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Recherche, Développement et Innovation en Génie Electrique

Professeur invité: A. Belahcen

Le professeur Anouar Belahcen de l’université d’Aalto en Finlande est actuellement professeur invité au sein du L2EP. Dans ce cadre, il dispensera deux séminaires les jeudi 18 juin à 10h et mardi 23 juin à 10h, en salle 218 du bâtiment P2 à l’université de Lille 1.

Titre de l’intervention du 18 juin 2015:
Research in the field of magnetic materials and modelization of electrical machines

Résumé de l’intervention du 18 juin 2015:
In this first presentation, I will review the research conducted at Aalto University Department of Electrical engineering and Automation, especially the work carried out in the groups of Electromechanics and Computational electromechanics. This includes magnetomechanical modelling and characterization of electrical sheets, magnetostriction and inverse magnetostriction, iron losses and hysteresis, calorimetric measurements of electrical machines losses, rotor flexural vibrations and their damping, and construction of an electrically assisted high-speed turbocharger.

Titre de l’intervention du 23 juin 2015:
Some aspects of magnetic material modelling and characterization

Résumé de l’intervention du 23 juin 2015:
In this second presentation I will focus on two subjects and their interaction. On one hand the iron losses and on the other hand the magnetomechanical behavior of electrical steel and its effect on electrical machine operation. Some results from the characterization and modelization point of view will be presented altogether with future plans and their aims.

A propos de l’intervenant:
A_BelahcenDr. Anouar Belahcen is Professor of Electrical Engineering at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, and part-time Professor at Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia. For the period of May-July he is on junior leave from his university and invited professor at the ENSAM, Lille, France. Dr. Belahcen received the MSc. Tech. degree in electrical engineering from Helsinki University of Technology in 1998, and the Dr. Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the same University in 2004. Dr. Belahcen is a Senior Member of the IEEE. His research interests are the design modelling and analysis of electrical machines with an emphasis on incorporating coupled material models in the numerical simulation of these machines and the study of parasitic effects such as vibrations and noise as well as power losses. He has authored or co-authored more than 50 journal and 70 conference publications and instructed several doctoral theses. He also managed several academic and industrial projects dealing with the modeling and integration of electrical machines and magnetic material characterization.