Optimization methods






T. V. Tran, S. Brisset, P. Brochet


L2EP – EC Lille – France


tran.tuan-vu@ec-lille.fr, stephane.brisset@ec-lille.fr, pascal.brochet@ec-lille.fr


Weighted Sum method


[1] Koski, J (1985), “Defectiveness of weighting method in multicriterion optimization of structures”, Communication in Applied Numerical Methods, Vol. 1, Issue 6, pp. 333-337.

[2] P. Venkataraman, Applied Optimization with MatlabÒ Programming, A Wiley - Interscience publication, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001.

[3] Das I, Dennis IE (1998), Normal Boundary Intersection: a new method for generating Pareto optimal points in multicriteria optimization problems, SIAM J Optim 8: 631-657

[4] Kim IY, de Weck OL (2005), Adaptive weighted sum method for bi-objective optimization: Pareto front generation, Struct MUltidiscipl Optim 29: 149-158

Description of the method

The determinist algorithm is the weighted sum (WS) method in Koski (1985). This is the most widely used method for multi-objective optimization. This optimization is performed with the SQP method. The stochastic algorithm is Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA II) in Deb et al. (2002).

The weighted sum method transforms biobjectives into an aggregated scalar objective function by multiplying both objective functions by a weighting factor α Î[0,1]. Thus, the suboptimization problem is stated as:


where nf1 and nf2 are normalization factors for Mtot(x) and (1-η(x)), respectively (nf1 = 6 and nf2 = 0.05). By changing the weighting factor systematically, the several suboptimization problems are solved that obtain optimal solutions in the objective space. The optimum solution points then represent the Pareto front.

The distribution of Pareto-optimal front found by WS method generally is non uniform. This is a first drawback of this method. Furthermore, WS method can not reach the solution that lie in the non-convex regions of the Pareto-optimal front. Therefore, the Normal Boundary Intersection (NBI) [3] method and the Adaptive Weighted Sum (AWS) [4] method can handle these problems.

Publication of the method