A Benchmark for a Mono and Multi Objective Optimization of the Brushless DC Wheel Motor

This website presents fully detailed materials for the sizing of a brushless DC wheel motor. The sizing model can be used as a benchmark for comparison of optimization methods.

First, the analytical model is presented where, each equation used for the sizing is described. The analytical model is available in Mathhcad, .pdf, and Matlab script.

Second, the optimization problem is descibed in the case of single and multi objective optimization problem. Objective and constraints functions are given in Matlab code. The Matlab's script for optimization is also given.

The optimization results are presented. Firstly, in the case of a mono-objective optimization problem where the losses (1-η) are minimized. Secondly, in the case of a multi-objective problem where the losses and the total mass Mtot are both minimized.

Finally, you have the possibility to provide a feedback on our results and send us your results.

F. Moussouni, and S. Brisset

fouzia.moussouni@ec-lille.fr, stephane.brisset@ec-lille.fr,

L2EP - Ecole Centrale de Lille

Fig. 1– Prototype of the wheel motor. The inner stator is visible with the coils rolled up around the teeth.

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