Fiche individuelle
Xavier CIMETIERE | ![]() | |
Titre | Ingénieur de recherche | |
Equipe | Electronique de Puissance | |
Téléphone | +33 (0)3-20-33-54-26 | |
Fax | +33 (0)3-20-33-54-54 | | | ||
Publications |
ACLI Revue internationale avec comité de lecture |
[1] PEP'13 ECCE Europe, a carbon neutral conference! EPE Journal, Vol. 28, N°. 1, pages. 40-48, 01/2018 BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHEVALLIER Loïc, CIMETIERE Xavier, CLENET Stéphane, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty |
[2] A Simple Carrier-Based Modulation for the SVM of the Matrix Converter IEEE Transactions Industrial Informatics, Vol. 9, N°. 2, pages. 947-956, 05/2013, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, VIDET Arnaud, CIMETIERE Xavier |
Today, industry has not fully embraced the matrix converter solution. One important reason is its high control complexity. It is therefore relevant to propose a simpler but efficient modulation scheme, similar as three phase VSI modulators with the well-known symmetrical carrier-based ones. The modulation presented in this paper is equivalent to a particular Space Vector Modulation (SVM) and takes into account harmonics and unbalanced input voltages, with the same maximum voltage transfer ratio (86%). The aim of this work is to propose a simple and general pulse-width-modulation method using carrier-based modulator for an easier matrix converter control. Furthermore, a simple duty cycle calculation method is used, based on a virtual matrix converter. Finally, simulations and experimentations are presented to validate this simple, original and efficient modulation concept equivalent to matrix converter SVM. |
[3] Implantation par porteuses d’une stratégie
MLI réduisant les courants de mode
commun générés par un onduleur NPC RIGE, N°. 2, 04/2009, Abstract VIDET Arnaud, LE MOIGNE Philippe, IDIR Nadir, BAUDESSON Philippe, CIMETIERE Xavier |
RÉSUMÉ. Cet article présente une nouvelle stratégie de modulation de largeur d’implusion destinée
à réduire les courants de mode commun dans les applications de variation de vitesse
utilisant un onduleur à trois niveaux de type neutral-point-clamped. Il détaille l’implantation
de cette commande par un modulateur à porteuses en dents de scie permettant de contrôler les
degrés de liberté apportés par la stratégie.
ABSTRACT. This paper presents a new pulse-width-modulation strategy for the reduction of
common-mode currents in adustable-speed-drive applications using a three-level neutral-pointclamped
inverter. It is implemented through a saw-tooth carrier-based modulator which makes
it possible to control the degrees of freedom provided by the strategy. |
[4] A New Carrier-Based PWM Providing
Common-Mode-Current Reduction and DC-Bus
Balancing for Three-Level Inverters IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, Vol. 54, N°. 6, 12/2007, Abstract VIDET Arnaud, LE MOIGNE Philippe, IDIR Nadir, BAUDESSON Philippe, CIMETIERE Xavier |
Adjustable-speed drives involve common-mode voltages,
which generate common-mode currents flowing to the
ground through stray capacitances of electric machines. These
currents are known to provoke premature motor-bearing failures,
as well as electromagnetic interferences disturbing neighbor
electronic devices. Furthermore, high-voltage applications
involve high levels of these conducted emissions, which must be
lowered by using bulky and expensive filters. This paper aims
at elaborating a new pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) strategy in
order to reduce the common-mode currents generated by threelevel
neutral-point-clamped inverters. The proposed strategy also
provides the ability to balance the neutral point of the dc-bus
capacitors. Experimental results both in time and frequency domains
confirm that the new PWM improves the electromagneticcompatibility
behavior of the drive compared with conventional
strategies. |
ACT Conférence internationale avec acte |
[1] Impact of aluminum casing on high-frequency transformer leakage inductance and AC resistance EPE 2022 ECCE Europe: 5 – 9 September 2022, Hannover, GERMANY, 09/2022, Abstract BAKRI Reda, MARGUERON Xavier, DA CUNHA ALVES Wendell, CIMETIERE Xavier, GILLON Frédéric, BRUYERE Antoine, VATAMANU Lucian |
High-Frequency (HF) transformer is a central part of isolated HF power converters. Its parameters, in particular leakage inductance and losses, have a significant impact on the overall converter performances. With the increase of switching frequencies linked to the use of SiC and GaN based active devices, the control of the HF transformer parameters becomes essential. A HF transformer is usually designed without considering its surrounding. However, the latter can have a significant impact on the transformer's performance. In this paper, the effect of an aluminum casing surrounding the transformer is studied and quantified for two parameters: The transformer leakage inductance and the supplementary losses. The goal is to consider the casing effect in the early design stage of power converters. |
[2] Experimental Benchmark for Magnetic Noise and Vibrations Analysis in Electrical Machines ICEM 2018, 2018 XXIII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Alexandroupouli, Grèce, 09/2018, Abstract DEVILLERS Emile, HECQUET Michel, CIMETIERE Xavier, LECOINTE Jean-Philippe, LE BESNERAIS Jean, LUBIN Thierry |
This article presents an experimental setup ded-
icated to the analysis of magnetic noise and vibrations in radial flux electrical machines. Both electromagnetic excitation and structural response of the electrical machine are simpli- fied to provide the first benchmark of the phenomenon of electromagnetically-excited noise and vibrations. The test bench properties as well as the magnetic, vibration and acoustic upcoming extensive measurements are shared to the scientific community, providing a clear reference case to compare differ- ent |
[3] Matrix Converter Modulation minimizing switching losses and including the 6 rotating vectors of the Space Vector representation EPE ECCE Europe 2015, 09/2015, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, CIMETIERE Xavier |
This paper presents an innovative Low Losses Modulation of the Matrix Converter. Its principle is to minimize the cumulated switched voltage in each cell by increasing and decreasing progressively the output potential of each matrix cell. This modulation can be applied to all conversion matrices previously proposed for the matrix converter modulation and can be easily implemented with a triangular carrier based modulator adapted for matrix converter cells. The proposed modulation involves the use of all vectors present in the matrix converter space vector approach, including the 6 rotating vectors. Simulations verify the losses decreasing, but also reveal a significant reduction of the output voltages THD, and a very slightly increasing of the input currents THD. |
[4] Experiences on carbon care conferences Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2014 IEEE, pages. 1-6, 10/2014, URL, Abstract ALLEGRE Anne-Laure, ASTIER S., BOUSCAYROL Alain, CHEVALLIER Loïc, CIMETIERE Xavier, CLENET Stéphane, LEMAIRE-SEMAIL Betty, MAUSSION Pascal, SERGENT Jean-François |
Organizing international conferences leads to emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). Even though, some conferences are devoted to “greener” systems (e.g. IEEE VPPC), the transport of attendees and the local organization of the conference are not “carbon free”. Consequently, some experiences are reported in this paper in order to reduce the ecological footprint of the conference itself and also to mitigate the emitted GHG for international congresses. |
[5] Optimal design of a Double-Sided Linear Induction Motor using Efficient Global Optimization 8th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industrial Applications, LDIA2011, 07/2011, Abstract GONG Jinlin, BERBECEA Alexandru Claudiu, GILLON Frédéric, CIMETIERE Xavier, BROCHET Pascal |
Optimal design of a double-sided linear induction motor using finite element models is complex and time consuming. Two strategies are tested to overcome these difficulties: firstly, the surrogate model-assisted optimization approach where computationally expensive functions are approximated by fast analytical models; secondly, the Efficient Global Optimization that is based on the progressive construction of a Kriging model used to drive the optimization problem. A multi-objective optimization is achieved with these both strategies applied on a finite element model. The resulting Pareto fronts are analyzed and compared in order to select the most appropriate method to take the good decision in afford time |
[6] Comparison of Losses between Matrix and Indirect Matrix Converters with an Improved Modulation ISIE, 07/2010, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, ARPILLIÈRE Michel, CIMETIERE Xavier |
Matrix (MC) and indirect matrix (IMC) converters are direct three-phase to three-phase power converters providing variable frequency and amplitude control of their output voltage. These converters are compact solutions which can be used on industrial adjustable speed drive applications for induction motors. This paper deals with the comparison of the matrix and indirect matrix converter silicon losses for classical industrial applications with constant RMS current load (similar to a constant motor torque). The indirect matrix converter control is extracted from the matrix converter modulation so as to ensure identical instantaneous modulation. Furthermore, the chosen modulation strategy reduces the IMC losses by allowing zero-current switching on the IMC rectifier stage. This paper presents a new reduced losses modulation adapted for indirect converter based on a modified matrix converter modulation which reduces switching voltage step level during a pulse width modulation period. The losses simulations shows that the power losses peak value is about 20% smaller for the matrix compared to the indirect converter. Hence, the matrix cooling system can be significantly reduced compared to the indirect one. The modified modulation increases the number of gate drivers required from six to twelve in the indirect converter rectifier side in comparison with the classical DPWM modulation, but allows to obtain a 14% decrease of its average losses compared to the classical modulation. |
[7] Comparison of Losses between Matrix and Indirect Matrix Converters with an improved modulation PCIM Nuremberg, 05/2010, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, ARPILLIÈRE Michel, CIMETIERE Xavier |
Matrix and two stage matrix converters are direct three-phase to three-phase power converters providing variable frequency and amplitude control of their output voltage. These converters are compact solutions that can be used on industrial adjustable speed drive applications for induction motors. The two stage matrix converter control is extracted from the matrix converter modulation in order to assure the same instantaneous modulation. This paper deals with the comparison of silicon losses for both converters used in classical industrial applications with constant RMS current load, similar to a constant motor torque. Results show that the direct solution is best for efficiency criteria. |
ACN Conférence nationale avec acte |
[1] Modulation Naturelle du Convertisseur Matriciel EPF 2010, 06/2010, Abstract GRUSON François, LE MOIGNE Philippe, DELARUE Philippe, ARPILLIÈRE Michel, CIMETIERE Xavier |
Cet article propose un modulateur simple et synthétique adapté au convertisseur matriciel, basé sur l’introduction d’un convertisseur virtuel. Le but de ce travail est de construire une Modulation de Largeur d’Impulsion (MLI) simple et générale pour le contrôle des convertisseurs matriciel industriel. La solution proposée est équivalente à une modulation vectorielle (SVM) particulière. Cette solution prend en compte les harmoniques et le déséquilibre des tensions dentrée et permet de générer un ratio en tension maximale identique aux modulations classiques (86%). Cet article présente tout dabord la méthode de calcul de la modulation moyenne d’un convertisseur virtuel puis la modulation naturelle associée au convertisseur matriciel, l’ensemble étant validé par des relevés expérimentaux. |
[2] Implantation par porteuses d’une stratégie MLI réduisant les
courants de mode commun générés par un onduleur NPC EPF 2008, 07/2008, Abstract VIDET Arnaud, LE MOIGNE Philippe, IDIR Nadir, BAUDESSON Philippe, CIMETIERE Xavier |
Cet article présente une nouvelle stratégie de modulation de largeur d’implusion (MLI) destinée à réduire les courants de mode commun
générés dans les applications de variation de vitesse utilisant un onduleur à trois niveaux de type neutral-point-clamped (NPC). Il détaille le
principe de la commande et son implantation dans un processeur par un modulateur à porteuses en dents de scie. Celui-ci permet de contrôler
les degrés de liberté apportés par la stratégie. |
[3] Convertisseur 4 bras : montage N.P.C. avec contrôle de point milieu utilisant un modulateur à porteuses triangulaires EPF 2004, 09/2004 DELARUE Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick, BAUDESSON Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, CIMETIERE Xavier |
BV Brevet |
[1] Dispositif de commande d’un convertisseur et convertisseur électrique comportant un tel dispositif Europe, Chine,USA, Japon, N° de Brevet. FR2882475, 08/2006, Abstract DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, BAUDESSON Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick, CIMETIERE Xavier |
methode de modulation permettant d’agir sur les montages NPC pour contrôler l’équilibrage du bus continu et limitater les pertes par commutation de l’onduleur MLI |
[2] Dispositif de commande d’un convertisseur d’énergie électrique et convertisseur comportant un tel dispositif Europe, USA, France, espagne, N° de Brevet. FR2880215, 06/2006, Abstract DELARUE Philippe, LE MOIGNE Philippe, BAUDESSON Philippe, BARTHOLOMEUS Patrick, CIMETIERE Xavier |
méthode permettant par action sur la composante homopolaire de minimiser les pertes dans les onduleurs MLI à n bras |
[3] Moteur électrique pour la propulsion des bateaux N° de publication : 2 796 775, N° d’enregistrement national : 99 09559, date de mise à disposition du public du brevet d’invention : 17 août 2001, N° de Brevet. 2 796 775, 08/2001, Abstract GILLON Frédéric, CIMETIERE Xavier, BROCHET Pascal, BRISSET Stéphane |
Moteur électrique pour la propulsion des bateaux
N° de publication : 2 796 775, N° d’enregistrement national : 99 09559, date de mise à disposition du public du brevet d’invention : 17 août 2001. Exploité par la société PROPELEC, créée à cette occasion.
Le L2EP recrute
Dernières actualités
- Séminaire, Dr Hongbo ZHAO, 31 Mars 2025
- Journée de l’électronique de puissance, 27 Mars 2025
- Soutenance HDR, Xavier MARGUERON, 20 Mars 2025
- Xavier GUILLAUD invité au Sénat le 20 mars 2025
- Soutenance de Thèse, Alla NDIAYE, 18 Mars 2025
- Journée L2EP, 3ème Année de Thèse, 13 Mars 2025
- Séminaires, Pr. Hideyuki SAWADA, 5 et 12 Mars 2025
- MAXIMA EU project Event, 2025 March 04
- Soutenance de Thèse, Zhenxin LI, 20 Fév. 2025
- Séminaire CUMIN, 12, 13 Fév. 2025