Optimization methods






T. V. Tran, S. Brisset, P. Brochet


L2EP – EC Lille – France


tran.tuan-vu@ec-lille.fr, stephane.brisset@ec-lille.fr, pascal.brochet@ec-lille.fr


Aggressive Space Mapping


[1]  J. W. Bandler, R. M. Biernacki, S. H. Chen, P. A. Grobelny and R. H. Hemmers, “Space Mapping Technique for Electromagnetic Optimization” IEEE Transactions on Microwave theory and techniques, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 2536-2544, 1994.

[2]  J. W. Bandler, R. M. Biernacki, S. H. Chen, R. H. Hemmers, and K. Madsen, “Electromagnetic Optimization Exploiting Aggressive Space Mapping.” IEEE Transactions on Microwave theory and techniques, vol. 43, no. 12, pp. 2874-2882, 1995.

[3]  H. Choi, D. Kim, I. Park, and S. Hahn. “A new design technique of magnetic systems using space mapping algorithm.” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 37, no 5, pp. 3627-3630, 2001.

[4]  D. Echeverria, “Optimisation in Electromagnetic with the Space-Mapping Technique”, COMPEL, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2005, pp. 952-966.

[5]  L. Encica, D. Echeverría, E. Lomonova, A. J. A. Vandenput, P. W. Hemker, and D. Lahaye, “Efficient optimal design of electromagnetic actuators using space-mapping,” presented at the 6th World Congr. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2005.

[6]  J. Sondergaard, Non-linear Optimization Using Space Mapping, Tech. Rep. IMM-EKS-1999-23, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, 1999.

Description of the method

The technique Space Mapping technique is aim to align one “coarse” model and one “fine” model in order to speed up the process of the numerical optimization. The coarse model is the analytical model, c(z) and the fine model is the 3D FE model, f(x). The parameter extraction and the computation of xi+1 and zopt are made with the sequential quadratic programming (SQP).

The algorithm Aggressive Space Mapping (ASM) starts with the optimization of the analytical model to obtain zopt. Then 3D FE with the geometric (zopt) is modeled to validate the constraints. The key of SM technique is the parameter extraction. In fact, for this problem with constraints, the process parameter extraction is a research of the minimum between responses of both models while satisfying the constraints equality. The solution (xi+1) is solved by the optimization SQP with the constraints inequality from the linear approximation around the current point xi. A trust region methodology () is included to ensure the robustness of the algorithm.

Publication of the method