a specific condition defines the commutation between both models with respect to the physical energy flow. An application to parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) is then presented. Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used to organize the numerous blocks required. A Petri net is employed to activate a model according to clutch state (lock and slip). |
[79] Design and Control of a Supercapacitor Storage System for Traction Applications IEEE-IAS’05, Hong Kong (China), Vol. 3, pages. 2013-2020, 10/2005, URL, Abstract LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, BARRADE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, RUFER Alfred |
Abstract – The storage system in this paper is made of supercapacitors. The main goal is to ensure an efficient energy management in a series hybrid vehicle, even if braking resistors are still needed. Design considerations are discussed. In particular the influence of the inductor resistance on the system stability is described. A Maximum Control Structure is then deduced from the Energetic Macroscopic Representation of the storage system. Comparisons between experimentation and simulation are presented in order to highlight the influence of the inductor resistor. Experiments are then carried out on a normal operating cycle. |
[80] Control structures for Multi-machine Multi-converter Systems with several couplings EPE05, 09/2005, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, DE FORNEL Bernard, HAUTIER Jean-Paul, MEIBODY-TABAR Farid |
A multi-machine multi-converter system formalism has been proposed in order to describe systems composed of several electrical machines and converters. The keys of such systems are coupling devices, which have to distribute energy. Control structures have also been suggested according to an inversion principle. The inversions of coupling devices have been made using repartition and weighting criteria. In this paper, systems with several coupling are studied. Several control structures can be found. One of them leads to shift some control blocks and to merge the repartition and weighting blocks. A railway traction system is given as example. |
[81] Maximum Control Structure of a Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle using Supercapacitors EVS’21, Monaco, CD-ROM, 04/2005, Abstract LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, BARRADE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
Abstract – The main problem with Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) is the management of batteries. We suggest to replace the batteries by an energy storage system made of supercapacitors on a series HEV with two traction drive. A Maximum Control Structure (MCS) of such an HEV is presented to organize the control of the different subsystems. MCS is based on specific inversion rules of Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR). This methodology leads to a global model of the system and its deduced control. Moreover, this enable to identify precisely the maximum control for the chopper associated with the supercapacitors. The simulation of an Extra Urban Driving Cycle (EUDC) is provided. |
[82] Modeling and Simulations of Anti Islanding System Included in Control of DC/AC Converter Based Network Interface Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems: ELECTRIMACS 2005, 17-20 Avril 2005, Hammamet, Tunisie, 04/2005 PANKOW Yann, ROBYNS Benoît, FRANCOIS Bruno, DELARUE Philippe, DEJAEGER Emmanuel |
[83] Control implementation of a five-leg voltage-source-inverter supplying two three-phase induction machines IEEE-IEMDC’03, Vol. 3, pages. 1909-1915, 06/2003 DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, FRANCOIS Bruno |
[84] Study of harmonic currents introduced by three-phase PWM-converters connected to the grid CIRED 2003, 05/2003 DELARUE Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick, MINNE Frank, DE JAEGER Emmanuel |
[85] Simulation of an induction machine wind generation system based on an energetic macroscopic representation ICEM2002, 08/2002 TOUNZI Abdelmounaïm, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, BROCART Charles, TRITSH Jean-Bernard |
[86] Control Method for Multi-leg Voltage-Source Inverters 9th European Conference on Power Eletronics and Applications : EPE'2001, 08/2001 DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, SEMAIL Eric, FRANCOIS Bruno |
ACN Conférence nationale avec acte |
[1] Modèle réduit du convertisseur DC/DC modulaire multiniveau (M2DC) pour les études de stabilités des réseaux HVDC SGE 2023, Lille, France, 07/2023, Abstract SHAFIQUE Ghazala, BOUKHENFOUF Johan, GRUSON François, SAMIMI Shabab, COLAS Frédéric, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier |
Afin de réaliser des études de stabilité des réseaux MTDC, le développement de modèles d’ordre réduit des convertisseurs s’avère nécessaire. Cet article présente un modèle réduit du convertisseur DC/DC modulaire multiniveaux (M2DC) : une topologie de convertisseur DC-DC non isolée attrayante pour le réseau HVDC. Cet article présente d’abord le convertisseur M2DC. Dans un second temps, le modèle réduit sera développé. Le développement de la commande de ce modèle sera effectué dans la troisième partie. Enfin, la comparaison du modèle réduit et de son contrôle avec le modèle moyen des bras sera effectuée dans la dernière section de l’article. |
[2] Commande par inversion du système d’alimentation pour le Proton Synchrotron SGE 2023 - Symposium de Genie Electrique, Lille, France, 07/2023 GODART Gabriel, BOATTINI Fulvio, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain |
[3] Interaction entre le contrôle, le dimensionnement, et les performances du Convertisseur DC-DC Modulaire Multi-niveaux (M2DC) Symposium de Génie Electrique 2020, SGE 2020, 11/2020, Abstract GRUSON François, VERMEERSCH Pierre, LI Yafang, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
Le convertisseur DC-DC Modulaire Multi-niveaux (M2DC) est une topologie attrayante de convertisseur DC-DC non isolée pour les réseaux haute tension à courant continu (HVDC). Cet article présente dans un premier temps, le modèle et la commande du M2DC. Une étude de l’utilisation des degrés de liberté phares est menée dans un second temps pour réaliser une analyse de leurs impacts sur le dimensionnement des éléments du convertisseur tels que les condensateurs de sous modules ainsi que sur les pertes liées aux semi-conducteurs |
[4] Contrôle du Convertisseur Modulaire Multiniveaux connecté à une source DC inductive Symposium de Génie Electrique 2018, SGE 2018, 07/2018, Abstract QORIA Taoufik, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier |
L'utilisation de la transmission DC est particulièrement avantageuse pour la transmission à longue distance et l'interconnexion des réseaux AC asynchrones. Plusieurs topologies de convertisseur peuvent être utilisées pour le HVDC. Les convertisseurs modulaires multiniveaux (MMC) sont les plus favorisés étant donné leurs avantages technologiques par rapport aux autres topologies de convertisseurs. Du fait de leur maturité industrielle, ils se sont imposés maintenant pour tous les convertisseurs AC/DC à transistors de forte puissance. Jusqu'ici, ils ont toujours été étudiés avec une source de tension côté DC. Or, lorsqu'ils sont équipés de DC breaker, on associe une inductance en série pour limiter les variations de courant. Ceci a des conséquences en terme de modélisation puis de détermination de la commande. Cet article a pour objectif de proposer une modification de commande afin de prendre en compte cette inductance. |
[5] Convertisseur DC/DC haute tension tolérant aux défauts DC Symposium de Génie Electrique 2018, SGE 2018, 07/2018, Abstract TLEMCANI Amine, GRUSON François, LI Yafang, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier |
Cet article présente la modélisation et la commande basée sur l’inversion de ce modèle, du Convertisseur Modulaire Multiniveaux DC-DC (MMC DC-DC) en demi-ponts. La structure DC-DC MMC présente beaucoup d’avantages tels que sa modularité, l’absence de condensateur sur le bus DC haute tension et une fréquence de commutation très faible étant donnée le grand nombre de SM. Elle conserve aussi les inconvénients intrinsèques du MMC comme la complexité de modélisation [2] et de contrôle [3] dû au grand nombre de semi-conducteurs et de variables d’état à contrôler. La stratégie de contrôle utilise le schéma de contrôle classique avec contrôle d'énergie et contrôle de puissance pour une partie du MMC DC-DC. La seconde partie utilise le contrôle d'énergie et génère la forme d’onde de la tension du bus triphasé AC liant les deux parties du convertisseur. Le contrôle explicite de la génération de l’onde de tension AC permet de garantir le bon fonctionnement du convertisseur même en cas de creux de tension DC critique sur l’un ou l’autre des bus DC et ainsi évite la nécessité de disjoncteur DC ou d’utiliser un MMC Full bridge. La validité du contrôle proposé est vérifiée par simulation à l’aide de Matlab-Simulink. |
[6] Contrôle et dimensionnement du convertisseur M2DC
(DC/DC Modular Multilevel Converter) Jeune Chercheur en Génie Electrique (JCGE) 2017, 06/2017, Abstract LI Yafang, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe |
L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser le fonctionnement d’une nouvelle topologie de convertisseur DC/DC
haute tension (DC/DC Modular Multilevel Converter) dédié au transport de l’énergie électrique HVDC (High Voltage
Direct Current). Le contrôle du convertisseur est premièrement discuté au travers d’un modèle mathématique découplé.
Le modèle proposé permet de réduire la complexité du contrôle du convertisseur. Afin d’améliorer les performances
du convertisseur, le dimensionnement du convertisseur est exploré dans un second temps. Enfin, des résultats de
simulation illustrent le fonctionnement et les performances du nouveau convertisseur DC/DC basé sur le modèle
découplé proposé. |
[7] Conception, réalisation et test d’un convertisseur Modulaire Multiniveau SGE 2016, 06/2016, Abstract GRUSON François, KADRI Riad, COLAS Frédéric, GUILLAUD Xavier, DELARUE Philippe, BERGÉ Marta, DENNETIERE Sébastien, OULD BACHIR Tarek |
Le Convertisseur Modulaire Multiniveaux (MMC) est une structure d’électronique de puissance utilisée dans des applications de variation de vitesse des machines électrique haute tension mais aussi des applications de transport de l’électricité à très haute tension et courant continu. La structure MMC présente beaucoup d’avantages tels que sa modularité, l’absence de bus DC haute tension et une fréquence de commutation très faible étant donnée le grand nombre de SM. Elle présente aussi des inconvénients comme la complexité de modélisation [2] et de contrôle [3] dû au grand nombre de semi-conducteurs à contrôler. Cet article a pour objectifs de présenter le dimensionnement d’un convertisseur MMC de laboratoire ainsi que son système de contrôle, le plus réaliste possible d’une structure échelle une, avec un grand nombre de SM. Le dimensionnement de ce dernier prendra en compte les contraintes et les caractéristiques son fonctionnement dans un réseau HVDC 640kV 1GW. Une architecture de contrôle, contraintes par le nombre de de sous module, sera présentée. Les protocoles de validation des sous modules, d’un demi-bras puis du convertisseur seront présentés. |
[8] Représentation Energétique Macroscopique
et Diagramme PQ des
Convertisseurs Modulaires Multi-niveaux
Symposium de Génie Électrique 2014, 07/2014, Abstract SAMIMI Shabab, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, GUILLAUD Xavier, COLAS Frédéric |
Le système étudié dans cet article est un convertisseur Modulaires Multi-Niveaux. Dans une première partie, l’utilisation de la Représentation Energétique Macroscopique (REM) permet de mettre en évidence les couplages importants qui existent au sein de ce système. L’inversion du modèle conduit à une architecture générale de la commande amenant à avoir autant de correcteurs que les variables d’état. Avec la solution proposée, il est possible de contrôler chaque tension de condensateur équivalent. Dans une seconde partie, la méthodologie permettant de déterminer le diagramme PQ du convertisseur MMC est présentée. Quelques points de fonctionnement aux limites de ce diagramme sont validés par simulation. La maitrise des dynamiques ainsi que la connaissance du diagramme PQ sont des étapes nécessaires pour l’intégration de ce type de convertisseur dans un réseau alternatif. |
[9] Modulation par hystérésis de courant à mémoire d’état d’un onduleur triphasé deux niveaux - comportement électrique SGE 2014, 06/2014, Abstract LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, FERNANDEZ Sophie |
Cet article présente la mise en place d’une commande par hystérésis simple et originale permettant de contrôler un convertisseur en maitrisant indirectement sa fréquence moyenne de commutation. Cette commande est basée sur la connaissance de l’état du convertisseur et la mise en place de règles de choix de commutations simples à mettre en œuvre. Ceci est appliqué à un onduleur triphasé relié au réseau à facteur de puissance unitaire. Les « pertes silicium » obtenues sont similaires à celles produites par les modulations naturelles à fréquence fixe pour une même qualité de courants sur le réseau, avec des familles d’harmoniques moins concentrées. A l’heure où les convertisseurs voient leur fréquence augmenter, cela peut être une voie d’exploration de commandes plus rapides et plus facilement intégrables par utilisation de composants logiques programmables, dont les capacités ne cessent de croitre. |
[10] Modulation Généralisée et Amélioration du rendement des Convertisseurs Matriciels EPF 2012 Bordeaux, 07/2012, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, VIDET Arnaud, LOIZELET Philippe |
Cet article présente une amélioration des performances d’un convertisseur matriciel par utilisation de degrés de liberté naturellement accessible au niveau de la matrice de conversion. Ces améliorations sont réalisées à partir d’un modulateur simple et synthétique, basé sur l’introduction d’un convertisseur virtuel. On présente tout dabord une méthode de généralisation de la matrice de conversion obtenue avec une modulation classique. Cette matrice est modifiée afin d’induire la modification de la phase de roue libre. Un choix approprié est effectué et on réalise alors l’étude des pertes silicium du convertisseur. Les performances du convertisseur utilisant la modulation proposée et celle utilisée classiquement dans la littérature sont comparées. La méthodologie de calcul des pertes silicium est présentée ainsi que la validation fonctionnelle de cette nouvelle modulation par des relevés expérimentaux réalisés sur un prototype laboratoire. |
[11] Modulation par hystérésis d’un onduleur basée sur le contrôle des courants polygonaux fictifs EPF 2012 Bordeaux, 07/2012, Abstract FERNANDEZ Sophie, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe |
L’objectif de cet article est de présenter une nouvelle méthode de contrôle par hystérésis d’un onduleur à Modulation de Largeur d’Impulsion (MLI) triphasé. Avec cette méthode, les inconvénients des stratégies par hystérésis issues de la bibliographie sont dissipés. Pour la stratégie par hystérésis basique dite bang-bang, deux problèmes majeurs sont observables. Le premier concerne des sorties de bande des erreurs pouvant atteindre deux fois la largeur de la bande d’hystérésis. Le second est un déséquilibre du nombre de commutation entre les trois bras du convertisseur. Quant aux stratégies utilisant une transformation des trois courants de phase en (α, β), le problème réside dans des valeurs de Taux de Distorsion Harmonique en courant (THDi) différentes entre les trois courants de ligne. Avec cette nouvelle méthode, tous ces désavantages ne sont plus occasionnés. De plus, la comparaison à même THDi des pertes entre cette nouvelle méthode, la stratégie par hystérésis basique, celle en (α, β) et deux commande MLI en tension par porteuse révèle que notre commande est parmi celle engendrant le moins de pertes |
[12] Modulation Naturelle du Convertisseur Matriciel EPF 2010, 06/2010, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, ARPILLIÈRE Michel, CIMETIERE Xavier |
Cet article propose un modulateur simple et synthétique adapté au convertisseur matriciel, basé sur l’introduction d’un convertisseur virtuel. Le but de ce travail est de construire une Modulation de Largeur d’Impulsion (MLI) simple et générale pour le contrôle des convertisseurs matriciel industriel. La solution proposée est équivalente à une modulation vectorielle (SVM) particulière. Cette solution prend en compte les harmoniques et le déséquilibre des tensions dentrée et permet de générer un ratio en tension maximale identique aux modulations classiques (86%). Cet article présente tout dabord la méthode de calcul de la modulation moyenne d’un convertisseur virtuel puis la modulation naturelle associée au convertisseur matriciel, l’ensemble étant validé par des relevés expérimentaux. |
[13] Rendement des convertisseurs multi-niveaux dans les alimentations sans interruption EPF 2010, 06/2010, Abstract RIZET Corentin, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, FERRIEUX Jean-Paul, LACARNOY Alain |
Le rendement des alimentations sans interruption est un critère de conception essentiel. L’apparition de multiples topologies de conversion multi-niveaux pose la question de leur impact sur le rendement. Cette étude s’intéresse au dimensionnement des convertisseurs d’une alimentation sans interruption, quel que soit le nombre de niveaux de tension. Une méthode d’analyse est décrite, basée sur l’expression des courants circulants dans une topologie multi-niveaux générique. Les résultats permettent de choisir une structure appropriée à la cible de rendement et de prix. Ces résultats dépendent des contraintes de l’application et des composants existants. |
[14] Amélioration du rendement d’ASI de forte puissance par la commutation douce EPF 2010, 06/2010, Abstract RIZET Corentin, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, FERRIEUX Jean-Paul, LACARNOY Alain |
Du fait de leur utilisation permanente, le rendement des alimentations sans interruption (ASI) est un critère primordial. D’après les contraintes de cette application, il ressort de la bibliographie que le principe du pôle résonant auxiliaire (ARCP) présente de nombreux avantages. L’utilisation dans ce cadre d’un autotransformateur diminue les pertes auxiliaires, améliore le dimensionnement et simplifie la commande. Un pôle résonant simplifié a été développé à la fois pour le redresseur et pour l’onduleur (à trois niveaux de tensions). Les compromis de dimensionnement sont explicités. Pour valider cette topologie, un prototype d’ASI de 125 kVA a été développé et testé |
[15] Intérêt de la structure onduleur Z-source EPF 2008, 07/2008, Abstract GRUSON François, VIDET Arnaud, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, BAUDESSON Philippe |
Cet article présente le fonctionnement des onduleurs Z-source. Ils utilisent un réseau d’impédance pour coupler
l’onduleur à la source de tension continue. Ce réseau d’impédance est constitué d’une structure L C hybride croisée. Il permet
à l’onduleur d’amplifier la tension de sortie grâce à une commande spécifique, ce qui le rend équivalent à la mise en cascade
d’un hacheur survolteur avec un onduleur classique. L’étude du principe de fonctionnement ainsi qu’une comparaison avec
une structure classique équivalente montreront les limites de cette structure récemment introduite. |
[16] Convertisseur 4 bras : montage N.P.C. avec contrôle de point milieu utilisant un modulateur à porteuses triangulaires EPF 2004, 09/2004 DELARUE Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick, BAUDESSON Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, CIMETIERE Xavier |
BV Brevet |
[1] système de stabilisation d'une tension d'alimentation d'un réseau électrique de bord d'un véhicule automobile EP3051647, CN105892547A, N° de Brevet. EP3051647, CN105892547A, 08/2016, Abstract CHIAPPORI Guido, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, CHEMIN Michael, BAUDESSON Philippe, JIN Yejin |
L'invention concerne un système de stabilisation d'une tension d'alimentation d'un réseau électrique de bord d'un véhicule automobile, du type de ceux limitant une variation de tension d'une source de tension alimentant ledit réseau lors de l'activation d'un équipement électrique dudit véhicule relié audit réseau, ledit système comprenant : - une première unité de limitation du courant circulant entre ladite source de tension et ledit équipement, ladite unité étant configurée de sorte à limiter le courant circulant entre la source de tension et l'équipement électrique en fonction d'une variation de tension de la dite source de tension; - une deuxième unité de limitation du courant circulant entre ladite source de tension et ledit équipement, ladite unité étant configurée de sorte à limiter le courant circulant entre la source de tension et l'équipement électrique à un seuil de courant. |
[2] SYSTEM FOR STABILIZING A SUPPLY VOLTAGE OF AN ONBOARD ELECTRICAL NETWORK OF AN AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLE WO2015150703 - FR3019659, N° de Brevet. WO2015150703 - FR3019659, 10/2015, Abstract CHIAPPORI Guido, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, CHEMIN Michael |
L’invention concerne un système de stabilisation d’une tension d’alimentation (Ubat) d’un réseau électrique de bord d’un véhicule automobile, du type de ceux limitant une variation de tension d’une batterie alimentant ledit réseau au moment de l’activation d’un équipement électrique dudit véhicule relié audit réseau, caractérisé en ce qu’il comprend :
- une résistance variable en fonction de ladite variation de tension
connectée en série avec ladite batterie et ledit équipement ;
- une résistance constante en parallèle de ladite résistance variable. |
[3] Procédé et système de stabilisation d’une tension d’alimentation d’un réseau électrique de bord d’un véhicule automobile WO2015004367 - FR2014051665, 01/2015, Abstract CHIAPPORI Guido, CHEMIN Michael, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe |
Le procédé selon l’invention est du type de ceux consistant à limiter une variation de tension d’une batterie alimentant le réseau électrique de bord au moment d’un démarrage d’un moteur thermique du véhicule au moyen d’un démarreur 10 électrique relié au réseau. Conformément au procédé de l’invention, un élément résistif présentant une résistance choisie en fonction de la variation de tension parmi un ensemble discret de valeurs prédéterminées (RDSon1, RDSon2, RDSon3, RDSon4) est connecté en série avec la batterie et le démarreur. Selon une autre caractéristique de l’invention, les valeurs prédéterminées (RDSon1, RDSon2, RDSon3, RDSon4) de l’ensemble discret de valeurs prédéterminées sont proportionnelles à un nombre prédéterminé des premiers termes d’une série harmonique (1, 1/2, 1/3 et 1/4). |
[4] Système de stabilisation d’une tension d’alimentation d’un réseau électrique de bord d’un véhicule automobile WO2015004366 - FR2014051663, 01/2015, Abstract CHIAPPORI Guido, CHEMIN Michael, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe |
Le système selon l’invention est du type de ceux limitant une variation de tension d’une batterie alimentant le réseau électrique de bord au moment d’un démarrage d’un moteur thermique du véhicule au moyen d’un démarreur électrique relié au réseau. Conformément à l’invention, il est prévu une résistance variable en fonction de la variation de tension, cette résistance variable étant connectée en série avec la batterie et le démarreur. Selon une autre caractéristique, la résistance variable est contrôlée par une boucle de courant principale en fonction d’une intensité de référence (Iref) générée par une boucle de tension en fonction de la variation de tension par rapport à une tension de référence (Uref). La résistance variable est typiquement formée de plusieurs transistors de puissance en parallèle. |
[5] Method for controlling a matrix converter and matrix converter suitable for implementing such a method France étendu Europe, Japon, N° de Brevet. FR2956537, 08/2011, Abstract VIDET Arnaud, ARPILLIÈRE Michel, GRUSON François, DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe |
The method involves performing synchronization and phasing steps permitting to implement control voltage vector at frequency and a turning voltage vector defined by exact connection between three input phases (u, v, w) and three output phases (a, b, c) of a speed variator. The control voltage vector is amplified beyond 87 percent of amplitude of input voltages (Vun, Vvn, Vwn) and until reaching amplitude of the turning voltage vector, where the input phases are connected to an alternative voltage source applying the input voltages between the input phases and the output phases. An independent claim is also included for a direct matrix converter type speed variator comprising a control unit for amplifying a control voltage vector. |
[6] variable speed device of the matrix converter type France étendu Europe, intern, chine, N° de Brevet. FR2940553, 06/2010, Abstract DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, GRUSON François, BAUDESSON Philippe |
The invention relates to a control method implemented in a variable speed device of the matrix converter type, comprising: three input phases (u, v, w) connected to an AC voltage source and three output phases (a, b, c) connected to an electrical load, nine two-way current and voltage electronic switches (fau, fav, faw, fbu, fbv, fbw, feu, fev, fcw) intended to be individually controlled in order to connect an output phase to any one of the input phases, the operation of switching the switches of the converter obeying a duty cycle matrix for obtaining an output voltage at the load, said duty cycle matrix including a zero phase, the method including a step of suppressing the zero phase in the duty cycle matrix and a step of positioning a new zero phase in the duty cycle matrix so as to minimize the switching losses and the common-mode voltages |
[7] Matrix converter variable speed drive france etendu int, europe, chine, N° de Brevet. FR2940552, 06/2010, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, BAUDESSON Philippe |
The invention relates to a control method implemented in a matrix converter variable speed drive, comprising: three input phases (u, v, w) connected to an alternating voltage source and three output phases (a, b, c) connected to an electric charge, nine bidirectional current and voltage electronic switches (fau, fav, faw, fbu, fbv, fbw, fcu, fcv, fcw) distributed among three switching cells (A, B, C) and to be individually controlled for connecting an output phase to any of the input phases, wherein the switching between the switches of the converter is contingent upon a real matrix of duty cycles used for obtaining an output voltage towards the charge, the real matrix of duty cycles being determined from a virtual matrix (Mv) of a virtual converter (20) comprising three switching cells (A, B, C), one of the switching cells of the virtual converter being permanently blocked. |
[8] Dispositif de commande d’un convertisseur et convertisseur électrique comportant un tel dispositif Europe, Chine,USA, Japon, N° de Brevet. FR2882475, 08/2006, Abstract DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, BAUDESSON Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick, CIMETIERE Xavier |
methode de modulation permettant d’agir sur les montages NPC pour contrôler l’équilibrage du bus continu et limitater les pertes par commutation de l’onduleur MLI |
[9] Dispositif de commande d’un convertisseur d’énergie électrique et convertisseur comportant un tel dispositif Europe, USA, France, espagne, N° de Brevet. FR2880215, 06/2006, Abstract DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, BAUDESSON Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick, CIMETIERE Xavier |
méthode permettant par action sur la composante homopolaire de minimiser les pertes dans les onduleurs MLI à n bras |
INV Conférence invité |
[1] Inversion-based control of electromechanical systems using causal graphical descriptions IEEE-IECON06, Paris, 11/2006, Abstract BARRE Pierre-Jean, BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, DUMETZ Eric, GIRAUD Frédéric |
Causal Ordering Graph and Energetic Macroscopic Representation are graphical descriptions to model electromechanical systems using integral causality. Inversion rules have been defined in order to deduce control structure step-by-step from these graphical descriptions. These two modeling tools can be used together to develop a two-layer control of system with complex parts. A double-drive paper system is taken as an example. The deduced control yields good performances of tension regulation and velocity tracking. |
[2] Validation of MPPT strategy for a wind energy conversion system using a hardware-in-the-loop simulation IEEE-Optim’06, 05/2006 BOUSCAYROL Alain, GUILLAUD Xavier, TEODORESCU Remus, DELARUE Philippe |
[3] Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of a wind energy conversion system using Energetic Macroscopic Representation IEEE-IECON05, 11/2005 BOUSCAYROL Alain, GUILLAUD Xavier, DELARUE Philippe |
[4] Torque tracking strategy of traction drives with series connected DC machines IEEE-VPP’04 (Paris), pages. 889-893, 10/2004, Abstract BOUSCAYROL Alain, DELARUE Philippe, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, HAUTIER Jean-Paul |
Some traction systems are composed of machines connected in series or in parallel. The studied system is composed of two DC machines with armature windings connected in series. Three choppers are used: one for the armature windings and one for each field winding. In industrial cases, such drives are controlled with a master slave strategy: only one machine is really controlled. The behaviour of the slave machine is imposed by the master machine. This paper suggests a new control strategy for such drives. Each machine is really controlled in spite of the common armature current. This strategy enables different rota-tion speeds for curves. Experimental results are provided. |
OP Ouvrage pédagogique |
[1] Electronique de puissance - Structures, commandes, applications. DUNOD - 10ème édition, 08/2015, Abstract SEGUIER Guy, LABRIQUE Francis, DELARUE Philippe |
L’électronique de puissance est la branche de l’électrotechnique qui traite des modifications de la présentation de l’énergie électrique à l’aide de semiconducteurs fonctionnant en commutation. La parution de la première édition de cet ouvrage, en 1974, a constitué un événement et est considérée comme l’acte de naissance de l’électronique de puissance en tant que discipline à part entière. Depuis, l’électronique de puissance a connu un essor et une évolution considérables. Régulièrement remis à jour au cours des éditions successives, ce livre a servi à la formation de générations d’étudiants.
La dixième édition, revue en profondeur, rend compte du rôle croissant joué par cette branche de l'électronique dans la production d'énergies renouvelables. Elle fait le lien entre l'automatique, l'informatique temps réel et l'électronique en présentant par exemple des structures de conversion complexes comme les convertisseurs matriciels et les convertisseurs modulaires multiniveaux. |
[2] Electronique de puissance - Structures, fonctions de base, principales applications DUNOD, 9ème édition, 08/2011, Abstract SEGUIER Guy, LABRIQUE Francis, DELARUE Philippe |
L'électronique de puissance est la branche de la physique appliquée qui traite de l'utilisation des semi-conducteurs de puissance pour modifier la présentation de l'énergie électrique.
Cet ouvrage donne une définition de l'électronique de puissance, de son vocabulaire, de ses méthodes de calcul et de raisonnement. Les principaux types de convertisseurs, redresseurs, gradateurs, hacheurs et onduleurs autonomes, font l'objet d'une étude quantitative, les diverses structures étant comparées et les applications précisées.
Régulièrement remis à jour au cours des éditions successives, ce livre reste irremplaçable pour les étudiants (Master et écoles d'ingénieurs) et les praticiens. Cette nouvelle édition tient compte des évolutions en électronique de puissance (composants, structures, commandes) et les exercices de fin de chapitre ont été renouvelés. |
[3] Les convertisseurs de l’électronique de puissance Vol. 2 : La conversion alternatif-alternatif (3° Ed.) editions Tech et Doc Lavoisier, 01/2007, URL, Abstract ROMBAUT Christian, DELARUE Philippe, SEGUIER Guy |
Les convertisseurs de l’électronique de puissance, volume 2, est le deuxième ouvrage d’une série de cinq consacrée à l’étude approfondie des convertisseurs. Les quatre premiers traitent du fonctionnement et des caractéristiques des quatre grandes familles de convertisseurs, tandis que le cinquième présente les procédés de commande. Le volume 2 est consacré aux convertisseurs statiques alternatif-alternatif, c’est-à-dire principalement aux convertisseurs directs, sans élément de stockage de l’énergie entre l’entrée et la sortie, et les convertisseurs à commutation naturelle, dont les semi-conducteurs ne nécessitent pas une action spécifique d’extinction. La 1re partie de cet ouvrage traite ainsi des gradateurs, tandis que la 2e partie présente les changeurs directs de fréquence.
Cette nouvelle édition inclut deux chapitres inédits sur les gradateurs à commutation forcée et les convertisseurs matriciels. Les Facts (flexible alternative continu transmission systems) sont aussi largement abordés. Un important travail bibliographique a été réalisé : les références, présentées en fin de chaque partie, sont commentées et classées par thème, les publications les plus récentes étant naturellement intégrées. |
OS Ouvrage scientifique |
[1] La REM, formalisme multiphysique de commande de systèmes énergétiques Techniques de lIngénieur, N°. D3066, pages. 28, 11/2014, URL, Abstract LHOMME Walter, DELARUE Philippe, BOUSCAYROL Alain, BARRADE Philippe |
La représentation énergétique macroscopique (REM) est un formalisme graphique pour la représentation synthétique de systèmes énergétiques multidisciplinaires. La REM conduit à une description fonctionnelle dun système énergétique. Elle respecte la causalité intégrale du système étudié, ce qui permet d’en déduire de façon systématique une structure de commande. L’objectif de cet article est de présenter les fondements de la REM et de les appliquer sur un exemple : un ascenseur à traction électrique. |
Le L2EP recrute
Dernières actualités
- Séminaire, Dr Hongbo ZHAO, 31 Mars 2025
- Journée de l’électronique de puissance, 27 Mars 2025
- Soutenance HDR, Xavier MARGUERON, 20 Mars 2025
- Xavier GUILLAUD invité au Sénat le 20 mars 2025
- Soutenance de Thèse, Alla NDIAYE, 18 Mars 2025
- Journée L2EP, 3ème Année de Thèse, 13 Mars 2025
- Séminaires, Pr. Hideyuki SAWADA, 5 et 12 Mars 2025
- MAXIMA EU project Event, 2025 March 04
- Soutenance de Thèse, Zhenxin LI, 20 Fév. 2025
- Séminaire CUMIN, 12, 13 Fév. 2025